《Red Moon: The Beginning》Chapter 2 Part two


Roxanne looks back and forth between the headmistress and the man in the suit. Roxanne senses tension between them so she ignores both of them and turn back to Dawn. She quickly hugs her again and grab her two chests. The man grabs her sword case. Before Roxanne leave, she nodded towards to Michael to get a proper goodbye and he nodded back.

Once they get to the front doors of the academy. Roxanne saw a car. A very expensive car. She wonders why they use a car rather than a portal to Dulore. The man quickly grabs Roxanne chest into the trunk of his car along with her sword case. Roxanne gets in the care in the passenger’s seat. Inside the car is even more expensive then the outside. The interior has a number of high technology touch screen in the car. It also has a symbol of a wolf howling. When Roxanne looks closer at the symbol, she felt like she seen it before. The car door slams bring Roxanne back to reality. She turns to see the man turn on the car and driving off the school’s property.

For an hour and half, Roxanne still looks at him trying to figure him out. Even when he looks over at Roxanne she did not look away of embarrassment.

“You can stop looking you would not find anything that I wanted you to know,” he said smoothly.

Roxanne continues to look at him before looking at the scenery in front of her. There wasn’t much to look at because of the darkness that surrounds them, but lights from other cars and streetlights makes it more presentable to Roxanne.

Roxanne glance at him sideways and asked, “What are you.”

He scoffed, “Something that you do not want to know.”

“So you not a magic user then,” Roxanne said happy that she gets an answer from him.

He shakes his head, “All I am going to say is that you would see me more often once you at in Dulore and soon you would know who I am.” Then he turns quite and turns to Roxanne for a short period of time. “You figure me out is not your priority. Your focus is to bring peace among the new generation and build your career.”


Roxanne frowned, “You sound like my headmistress.”

“Good,” he said with a simile a upon his face and turn back to driving.

Three hours has passed. No talking between them since then. Roxanne continues to look at the darkness and asked, “Why we are driving to Dulore rather than taking a portal.”

The man straightens his back and answered, “It is security purposes. Because of you being a witch would cause chaos between the Immugus and the humans, so you have to find a portal that safe for you and with no one know about its location.”

Roxanne turns to him with her eyebrows down.

“Would they look for me,” Roxanne asked.

“Yes,” he replied, “Even if Dulore is a peace ground. Dose not mean they would hurt you or they hurt each other.”

He continues, “I want you to be proud who you are and not let them control you for who you are. No matter the consequence. No matter the purposes.”

Roxanne agrees with his words and can not help to find them familiar like she heard them before. Roxanne change the subject.

“How long does it take to get to the location,” she asked.

“When we left Westwood Academy it would take twenty hours. Now it would take sixteenish hours to the portal.”

Roxanne head tilt her head and squint her eyes at the man. Why we going to Texas to go to Dulore which is in Texas, she wondered. But soon enough she let the question go and wait was in a head of her.

Soon enough it was morning. Roxanne has not sleep during the car ride. It was not that she was unconformable. It was rather the thought of being in Dulore with no one to trust her. Making friends is not her strongest suit and it make her wonder on making allies would be her struggle as well.

Dulore is a well-organized academy in the past and has rules that are against of fight with each other. Knowing this makes Roxanne relax more but it a different time and almost all Immugus and humans do not want to work with magic users and even against them. Roxanne wonders who is behind this agreement on opening Dulore and making peace with all races. This could be a work of bad than good but soon Roxanne is going to find out once she there and hopefully some good would come out of it.


It took several hours to get the portal location. Roxanne was about to get her stuff from the trunk, but the man shook his head.

“There is no need to get your stuff. Worry about that later,” he said turning his back to Roxanne walking towards looking at the view before him.”

“So where’s the portal,” Roxanne questioned while putting her hands on her hips.

“ The portal can be seen in the dark,” he simply said.

Roxanne look at him sharply, “Then why are we here in the morning. When it supposed to be nighttime.”

He looks at Roxanne then walks away. Roxanne glare at his back and quietly follow him.

“We are not in Texas as of yet. We have another 2 hours to walk towards the portal.”

“Why we walk towards the portal rather than driving to Texas,” Roxanne said no longer glaring at him, but looking at him questioning on her safely.

He sideway glance at Roxanne before looking back, “If we continue to drive to Texas. Many of the Immugus race who live there would identify you. It is the last thing we need.”

Roxanne knows it is the last thing they need. She wonders how much her present put humans and Immugus alike on edge. Is this going to work, she thought, is this really going to work.

“Stop thinking about Roxanne,” he said as if he hears Roxanne thoughts. He steps over a large rock that is covered in light green grass. Roxanne done the same and both of them stay quite on the whole walk.

While walking towards the portal the scenery is peaceful and radiant. The birds chirping, deer running, and inserts polluting. This peacefulness brings a smile a upon on Roxanne face.

Once they reach their destination it was still day light. Roxanne sits on a nearby rock while watching the sun goes down. There is one thing that Roxanne forgot to say to the man.

“What your name, “Roxanne said looking at him expecting a answer, “You seems to know my name.”

He similes, “I can’t tell you.”


He walks up to Roxanne. “Time would tell you the truth even when it is not important for the moment.” He sits next to Roxanne and watch the sun setting. Soon the sun disappears from the scenery and wind blows towards there direction. Roxanne and the man both stand up looking around for the portal to opening up. Then Roxanne looks up from hears a whistle. It sounds like someone singing a harmony. When she looks at the direction of the sound. She sees a multicolor portal. She was amazed by it not realizing the man behind her push her towards the portal. The last thing she hears from the man was quite but puts more mystery around him.

“You still the same Roxanne.”

It was dark. Darker than the night sky. The portal was no ordinary portal. Roxanne feels like she stands on nothing. She calmly steps forward. She only makes it a couple steps before she fell into to darkness. She did not scream, nor she move uncontrollable.

Soon she felt something hard but soft on her back. She hears someone calling her, but not by her name. Her eyes adjust to sky. Its morning but how, she thought. When her eyes focus on the person above her, he seems to have white hair and bright blue eyes. Roxanne quickly sit up and immediately regret it. The person grabs Roxanne arms to help her up.

She puts her hand on her head while looking at this person hand on her arm. He saw Roxanne glance and move his hands from her arms.

“You alright,” he said quietly. Looking at Roxanne to see if she was injured.

“Yes, I can see little bit now,” she respond getting a good look a him, “ Are you a necromancer I thought they were extinct.”

“I guess my hair gave it away, but yes I am,” he said with a simile on his face, “My name is Arawn Baldi and your name must be Roxanne.”

Baldi, she thought. This peace between two different races would be harder than she thought.

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