《Lancelot Deep Impact》Deep Impact 01



Deep Impact

The sky seemed like the scene like in the movie of Independence Day, because in the sky you could see massive black objects like big football stadiums that were falling to hit the earth.

So I asked myself what the great superpowers of the earth were doing to prevent this catastrophe.

However I remember that the few leaders were unable to defend the earth because everyone was trying to get food and water sources to survive this cold that ravaged the earth.

However I do not think that the leaders of this world could do anything about it, because just one day these invaders appeared on the horizon.

I could not believe that a sapient race seeing our world that it was an immense desert of filth and despair came to conquer us.

However there is no better time than now that we have our pants down.

My family and my neighbors had no other objective to escape from where these huge objects fell, although it was not like they were falling, it was more like they were landing.

This object was approximately 7 or 9 kilometers long and I think it could be more than 32 meters high.

When this thing hit earth by the action of its Retropulsors this raise a few clouds of dust that covered it for 5 or 6 days.

When the dust dissipated 4 door open towards the 4 cardinal points with a neon lights appeared a sign that said:

"Lancelot dungeon a destination where you can get water, food and riches and have the adventure of your life, this is the perfect place for you".

A few days passed and no one arrived to investigate or left the place, to me seeing like abandoned.

So I talked to the group of people with me, so we were organizing a search party to see if we would get the water and food promised by the sign.


We leave half the adults and the women to take care for children in the camp.

We arrived at the eastern entrance, was the size of a truck.

However in the middle of the past there was a man sitting behind a desk with his black shoes on the table and sitting comfortably in a chair as if he were in an office and like he was the boss.

For a moment I worry by the barrier of language and how we were going to communicate with this alien, but after remember the neon sign out side was in our language.

We pointed our guns at him and said:

"Where is the water and the food."

The man was in his 30s. He wore a white penguin suit with green parts, he had a lush red hair like a lion's, he looked like a man who used to go a lot to the beach, because he look well tanned.

The man smiled at them, his teeth sharpening. One of the men was frightened and raised his rifle amenatively and shouted:

"Where is the food."

The man pointed to an entrance and said:

"You can Found it there."

Pointing at yellow double doors.

Next to the doors there was a sign that said:



Objects you find in the dungeon must be correctly identified before being used.

Do not consume or drink anything that you find inside the dungeon, if you do, we are not responsible for the results.

As much as possible goin proportionately to the power you possess, this means that0 you have to measures how far you advance in the dungeon, each floor becomes more difficult, therefore increasing the danger of death.


After I saw the sign I asked:

"Who identifies objects and why can not we eat or drink we find inside?"


"This dungeon it is the entrance to another world so anything you find could harm you.

If you bring it to me and I tell you its properties and if you can use it or what."

Another one of my men asked:

"Why we have to measure how much progress we do in the dungeon?"

Mane Leon said:

"This dungeon is like the dungeons that are described in light novels and fantasy stories of Japanese culture so one of the things you find here are monsters and unimaginable dangers so that signify that death will be just around the corner."

We all swallow.

Frank ask:

"Why did you bother to bring this to us?

Mane Leon said:

"It's just more fun for us to see all of you struggle to survive."

"Ratatatata" we heard while Frank shot the man off the chair, shouted:

"Have fun with this!"

Mane Leon He got up from the floor as if nothing had happened to him.

With an intimidating smile and saying with his hands that he should not have done that, with a killer pressure that took our breath.

Mane Leon moved so fast behind Frank to grab Frank from his throat pulling him backwards and causing him to fly away.

He said:

"Do not attacking the host!

He stopped pressing with his murderous aura, he look towards the entrance where there was an analog clock that the hour went from 01:00 to 10:00 hours

So I take a moment and Look at one of my neighbors and I said:

"Hector please takes Frank home to be healed."

With what only 4 of we remain

I asked:

"Why are only 10 hours in that clock?"

Mane Leon said:

"The other world is only 20 hours a day.

You have 2 hours to be inside, I will identify what you bring back, also I buy or sell anything you need."

I ask:

"Why can we only be two hours inside the dungeon?"

He said:

"The equipment that you have is not the standard equipment to venture into the dungeon so I think your equipment and you guys will be able to handle it for a maximum of 2 hours, so stay close to the exit, that way and if you feel tired or your equipment broke, or fail, you run to fuck out."

I seriously look at him, said:

"How much does standard equipment cost per person?"

Mane Leon said:

"It cost 285 600 credits approximately 2586 Euros."

With what I remember that after the society collapsed, we left all the money behind, since did not have any value.

So we went inside the dungeon.

The last thing we saw was that Mane Leon sat on the couch while we disappeared at the gates of the dungeon.

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