《THE WHISPERS IN THIS DARK, CRUEL, AND GHOSTLY WORLD》Chapter 4: Memories Floating In the Clouds
By J. TNANGA (Please be Advised that this chapter is Mature)
“Hi! My name is Jasmine Saint-pagane” said an adorably cute girl with small and delicately stunning red eyes. “Please take care of me”
Everyone was silent for a moment. Everyone for a moment were holding their breaths. The transfer student that no one was expecting in their class, arrived, but it wasn’t even that. If it was just any random transfer student, everyone would have acted normally and applaud, but this wasn’t any transfer student. This was the cutest transfer student of all times. All the guys were blushing and could not avoid looking at her, all the girls found her to be quite cute and adorable.
The cute little girl looked to be six years old. She was dressed in a typical girl clothing, but even then, she looks stunningly pretty. Jasmine looked a bit shy from speaking in front of the class, but she seems to have gotten over it as soon as she opened her mouth to speak. While looking around the room and observing what sort of classmates she will be meeting, Jasmine noticed one overly cheerful boy at the back.
“YYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEESSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS” yelled a dark-haired boy that sits in the back of the class. “We did it, we are ssssssssssssssoooooooooooooo lucky, OMG, I can’t believe this!!!”
“Please be quiet, Mark and sit down” said the homeroom teacher. “I am really sorry about that, anyway, please make yourself comfortable, I will assign you, let’s see, oh, how about right next to Mark”
“Ah, don’t worry about Mark’s behavior, he’s a good kid, just have too much energy” added the teacher.
“Okay, thank you” said Jasmine. “I hope I’ll have a wonderful time here, everyone”
While Jasmine walked to the seat next to Mark, Mark’ friend, James was in the middle of a very heated discussion with Mark.
“Really, oh, come on” said James. “How come you always get lucky?”
“Well, I am the luckiest person in the world after all” states Mark. “Bet you never expected this, now, did you?”
“No comments on that, Mark” said James with an unhappy face. “Well, just because you sit next to her, Mark, doesn’t mean, I won’t ask her out first, I do sit right behind you, you know”
“We shall see about that James, we shall see” said Mark in a confident attitude and a small confident laughter. “Now, be quiet, and watch as the master does his work, watch and learn, James”
James, immediately began looking out the window as if to try to erase what Mark said from his mind. “With the way Mark’s always acting, he’ll never get a girlfriend” thought James. “I am the one that’s going to have to help him control some of that excitement he always seemed to have”
The 1st year of school progressed in such a manner: Mark would always try to get Jasmine to be his girlfriend, but Jasmine would see it as a joke and would laugh it off, and James would try to calm Mark down. It truly was a unique moment.
Memories begin to spin up again, and five years have passed since the day Jasmine transferred. Jasmine is now 11 years old, in 6th grade. She is currently going to the same school as Mark and James. They became best friends. School have just ended and everyone is preparing to leave.
“Hey, Jasmine!! We are planning on going to Lesly’s house. They are having it neighborhood party there, it’ll be fun, want to come?” asked a pink haired girl with green eyes.
“No, I already have plans, sorry” responded Jasmine. “If I have time, I might come”
“Oh, I see” replied the pink haired girl. “It’s fine, have great a weekend!!”
“She is always cheerful, isn’t she?” said James that was right next to Jasmine. “Doesn’t she remind you of anyone?”
“Hahaha, you are so right” responded Jasmine. “She is just like Mark”
“Yeah, no kidding about it” said James. “Do you have all your stuff?”
“Yeah, I do” replied Jasmine. “Then, let’s go”
The two made their way out of the class, pass the hallway, and out of the school building, going pass the gate, heading home, together, holding hands, suggesting they are a couple. Those two really cared for each other.
“What are you going to do this weekend” inquired James.
“I have nothing to do this weekend” replied Jasmine. “Do you want to do something together?”
“Yeah, I’ll love to” responded James. “I found this amazing coffee shop we could visit”
“I’ll I-MS you the location, when I get home”
The technology in 2193 was extremely advance. In such a century, I-watch have been created that completely replaced holographic transmission devices. I-watch could do anything from taking a picture of something and replicating a 3D projection of the picture. It is fully equipped with holographic keyboard that you can typed on it in as if you were typing in the air itself. This new technology has completely destroyed what people at the beginning of this century used to do to type in the holographic keyboard. At first, people in the beginning of this century used to have a special plastic gloves in their hands, that once wore would enable the individual to type in the holographic keyboard. The plastic electronical gloves also known as Techno-gloves were created to make it so smooth that once wore you could even forget that you were wearing them in your hands, and that it would not get in the way of your daily activities. But eventually in the 2170s, that technology got banned, that with certain high temperatures could cause concerns, and a new technology was created to replaced it, a Nano-bot, implanted deep into the body of each individual since birth, that keep record of heartbeats, population, sickness, and allow holographic touch sense (allow individual to touch holographic keyboards and move things in holographic, (Holographic is similar to a projection, with one slight difference, it can be touched and move around, like a small computer display screen)). (I-MS is the messenger application to send messages. People in this century say I’ll I-MS you. Instead of saying I will send you a message).
