《What?! The world outside the village is full of villains.》Chapter 15 - Decision


"This is what that commander witnessed. This paralyzed him."

Realizing that the boy's voice and balance had given way to surprise, the elderly man spoke immediately, pointing to his multicolored eyes.

"Yes. The commander was surprised because he witnessed this change in my eyes between the darkness of his ultimate ability and the fog itself... Though,"said the thoughtful elderly man, looking away. "I think his astonishment came from recognizing a familiar look."

"But how did you...-"

"And if you are wondering why I can do this if the Trivalence is contained in this bottle I carry..."he said, looking back at Saulo. "This is because these are the last scattered remnants of that substance in my body that manifest. Similar to inadvertently leaving a few drops of water after drinking from a glass or leaving the leaves of some lettuces on the ground when they are harvested. You must be familiar with that last example because of what you have told me about yourself."

That's right. Always by the force of the wind or because it's pulled with too much force some leaves remain in the soil of an agricultural field.

Putting together the gears of knowledge in his brain, Saulo understood better the comparison with the body being a vessel of this substance. Just like a vessel, even if its contents were emptied, there were always a few drops on the edges.

"And this that I show you... are the last remnants in my body of what you have known today is Trivalence. Record in your heart that sensation and make an effort so that someday you too will do it."

The strange state of immobilization in Saulo's body ended when the elderly man's multicolored eyes returned to their crystalline blue color.

"What was that all about? Your eyes..."

"Oh, that. It's what I would call a resonance between a user and the Trivalence. When the body, mind and Trivalence enter a state of synchrony you will be able to see the world through the eyes of the truth and origin of this world... But barely and I have managed to explore that territory so I can't tell you more about what you should do in addition to training body and mind..."

And as he nodded in response, the elderly man rests both hands on his staff.

"Don't worry if I look tired. On the contrary, I want to ask you something."

The elderly man remained silent for a while, but finally took a deep breath and spoke.

"Get me out of this doubt. As far as I know, the Amish are a community that has a strong belief in not using any violent means to deal with or solve problems, either with summoned weapons, or supporting objects. Why then, being someone from a community that believes in pacifism, you want to create more weapons like supporting objects for combat?"

That was a very reasonable question given that someone who knew even a little about Amish beliefs, with the last thing he would associate them with would be weapons.

"Sounds like a contradiction, doesn't it? Although you have said pacifism, our belief regarding use of force is what would be called as non-resistance. In the face of an attack, we don't use any form of violence either as a defense or as a retaliation because since the time of our ancestors we follow the teaching of heaven: to the one who hurts your right cheek, present him the other as well. It's something difficult for others to understand, but that is our point of view that we have as a foundational belief. We are even against holding public service positions because we interpret it as a power used against others. But due to a past event, I realized that in this second opportunity, things couldn't go on the same way if the moment to act arose."


Saulo was between motivated and serious; and the elderly man, according to what the young man explained to him, could get an idea of why.

"In the face of this dilemma in which violence brings more violence, but at certain times its use is inevitable and necessary, I adopted a less violent and intermediate alternative."

"Alternative that you found in the supporting objects for combat?"

"Yes, I want to offer an alternative with my supporting objects to those who cannot act with the power of their trinity. To those who, because they are weak in power, do not have the confidence or attributes to do what is right at the right time... People like me."

Saulo, who had kept his gaze high, lowered it a bit by referring to himself.

"But you helped me when you perceived that it was the right thing to do. There are adults who would hesitate to help because it could be dangerous or simply because they are afraid, but you helped me even though it goes against the beliefs of your community. Once again I am grateful to you."

Saulo's gaze turned even more to the ground.

"Y-you're welcome,"Saulo said a little embarrassed. "But like me, non-Amish people also reject any form of violence, so at least I want to give them an alternative in case they find themselves in the critical situation of needing to intervene with more than words. Likewise, to those who are weak with their trinities and have no alternative but to stay on the sidelines, I also want to give them this same opportunity. The confidence to act."

Saulo smiled wearily.

"That's why I want to create supporting objects for combat. I won't fight directly, but I'll indirectly support those who have to. It's a different way of fighting, but that is what I believe in. That's my way of helping and fighting... And that's why I can't be the best candidate to receive the Trivalence. I still haven't achieved anything with this goal I've set myself."

Slowly, the atmosphere was changed by the subsequent silence of these words.

A true loneliness appeared in the persona who was now speechless.

"You're wrong."

And after this silence, the words of the elderly man who waited patiently for the moment to speak were heard.

"A person who has achieved nothing wouldn't defeat a man who was part of the high ranks of the army."

"But it was pure luck. I don't know why my opponent looked the other way, but it was the fear he felt at that moment that allowed me to win. If he hadn't been distracted, I would now be dangerously wounded... or dead."

"And it didn't happen that way. You were able to attack at the necessary moment to defeat him. Also, from what I could see while I was semi-conscious, it was a young man trying to match the tactics of his opponent several times."


