《What?! The world outside the village is full of villains.》Chapter 14 - The weakest and the strongest of this world


Fifteen minutes had passed since Saulo and the elderly man were walking along the Oyogue Path. Even with that considerable time advancing, they couldn't affirm whether or not they were actually approaching the middle of the path. Due to the care of the footsteps on the terrain and the fatigue of age, nothing assured them that they were very far from where they started. In addition, the fog prevented them from seeing that progress.

But at the time, the distance travelled was an ephemeral thought for Saulo.

The path to discover more about the Trivalence... is to drink it.

Through the air, one could feel a boy's surprise at remembering those words.

Using my body as a vessel.

Upon confirming his initial suspicions, Saulo almost choked on his breath.

It was a drifting decision if I decided to accept.

Of course, it was completely unreasonable for him to ingest a liquid that he had practically just discovered.

The doubts and speculations that he felt piled up in his head let him know that the unease that ran through his body wouldn't leave him soon.

However, at that moment, a terrifying thought appeared in his mind.

He, being destroyed in an incredible agony.

Either on the spot or after a few days.

While sleeping or walking.

A substance of a time and truth that challenged the same reality wouldn't have problems un destroying an average individual like him.

Is the sea air affecting me? Or has that healing orb healed me so much that I'm hearing what it's not?

Just as a healing orb could heal serious wounds, it was perfectly possible that the excess healing effect would cause dizziness and hallucinations. Or even leave a person in a state close to being drunk.

But for Saulo, this was too much even for the calmest person to keep his composure.

There was a lot he didn't know about the Trivalence.

If, for example, he had the means and skills, he would apply the knowledge to explain events, in addition to seeking answers and conclusions that were logical in the field of research. But in this reality, Saulo didn't possess that. It wasn't as if he possessed between his hands an ancient tablet with an archaic language, in which after a few years, he would meet with his colleagues eager to listen to his discoveries.

This was totally different.

A good comparison occurred to him in the midst of the restlessness of every fiber of his being.

An infectious disease characterized by the appearance of warts near valleys and mountain areas took numerous lives. Faced with such events, a medical student voluntarily inoculated himself with contaminated blood to investigate the disease with his own body. Sick, he continued to take notes about the symptoms he developed, writing about his medical history until the disease took his life. Thanks to his own experimented research, it was discovered that the rash of warts was the chronic phase of the same infectious agent that caused fever and anemia in its acute phase; and that it was long believed to be another disease.

Due to his actions, in a time when medicine wasn't so advanced, was possible to have a better knowledge about this disease.

How did he know that?

Because it was a real story. One day of the spring season was commemorated the day of medicine in the country in honor of the date on which died that man who gave his life for the study of diseases.

A martyr of the country's medicine.

A person who gave his life knowing what would come after injecting himself with that disease.


"There is nothing to discuss... This sounds dangerous from where you hear it. I'll not be your subject of experiment."

"Calm down. Once you've listened to me completely, you'll have every right to react however you want. But now... Listen to me."

The calm that that intention conveyed was felt in a real concern to explain himself. It wasn't a powerful voice, but Saulo felt that this something that doesn't match between the state of health of the elderly man and his expressions capable of transmitting such expressiveness, is what keeps him intrigued of wanting to continue discovering what was unknown to him, even though they have only met less than an hour ago.

On the contrary, this person wasn't like Aaron, of whom had been notorious possessed a powerful voice to give orders. This person looked back at Saulo with a strong but genuine feeling for speaking.

And with this in mind, Saulo wanted to listen.

"Thank you,"said the elderly man, wiping the accumulated sweat from his nose with his forearm. "The existence of Trivalence would have no force if there was no physical evidence. Do you remember what I told you? ... The same thing happens here. A path of discovery was investigated and revealed to understand the Trivalence."

Although Saulo was still perplexed by the elderly man's calm attitude, his gaze softened. For now, he had to listen and then judge.

"Well, here are the results. A living proof that Trivalence is not dangerous. That's me."

"... Do you... carry another Trivalence in your body?"

Saulo had understood from the man's explanation that the Trivalence was an extremely unusual substance.

"It was a long time ago. And it's not another Trivalence. It's this same Trivalence that is here in this bottle. It was for several months until I decided it was time for the Trivalence to leave my body."

"What! Does the body not assimilate the Trivalence as if it were a liquid?"

"It's not like that. The Trivalence isn't a liquid in itself because the body doesn't absorb it. It would be more appropriate to say that the body acts as a vessel. Just like this plastic vessel in my hand."

