《The Wonderful World of Emmariel》Is this broken?


[You have gained a level.]

The level up window was glimmering at me in its majestic blue hue.

How could an unborn child- who had yet to develop a body, gain levels?

Yes, I had already acknowledged the fact that this was a fantasy world where I would be met with ridiculous possibilities which may even more so be unbound by logic.

But seriously...?

Oh well, I was not going to make a fool out of myself by flipping out at every single absurdity I faced.

I would rather keep the retorts to myself.

Besides that, before I acquired the blessing from the Great Mother the notification windows or rather the system messages- as I had decided to call them, exhibited no feedbacks upon my call.

But now I am capable of assessing my 'Status' and I could also perform another very useful utility.

Even though I yet have no clue about how I obtained a level.

What has changed is that I am now able to ascertain why.

Without further ado, I urged the system message to expand. More messages which were previously hidden unraveled themselves.

[You have gained a level.]

[You have received 117 stat points.]

[Your physical body is currently incomplete.]

[Stat points are being allocated to Intelligence and Mind stats in the ratio 6:4 until a physical body is formed.]

[Stat points will be redistributed in the ratio 7.5:7.5:20:40:25 to STR, AGI, VIT, INT and MND stats respectively after a physical body has formed.]

[70 stat points have been assigned to the Intelligence stat! ]

[47 stat points have been assigned to the Mind stat!]

[You have unlocked the innate racial ability 'Demi-Titan's Might and Magic'.]

[Inherited racial ability 'Titan's Might and Magic' has been assimilated into 'Demi-Titan's Might and Magic'.]

['Demi-Titan's Might and Magic' has increased in Grade!]

Now, from where do I start?

First and foremost, I am nonetheless, yet to find out how I gained a level.

Other than that, as per the system messages from earlier- it looks like it really is out of the question for me to allocate stat points by my own means.

Furthermore, 117 stat points..?

In RPGs that I had played in my previous life, a player received at best 10 to 15 stat points for every level up. Similarly, it was also possible to apportion your stat points.

The whole lot of stat points that I received really exceeded my expectations by a huge margin.

Now, if I put things together then I could come up with the possibility that everyone in this world receives a considerable amount of stat points upon levelling up.

It's very much imaginable that the stats are just overly inflated.

Alternatively, it's also feasible that it's just me who's receiving such a substantial amount of stat points. Rather, I earnestly hope that's the case.

All in all, why wouldn't I want to be outrageously powerful?

There could not exist a person who hadn't, at least once in their life, longed for power.


Either way, I am cent percent sure that my abilities would still be nowhere near average even if my assumptions are spoiled.

After all, both my race and my class are extraordinary.

Without delay, I brought forth my 'Status Screen' by thinking about it and once more urged it to expand on my race.

[Race: Ancient Demi-Titan]

[Description: A race which is half-human and half-titan. An Ancient Demi-Titan carries the best attributes of both races. It possess a Titan's innate power and a Human's potential. It's power far transcends its precedents.]

That was kind of dull... I was expecting something much more grandiose.

Well, nevermind that. I should check the attributes.


-Every level up grants 42 stat points.

-Every point in Vitality permanently increases Health Points by 50,000 points and Physical Defense by 800 points. It drastically increases Stamina.

-Health Points recover by 0.3% per second.

-Every point in Intelligence permanently increases Mana by 25,000 points and Magical Attack by 300 points. It drastically decreases reaction time.

-Mana recovers by 0.1% per second.

-Every point in Strength permanently increases Physical Attack by 900 points. It drastically increases Stamina.

-Every point in Mind permanently increases Magical Defense by 400 points. All senses are enhanced.

-Every point in Agility permanently increases Speed by 2 m/s. Reaction time is enhanced. It drastically increases Dexterity.

-Experience points are acquired naturally over time. Natural experience gain decreases as a higher level is reached. Faster growth could be attained with training.

-Innate racial skills will be unlocked when requirements are met.

-A Titan's Potential is predetermined since birth. Potential is severely barred.

-A Human has Infinite Potential. Restrictions on Potential are partly lifted.

-Experience gain will increase by 1500% until level 3000.]

Aren't those numbers absolutely overblown?!

I was completely erroneous in my assessment. It's way too broken.

Normally in RPGs, the HP or Health Points of a player character only reached values in ten of thousands. Otherwise, a hundred thousand was as far as they would go even in the most superfluous games. Only boss monsters and NPCs had the liability to possess an HP in scores of millions.

But now, at this instant, a single point in Vitality raised my HP by 50,000. Not to mention my Mana also increased by a good measure. The numbers of Defense and Attack also appeared to be just as inflated.

Next in line, it says that the restrictions on my Potential were partially lifted.

Well, for now I do not think that I need to bother myself with it.

After all, it would no doubt take me a long time to reach the limits of my semi-restricted Potential.

