“What is it, Oden?” said Gall-Bree sharply. “This better be good or else…”
“G-hosts” said Oden weakly and out of breath. “I saw—writing: ghosts”
“Whoa, whoa, Oden, calm down and tell me what’s going on” answered Gall-Bree quickly as if ready to start making calculations in her head. “Are there ghosts after you?”
“No, but I saw in one of those large rooms, a writing in blood that states, ‘ghosts are here and cannot be killed by any means’, I don’t think we should be here, Gall-Bree”
“Oden, calm down and man up, that writing or whatever you saw could have been there since a long time ago” states Gall-Bree calmly. “And besides we need materials, we cannot go back without them. We would die. So man up, you old coward son of a b-…., and seriously Oden, because of some stupid writing you already ready to run, how does it feel to get told that by a child less than half your age?”
“You, if I could just….” Started Oden. “Dam it, fine, I’ll go back, but I swear if I see anything even stranger, I am out”
“That’s the spirit” paused Gall-Bree. “Except for the whole out part”
“Sometimes I wish you would just go and die” said Oden. “My life would be so much better”
“Said the person whose miserable life got saved my me” responded Gall-Bree with a factual tone. “Anyway, don’t contact me unless you find something of actual significance”
With the transmission conversation finished, Gall-Bree still on the shoulder of Juviar finally made their way to Jasmine and Jarla’s whereabouts. They found Jasmine and Jarla examining the weapons and in the middle of conversation.
“So, this is the weapon room” states Gall-Bree as quickly as he arrived. “Not bad. Those weapons could actually prove useful when meeting savage humans”
A chill passed through both Jasmine and Farla as they heard that phrase. Jasmine and Farla once more look at the young child in front of them, and wonder who he/she truly is, and what has happened to caused him/her to become in such a way. But even though they had such wonders, neither one had the guts to ask, since they didn’t know what could get on Gall-Bree’s bad side.
“Anyway, put me down Juviar, I am going to collect some of those weapons” states Gall-Bree completely admiring those weapons and saying the sentence as if in a trance.
Juviar quietly comply, and seems a bit sad with letting Gall-Bree off his shoulder, but nevertheless stay quiet to not change the line of thoughts Gall-Bree is currently having. The moment Gall-Bree was finally on the ground, he started walking and examining the weapons that she first saw when she came in the room. The laser-beam weapon, another one that looked small but the poster on the wall states it can shoot electromagnetic pulse, which causes anything in its immediate vicinity to be repulsed. It has a range of thirty meters. Another weapon was one that looked like a backpack, but has a mechanical device inside that allowed flying (the mechanical part is similar to the metal plate that swirl around to make the helicopter fly). The backpack didn’t just have that, it also contains four metal tubes that can radiate a blast for launch that works together with the metal place to allow a smooth blast-off, navigation and landing for a nice enjoyable flight. Gall-Bree was extremely interested in that particular one.
After a while of searching and grabbing weapons and putting them in her bag, Gall-Bree turned around to notice everyone staring at her.
“I just----um get like that from time to time when I see technologically advance military weapon, not yet released on the market” replied Gall-Bree with a bit of low tone that made her appear even cuter than before, both girls staring at Gall-Bree brushed.
“Well, well, well, what do we have here, Mr. Can’t control myself when I see weapons?” said Farla with a bit of teasing in her voice. “What are you a weapon maniac?”
“Anyway, let’s move on” states Gall-Bree, in a factual tone, completely ignoring Farla’a tease.
“We need to find food first, and Juviar, come help me carry those materials, I won’t get on your shoulder so you can carry”
With a bit of sadness to not have his fellow companion on his shoulder, Juviar did as asked.
“Gall-Bree, I found them, the werewolves are on the third floor, I took the stairs up. Don’t worry they are asleep, but we should go before anything strange happens” said Oden, on the transmission device.
“Ok, copy that Oden” replied Gall-Bree. “Okay, everyone, this is how it’s going down. Oden you come down to the Lobby, and stay in the middle of the main hallway between the elevator and the staircase, in case any werewolves start to make any move so you can be on the look-out, Jasmine and Farla, since this was the weapon room, the kitchen should be located on the opposite side of this northwing, so the southwing, go there, that’s how the different factories were build. Juviar and I will continue our search, okay?”
“Yes, sir” repeated everyone, including Oden, that was listening through the transmission device.
“Oh, now, I really wonder about that”
Everyone including Gall-Bree froze. Not only was this a voice they did not recognized, there was no one there. The hallway was quite clear-lighted, and everyone could see each other and the floors and walls clearly, just like a hospital hallway. But no one was there. No one that could have said that sentence was there.
“Really Gall-Bree” said Farla. “Trying to play some tricks”
“No, it wasn’t me, and I am not the type to say do such things” replied Gall-Bree, looking for anything out of place.
