《Alpha Jax》Chapter One




The last bell of the day. You know, you're never that grateful for life until you hear that last bell.

School is over for the day, and the weekend comes to replace it.

Everyone walks out of the class cheering. Forgot to mention, it's spring break!

I see my great friend Destiny run up to me all the way down the hall from Animal Science.

"Ah Dakota, it's a beautiful day. The sun is shining, the birds are chirping and the wolves are," She paused and waited for me to finish her sentence. Destiny and I always do this. Our school mascot is a wolf and I think they are the most beautiful creatures ever made by God.

"Growling!" We both made growling noises and the people surrounding us made growling noises as well, but one is supposed to howl. When we heard Jack McMahon howl, other students and teachers howled with them. Everyone laughed as we saw a puppy try to howl from Animal Science. Everyone loved Buster.

"To thy secret hide-out!" Destiny yelled and grabbed my wrist. Our secret hide-out was this clearing with a lake in the forest. Destiny and I are sure that we are the only people that know of it besides my sister.

Because if people wanted to look for something beautiful, they wouldn't look just on the outside of things. You have to look deeper. You have to look on the inside.

Which is exactly what Destiny and I did!

No, literally, when we were first exploring the woods we came across creepy shit but went in anyways like Yolo and tada! Beauty at its finest right there.

Sure, you have to walk half a mile, cross a bridge-AKA a log over a creek, and then walk another half mile and BAM, you're there at a lake with flowers and trees, and every time you're there there are different wolves wandering around. We were excited about what we were gonna see.

When we got to the clearing I couldn't believe my eyes. There were three wolves.

There was a huge Autumn colored wolf, a black and white wolf-but it wasn't as big as the other wolf, and a gray wolf-it was the smallest one. The wind blew lightly and I knew they would find us here.

But when the Autumn and gray wolf froze, I knew it was a bad sign. I just didn't have the heart to leave.

But when they finally looked over, the Autumn wolf and I made eye contact, my breath was caught in my throat at the sight. I looked towards Destiny and she was looking at the gray wolf. I have to say he was beautiful but not as beautiful as the Autumn wolf.

I took the courage to walk up to it slowly. It was about twenty feet away, and I didn't want to scare it off. Destiny looked at me like I was crazy, cause these wolves weren't the playful ones that we have encountered.

As I was making my way towards the wolf, I tripped over a twig.

"AH!" I scream and I fall over the little hill and land on my butt. I looked towards Destiny-who I may add is on the ground dying from laughter. I look towards the wolves and see that they are smiling and rolling on the ground.

"Wow, thanks, guys! Love to see how much you really care." I say with a straight face and the Autumn one comes running up to me. I brace myself for the impact if it jumps on my lap, but it doesn't. Instead, it goes behind me and lifts my arms up, But I felt tingles too. I think my arm went to sleep though.


The wolf helped me up and put its face in my hands. I smile and kneel down and start petting him.

I was scratching behind its ears and he closed his eyes from pleasure. I smiled and giggled by how it was acting. It lays down on the ground and I gave him a belly rub.

"You're enjoying this aren't you?" I asked and he shook his head yes and rolled around in the leaves. I laughed a bit by its playful behavior. I looked towards Destiny and see she was doing the same thing with the Gray wolf. I laughed so hard when the wolf and she started tumbling down the small hill.

My phone started to ring and I saw that it was my brother Sean.

"Hey, Sean!" Destiny looked up and looked curious. She laid down on her stomach, but the funny thing is, the wolf was mimicking her every move. She put her head in her hands, so did the wolf. I tried to stifle a laugh.

"Come quick, we hit the motherload!" Sean whispered and I smiled. Destiny looked confused. I put my hand over the phone.

"They're hunting. I guess they found a fox or something like that." I said and she nodded.

"What did you find Sean?" I said and he shuffled with the phone. Somehow I had a bad idea about this.

"Were not going to hurt them, but we found wolves and one is one hundred percent black and, there's this white, brown and black one and she is beautiful Dakota. You gotta come quick. It's a sight to see!" He whisper-yelled and I smiled widely. The Autumn wolf had his head in my lap and I smiled and played with its fur on its head.

"Ok, Destiny and I will be there shortly. Where are you by the way? The deer stand?" I asked him.

