《The Sacrificial Queen》Chapter 13


With her window curtain pulled back, Isabella stood at her bedroom window and watched the townsfolk gathering in the courtyard. Orange rays of the sunset began to fade into the black night sky. Burning torches in the square below began to provide light for the sizeable crowd. She heard several booming male voices talking and laughing which added to her level of anxiety. To the villagers, this was an exhibition of warlocks, but to Isabella she felt she was being dragged to her executioners. Dropping the curtain, she began to pace up and down the room. She could have worn a path on the flooring, as she began worrying and pacing since sunrise.

Loud raps on her door made Isabella jump as she nervously called out. “Come in.” Her door swung open to reveal Nathanial dressed in all his glory in his signature color. Her vampire husband strode further into her room eyeing her choice of gowns. Isabella wore a fitted dress with a v neck collar tied snugly with a blue ribbon. Nathanial motioned to the front of her dress and stated. “Loosen the ribbon. These boys want to see their prize they are fighting for.” A handmaiden appeared from behind the platinum blonde vampire and began untying it to widen her neckline. Isabella feeling sick to her stomach stood motionless as the maid worked on the sash around her bosom.

“Better.” Nathanial exclaimed as he held his arm out for Isabella. As the handmaiden finished and scurried to the side of the room, she slowly walked forward and took his arm. Isabella clenched her mouth shut to avoid her natural reaction of screaming at the top of her lungs. Arm in arm, Nathanial shot her a smile as he led her out of the room. As they crossed through the castle, Isabella noticed the absence of staff, royal court, and the palace guards. She figured they had joined the outdoor festivities as they entered the foyer. The castle entrance doors were propped open allowing Nathanial and Isabella to exit straight into the courtyard.

Isabella heard the roar of the crowd as they entered the square, and she had a chance to gaze out at the large assembly of men and women. Isabella noticed the stage and fighting enclosure the village carpenters had spent days assembling. Her grip tightened on Nathanial’s arm as she observed the swarm of burly men organized in rows in front of the wooden stage. Nathanial leaned down to speak to her. “Dear, it will be fine, just relax. They can smell fear.” She resented the goad from her husband. Coming to the steps up to the stage, Isabella pulled her gown up slightly to avoid tripping up the steps.


Once up on the stage, Isabella noticed the palace guards standing besides two large throne chairs. It overlooked onto the crowd and the makeshift fighting enclosure in front of the stage. Her vampire husband walked her to one of the tall chairs, and Isabella took a seat to the cheering crowd. Crossing her ankles together, she tried to keep her legs from shaking with fear. Nathanial stood standing in front of her and put his hands up and the audience automatically quieted down. Loudly he spoke. “Welcome everyone to our first night of Warlock competitions. Tonight, we will be treated to the strongest of Warlocks fight using magic and weapons.”

“The winner of the competition is bestowed the great honor of bedding the Queen.” One or two men in the group of warlocks cheered. Isabella placed a hand up to her mouth as she battled the urge to vomit. “During the match, Warlocks are able to use their magical abilities as well as the choice of one weapon. Magic must be contained in the fighting ring and injuring or maiming a spectator will be an automatic disqualification.” Isabella shifted in her seat hoping all of them could be disqualified. “Within the match, both parties fight to the death. The winner must kill the other Warlock.”

“Excuse me Sir?” A deep voice within the group of Warlocks spoke up. Isabella was surprised at the courage of the magician to interrupt Nathanial as he spoke. She watched as her vampire husband made a face and answered. “Yes?” Isabella watched intently. “Sir, I wonder if the Golden Oracle Council would agree with a competition that ends in the death of Malagi. Did they not make the decision for all witches to produce an heir because of the waning birth rate?” Isabella’s eyes darted to her husband. Nathanial sneered as he spoke with the Warlock. “Are you afraid of being on the losing end?”

The Warlock answered him. “Sir, I am worried that thirty-one warlocks will be dead at the end of this only to produce one child. I do not believe that is fair negotiating.” She scrutinized the man who spoke with courage up against her husband. Nathanial asked the man. “And you are?” Isabella noted the man had short black hair with a stubbled beard. “Ronan McDougall, sir.” Nathanial nodded as he answered. “Fine, it is up to the Warlock in question if they want to take the kill shot. Stun them for all I care. But I will be the one to decide the winner of the matches.” Her husband obviously irritated strode towards his seat. “Prepare yourselves for your matches.”