“This isn’t some tricks, my dear” said the unknown voice. “I am right here”
The next thing anyone felt was heavy hot breathing on their faces. Then everyone started to run for their lives. Everyone realized at that moment what was going on. The Ghosts are here. And they are going to tortured them to death. Laughter can be heard as the youngsters began to run with all their might. As they run, they began to reminisced of their times together, their beautiful days no matter how little time passed since they met, began to remember them vividly. Have you ever heard of the expression, you remembered every moment no matter how small right before you die, well, something similar to that was happening.
This is the first time any humans have come in contact with ghosts. Or to be exact, no human that have ever come into contact with ghost have ever lived to tell. How humanity came aware of their presence was thanks to Vampires. Vampires as it turns out, could dodge attacks of Ghosts (the ghosts’ magical attacks were very fast, but to a Vampire it was nothing but child’s play), Vampires were quite capable of fighting ghosts, they were stronger, and faster than them, but the battle always ended up with the vampire either having to run away or dying.
It wasn’t that Ghosts were more powerful than vampires, it was because any attacks/punches/kicks that the vampires threw at them, none of those damages pass through. Ghosts could pass through walls, they are literally ghosts, so no damage of any kind, be it with a weapon or any physical attacks could work on a ghost. That is why ghosts are the ultimate entity, capable of destroying both humans (possessing humans and making them kill other humans, then themselves, if they so ever reach. A skill calls possession, but has rarely been used, but mostly on humans) And Vampires. Since ghosts cannot suffer any damage, ghost are literally indestructible, immune to all.
But Vampire scientists have calculated that the reason why Vampires are so rarely possessed is because of their strong blood, regenerative abilities that far outstripped humans. Further research has concluded that humans are capable of fighting the possession only if their regenerative abilities were on par with vampires or better, since humans heal slower, they cannot stop the possession of ghosts in their bodies. Vampire regeneration have revealed that, it doesn’t just protect Vampires from physical harms, but also from mental attacks as well. It would have to be a really weaken vampire whose will is broken almost completely for a ghost to possess, since vampire regeneration is too fast, and ghost if tried to possess cannot possess a vampire faster than they regenerate. Humans, naturally do not possess such fast regeneration, therefore, ghosts can easily possess them.
As they run and the laughter runs behind them at a couple of paces slower like the laughter enjoyed the chase, similar to playing tag, with the small exception once it gets you, it’s not game over, but death. A tag of death. Juviar as the fastest one even with that large muscular body of his, reaches the end first, pull the doors leading to the kitchen, and let everyone enters, then hurried to close it. But it was useless, the ones chasing them were ghosts, it wouldn’t stop to open the door, it would pass right through it.
“Little ones, littles ones, I am coming for you” exclaimed one the voices, voice #1. “I am going to play with you, to death that is!!! Isn’t that great? It’s been so long since I had fun”
“Don’t forget we can’t let them leave” said voice #2. “We can’t have any risks”
“Oh, come one, what can they do with so many of us here?” states voice #3. “It would be more fun if we allowed them to see us. Then it would truly be a game of tag, don’t you think”
“No, that would be unwise, and besides what good would it do them to see us” said a whole new voice, voice #4. “Let’s just get this done with, I have work to do”
“There are four of us, with five of us, what about we do a competition, shall we?” states voice #3. “The fastest one to kill them, will get the fifth one to play around with for a while, I don’t think we would have to worry about one of them escaping”
“Fine, as long as the one that finishes the fastest keep an eye at all times to the fifth one, until you get tired of the fifth one and kill him” states voice #2, that seems to be the leader. “Anyone have any questions?”
“None at all, shadow” replied all the other ghosts with amusement showing in the face of two ghosts and boredom showing in the other two.
“We can’t continue running forever” yelled Jasmine. “We are going to die, aren’t we?”
“No, I don’t want to die” Yelled Farla. “Please don’t hurt us, ghosts”
But the laughter of the ghosts continued, as if they found their yelling was interesting and amusing. The ghosts finally speed up, and since invisible decide to wait for the humans at the end of the hallway. The humans not knowing what awaited them, continue running ahead and are starting to notice the end of the hallway. Ball-Bree was calculating in his head but no answer could be found, Juviar was starting to panic, Jasmine was already preparing herself for her death, with tears flowing from her beautiful eyes, Farla tries to stay strong, but you could tell she was starting to tear up. Then with no noticed, multiple wind tornadoes are created ahead, wind tornadoes strong and fast enough to cut human bodies as easily as cutting cheese. That wind is so powerful; it could even cut steel.
“Wind Tornado attack” yelled all four of the ghosts.
“I like how we are all trying to get this over with, but I know you don’t care much for the fifth human, etoile” said voice #3.