"Yup. But it looks like there is a pack of them. But I don't see their Alpha, Beta or third in command anywhere. It's truly rare if you find them you know." Sean said and it got me thinking. The wolf in my lap froze. And so did the other two wolves. I looked at each of their sizes once again.

The gray wolf was a bit over average size.

The black and white wolf was about six inches bigger than the Gray.

But the Autumn wolf was both of them combined.

I froze and looked down at the wolf in my lap. He looked up at me and nodded. I gasped and I forgot I had the phone up to my ear.

"Dakota, what's wrong?" Sean asked in a worried voice and the Autumn wolf growled a bit.

I looked down at him and rolled my eyes while I played with his ears and fur. He seemed to have purred and I giggled.

"Sean. I think the Alpha's head is in my lap. He seems to like me too." I say and giggle when he gets up and starts to sniff my neck.

"What about the Beta and third in command?" He asked, slightly intrigued. I smiled and looked and Destiny and the gray wolf. They were cuddling-I think. They were lying together and looking at the sky. But she was petting him and scratching his head. He closed his eyes in pleasure and he licked her face a bit. She giggled and it looked like he was smiling.

"Yup. I think the third in command like's Destiny too." Just as I said that the Beta came up to me. He looked at me curiously before stepping a bit closer.


I reached my hand out slowly, it looked like he didn't really like people.

I put my hand against his head and he leaned forward. I smiled and started scratching his head and he purred with pleasure. But the Alpha didn't want me touching him.

The Alpha got up, and the tingles left. He stood up tall and growled at his Beta. The Beta cowered and lowered his head from my hand. I frowned and looked at the Alpha. He looked happy that I wasn't touching him. I took the opportunity and flicked his nose. He whimpered a little bit but looked at me.

He was confused and looked hurt.

"Hey. If I pet him you will not get upset." I pointed towards his Beta and he growled-somewhat possessively. I forgot Sean was on the phone and he kept calling my name.

The Alpha looked down at my phone and nudged it. I looked down and heard Sean calling my name.

"Dakota? You there?" He asked worriedly and I started to pet the Alpha since he was getting upset. He purred and laid his head in my lap.

"Yeah, I'm still here. Sorry, I was petting the Beta and the Alpha got upset that I stopped petting him." I told Sean and we both laughed.

"Hurry up, they're starting to leave and there's a bunch of deer. We need something for dinner don't we?" He asked and I scoffed.

"Ok, Sean I'll be there in a bit. Love you, bro." I said and the Alpha put his head on my stomach-he pushed me down and laid himself over me. I laughed at his behavior.

"Ok. Bye, little sis."


I hung up and threw the phone to Destiny. She caught it and put it in her back pocket. Now all I had to do was get the Alpha off me.

"Ok boy, I have to get up now," I said and he whimpered and shook his head and laid on me-he literally laid on me and I gasped for air. He was so heavy!

"Can't... Breathe!" I got out and he got up right away and looked worried. I took in deep breaths of air before I got up. They all looked sad that we were leaving. Destiny walked over to me and smiled. We nodded once and looked toward the three.

"Wanna race? The last one to the deer stand has to get sprayed by a skunk." I said and they shook their heads and covered their noses. We laughed and I looked toward the Alpha. He liked me the most and I hoped he would let me ride him.

"Can I ride you to the deer stand? I don't stand a chance running by myself." After I said that he looked up and nodded. He stood up straight and I jumped on his back. I felt the tingles again and I knew my legs would fall asleep. But the tingles intensified when I got on him. My breath hitched and he looked at me weirdly.

I looked back at Destiny and she got on the Gray wolf's back. She gasped too, and when she looked at me, we both shrugged and they all got into a line. I was gripping the Alpha's fur and he purred a bit. They all looked towards each other and nodded like they were having a conversation.

"Ok. One," I said and they got in a stance. I leaned down on the Alpha and held on for dear life.

"Two," Destiny said and we looked at each other in a stare-off.

"Three, Go!" Right when we said that the wolves took off and we held on for dear life. They must have known where they were going, cause five minutes later we were there, riding on the backs of wolves. Everyone stopped and stared at us.

