


"Huh, my size was small," I looked straight up, towards the lady, who was running holding my hands.

I looked straight, I can see her backside and the desperation to reach somewhere.

I moved my head left and right. All were in a hurry, some were carrying the wheel cart filled with cartons and barrel, some were lifting luggage, sailors with their lousy clothes and fisherman with fishes can be seen.

A sound of a navy ship can be heard as soon as the salty smell of sea breached my nose

The dock was straight ahead me as well as the vast sea, seagulls where riding the wind, passed through gazing me

My leg tugged the stone. i falled. The lady in a long bluish sleeveless gown. Turned backwards.

I started crying. It hurts.

"Don't cry Ryan, aren't you 10 years old. your father is going to arrive anytime." She poked my nose.

I stood up. A body build man was standing there in front of me behind the lady blocking the sun rays.

"Whose son do you thing he is," a rough but energetic voice." He told as his face can't be seen. He was wearing a blue coat. Had long hair, lousy bagged trouser accompanied by a black leather boots.

On weapon side he had a sword on his waist and a pistol.

She turned around," oh," she was surprised.

He throwed a big salmon towards me," a gift from my journey to my son," he said.

I catched it. it was pretty big and heavy. I falled backwards. This time I didn't cried. My whole attention was diverted towards the fish.

"Aren't, you happy your father had brought your favourite fish," she supported me to stood up.

"Tonight is going to be feast honey," she replied while hugging my father.

My father took it as a chance and gentally pinned a bluish crystal locket around her.

"As a thanks for beings always beside me," he said with a faint smile.

"Get a room captian," a man in a somewhat same attire.

"Why not find for yourself too, if you have one, chief mate," captain replied.

"Hahahah, chief already passed 40s, when are you getting married," all crew member were sitting and have started drinking barrel of wine on the dock.

"Bring that woods sailor, I would show you how to make that wine taste good," captain said when he saw his crew getting wasted on wine.


He gathered some stone around. got the woods in circle. Brought some more salmon from the ship. Pierced the salmon from its mouth to tail. Smoked it with some pepper in a skewer.

My mom put the salmon into the plate and sliced it like a pro and handed over to others and me.

It was a smoked salmon, the tears started to fall from my eyes because of smoke...............


I thought where am I as i opened my eyes, I was lying on a single bed probably a inn.

It was dimly lit in yellow color,

Roof Woods were looking quite old, with the spiders web sprung towards corner and the

window on the left side was dark.

It was night time. As i sat back on bed taking the support of the backside of the wood wall. It ciphered, may be termites.

Dammit, my locket as i reached out for it, it was already gone.

I lashed out of the bed, my legs they don't have energy. I falled.

Creaking sound

Door opened.

"So got your sleep," light voice. A lady with Brown long hair open the door with a annoyed look.

She was holding a platter, though I was not able to see what was in it.

She put the platter on a small wheeled table near the left corner and took my hands and supported me with his shoulder. I was standing.

I sat on the bed and she pulled the table towards me. Now I can see what was inside as i looked there was a soup. Salads and a smoking salmon.

It was one of those time my tears was not stoping as my whole feelings where flowing by seeing it.

"Hey, wait don't you like that fish, I will go and change it but don't cry." A lady in her mid 20s told me. She was wearing quite casual clothes. A brownish white gown and a apron on hips.

"No, this is good," as I cried and took my bite of the light orange meat, it had a quite subtle and refreshing taste with each piece felt velvety in the mouth. It melts straight away.

I finished my eating. I remembered I had to catch up to jack if I want my locket back.

I got my energy back, I stood up but why can't I move and I knew the reason damn well.

The inn lady had clawed her arms on my shoulder.

"Is that how you show your gratitude to your Savior," she said.


"Well, thanks for treating me well, now I should take my leave." I had not turned around.

"No we have a long night to go,"

So I was fainted because of malnutrition and the fight with the pirates and the lady of the inn had taken me in.

This shop is owned by an old man in his 50s with a long and wavy beard and short structure and was helped by his daughter Mary grace.

The problem here is I can't leave without paying the cost of the service and the broken wall.

"Please, Mr innkeeper if I don't leave now, something precious than my life is going to be gone," as I pleaded.

""Well, if you ins....

He was inturepted by Mary.

"Nonononono, we know all the people here, they are scumbags like you, either give us the repair pay or die,"

Why the heck people are going after each other life.

I said," I sincerely apologise for the damage done by the pirates and I would pay you the double of the charges, please let me go this instant."

"Pirates huh, you are the one fighting the calico Jack Captain of Dawn, he recently arrived in this island and already took out the pirates of this region," old man said.

"Damn him because of him, no one comes here and our tavern is taking its last breath." She said and further asked me to pay her.

" But I don't have any money, seriously,"

"Then pay it with your body," she said smilingly.

She took me to the one of the corner, so that the old man can't hear.

"This tavern is already doomed and my marriage is already fixed, I don't want be stuck here and play house wife." She told.

"And" I replied as I don't understand what she wanted to say specifically.

"This world is more bigger outside than this 4×4 tavern."

"So," I asked

"Idiot, I will help you get your locket back, you help me to get me out of this island." She whispered.

She pulled me in front of the broken wall,"Gramps I am going to take back this locket. will be right back,"

As she turned,

"Ahem, take this, it will help you," old man said in a deep voice. throwing an ancient looking paper, folded in a roll with a red ribbon on it.

She catches it. Opens it to look into it.

It was the map. She lifted her head because she realized her Grandfather knows all along that she was going to run.

"Aren't you going to stop me," she asked mildly

"I trust you more than myself and this home will always be open for you," with a faint smile.

"Fine," we are moving. I grapped her hand and started running towards the port as I knew those maps had something to do with Jack.

"I don't........ want to leave," she said as she was crying through the path.

(Note: ........ Denotes weeping, crying)

"Are you sure," I asked.

"No, I want to leave,"

I gave her annoyed look.

"What," she said.

"I don't know myself,. ...... seeing my Gramps,....... don't know if this the last........ time it's going to be," she was crying even louder.

I can hear the voice of the swarming ocean damping the golden soil from the beaches.

The dark greyish night were soon going to over, and they were going to leave soon.

We finally reached the dock. Which were filled with various types of ships of their own uniqueness, some were big, some were broad, some small and some narrower.

The scorching red jewel was reaching its peak dyeing the rippling blanket of the sea into saffron yellow.

Squabbling seagulls flew overhead, harassing the beachgoers in their endless hunger. Fishermen were dive-bombing the stretched surface of the sea far out from shore. The horizon was edged with a golden reddish tint and a cormorant was flying into that place where sun and water meet. His wings were a blur of motion and he soon faded from sight.

The opera of the sea washed over the dock with the ships and the wave-music was welcome. It was soothing and I was glad to witness this grand sight. I shaded my eyes from the glowing daystar and looked out to sea again. I could see dolphins flipping into the air like crackling popcorn. Their bodies flashed in steel-grey and I could almost touch their glee. It was a skin-tingling experience to witness their sea-dance.

As I was searching for the ship of the dawn, she said,"it was gone."

A medium sized boat with the flag of a skull hoisted had cross half the distance of the port and was sailing in the giant blue unknown.......

To be continue..

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