《The Wonderful World of Emmariel》Why me...?


The emphatic voice rang through my entire being. It had an incredible breadth of majesty encompassing it.

But on the contrary, I didn't feel fear nor alarm.

The voice was imposing yet benign. It was gentle enough to put anyone at ease.

It made me feel at peace and soothed me like the voice of a mother.

At that instant, all I felt was great reverence for whoever held that voice.

I quickly jolted out of my trance. What a dangerous voice.

I believe she, assuming they have a gender, is the God that blessed me?

[That is correct.]

The powerful voice reverberated through my non-existent body once more.

Ah, that's right. It's not like I have a mouth to reply with. She can definitely read my thoughts.

[That is also correct.]

It is...? I don't really mind though. There is no other way for us to communicate-

Or so I speculated but the very next moment I was teleported to a white space and a very familiar sensation assaulted me. It seems the Goddess provided me with a body as well.

A body made up of glimmering yellow particles of light. It was surreal but the white space which expanded infinitely was even more so.

Once more, the voice of the Goddess resounded and from nowhere in particular. It was as if this entire white space was speaking to me.

[I'm not a God, my child. I'm the Will of this World and the mother of all beings residing in it, living and non-living alike.]

"Ah...?", I said, now being able to voice out my words. The voice that came out of my mouth- which I now miraculously possessed, matched the one I had in my previous life.

" Then, is Her Almighty someone above the Gods? I didn't mean any offence by comparing Her Almighty with the Gods. Her Almighty might already be aware, I am not of this world. Please forgive this one, O Great One.", I apologized to her, stamping as much snobbery I could in my speech.

After all, I couldn't discern her temperament just from her act of giving me a blessing alone. It's possible that she's actually rather belligerent. My knowledge from Fantasy novels attested to the fact that Gods and other powerful entities hated it when their sense of individuality was disrespected.

I genuinely didn't want to provoke or disrespect an existence which might possibly be above the Gods.

That is if Gods other than her actually existed.

She might just be an omnipotent deity who dislikes being addressed as a God- After all, she did call herself the mother of all beings. It's possible that no other Gods actually exist like in monotheistic religions.


But that sounds rather plain for a fantasy world, doesn't it?

While I was pondering about that, the actually-not-a-Goddess 'giggled'. Why does she sound like the mother of my previous life while doing so?

[Fret not about small things like that, My child. You are just as quick-witted as I deemed you to be. A child who outshines all others. To a child of mine who distinguished himself even before birth, I, reward with an extraordinary position!]

[The Akashik Records have unlocked your Status prior to your birth at the behest of the Will of the World 'Emmariel'.]

Huh...? How exactly did I distinguish myself and what is this Akashik Records? The name sounds particularly familiar... but other than that she talks like she was waiting for me... and isn't she still reading my mind?

[I am.]

Confessed the Great Mother- or so I had decided to call her, with a hearty laugh.

Oh... She isn't as belligerent as I thought, it seems.

Now, I also have many questions.

Well, I had already partly accepted the reality that this new world had a game-like system so I could find the answers to some of them on my own.

But new and unknown facets of interest persistently pop up one after another. I'm confused by them which I would rather not want to be. I want to be absolutely sure.

So, let's interroga- seek some insight from Her Almighty, "O Godde- Great Mother! I would be content if you would impart some-"

While I was yet to finish my plea- on which I had decided to spend additional snob points, the Great Mother interrupted me with a most sincere voice which was dribbling with pride.

[O star who shines brighter than all others! I reckon you already possess the genius to untangle your circumstances by your own strength. Don't humble yourself down, for, your power is no less than a God's. I shall walk with you on every path you take, O Great Sovereign!]

And with the end of her monologue, I was once again teleported but this time, to a pitch-black space, contrasting the white world I was in moments ago. With that, I returned back to dark space I started at. My body of light also disappeared...?

I sure will miss it...

