《The World of Thera!》Chapter One: Awakening in the forest, Summoned Succeeded


“.…..ake….p” I heard a voice while I feel someone shaking me. It’s kinda annoying really can’t they see I’m sleeping here?

“Anton……wak…..up..” I heard the voice again, by the way my back hurts, it’s like I’m laying down on the ground. What’s going on? I opened my eyes and I saw a girl you could say she’s pretty, Her hair seems to disheveled and clothes is full of dirt. She’s my classmate her name is Angel Baker,15 years old and she is my childhood friend. As I looked around I found my other classmates waking up while the others trying to wake up their friends, but there is one thing I don’t understand how the heck did we get here. I mean we’re in the middle of the forest!

“Oww..” I wince as I tried to get up, Angel helped me and I’m thankful for that, “Angel.”

“What?” She replied, looking at me I could tell she’s afraid and confused.

“Do you know what happened?” I asked as I took a deep breath trying to calm myself down.

“No, all I know that after our teacher left the classroom a bright light suddenly appeared…. after that I can’t remember a thing….” Angel said with a wavering voice, she’s scared I need to do something about this, I treat her as my little sister even though we’re the same age, I know it’s weird but don’t judge. “Anton… d-do you think we-- Ow..” I cut her off by flicking her forehead and I said.

“Don’t worry, worrywart. Everything is going to be alright, believe me.” She looked at me and smile.

Most of our classmates are awake most of their expressions are confused and afraid, honestly if we weren’t in a group most of them would go insane. I mean what would you feel if you suddenly wake up in an unknown place with no one familiar next to you, would you still be laughing like it’s nothing? Fortunately the sun is still up but the only problem is how do we get out of this forest we could just walk straight ahead without planning but that would be stupid there’s a great chance we could get lost besides we knew nothing about this place.


As I keep thinking on how we arrive at this place. Maybe we were kidnap and they throw us in the middle of the forest? As far as I remember there are no forest near from our school hmmmmm…… so that means it would be safe to say that we are far away from our school but how do they even carry 30 teenagers including me from our school to here? A helicopter?…My head is aching ughhh…

Angel looked at me then she giggled and said “ You know, your face is cute when your thinking too hard Anton.” Me? Cute? I glared at her playfully.

“I’m not cute! I’m handsome!” I puffed my chest proudly while smiling at her.

“Yeah, yeah I know you are so handsome.” Angel said while looking at me smiling.

“See at last you finally acknowledge that I’m….wait your being sarcastic are you?” I said while looking at like she’s a criminal pointing my finger at her with a shock expression.

She smiled and said, “ Try to guess. “ while walking towards where are classmates gather.

“ You…. *haah*” I sighed as I looked at her at least she calmed down but I’m still worried, I hope nothing bad will happen.

In the outer part of the forest you would see a four broad, square towers dominate the sky line of this massive castle and are connected by big, wide walls made of dark brown stone.

Ornate windows are scattered generously across the walls in a seemingly random pattern, along with same-sized holes for archers and artillery.

A great gate with thick wooden doors, a draw bridge and a moat guards a tranquil city within this extinguished volcano, but it's not the only way in, which fortunately only very few know.

Fields of nothingness stretch out outside the castle, allowing to see people coming far before they pose a threat. This castle is relatively new, but so far it stood its ground with ease and it'll likely do so for ages to come.


In the throne room one would see the magnificent braziers encompassing each of the sixteen marmoreal columns light up the lower levels of the throne hall and cover the hall in warm oranges and dancing shadows. The intricate and symmetrical design patterns on the bowed ceiling dance in the flickering light while sculptures and statuettes look down upon the obsidian floor of this majestic hall.

A maroon rug runs from the throne to the doors and is matched by smaller ones on either side of the hall while rounded banners with emblazoned tips dangle gently from the walls. Between each banner stands a tall candle, some of them have been lit and in turn illuminate the artistic depictions of late royal family members below them.

Grand windows are framed by curtains colored the same maroon as the banners. The curtains have been adorned with jewels and impressive needlework.

A sublime throne of bronze sits behind a lavish gate of gilded wood and is adjoined by two equally lavish seats for esteemed guests.

The throne is covered in gilded carvings and fixed on each of the elegant armrests is a sculpted dragon with mesmerizing rubies. The broad pillows are a dark maroon and these too have been adorned with adorned fringes.

Those awaiting to be heard by their royal highness can do so on the many opulent, albeit uncomfortable brass benches, all of which are facing the center of the hall. Those of higher standing can instead take seat in the rather ordinary looking balustrades facing the benches below.




“Come in.” A voice resounded through the room, in no time the door opened and a man came in walking with a straight posture to the end of the room.

As he reached to front of the he saw an middle-age man sitting down on a bronze throne, he stopped and bow down while saying.

“Your Majesty.”

“What is it? Dillum” The King replied uninterested, without looking at the man.

“It’s about the summoning, Your Majesty.” Dillum said without changing his expression, The King looked at him and sigh.

“Did it fail…again?” The King asked, expecting Dillum would say yes.

“No, Your Majesty. It succeeded.”

“Good, good, good, hahahaHaHaHAHA!” The King rejoiced he was indeed happy, he tried but end failing a lot of times but when he heard they succeeded he felt like he is being freed by a big burden. He regain his posture and asked

“So, where are the summoned ones?”

“Your Majesty, the summoned ones are in the forest of Ethylicus.” Dillum answered immediately and added. “ Worry not, Your Majesty I ordered some guards to bring the summoned ones to the castle.”

“Then, I shall not worry about it. The casualties?” The King asked seriously, looking at the eye of Dillum, it looks like his passing a message through their gaze.

“A near million, Your Majesty.” Dillum answered impassively.

“Hmmmm, I see…. you’re dismissed” Dillum responded accordingly and went outside the throne room.

The King thought Finally it is time as he smiled nobody knows what is he thinking.

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