《Eternity's Prophet》CHAPTER 16: sudden truth


It’s a bright day and Mark is excited for school somehow. He looks around and noticed that Martin is still fast asleep. He remembered the event that happened between him and Nova and lots of questions revolves around his head. He spaced out for a while and not even noticing it.

“What?” Martin uttered with a muffled voice under his pillow.

Mark came back to reality and said. “I uhm, I have uhmm… question. We don’t see each other lately and there is little to no time for us to talk and stuff and I…”

Martin turned to face him and looked him in the eye. “Ask me anything, I know you’re curious about a lot of things considering the events that happened lately. So I’m allowing you to ask me anything.” Martin stated with a clear but condescending tone.

Mark looking like he is ready to spill everything out as he pumps himself up. “Is… does…” Silence befalls in the room as Mark was about to ask his first question. “Does Cat Girls really exist? ehehe.” he ended his statement with an excited look on his face which left Martin in confusion.

“No, they don’t. If that is all then you just wasted your 1 free question.” Martin uttered.

“No! No! No! wait… you serious?” Mark stated with an unsatisfied look. As he noticed Martin’s interest in entertaining him is slowly fading, Mark then finally asked the serious question.

“Ok… so here it goes. I know that you’re from a different realm and I have accepted that.”(No, Mark does not accept that all, as a matter of fact, he thinks that of all of this is just a dream.)

“Can you tell me what a Prophet is, what The Fall is, and how is all of this related to my world?” Mark stated with a serious look on his face.

As Martin was about to answer his questions, Violet poofed out of nowhere saying; “I’ll answer that thank you very much.”

Mark and Martin gave her a look of surprise because her arrival is just way too sudden. The room went silent for a while as Violet starts to explain.

“Firstly, the Horizon is another name for the multiverse. There are different kinds of wanderers in the Horizon. Like me and Martin, we are Prophets and we catch bad guys that may threaten the balance of the Horizon and the wanderers that destroy or inflict pain in the Horizon are called Horsemen, The Fall is a group of beings that fits in that category.” Violet uttered with a cute accent.

“So what are they doing here?” Mark asked.

“The Fall is not the type of people to kill blindly compared to other Horsemen,” Martin interjects. “They roam the Horizon to delete beings that are considered harmful, in other words, they kill bad guys. But…they also kill innocents along the way and that is already a problem in its self. The bigger problem is by killing all evil from the Horizon will result in imbalance.”


“Wouldn’t that be a good thing?” Mark asked. “I mean if all evil gets eradicated then the world would be a better place.”

Martin looks at Mark and said; “To be honest, I agree with you but I believe that there is a reason for all of this. That is why there are poor people and rich people, one cannot exist without the other. The same with morality, you cannot be classified as a good guy if there is no evil. If it was possible, God himself should’ve just created us in a way that we become Gods as well, but he didn’t. We were born like this for a reason.”

Violet looked so happy after hearing Martin speak; “Oh my goooooosh, I never heard you speak like this before, this calls for a celebration! Yeeepiee! Violet stated with delight.

Mark looks down and said; “By any chance, is Hercules the reason why The Fall has visited this world?”

“Hmmm, I think so. That is why I had Violet to clone herself and work for the Hero Corp.” Martin uttered in a very dry tone.

“So she can clone herself?” Mark asked.

After hearing Mark’s statement, Violet then showed off her ability and cloned herself. One is a toddler, and the other is an old lady. Both clones have the same physical features as Violet that only differs in age. She then deactivated her ability and became one with her clones.

“Oh yeah, it’s strange that it is called the Hero Corp but only one Hero works there and bing bing you guessed it right, that one hero Hercules,” Violet stated with a giggle.

“There's a lot of hero associations but each company represents a dozen heroes. “ Mark explained.

“We also theorized that Hercules might be a wanderer too but I am only 15% certain and his connectivity to his boss which is oddly enough the principal of our school as well,” Martin stated.

“So if we get rid of Hercules then The Fall would leave this world alone,” Mark uttered.

Martin then explained; “The Fall is the bigger catch and we are using Hercules as bait so if we get rid of Hercules immediately, The Fall might lose interest in this world and leave.”

“I… Understand.” Mark uttered. (No Mark doesn’t actually agree.)

“Well, you need to get stronger first you know,” Martin uttered in a very bored tone. “How about I make little changes in your checklist.” Martin then holds Mark’s notebook in the air and tossed it to him.

“How did you…” The notebook then landed in Mark’s hands. They realized that they are now late for school. “Oh shit! We gotta go!”