Nathanial dropped down into his seat as Isabella watched him noticing his crossness. Pulling her attention from her husband, Isabella scanned the group of men to locate Samuel amongst them. She identified the shaggy brown hair as Samuel carried a battle axe wearing mail armour. She hoped that Nathanial stay true to his word that he would help his own palace guard win the matches. Isabella would be devastated if Samuel came to any harm during this ridiculous event. Her eyes did hover on the man courageous enough to question her vampire husband. The man with his dark hair and stubbled beard was outmatched in armour and weapons. He wore a black boiled leather jacket and only carried a sword compared to Samuel’s battle axe.

Nathanial emerging from his glum mood stated to her. “Get comfortable my dear, it will be a long night.” She asked him. “How many matches will there be?” Nathanial scooted to sit upright in his throne chair. “There are thirty-two men meaning we will start with sixteen matches. Once we have those sixteen winners, we will then have eight matches leaving eight winners for tomorrow’s continuation.” Isabella nodded as she observed two of the Warlocks enter the enclosure. “Good, we should begin any minute.” She watched as both men on opposing sides kneeled in the dirt.

“What are they doing?” Isabella turned and asked her husband. Nathanial answered her. “Unlike you my dear, most within witchcraft need to use rituals to summon their magical abilities. They are setting into motion what powers they want to use in the match.” Isabella watched one of the men trace a finger in the dirt. “Most warlocks have one maybe two powers.” She recalled part of her conversation with Samuel. “I think I remember Samuel calling them elements.” Nathanial shrugged. “Elements, sure. They have magical abilities in air, water, earth or fire.” It rang a bell for Isabella as she stated. “That is right, Samuel has the ability of air.”

Nathanial grinned at her. “Not anymore, we found a workaround spell that can temporarily give him access to fire. See, not many Warlocks can use fire. It is mainly women who can use those powers. That is how I have stacked the deck in your Warlock’s favour.” Isabella sat back in her chair stating. “I am quite sure fighting is not what Mother Nature would have wanted.” A bell clanged loudly and the two men in the enclosure stood up and drew their weapons. Facing each other the men began to slowly encircle each other. One man lunged forward, and Isabella heard the clanking of metal. Isabella stated. “I can’t watch this.” She placed her head in her hands and gazed down at the wooden stage as she heard the crowd cheer.

Her curiosity peaked when she heard the group of onlookers exclaim together. “Oooh!” Glancing up Isabella saw one of the Warlocks directing a stream of water into the other man’s face. Then the Warlock using the element of rain run at the other man and shoved him hard onto the ground. Quickly he disarmed his opponent and with his weapon held him down in the dirt. Nathanial jumped up and shouted. “Victor!” The winner of the match offered his hand to assist the losing Warlock rise to his feet. Isabella could not help but smile and clap for the winner if only for his good sportsmanship.

As the matches continued, Isabella saw astonishing feats of magic and weaponry. One Warlock conjured lightning, but the bolt landed too close to a spectator and was disqualified. She saw windstorms that knocked over competitors, rainstorms that blinded opponents, and the Warlock that questioned Nathanial created potholes in the dirt tripping his challenger. Isabella was happy Samuel made it through his match without a scrape. The palace guard surrounded his rival with fire and the opposing Warlock gave up. She had to admit the competition was rather interesting, and she observed Nathanial become rather animated and overly interested in the fighting.

The first round of matches reduced the number of warlocks from thirty-two to sixteen, and then began the second round of eight matches. This time the bouts of fighting became more violent as one losing warlock was stabbed in the arm. One competitor with gigantic muscles ripped off his shirt and won his match using sheer force without being assisted by magic. Samuel safely made it through the second round as others were sheerly outmatched by the element of fire. There was a disturbing fight where the warlock with a neck tattoo snapped the neck of his rival causing a chorus of boos through the crowd. At the end of the second round, eight competitors were left standing for the final rounds the next evening. Nathanial escorted Isabella back to her room and she crawled into bed as the sun just began to rise in the morning.

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