The Alpha and I came in first, the Gray wolf and destiny came in second, and since the Beta tripped back there, he came in third. We both laughed at him and he looked down in shame.

"Sean! Go find a skunk! We said the loser has to get sprayed!" We point towards the Beta, while he looks down in shame. The wolves join in on our laughter, they howled and rolled around on the ground.

Sean found a skunk and laughed.

"I'm just messing with you. I would have to be stupid to do that to the Beta." Sean said and put the skunk back in time before it sprayed him. He ran away from it but tripped on the way back.

I stayed on the Alpha's back and played with his fur. He purred and I smiled. I leaned forward and laid down on him. I hugged him and kissed his head. We stayed like that for a few more moments until his head snapped in a direction. There was a full-grown male deer. I smiled and got off of the Alpha. He whimpered and I shushed him.

I ran to the deer stand and grabbed a bow and arrow. I aimed at the deer's head and whispered.

"I'm sorry..." The wolves all looked at me and Sean rubbed my back, while I shot the deer in the head and killed it. I looked at Sean sadly and he hugged me. I was always connected with animals. Yea, we need them for food. But it hurts to know that you've killed something so elegant, graceful, and beautiful.

So I was an animal lover. Sue me.

Once I calmed down a bit I got down from the deer stand and I saw the Alpha was looking worried.

I gave him a small smile and he came over to me. I sat down on the ground away from the deer stand and the Alpha came over and laid his head on my lap. I smiled and felt like he was trying to comfort me. He was rubbing his head on my stomach and my legs. I giggled at his behavior, and when I looked into his eyes, I felt happy. He was trying to be playful and comforting at the same time.

I leaned down and kissed his nose. He smiled and rubbed his nose against my neck. I laughed a bit cause it tickled. But mostly, I felt tingles and his whiskers were tickling my neck. I laughed and he rolled on top of me and started licking my face. I laughed once again cause I've never met an Alpha like him. He's playful and relaxed.

Then again, I've never met and Alpha. I wonder if they're always like this.

I looked up to see my little sister running to the Beta. She laughed when he nudged his nose with her neck. She giggled and sat on the ground petting the Beta with tender touches as if she thought he would break any second. She scratched his head and he closed his eyes and purred from pleasure.

I looked back at the Alpha and he had an emotion in his eyes. I just couldn't tell what it was. I smiled down at him and started petting his back. He let out a breath and relaxed.

I frowned when I saw my dad carrying guns. He looked very intimidating and scary, but he was actually a softy like me, Sean, Destiny, and Layla-my little sister. When he saw me and the Alpha, he went wide-eyed, dropped the guns, and walked over to us.

"Wow. I've never seen one before." He said and the Alpha lifted his head off of my lap and stood up straight. He was tall, and he definitely looked like an Alpha. He stood tall and he looked proud of his title. My dad stood up and went up to the Alpha.

He bowed his head once and the Alpha mimicked him, showing respect.

"I know. Isn't he beautiful?" I got up and started petting him. I scratched behind his ear and he leaned into my touch. I smiled. I was in love with this animal. My dad looked around and saw the Beta with Layla and Destiny with the third in command. While I think Sean was with a white, brown and black wolf that had a calming aura to her.

My dad looked at me and frowned. I knew we had to go.

"Dakota, Sean, Layla, and Destiny you all can come here tomorrow. We have to go home and cook dinner. Grab your buck and let's go." My dad said in a sad tone and we all awed. The wolves whimpered and the Alpha stuck his head under my arm. I gave him a sad smile and kissed his nose again. He licked my cheek and I giggled. I looked over to Layla and she was laughing cause the Beta was licking her face. I looked over at Sean and he kissed the white wolves head. I saw Destiny hold onto the Gray wolf a little bit longer than usual. She kissed his head, and we started to go to the deer.

I was very upset when a wolf started to sniff it.

"Ah, ah," I told it and it backed away slowly and looked down. I felt bad so I went to comfort it.

"Hey, you're not in trouble, this is just my deer," I said with a smile and I played with its fur for a second. It smiled and when I took the arrow out, I saw a bunny.