James then dropped Jasmine home, and continued to make his way home. He looked at the time in his I-Watch located in his left hand.
The memories began to spin ahead again. The memories speed up and doesn’t stop until 6 years have passed since that conversation with James. Jasmine is now 17 years old and a senior in High School. Jasmine in that particular year is having many issues and problems. Her mother died of a sickness a couple of months before she began senior year, (Jasmine’s senior year started in September, her mother died in July, and it is April currently) and she is also having relationship issues with Derek, her high school boyfriend.
Her boyfriend Derek have been bothering her to give him blowjobs. Which at first Jasmine found that to be interesting and since she like Derek, she gave him blowjobs, but he has been asking for that at least almost every week. Or full blown sex. Every time the conversation has gotten to the sex topic between Derek and her, she feels uncomfortable like Derek was trying to make her do something she didn’t want to. She discussed her concerns with Derek, but all Derek said was:
“Oh, I see, you are a virgin, aren’t you?” said Derek with a whisper. “No wonder you always refused we do it together”
“No, stop embarrassing me, I am not a virgin” lied Jasmine. “I did it a couple of times before”
“Then why don’t you want to do it with me” replied Derek. “Do you have a problem with doing it with me, specifically me?”
“Ugh, you know what Derek, just leave me alone, I want some space, okay, you have been like this for a while now, like ever since this year began, sex that, blowjob that” replied Jasmine in a harsh tone.
“Quiet down a bit, jasmine, we are starting to get some attention” said Derek. “People are giving us some looks, especially those old folks at the corner right there”
“Damn, anyway I got to go” said Jasmine, as she rushes towards her bus, glad it arrived at the exact time it did. “I don’t think I could have handled a single more moment of this” thought Jasmine. “He is really starting to get on my nerve, he can really be such a d*** sometimes”
The next day:
“Again” said Jasmine with a harsh tone. “Are you really serious, Derek”
“Please, come on” said Derek with a slight smile in his face. “Just this one-time”
“Ugh, fine, follow me” said Jasmine. “We’ll go to another place this time, I don’t want people suspecting, girls can really start harsh rumors that destroy people, you know, you are a guy so you wouldn’t know, but what goes in the girls’ bathroom would truly terrified and amaze you, especially what girls talked about”
“Well, thank you for telling me that” said Derek with a flirting tone. “Now, I cannot unheard what I already heard, but do tell me, what are some of the terrifying things girls say in the bathroom?”
As the two made their way to the back of the library and well hidden from the other students, they continued their flirt as Jasmine kneeled down and helped Derek unzipped his zipper on his jeans and unbuckling his belt, push his jean down, and started to give Derek a blowjob.
The memories speed up again, this time they stopped in the clouds. It is two years after the memory of giving Derek that blowjob in the back of the library. Jasmine is no longer in a relationship with Derek, she soon broke up with him a couple of weeks after she finally gave in and had full sex with Derek. She never thought Derek was a good natured kid, his wild side was what attracted her to him, as well as his looks, but Jasmine had never been more humiliate than when she gave her first time to Derek.
As it turns out, even two hundred years after the 21st century, Virginity is still something discussed about in full length and its importance is somewhat the same. Jasmine was humiliating because, when she was in the room naked with Derek, he didn’t show her what to do, he just put his d*** in her Pu*** and did his work. Thankfully, Derek wasn’t a complete jerk and actually use protection to make sure Jasmine wouldn’t get pregnant, but still. Jasmine felt miserable after it was over, and all Derek said was get over it.
“I am going to put in, now, Jasmine, and I could tell that you are a virgin, from how nervous you are acting” said Derek.
“Don’t worry, I got this”
“Wait…I am not sure how it would feel when you put it in, can you go sl----?!!” Jasmine starts to ask but before she could even have finished, Derek already put it in.