Ah! Moreover, the Great Mother left without answering my questions. Did she really have such great faith in my capabilities or did she just not want to answer them?

No matter how I look at it, she left too abruptly. It's really suspicious but I couldn't do anything about it. Even if I distrust the Great Mother, it won't change anything.


I can only rely on myself presently. It's alright since I'm very good at it. I will keep up with the Great Mother's expectations.

Now as I recall, the Akashik Records on Earth was believed to be a mythical archive with records of all human events, thoughts, words, emotions, etc, etc which had ever occurred in the past, present and future.

Considering the Akashik Records in this world carry the same notion. I could affirm that its job is to preserve or maybe document the records of this game-like system...? All in all, an RPG's 'Status' is not very different from a record of a person's entire being.

I couldn't really be certain though since the Great Mother put too much faith in me and didn't bother to clarify such important information... I sighed while thinking so- which I was positively not capable of doing.

I really miss my body.

Besides, that's all I could currently make out of the Akashik Records. Just how could she put such great expectations on an unborn child?

Aside from that, what I'm more curious about is the 'Status' which has been unlocked and the 'Class' which has an overly grand-sounding name as if shouting 'Overpowered!'.

I also got another title which along with the first title 'Genius who will never come again' adds up to two.

All of the aforementioned 'benefits' have been bestowed upon me by the Great Mother.

But why me...? I don't really know what is so great about me. Is it because I possess memories of my previous life or because I'm not of this world? Those are the only two factors I could think of.

Well, now that I am in this empty and dark space again I will probably have plenty of time to experiment with these thoughts and ideas. I have no idea how long I will be staying here though.

Just what is the duration of a Titan's gestation period?

I don't know. Titans were nothing more than a fascinating part of mythology to me before I arrived in this world. It could be several months or maybe even years.

I wholeheartedly hope that it doesn't take that long.

Having inferred that much, I decided to deal with the new notification windows which appeared before me with the same bright blue flash after the Great Mother teleported me back to this space.

[Due to the class effects of 'Sovereign of Magic', most of your stats will be specialised in Magic.]

Hm...? Does that mean I don't get to assign stats even though it's a game-like a world? That's really unfair. Honestly.

I am very grateful to the Great Mother for rewarding me with a class- which I know nothing about as of now other than that its obviously a Mage-type Class and even more so definitely overpowered b-u-t I also feel like I was cheated of my freedom. Twice.

This bad premonition I have about the Class doesn't help either.

[You can pick your gender. There are three choices: Male, Female and Genderless.]

[Which would you like to choose?]

Definitely Male.

I don't want to play around as a female when I was very clearly a Male in my previous life.

Let's pretend I didn't see the 'Genderless'.

It would have been another story if I didn't have the alternative to pick a gender by my own means but since I could then I would definitely go with the one I am most comfortable with. I'm also sure there would be a magic to disguise oneself as another gender if I ever had the need to.

[You will be born as a Male!]

Certainly. Let's check the next window.

[Your soul retains the essence of another world!]

[You have received the Title 'Otherworlder'.]

Alright, that makes sense. After all, I am being born with my previous life's memories still completely intact. I will make sure to examine all these titles I have been receiving later.

[Your status has been unlocked. Would you like to see it?]

This was the last of the windows.

'I definitely want to see', as I thought so the same bright blue light as the notification windows lit up before me but the new interface which appeared was much bigger than the notification windows earlier.

[Status Screen]

Name: Unassigned

Age: 0 years old

Gender: Male

Race: Ancient Demi-Titan

Class: Sovereign of Magic

Level: 0

Titles: Blessed by the World, Genius who will never come again, Otherworlder.


Strength: 0

Agility: 0

Vitality: 3

Intelligence: 53

Mind: 10


That was very anticlimactic. Of course, I don't even have a body yet. I shouldn't have expected much out of it.

At least I should examine the Status Screen appropriately and it seems there are several other scree-

[You have gained a level.]


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