《Traitor's Creed》A Dream [Chapter 004]


The drums of war.

The loud beating of the drums, the synchronized footsteps of soldiers, as well as the silent prayers those near you are muttering to themselves...

As i continue to listen closely to the sounds my other sensations come back to my body, I could feel the cold touch of metal to my skin, the smell of sweat and blood, as well as my loudly pounding heart.

I open my eyes to see the horizon of enemy soldiers, raising flags of different nations who's betrayed my motherland..

'Wait,, 'my' mother land?'

'Thats not right.. these arent my memories...'

'But it seems so real.'

My thoughts were interupted by the sound of a rough, deep voice calling out to me

"Matrona! The army is ready and the city has been evacuated.."

Without my consent my body began to move by itself, opening its mouth to speak.

A gentle womanly voice came out, a voice not of my own. It sounded more tired but strong.

"Good. Then we can fight to our fullest."

With those words she... No, I raised my sword and let out a mighty war cry


As i shout, a bright red glow covered me and my allies as a feeling of overwhelming strength similar to what i felt back in the castle filled my body.

Following my battle cry, my two thousand or so allies shouted the same thing, their synchronized voices almost shattered my eardrums in how loud it was. The loud war cries of my allies blocked off the worried voices in my head as i lead the charge towards the enemy.

With both hands holding my weapon I charge bravely towards the enemy that outnumbered us atleast by ten times...

Then everything went black.

As i begin to regain my senses i start to hear the gentle chirping of birds nearby


As i open my eyes i realize im no longer in a battlefield, nor am i in the platform that we were summoned in.

Ah it was a dream

When did I pass out..?

Laying on a modest wooden bed I raise my head to see what looks like a simple room decorated with a table and chair with a mirror hanging next to it, as well as a wooden cabinet at the corner of the room.

As i look down i notice that im no longer in my school uniform, instead I have on me a white night gown that reached down to my ankles. With a sudden realization i quickly raise the night gown to see me wearing loose cotton underwear..

Thankgod they have underwear in this world.

Wanting to find something more comfortable to wear, I head towards the cabinet. As i open it I find my old uniform already washed and dried, neatly folded in the corner of the cabinet. The other clothes were a pair of matching outfits that had a dyed blue cotton shirt and pants as well as a simple leather chest plate with an image of a three headed hydra on it. It's probably the insignia of the kingdom or something...

Wait.. how do i even put this thing on..?

I stare at the leather chestplate for a moment before deciding to wear the shirt and pants first as well as the pair of boots placed neatly next to the cabinet.

Since i didnt know how to put the leather chest plate on I temporarily bring it with me.

As i go to leave my room i notice a key placed on the table, im guessing thats the key to my room?

I pick it up and head outside, locking the door behind me.


Alright. First order of business is to find Alex. That guy seems to know a lot more than I do about this situation.. Is he the person that the spirit said 'didnt want to cooperate' ?

Maybe. Either way i gotta talk to him first.

As i walk down the corridor I see a few doors similar to mine, Im guessing the rest of my class is in there sleeping still, or maybe they're already awake like me. Either way I havent seen a single one of my classmates the entire time ive been walking, actually except for the one or two maids who passed by me that were cleaning I was the only one here.. Strange.

Not knowing where to go, i decide to ask one of the maids. As i go to call out to one of them I notice the person have a cat tail that swished about behind them as they cleaned..

Hearing me call out, the maid slowly turned around, now that i see her face she seems to be a younger girl with a bit of brown hair peaking out of her white cap. She paused for a moment before deciding to speak

"Nh, y-yes madam?"

Ah she stuttered, how cute.

"Im looking for one of my classmates.. er one of the people i was summoned with? I dont know what room they're in you see."

"Ahh, If its that then nyah-i can help"

She answered back with a bright smile, as if she was happy to help, this kid is too cute

"Nyah dont know the honorable sir and madam's names but if you describe their faces to me i'll know them nyah"


Besides the overwhelming cuteness of this catgirl infront of me I start to think about Alex's face, he REALLY didnt have any discernable features other than how ordinary he looked... Ah!

"He has an ordinary face and always looks tired,he also has short black hair thats long enough to cover his eyes a bit"


The cat maid paused for a bit to think, placing one of her fingers on her chin as she tried to remember.

Her tail showed alot of what she was thinging, at first it was idly swinging around while she tried to remember, then it stood straight for a moment probably when she foundwhat she was looking for, then

it slowly went limp as if it was dejected... eh? Dejected?

"Nyah-am sorry but uuwh.. The person you are lookin for has already left.."

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