《The Sacrificial Queen》Chapter 4


Isabella pulled her black shawl taut around her body holding it close to provide some heat. At first glance out her bedroom window, the weather appeared warm with the sun shining bright with only a few clouds in the sky. Hopeful that a stroll around the court side could pep her mood, she threw on her dress and pulled the shawl from her wardrobe. Her personal guard Nathanial assigned to watch her had to hurry to keep up with her as she dashed outside. Unfortunately, she forgot the castle rested at a higher altitude and never truly received warm weather.

She dearly missed the rolling green hills of Hibernia with meadows full of blossoming wildflowers. And woods full of overgrown trees providing ample shade to the mossy forest beds. Isabella had fond childhood memories of gallivanting through the woodlands and the grasslands. Her daily expeditions involved searching for fairies, chasing butterflies or gawking at the wildlife. The natural world became her playground as Isabella climbed trees, swam in babbling brooks and raced with the red-tailed deer through the fields. She felt a strong bond to the fauna and the flora offered by Mother Nature.

With her arms wrapped around her, Isabella turned to gaze behind her to confirm the palace guard still followed her. She examined the bronzed brunette man walking several feet behind her. She knew he was a warlock from the eastern territory with a strong family lineage in the mystical arts. Conventional witches and warlocks obtained their magical abilities through their ancestral blood line. Isabella had only met other Malagi when she moved into the castle. She was not raised in a family that practiced or discussed witchcraft. She blushed when his hazel eyes connected to hers. She broke the gaze to face forward.

When the palace guards discovered her in Tipperary, they brought her to the castle to meet Nathanial. He explained that Isabella was a natural witch chosen by Mother Nature herself. Isabella recalls the time as frightening as she assumed tales of vampires, werewolves and witches were fables meant to scare children into behaving. She was astonished to learn the truth from Nathanial about the Dulra, Vilkros and Malagi and how they operated under the Golden Oracle Council. Before being found, she lived a quiet life as a neglected child belonging to no one and nowhere. At first she was thankful to finally become a member of a group, but she has found it troubling being under the thumb of the Council and having all her decisions made for her.


“Excuse me, ma’am.” A soft male voice interrupted her thoughts. “You appear cold. Should we head back inside?” Isabella turned as her sentry officer came to stand beside her. Unnerved by his eye contact, she gazed down at her feet. She trembled slightly from the frigid weather. Embarrassed at her lack of unawareness, she nodded her head and spoke to him. “Yes, I believe that is a good idea.”

Casting her head downwards, she kept her eyesight at the grey stones in front of her feet. A slow blush burned her cheeks as the palace guard kept walking beside her. She fumbled for any topics to discuss with him, but she was too nervous to think clearly.

He must have read her discomfort when the guard asked her. “How are you doing ma’am? I heard you had some nasty bumps and bruises.” She honestly had not thought about her scrapes. Isabella answered him. “Oh, they barely hurt anymore.” She struggled with humiliation about her attempt to escape. She wondered if the villagers knew and had a good laugh at her stupidity. “Does everyone know about my ridiculous plans?” Shamed Isabella gazed up for his reaction. The tan brunette shook his head. “No ma’am. Only a few of us are aware of it. All the residents want the best for you ma’am. You are our queen after all.”

Isabella felt shameful that she disappointed her constituents with trying to escape from the castle. The villagers deserved a stronger queen not one who became wrapped up in her problems. When she first married Nathanial, Isabella had sworn to herself that she would try to be a great queen for the people. Her voice shaking she answered the guard. “Sometimes, I find it difficult to think of myself as a queen. Before coming here, I was nobody back in my home country.” Her eyes darted up to see him listening intently to her. “I was the youngest out of five children. With four older brothers my family did not notice me.”

The guard stopped walking to face Isabella. “Ma’am, you are noticed now.” She could sense his gentleness. “Thank you. Please call me Isabella.” It dawned on her that she did not know much about him. “I apologize, I do not know your name.” His hazel eyes brightened. “My name is Samuel. It is nice to meet you Isabella.” She smiled at him. “It is a pleasure to meet you.” Her gaze turned back to the stones at her feet. They turned and slowly walked side by side towards the castle as butterflies fluttered in her stomach.


A strange tension Isabella was not familiar with hung in the air. She could not help but smile as she brought a hand up to her cheek. She stole a side glance at Samuel to find him watching her. She blushed as he asked her. “Are you attending the royal ball tonight?” Isabella had not heard a party was going to be held tonight. But to be honest, she had never attended one of the many royal parties that Nathanial threw within the castle. She had not held any interest in the lavish balls that the royal court vampires threw on a near constant basis. At nights, she basically remained in her room and read, but perhaps she could make an appearance. She answered him. “I never knew there was a party tonight. I imagine I should go.”

Samuel’s eyebrow rose as he lightly bumped his shoulder against her. “Good, I won’t be the only non-vampire present. That is very reassuring. These parties are so luxurious compared to my family gatherings back at home. At home, parties included my mother and her aunts swapping magical rituals and discussing their results. They could get pretty boring.”

Isabella was fascinated by his account of his home life with his family. She was the only one in her family with magical abilities which caused her to hide her talents. She was astonished that some families could gather and share techniques. Samuel shared more details. “My aunts would indulge in wine and then attempt magical spells. And the spells would always go sideways. One time my aunt mixed up a rain spell, and it poured inside our cottage for three days.” Isabella observed as his face lit up with joy at the memory. She took a breath as she decided to take a chance on telling him personal information. Isabella spoke. “That happened to me once. I was lying in the grass, and it was hot. As soon as I wished for rain, it began pouring down from one dark cloud in the sky.”

They passed under the vaulted stone entrance walking into a small stone courtyard. Several stone staircases protruding from the building with each staircase entering a different area of the castle. It was incredibly confusing to Isabella when she first moved in as she spent a lot of time lost inside the castle. Now she understood the last staircase on the right led to the occupant’s special rooms. Samuel held his hand out for Isabella to climb the staircase entering the dim castle. Once inside they continued their discussion. “That is right. You are a natural witch. You can conjure magic without the need of rituals.”

She tilted her head in confusion. “I apologize I am not sure I understand.” Walking down grey corridors as they passed extravagant tapestries and paintings hung on the walls. Samuel stated. “Malagi, most of them anyway, need to use specific rituals to invoke their magical abilities. Rituals can be considered recipes, a pinch of this, a pinch of that to make a spell work. And witches and warlocks can only summon from their specific elemental gifts.” Isabella asked Samuel. “What are the elemental gifts? Nathanial questioned me relentlessly about my element when we first met, and I did not understand what he meant.”

Entering the main hall of the castle, both began walking slowly as they spoke. “Nature has four elements. Air, fire, water and earth. Most witches and warlocks have only one, maybe two abilities. For example, I have the gift of air.” Samuel continued explaining. “I am able to control the element of wind. In my family my father has the element of fire and my mother and her sister can use the element of water.” Isabella pondered the concept of the four elements of nature. She could not specifically say which of the elements applied to her as the magic came to her naturally. Isabella asked Samuel. “Which one am I? How could I find out?”

As they approached the doorway to Isabella’s room, Samuel turned to face her. “I am not sure. We need to find that out for you. We are at your room.” He stopped and gazed at the floor for a moment. His head came up as he spoke. “Thank you for a wonderful conversation Isabella. I hope to see you tonight.” She answered him. “I will see you tonight. Thank you Samuel.” Smiling, she opened her door and entered her room. As she shut it behind her, Isabella felt a renewed sense of energy and hopefulness. Now she had to find a dress for tonight.

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