“Why don’t you stopped your tornado before it reaches the human you are trying to kill, eh? What do you say?
“Fine, you get lucky because I don’t really care about who wins this competition, I just want to go back to my work, night” said voice #4, whose name is reveal to be etoile (star in French).
“Thank you, thank you, I knew I could count on you, etoile, I owe you big time, buddy!!” said Voice #3, whose name is revealed to be night.
“That’s not fair, how can you do this etoile? I was going to ask you and night just beat me to it” states Voice #1 while making a cute little angry face that you might see a small adorable child make when they don’t get what they want. “Then, shadow, do you mind?”
“I will not” replied shadow. “we are supposed to eliminate them, flower”
“You can be so grumpy” states Voice #1, whose name is revealed to be flower.
The conversation lasted only a couple of seconds since for Ghosts time move a lot slower since they are not part of this physical plane of existence. What started with four wind tornado quickly changed to three. And they were advancing at quite the speed.
The four characters that were heading straight forward, which was probably the most stupid decision one could make, noticed tornadoes at the location they were heading and the tornadoes were moving faster than they could turn around and run. The time it would take to decelerate and turn around and accelerate would be enough for the tornadoes to have catch up and destroy them.
They also noticed there was only three tornadoes, but due to the pressure and sure-death, no rational reasoning could enter their minds. It was as if all they saw was their death, and their memories start to speed up one after the other, but even though it was speeding up, each slide of memory left them feeling the particular’s memory’s emotions quite strongly. Even with their memories going back and forth as they see everything they have ever done since a child to their current age, it couldn’t save them from inevitable death. With nowhere to go, and no way to dodge those tornadoes, the situation quickly changes to one of great peril to an unavoidable inevitable death.
The four characters, merely had time to look at each other once more as the tornadoes approaches, then they all close their eyes, and wait for death to take them…….And the wheel of their memories begin to spin.....and an never ending flood of memories appear.....
- In Serial155 Chapters
How to get lost: a wanderers guide
Most people have a really hard time getting lost. They wander the same old haunts for years, never looking over that next hill. Luckily, I have never once known where I am! So come my intrepid friends, sit at my fire that I might teach you the wonders of wander. (Cover courtesy of Not_A_Hat, writer of overgrowth)
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I Reincarnated Into a Different World, Let’s Make the Most of it!
A man from Earth died after getting laid off from his company. He woke up only to find that he has been reincarnated. Follow his journey and his adventure/miss-adventure in this bright new world. ================================================================================================== A slice of life about a reincarnator. English is not my native but I'll try my best
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Synopsis;A world of refiners, cultivators and a destiny only known by a very few.Sam a military specialist find himself in a world he knows nothing about with a power he knows nothing about. What is in store for his new family and the world he landed in?Travel the world and partake in his views of society with his morals and flaws.Welcome to the continent of Phi where destiny is what you understand you should make of.------This is an amateur work. Bits and pieces will be found easily by avid sci-fi readers. Let it pass, I'll try to make good use of it.I don't intent to have regular releases given my school and work schedule.Reporting of grammars, errors, bad habits or repetitions will be greatly appreciated as my vocabulary is not as wide as my mind want to go and my limitations are plenty.Thank you for reading up until now and thank you if you intend to read further.
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This Book
The author, Edward Faust is aware that “This Book” does not really describe what this book is about. We shall pretend that it is a meta artistic choice but the reality is that Mr. Faust is bad at coming up with titles, and since starting This Book back in 2015 as a NaNoWriMo project he could never come up with a good one. This Book’s genre is YA Supernatural, but that’s only as helpful as any genre tag (IE: not very) so I shall describe it further. This Book is primarily about reincarnation, but it also features mythical creatures such as angels (known here as Seraphs), demons, Byzantines, as well as homeschoolers. Two mythical homeschoolers in fact make up the main characters of this work, a pair of siblings named Grayson and Kish. They live in metro Atlanta in the year 2019 AD with their Aunt. On one particular day they are plunged into a rabbit hole of spiritual and metaphysical politics by the arrival of a mysterious one-eyed Green haired woman and strange humanoid creatures into their lives. That is where the story begins. Yes. This book can also be found at https://thisbook.home.blog/
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Twenty-five years ago, Vale was quietly, yet forcibly discharged from the military, stripping from her the only life she ever knew. Now, at forty-eight years old and starting to feel her age, she finds herself wondering if she'll ever be able to atone for the sins of her past. Luckily for her, an opportunity has come up. A chance to get away from her record, a chance to start fresh. All she has to do is one little job: a security escort for a family of colonizers seeking to join a religious commune on a remote planet on the other side of The Prism. Since her military days, Vale has been convinced that there's no horror that war hasn't shown her. But she's about to discover how very wrong she is. [participant in the Royal Road Writathon challenge]
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Trust(3rd book)
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