Mark and Martin left the dorm running, well except for Violet, she just instantly teleported to school. Mark wonders as to why Martin and Violet are even going to school. Maybe so that they can blend in.


As Mark is walking in the corridors he was greeted with violence from Leonard. Leonard pushed Mark against the wall while grabbing his collars.

“I will kill you, you little shit! Do you think you’re tough? You didn’t even fight me! You just stood there!”

Mark looked worried as always but to his surprise, one student stood up to him. “Hey, asshole! Let him go!” David shouted while grabbing Leonard’s shoulders. (David is the green-haired friend of Mark who is also a wimp.)

This infuriates Leonard even more and tossed Mark to the side he grabbed David’s collar and attempted to punch him but Leonard himself was sent flying instead. He vomited up a few liquids as he drops a few meters away on the floor.

It was Nova who hit Leonard in the gut. She then helped Mark up and said; “Take this as my apology for the other day.” She then walks away without a single word as Shidou runs after her. Mark and Shidou exchanged greetings in the form of a gesture. She was still wearing her jacket covering most of her face with her hair. (Shidou is the cat girl that Mark was talking about.)

“You ok, David?” As he helps David up.

David smiles and said; “Nah! We nerds have to stick together you know.”

They both laughed it out while Leonard was being left on the floor. The other students took pictures of him as he lays unconscious.

A few hours had passed and classes are on-going. A student from a different class arrived saying that the principal wants to call for Mark. He was then excused by the teacher and proceeds to go outside. Mark saw Nina while walking in the corridors and he greeted her with a wave. To his surprise, all he got from Nina is a cold look in her eyes.

This left Mark bothered and confused; “Did I do something wrong?” he decided to worry about that later and proceeds to go to the principal’s office.

“Good afternoon sir, Yuri,” Mark uttered in a very formal tone.

Yuri is sitting on his office chair wearing his glasses. “Sit down,” Yuri uttered with a very serious tone. “You must be wondering why I called you here. Well, it won’t take long but I have something important to tell you.”

Mark looked concerned about this thinking of what he did wrong. His eyes were fixed on Yuri.

Yuri adjusted his glasses and said; “I have known you for quite a while now… let’s see hmmm. Oh yes from when you were born.” Yuri then proceeds to talk about the past of Mark as if he knows what exactly happened in his life on a daily basis with complete detail like Mark’s first birthday to Mark’s first heartbreak and so on.

Mark was then surprised and shocked that Yuri knows everything about his life in detail. He just listens to Yuri as if he was speaking to a therapist.

“Why do I know all this?” Yuri asked. “Well, I have been the one who made your life miserable. The bullying, all the rejection, even your worthless ability and..…”

“ The death of your parents.”

Mark stood up from his chair; “Y-You are lying! What are you saying!?”

“I’m also the one who made arrangements so that The Fall will arrive in this world.” Yuri ended his statement with a grin.

After hearing Yuri’s words, he is not sure whether he believes Yuri or not. How could Yuri know everything about his life and about everything? Mark also considered the possibility of Yuri being a telepath. Well regardless, the anger, the confusion, the hatred, and the fear are boiling up inside of Mark. His loud heartbeats keep on punching his chests, he is breathing heavily and looks like he is having a nervous breakdown as sweat drips on his face uncontrollably.

Yuri looks even more pleased. “My god! Your emotions taste so good!” Yuri uttered in a very formal tone. “I’m glad that I did this. I couldn’t wait any longer.”

“Why are you doing this?” Mark asked.

“Why do people do things in the world, Mark? It is because they love to do those… particular things. For me… well I just want to make a good story that is all. I wanna feel all the negative emotions in the world and you, Mark… you are tough. Do you know how long I have waited for you to break down? Well, we still have a long way ahead of us. And kudos to you my boy, even though I have weakened your ability, you still manage to utilize it.” Yuri uttered.

“Why me?” Mark angrily asked.

“To be honest… I don’t really know. I just picked you off randomly I suppose.” Yuri stated with a grin. “And just to make sure that you don’t doubt my ability.” Yuri tapped his table twice and that was the last thing Mark can remember.

In an unknown frozen wasteland, Mark’s body was buried in the snow. He slowly gets up and gets hit with the harsh cold of the freezing blizzard against his skin. All he can hear is his breaths and the strong blizzard winds flying at great speeds. It was dark, cold, and no signs of life. Mark somehow ended up in a place far far away from his school.

“WH- whe- where am I?” Mark struggles to even say a word because of the sheer cold in his environment. “d-d- Did he teleport me here?” as he wrapped himself with his arms, shivering.

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