"Forgive me, dear bunny," I said and got my arrow and shot it. I went over to it and took the arrow out of the dead bunny. I decided to cut it up and give different pieces to different wolves. I gave one to a brown, the white-brown-and black, the Beta, The Gray, a black one, and I gave the rest to the Alpha.

He even licked my hands clean for me.

"Bye Alpha, see you tomorrow." I kissed his head and ran to where my family and Destiny were waiting for me at the car with the dead deer. We put it in the truck and when I got inside, The wolves were racing us down the road.

When we were on the highway they stopped and went back.

"That was so cool! I think the Beta likes me!" My sixteen-year-old sister Layla said.

"Did you see the white, brown and black one? She was beautiful!" My brother Sean said.

"The Gray one was so playful!" Destiny squealed.

"The Alpha was gorgeous," I said, remembering the colors of his fur and eyes.

"That was the most amazing thing I have ever seen, you never see the Beta, Alpha or third in command. You even get lucky if you see a glimpse of the Alpha." My dad said and when we got to our house, we weighed the deer.


When I was with her I was playful and happy. But now that she's gone, I feel sad and depressed.

When Dakota left, I knew I had to get on her good side, in our human form of course. She was amazing at scratching my head! Her nails were so long and it felt so nice! No one could ever get me to act like that. Not even my friends and family.

My third in command Logan found his mate Destiny, my Beta Jacob-his mate was Dakota's sister Layla, Riley found her mate-Sean who is Dakota's older brother, and I found my mate, Dakota.

She was the perfect mate in the whole world. If I had gotten someone else I would have accepted them too, but I got lucky.

Her beautiful green eyes and her blonde hair and her lightly tanned skin, made her look more desirable looking.

When I had my head on her lap I felt the tingles go through me, every time she touched me. But when she kissed my nose they intensified.

I ran all the way home, excited to tell my parents and siblings I found my mate.

I got there in five minutes and when I got to the house, I went to the back yard and shifted. I grabbed a pair of shorts and boxers from my stash in a box in the bushes. I put them on and ran inside. I saw my mom cooking dinner and my dad was reading the paper, while my brother was playing video games upstairs and my sister was gossiping with her friends upstairs.

I ran to my parents' house because even though I moved out months ago to my mansion about four miles away from my parent's house, I still wanted to let them know.

So I ran upstairs to their rooms.

I went to Kyle's room first.

I banged on the door as loud as I could until he opened it. He looked me like I was insane.

"I have some news, go downstairs and wait for me and Angela please," I said, sounding excited and he shrugged and went downstairs. I then ran to Angela's room and barged in.

"Jax! Don't you knock?!" She said and her friend giggled. I smiled at her and engulfed her in a hug. She hugged back cause she never got that mad at me.

"I have some good news. All of you come downstairs with me." I said and I couldn't stop smiling. They all shrugged like Kyle and went downstairs. I ran in front of them and smiled at my parents. I kissed my mother on her cheek and hugged my father. He hugged back of course, cause I'm special. They all sat down at the table and I took a few deep breaths.

"Why am I here?" Kyle asked while getting comfortable in his chair.

"What's the good news, Jax?" Maria-Angela's friend asked me.

"Jax come on tell us!" My mother said and all I do was look at both of them. They need an idea of what's going on.

"Mom, how did you and dad meet?" I asked, putting my head in my hands, and elbows on the counter. I smiled at them and my siblings and Angela's friend looked bored out of their minds.

"Why do you ask Jax? You never wanted to know before." My father said and he looked deep in thought for a minute.

"Well, you two are mates," I paused and they both nodded-probably wondering where I was going with this.

"What does this torture have to do with anything?" Kyle whined and straightened up and I gave him the look. He thought for a second before looking more confused.

"Yeah Jax, where are you going with this?" Maria asked in a cautious tone and I smiled at her.

"Well I just wanted to tell you that Riley, Logan, Jacob and I found our mates today, but since you don't find this exciting, I guess I'll leave," I said and my mother practically jumped out of her seat.

"Oh my goddess, Jax! That's wonderful!" She engulfed some in a bone-crushing hug. I smiled and hugged my mom back.

"Congratulations son. I'm proud of you." My father gave me a pat on the back.

"This is fantastic! Now you, me, your mate and Derek can go on double dates!" Angela said and I hid behind mom.