"Using the psychology of fear of being wounded in the face, emulating his element with your smoke grenade, inquiring him about being a soldier with the same words he used to intimidate you about your origin in coming from the countryside. That man didn't expect you to do the same by intuiting about his military past. And when you couldn't fight at his level, you tried to diminish those advantages that man had as you did when you blinded him, to someone with eyes so accustomed to the darkness of the fog... Young man, you fought in an irregular way and I also agree that you should have been defeated, but in the end you fought and came out alive."



"Don't you realize? The gifts and talents kept in you, like cleverness and knowledge, the Trivalence will guide them."


"But none of that will matter... because the strongest rival is within you."

Saulo's will broke down immediately. The force of the words directed towards him carried a truth difficult to escape. No more arguments were needed to make him feel that he had been exposed."

He firmly believed that such an important decision couldn't be answered in the blink of an eye. Too real to be true and little credible even to be a lie.

But... didn't everything fit together?

If he started thinking about it, everything was connected perfectly.

The history of the human and animal species, the first time he heard the term Trivalence, the colors of all the trinities present in the multicoloured substance that the elderly man held in his left hand.

Everything was born of the Trivalence.

Once again, there was silence.

It wasn't one of those situations in which one felt pressured to speak. Neither of them considered it that way. The fact that both of them remained silent was due to a space necessary for the flow of the conversation to continue...

"You don't understand."

... It was the space for reflection.

"I come from a village where we don't use electricity, feed on what we sow, and travel by horse and carriage. The best way to describe our lifestyle is a rural one, like in ancient times. One would say that by being far from the important centers of civilization and technology we would be in a precarious situation. But that is the form of growth in cities."

Biting his lower lip, Saulo stopped his words to turn his back on the elderly man, but when his shoulders moved, he stopped.

The wind was blowing strong between the two.

"In rural villages it's different. How we subsist is with the collective work where we all help each other to forge those bonds that will selflessly help in favorable and difficult times."

Saulo gulped for a moment and continued.

"But I'm not going to have their support for this. You say that the strongest rival is within me. But what about my circumstances. We are a peaceful community that rejects violence so no member has ever served in the military. I don't regret helping you, but even in this situation violence shouldn't be used. It's not the way we solve problems. If within my community they never accepted that I develop supporting objects for combat, then much less will they do it with the Trivalence."

"And did that stop you?"

The elderly man raised his voice.

"Why should I use supporting objects for combat if I already have a trinity? You must have heard that very often, and I also agree with them. It's a reality that hurts, but it's like that."

The young man's expression indicated that he didn't expect the man's words. The cruel, hopeless truth that he knew existed in the countryside and surely in the city was repeated to him again by practically a stranger.

"However, it's not gratitude because you have saved me or a feeling of sympathy that you use supporting objects for combat, the reason I consider you to be the best candidate to receive the Trivalence."

"Why then would he give me such a great capacity as the Trivalence?"

"Because you, being the one who possesses the least power and knowledge of all the candidates, was the one who most defended what he considers his power and knowledge."

Saulo's vision became clouded again. Only this time, however, wasn't due to the fog.

"And also because when the time comes... those same people with whom you shared experiences will forgive you."

... That's exactly what I told the commander.

He couldn't contain himself any longer. Little by little, the limits of what he could bear to hear while maintaining a single expression gave way to what Saulo initially tried to hide.

The repressed crying reached the elderly man's ears.

Just surrender

Even we, who don't fight, know that the supporting objects for combat are too weak to use in a confrontation.

Even if you create something, you won't be able to change what's already established. There's already a more powerful and natural means that we all possess and it's called a trinity, so stop believing that you will be able to change that with your invented garbage.

You make the whole community anxious with your dangerous inventions.

Take away your useless trinket.

Saulo didn't have the strength to speak.

The memories that came related to the development of his supporting objects were covered by his forearm.

All were words that others expressed about his creations and that, to varying degrees, he ignored or... finally they wounded him.

I just wanted to hear those words about my supporting creations. And they come from who can develop such power, such knowledge... From who possesses the strongest... From who possesses the Trivalence.

"Well, what do you say about my proposal regarding the Trivalence? We have a lot to talk about the details, but only if you're interested."

Saulo wiped his tears, directing his glassy eyes towards the elderly man.

The man's expression was one of absolute calm. But that same man person that had been accompanying him along the path now was with a concern that overshadowed the serenity of his face.

It was time for the young man to make a clear decision, either by accepting or rejecting. A decision by his will and not by obligation.

Saulo stood where he was.

He no longer cried, but didn't nod or shake his head.

"How could I..."

Like this, a few moments passed until the internal conflict that only Saulo knew about was transformed to words.

"How could I, a simple country boy who knows nothing of the world even think of taking possession of a divine substance? Something so exceptional shouldn't even be carried by me."

"That's not what you..."

As if feeling his worries, the elderly man was ready to intervene. But when he realized how the young man's expressions didn't match with what he had just said, he held back.

"But... that's what I'd say before we both started walking."

A hopeful hunch grew in his weakened body as he listened to what he wanted the young man to say.

"But now, I have my clearest decision."

"That means..."

"Yes, yes, please. I'll take the Trivalence."

Saulo smiled as the man nodded joyfully.

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