Saulo wanted to add something, but he chose not to interrupt.

"I've been the only test subject I know who dared to drink this multicolored substance, but the Trivalence is not a danger in itself because it can destroy the body, soul, or mind. The carelessness of actions and the temptation to carry power and knowledge is what causes the danger of death. I know... I know because I carried that responsibility."

"And you can give that responsibility to a young man you have just met? A responsibility that involves carrying within the body as a living farm a substance that has only had you as a bearer."

Faced with day-to-day experiences, one reacted according to one's personality. From time to time, however, this wasn't the case.

"Did you so easily expect that someone listening to your proposal would be willing to become a martyr? Many are afraid of the unknown... and more to the uncertainty that implies carrying the Trivalence. I fear the unknown... and that certainty that comes after life."

"This responsibility cannot be assumed by an old man with so many sins as to be forgiven. No. It must be you. You are the one who can help another even in his poverty of power."

"I also have my...!"

Saulo was about to make a clarification, but the man interrupted him, anticipating what the boy was going to reply.


"I know that you must have your doubts about whether you are the one indicated with your virtues and sins, with your qualities and defects. It's true that we just met and there is no trust between us. But of the suitable candidates I know, you are the most suitable to receive the Trivalence."

"How can you say that? You said it yourself, sir. We just met! And don't tell me that I'm the only one who's ever helped you. I know this society isn't so rotten as not to help an older adult."

That Saulo was so sure of that wasn't supported by empty words.

In his community and in the surrounding villages, the longest lived members were treated with respect. They were an active part of the collective life and they still were, even with the complications of age.

Likewise, in the last decade, the cultural patterns of the population also changed due to the characteristics of demographic growth. In the country, over the years, more local, regional and national policies were promulgated to provide quality of life for an increasingly long-lived population.

"I've found all kinds of people. Those who turn their backs, those who expect a reward for their help, those who are forced to do it or those who selflessly help. These are the realities of the country with which I have lived."

"And what makes me different?!"

Although Saulo had raised his voice, he wasn't addressing anyone in particular. Who was the only one listening to what the boy had to say judged that it wasn’t the right time to intervene.

"I want to help others by creating supporting objects for combat."

That exclamation made the elderly man raise his eyebrow a little.

"But since I was a child, I have realized that my body isn't fit to fight. And it's because I have no talent. Some like me weren't born with the talent to use a trinity. And no matter how much I train and try, I don't have the talent to fight. That's why my future is to be the one who helps the fighter capable of protecting himself and others. For me to be that person who fights is an unreality."

Saulo let the tension flow between his shoulders, but before continuing, the person who spoke to him intervened.

"Do you want to help others by creating potentially dangerous objects? It may sound a little harsh what I'm going to say, but.... Isn't that helping indirectly with more violence in this world where every being can be a danger if they irresponsibly use their trinities? A world with tensions between humans against humans and humans against creatures."

"I believe that violence can't solve everything. But what I have experienced today reaffirms to me that it's impossible to solve everything with dissuasive words. Sometimes, the only option left is only to apply force to solve problems, even if it's with objects devalued by the majority such as supporting objects."

Saulo took a moment to think about his words and continued immediately.

"I fought because it was for self-defense, so I justify the use of these objects, my summoned weapon and my shadow abilities. But for other acts I'll not be able to do the same. I'm an Amish and violence isn't the way I have been taught to solve problems."

"Wait... Have you said that you are an Amish?"

"That's what I said."

The momentary surprise and confusion of this person reminded him when some tourists started taking photographs from afar of the members of his community. It was understandable, but it was still a little uncomfortable when people asked too much about a lifestyle that seemed to have stopped in time.

Fortunately, from the way the elderly man inspected it, it seemed that the he had some notion of what an Amish was.

"You mean those people who can't do anything even if they're bothered... similar to those royal guards in one of those monarchic countries of the North Continent."

"I think they can respond if disturbed."

"I've never traveled to that triad, so I don't know. But leaving that aside, I can tell from your backpack that you plan to stay for quite some time at your destination."

"Ah, this? I really do plan on staying long enough where I'm going, but my backpack doesn't look that bulky because I'm carrying a lot of stuff. It's like this because after I fell from one of these slopes, my backpack somehow completely wrapped me up like a gift and saved me. And now I don't know how to get it back to its original form."

The backpack the man was referring to was with many lines of folds and twice its original size. After explaining the details, the elderly man seemed quite intrigued.

"So that's what happened. And you were walking along this path to the city of Boggio."