"No!" I said in my Alpha tone and she backed down immediately. I smiled but my mom smacked me upside the head.

"Sweet! That's awesome, can I go back upstairs now to my mate?" Kyle asked eagerly and I sighed but nodded. He jumped out of his seat and tripped going up the steps. We all laughed at how he fell.

"Someone's eager!" We laugh at him and he glared at us all before he went back to his room.

Angela and Maria went back upstairs and I heard Derek come through the window.

"So, when am I getting grandchildren?" My mom asked and I made a horrifying noise that sounded like a dying whale.

"Oh no! Mom don't say that yet! My Goddess!" I yell and hold my hands over my ears and drop to the ground while my mom laughs and my dad chuckles.

"Jax, when you are ready, use protection. I don't want her to get into trouble." He said which made my mom laugh more and I just ran outside to where I saw Riley, Logan, and Jacob holding their ears as well.

"Jax! They started talking about grandchildren! Yeah, that would be amazing, but not right now!" Logan said as I smelled the air. There was a hint of Dakota in it. So she isn't that far away. I take a deep breath and I smile.

I run into the forest, shifting into my wolf Ryder.

I ran towards her scent and when I found her, it was at the clearing. She was sitting there with Destiny and Layla.

I decided to wait a bit.

"So, Dakota, I dare you to jump into the lake," Layla said and she shrugged.

Dakota started to take off her shorts and her tank top, leaving her in only her bra and panties.

I felt so turned on. I growled lowly, but I was thankful they didn't hear me. Dakota started climbing the tree to where a rope was, and when she reached the top, she grabbed the rope, jumped and lands in the water. Destiny and Layla were laughing when Dakota came out shivering and soaking wet.

"Happy now?" She asked and I couldn't help it. I stalked quietly towards Dakota. Layla and Destiny got the message so they stayed quiet. When Dakota was fully dressed I ran and trampled her.

"AH!" She screamed as we tumbled down the little hill and the others laughed at us.

When we stopped rolling she had leaves in her hair and she looked scared to death. I laid on her gently, just to make her warm since she was shivering. She snuggled up against me and I licked her cheek. She giggled and I turned around when I heard footsteps. I saw Jacob and Logan run-up to Destiny and Layla.

"Hi!" They both squealed as they rubbed their bellies.

I smiled at their behavior and when I looked down and Dakota, she was looking at me with admiration. I smiled at her and she smiled back. I rubbed my nose against hers and she giggled a bit.

It's almost as if we were humans together.

That would be amazing. I would get to know her better and it would be perfect.

But that's not the case.

I'm a werewolf, and she's a human. She would hate me and never want to talk to me.

I whimpered at the thought and she started to pet me in a comforting way. I leaned into her touch and I heard the guys talking to me through the pack link.

'What's wrong Jax?' Logan asked me.

'Yeah, you never sound like that bro. What's up?' Jacob asked me as Layla cuddled under him cause she was cold. He laid over her protectingly and I smiled and Dakota started to fall asleep under me.

'I just realized something. In order to get Dakota to accept Ryder and me, we have to meet up with them in human form. We then have to gain their trust. But until then, were just plain old animals to them..' I said and when the other's didn't reply, only whimpered, I knew they understood. The girls were wide awake when they heard our small cries.

"What's wrong? Why are you crying?" Dakota asks me as I snuggle up closer to her, wanting to feel her for a while longer before we have to go back.

If I could tell her, I would. But that's not happening for a while.

"Ok, guys we need to get going. We're going to get in trouble if we don't go. Remember how we said we were going to the mall tomorrow at noon?" Once Destiny said that Logan, Jacob and I looked at each other and nodded. We would meet at the mall tomorrow at noon.

Until then, we carried them back to Dakota's house, where Sean and their dad were waiting for them. Dakota fell asleep on my back, while Destiny is half asleep and Layla is forcing herself to stay awake.

"Thank you, guys. We were starting to get worried for a little bit." Their father said and messed up the fur on my head. I growled playfully at him and got in a stance that dogs get into when they want to play. He laughed and he shook his head at us.

"Now go on, your pack is probably worrying about you three." He said and went inside with Layla, Destiny, and Dakota.

Tomorrow was going to be a blast when they see us.

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