“It hurts, it really hurt” exclaimed Jasmine. “We should stop”
“It will get better soon” said Derek. “Don’t worry about it”
“Just stop, Derek” said Jasmine. “It really hurt”
But Derek continue going, and Jasmine was ready to start pushing Derek off, and slap him in the face until the pain started to really disappear, and deciding to trust Derek a little, she allowed it to continue. In the end, the sex wasn’t bad, even though Derek had to use his hands in Jasmine’s pu*** to make Jasmine orgasm. Jasmine did come to enjoy it, and she didn’t bleed that much, only in the beginning some small amount was made, but could easily be cleaned with the sheets in the I-laund-Bot (The laundry bot).
A week or so after, Derek came back and wanted to have sex again. This time, Jasmine had it with this guy. They broke up, and Jasmine never felt better. She did enjoy making Derek feel good with the blowjob and loved the way Derek used to make her feel horny, but this got to go. It needed to be stopped before it was too late, after all she is 19 years old and a sophomore in University, and beside her and Derek went to different universities anyway, their relationship wouldn’t have been the same. And Jasmine knew Derek would probably cheat with different woman already. She did enjoy their times, but it was now finally over.
Jasmine was looking forward to what the day would bring, what this amazing future with all the space travels and all the people that lived in the moon. Jasmine hope one day, she will be able to live the planet and go live in the moon. Ever since she was little she enjoyed looking at the planet from the many I-Glass Mirror (An application that allows you to see the whole planet in holographic projection), and her parents would tell her, if you want to go live in the Moon, you can, and you would be able to see the beautiful planet just like you are looking at the moon right now, but it’s expensive, only the riches people live there. Jasmine loved the sky and always wanted to touch the clouds, and going to space and reaching the moon, would allowed her just that.
“Will I get super rich in the future” Jasmine remembered asking her parents.
“Only if you study agricultural engineering, since the government and different organizations well funded are currently trying to make Mars habitable, since the Moon’s habitation was not that hard to make habitable, it only required heat and oxygen, which we figure a way to make that happen, it’s only Mars that’s left. Mars is so cold, that even with our technological advancement, we are unable to make the whole planet heat up, to a temperature similar to Earth’s, same thing for Venus, except in reverse. We still don’t have the technology necessary to make Venus cold enough to a temperature similar to Earth” said Jasmine’s mother. “Some scientists are just saying we got lucky with the moon, because the natural element we used was one that we almost exhausted, since before the Techno-Agricultural revolution, the people in the mid-22nd-century and earlier century, people used to rely on oil/gasoline etc. for energy, without realizing, we had a natural energy source. And we almost exhausted those precious element and minerals that could be used for precious things like heating up a cold planet to Earth’s temperature, and stuff like that”
“You are really amazing, mom” said Jasmine. “I am going to be just like you”
Jasmine remembers those precious moments with her mother, which is partly why she became an agricultural engineer, even though, it’s one of the hardest Majors. She wanted to be like her mother.
As Jasmine stays in her dorm, looking at the window in the rainy day, remembering her childhood days, screams can be heard. Then the werewolves started devouring anyone in sight. That was at that moment she saw true despair, hearing voices of people yelling and screams. The screams traumatizing. Jasmine didn’t know what to do, to open her door and run away in the hallway, but that seems to be a bad idea when the people killing the others are in the hallway.
Jasmine kept quiet, as she hears each door starting all the way down the hallway being forced open. Saying Forced open is a nice way of putting it, for the doors weren’t forced open, they were broken down one by one completely as if it was the easiest thing in the world. As the doors being broken got closer and closer to her doors, and screams follow each broken door. As the creature that Jasmine can’t see thanks to the door, finally reaches her door, the creature then howl as if in extreme pain, and falls down in the floor with a large noise.
Jasmine’s heart is beating fast with a beep beep beep sound and isn’t slowing down. Jasmine knows there are more of whatever those creatures are. Then she hear a knocked coming from her window. She turn around to take a look, and there in the tree branch next to her window, is a young child wearing dark clothing, with I- glass mirror showing the holographic of the building and red moving dots, and there in front of Jasmine’s door lay a non-moving red dot.
Jasmine moved carefully to her window, uncomprehending what’s going on, and child points to the window, for her to open it, which she did. And the child then states,
“Good-evening, sorry about that, but I need to get my detonation burner flame disks (DBFD) I threw it at that werewolves that was trying to get in your room”
“What? Wait…What? Werewolves?” asked Jasmine completely dumbfounded.
“Well, yeah” said the child completely casual as if this was an everyday life for him. “Oh, right, I am Gall-Bree by the way, you probably heard of me”
This is Jasmine and Gall-Bree’s first encounters, and this is how she met the 7-year-old student that is claimed to be a Genius so smart, that it has never been seen before in history, a person so smart, that getting a perfect score on the University of Agricultural Engineering Entrance Exam was something everyone expected.
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