I should check on the class's description and attributes as well before I complete my probing.

[Class: Sovereign of Magic]

[Description: The World has blessed you with the command over magic. The Sovereign of Magic reigns over all Ether Mana. A Sovereign is an equal of Gods!]

This was a dozen times more typical than the race's description.

Who creates these?


Can't they do their job more competently and at least furnish the race and class with a description befitting of their name and capabilities?

Maybe I am asking too much...

Besides that, I already expected the description to be something along those lines from how the class was titled.

Also, it sure is forcing a lot of emphasis on Gods. I'm not very excited about it to say the least. Let's quickly check the attributes as well and get things done with. I'm having a really bad premonition.


-Every level up grants 75 stat points.

-Every point in Vitality permanently increases Health Points by 20,000 points and Physical Defense by 200 points. It drastically increases Stamina.

-Health Points recover by 0.1% per second.

-Every point in Intelligence permanently increases Mana by 70,000 points and Magical Attack by 1,200 points. It drastically decreases reaction time.

-Mana recovers by 0.5% per second.

-Every point in Strength permanently increases Physical Attack by 150 points. It immensely increases Stamina.

-Every point in Mind permanently increases Magical Defense by 1,000 points. All senses are enhanced.

-Every point in Agility increases Speed by 0.5 m/s. Reaction time is enhanced. It drastically increases dexterity.

-Experience points could be acquired by accumulating Mana.

-Through accumulation, experience and practice with Mana, faster growth could be attained.

-Class skills will be unlocked when requirements are met.

-Total Rulership over Ether Mana. All Energies associated and derived from Ether Mana can be utilised. Mana will be changed into the corresponding Energy.

-Gods will dislike you to an extent.]

Isn't this just as broken?

Was what I was thinking until I noticed something scandalous.

Gods will dislike me!?

Now I could understand why I was feeling so anxious. How could I not? I have been suspicious about this 'blessing' from the very beginning.

After all, I hadn't actually done anything worth noting neither in this life nor in my previous life. Even if I overlook this fact by making up an excuse like 'Maybe, the Great Mother was fascinated by the talent this new body possess', it still doesn't make any sense.

No, trust me. It doesn't. I'm absolutely sure that there are thousands- if not hundreds of thousands, of others out there in this new world who definitely carry more talent than me. Heck, this w h a t e v e r talent I possess isn't even my own. Why was I chosen?

Why was I given such an exorbitant blessing?

There undoubtedly is a much deeper meaning to it than I what initially thought. I will have to be really conscientious in the future.

Otherwise, who knows what might happen?

I didn't want to mess with powerful beings like a God if possible.

But due to my class, it seems like I would be messing with Gods simply by existing.

Well, let's think about it later. It's really scary.

Coming back to what I curious about since the start, I now actually somewhat understand why I gained a level.

Due to my race's characteristics, I can acquire experience points while doing nothing all. It seems like the level gain would be slow but if I take into account that a Titan has a very long lifespan then isn't it viable to idle around for a few centuries but still become stronger?

The Titan race is really broken. The one and only disadvantage they bear is the restriction imposed on growth potential.

But the Human part of my race actually did somewhat manage to erase that limit.

I do not know the Lifespan of a Demi-Titan but it definitely must be longer than a Human's if not as much as a Titan's, right?

With that in mind, isn't a Demi-Titan even more broken?

But of course, even more unreasonably powerful beings obviously must exist if it's a fantasy world, correct?

That's why, I'm glad that my character is completely broken or rather I am still not sure if this really is enough to rejoice about.

If I was born as a weak Villager A, then it may have been plausible for me to not worry about my own strength b u t I am definitely not being born as a weakling.

Powerful people would definitely take note of me and if they turn out to be stronger than me and are also hostile towards me then I might be in trouble, right?

Well, I definitely do have strong parents too. I suppose I can relax for the meantime as they would definitely protect me. That is if they are actually around when I am finally born. After all, half-human races were always discriminated against in most of the fantasy novels I read.

It's possible that they will just abandon me in a dangerous forest or rather considering that they are as strong as I expect them to be, they definitely would have the means to get rid of me even before my birth.

Let's not think too deeply about it. I hope my new parents aren't that cruel. I did die once but who wouldn't be extremely enthusiastic about getting an opportunity to live in a fantasy world at least once?

I rather wish to not die again.

I also want to experience something extraordinary like a fantasy world, Damn it!

Moreover, I'm being born with a dia- platinum spoon in my mouth no matter how I look at it. Even though the class I received is really suspicious, I couldn't do anything about it other than be extremely cautious.

I really hate being kept in the dark about things. I am still very grateful to the Great Mother for the blessing but I'm also very sure that I am being taken advantage of.

As I was in a dilemma, a new system message popped up before me.

[The Gods are extremely jealous of your power!]

[You have received the Title 'The One hated by the Gods'.]

I expected this but... Shit.

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