"Yes, I'm an Amish from the region of the Central Mountains who goes to the capital for, among other things, develop with better means these and other objects that you've seen me use. Why the question?"

With a brief "I understand,"the elderly man turned his gaze back to the backpack.

"You seem to have no idea what this backpack is, but be assured that it is not an average. This backpack belongs to what we know as 'Future Technologie'."

"Future Technologie?"

"They are artifacts and articles that, thanks to the latest advances in technology, allow us to perform tasks that would be difficult for humans. And they are called precisely this way because by their capabilities are twenty years ahead of the current technology... Hmm...I see. So they are already starting to apply this technology for the use of the common population."

"I've never heard of them."

"That's normal. It's only a few years ago that this Future Technologie began to become more common. But the most amazing thing is that they come from what we know as relics or sacred equipment."

Once I heard in the villages surrounding my community that there are objects and equipment that allow us to do all that which for a human being would be impossible to achieve.

Saulo's expression is to have a very general idea of what they are talking about, so he immediately seeks to confirm if they were referring to the same subject.

"Relics. Those God-given artifacts that bestow unique abilities. Like special powers."

"Those very ones."

"And with sacred equipment refers to those weapons and armor that allow the limits of the body to be broken."

"Exactly. And the incredible thing is that after numerous research studies and field tests, it has been possible to replicate to some extent that power in the artifacts and articles of Future Technology. Of course they are still far inferior to relics and sacred equipment, but better prototypes have achieved very good utility."

"So... my backpack comes from having experimented with a relic or sacred equipment."

Saulo asks with an expression of disbelief. This Future Technologie thing was new to him.

"Or the combination of both. But it's as you say. However, until you find out who gave it to you, you won't know much. Seeking very specific information about its origin can be dangerous. Although it is not a relic or sacred equipment, it is still an object not so common that it can awaken the desire to steal it."

The fact that he was told that a backpack that was given to him nine years ago was in fact a technology that seemed almost futuristic, made him realize that nobody in his community or in the surrounding villages had noticed it. He would have to get to the capital as soon as possible to ask about such a mysterious object.

"Now do you understand how backward you are about what you want to develop. On a utility rung, your supporting objects for combat are at the bottom..."

The elderly man points his cane at Saulo's backpack, where in one of the side pockets he kept his supporting objects for combat.

"... however, I possesses what is at the top step."

The sensation of an incredible power about to emerge deconcentrated Saulo from all thought. His attention had turned to who had caused him to inadvertently stand on his guard with his arms.

"If you want to see it from a current point of view, they are opposites. The supporting objects for combat as the weakest and the Trivalence as the strongest in this world."

Closing his eyes for a moment, the elderly man looks Saulo straight into the eyes sure of what he was going to say.

"And since you said you're an Amish, you're far behind when it comes to technological development. You are a creator of more artisanal technologies. I see it because of your creations. But you don't have the means or the sufficient knowledge to develop your supporting objects for combat as the scientists who do have them in quantity, besides being supported by the government to dispose of the sacred relics and equipments that require their researches of Future Technology. That's why I'm giving you the Trivalence. To develop that which is lowest in power with that which has the highest... and the best way for someone like you is with your body as the recipient of this substance."

The elderly man lets the silence be present so that Saulo can assume what he has just said. However, an enthusiasm more in keeping with being young makes him speak again after a short time.

"Just imagine. This extraordinary backpack that saved its owner from death is the result of having researched these relics and sacred equipment... What might be possible if you investigate what is above all this. What you might be able to apply to your supporting objects for combat or other creations if you experience and explore what the Trivalence is capable of. So much knowledge and power would be very well used by you, someone kind of heart."

Without waiting for Saulo to say something, the elderly man hits the ground with the end of his cane.

"And that is because of this principle and truth... This is the original union of all colors, weapons and elements."

Before his voice finishes resounding, the intensity of the words doesn't diminish.

"What is above supporting objects for combat, relics and sacred equipment."

The elderly man's eyes gleamed until the iris became a transparent color.

"This is the essence of the world."

Looking carefully, Saulo can see that the elderly man's words had brought a change with them. The blue of his eyes had disappeared noticeably until there were only enough remains to say that both iris had not disappeared.

"This is Trivalence. The pinnacle of all existence."

"So this is what left the commander immobile."

Now he understood what exactly allowed him to win when their ultimate abilities were about to collide between the smoke and the fog.

That which Aaron saw between the smoke and the fog now had him immobilized.

A presence that saw straight into the soul.

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