《The Sacrificial Queen》Chapter 5


Clad in her white dressing gown, Isabella sat on the foot of her bed patiently waiting as Shaylee, her handmaiden, searched through her armoire. She knew Nathanial had filled her wardrobe with a dozen fancy ballroom dresses. Ignoring the extravagant gowns, she chose to wear modest garbs on a daily basis. As a child, she would receive her brothers’ hand me downs which were perfect for her outdoor explorations. Her chosen apparel did not include dresses until she became a young woman when blouses and skirts became mandatory. Isabella could not understand how society’s standards began dictating her wardrobe choices.

Her handmaiden exclaimed as she pulled a gown from the armoire. “Here, this dark blue should contrast nicely with your black hair.” Shaylee holding the dress in her arms crossed to the middle of the room. Isabella stood up from her bed. “Everything in my wardrobe is a shade of blue.” She would have preferred a variety of colors to chosen from instead of only blue. Shaylee explained to her. “Well, that is what our master prefers, especially with his pale complexion.” Shaylee held the dress up to Isabella’s body as she stood in front of a full length mirror. The handmaiden exclaimed. “You will be mesmerizing in this gown. Except it is not as modest as your usual gowns, you will need to wear it without your white gown.”

Isabella’s cheeks blushed red as the maid motioned to her dressing gown. She pulled it up over her head using her arms to hide her cleavage. Shaylee undid the buttons and loosened the few ties of the built in corset and held the open dress for Isabella to step into. As she stepped into the dress, her handmaiden pulled the material up around her torso and began tying the corset and refastening the buttons. Isabella felt uncomfortable as this pampering still felt unusual to her. She felt the pull and tightness of the material as she watched in the mirror as the gown took shape on her body. Isabella gulped at the revealing neckline which emphasized her bosom.

“I am so happy that you decided to attend tonight’s ball. The master is pleased as well as you have never attended any of the parties before. I must say, you were beginning to worry me.” Shaylee spoke as she fastened buttons. Since her arrival at the castle, Shaylee and Nathanial had pleaded with her to join them at the frequent parties, but she had never gone. She did prefer to be alone relaxing and reading, but she must admit she was slightly fearful of the festivities. Isabella did not know any members of the royal court and felt anxious she would appear clumsy and foolish. What if she tripped over her dress? What if she could not join them in conversation?


Hopefully, Samuel would attend the ball tonight as she found it easy to speak with him. Isabella felt a stab of shame she was thinking of another when she was a married woman. The Council’s decision for her to procreate with a warlock for an heir was different than the social norms she was raised with. Her upbringing instilled in her a blueprint of marriage that taught her to be completely faithful to her partner. Nathanial was her husband, and she cared for him and his wellbeing, but their marriage was incredibly foreign to her. Shaylee described herself as more than a handmaiden, but a confidant to discuss matters that weighed on her mind.

Hesitantly, Isabella gazed at her reflection in the mirror and spoke. “Um…Shaylee?” The petite blonde woman was fluffing her skirt when she answered. “Yes, ma’am.” Gathering her courage, Isabella began asking her. “How do you reconcile…..I mean…..is it wrong to think of another?” Her assistant finished fidgeting with the dress and met her gaze in the mirror. Shaylee asked her. “Do you mean the guard Samuel?” Isabella nodded her agreement as the woman went back to arranging her gown. “Ma’am, the way I see it is you are in a peculiar arrangement. Some people wed for dowries, for property or wealth. You are married to Nathanial, but only a handful of kings and queens truly fall in love with each other. It is more of a business arrangement.”

Shaylee stood in front of the mirror as she adjusted the front of Isabella’s gown. “Believe me, there is a certain female vampire that Nathanial entertains himself with.” Shock registered on Isabella’s face as she absorbed the information. “Pardon me.” She asked with a shudder. Facing the young woman, Shaylee added. “Maybe I have said too much. You are slightly naïve my dear. Look you need to fulfill a decree for the Golden Oracle Council to produce an heir. You cannot complete that decree with a vampire. Why not take the chance and hopefully fall in love?” Isabella’s head spun with surprise.

“This is all so strange.” Isabella explained to her handmaiden as her hands drifted to her dress. Touching the material, she felt the smoothness of the fabric as she could not recognize herself in the mirror. Shaylee grabbed a brush from Isabella’s nightstand and began running it through her long black locks as she spoke. “What is strange my dear is how our kind was hunted down for sport before the Golden Oracle Council saved us.” Isabella’s head gently pulled back from her hair being brushed. “Even today with protection, some of our brothers and sisters are being slain by that horrid Black Knight. But enough of that, let us see our handy work.”


Both women gazed into the mirror to see Isabella in her dark blue gown with a plunging neckline. Her black hair fell down her shoulders, her bosom and back in waves. “There is something missing.” Shaylee exclaimed as her face lit up with an idea. The petite woman crossed over to a stand and opened the latch of a jewelry box. Shaylee came back towards Isabella with a necklace in hand and placed it around the young woman’s neck. She clasped the back of the jewelry as Isabella held her hair up. “There.” Shaylee stated as she let her hair fall back down. A blue and white diamond necklace adorned Isabella’s bosom.

For a moment, Isabella could not believe it was her in the mirror. This version of herself appeared beautiful and immaculate and not how she saw herself. A frenzy of nervous energy captured Isabella as she stated. “This feels so wrong. I feel like a fraud.” Shaylee turned the young woman to face her as she explained. “Isabella, you are a queen. And tonight all eyes are going to be on you.” Isabella asked her worriedly. “What if I do not know what to say? Worse yet, what if I say the wrong thing?” Her handmaiden flicked her hand downward. “Do not worry. Most of the members of the royal court will do the talking for you.”

Gazing at her reflection, she still could not recognize the woman in the mirror. Isabella commented to her handmaiden. “Thank you for your help in getting ready.” She brought her hands together as the petite woman flitted around the room. “Shaylee, how do I become a good queen?” The petite woman came to a stop pulling the covers down on her bed. Shaylee came to stand in front of Isabella and held her hands. “A good queen thinks of her people. Not just the members of the royal court, but your people that you represent.” The handmaiden brushed a stray black hair behind the young woman’s ear. “You will become a good queen; we all have faith in you.”

They were interrupted by a couple loud raps on the door, and Shaylee released her hands to answer the door. She opened the large wooden door to reveal Nathanial standing behind it. Isabella noted he was dressed in the customary color with a dark blue coat matching his shirt and pants. Nathanial dressed in similar colors only accentuated his height as he stood in the doorway. A smile spread on his face as he observed Isabella’s appearance. “My dear, you are ravishingly beautiful.” The platinum blonde entered the room and held his arms out to Isabella. Gently holding her shoulders, he placed a kiss on her cheek.

“Now do not get any blood on her dress.” Shaylee stated as she had returned to pulling down the covers. “Nonsense.” Nathanial answered her. “My beautiful queen, are you ready to go? Everyone should be waiting for us?” He took her arm and linked it with his when she answered. “I believe so. Nathanial, I am so nervous.” With her arm wrapped around Nathanial’s as he began slowly walking them out of the room. “Do not worry. Your job as my queen is not to speak.” Isabella could not help but bristle at the comment.

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