《Corruption of the Aether (PENDING EXTENSIVE REWRITE)》Chapter 37
Lissa rocked on her heels restlessly while waiting outside the tent the Legates had appropriated for their use. She would rather be doing anything else. Why hadn’t her written report been enough? Why did they wait for three days after she submitted it to call her in? She sighed and observed the two legionnaires standing in front of the entrance.
Blood, dents, and other detritus covered their legs up to their knees. Armored hands rested comfortably on the hilts of their weapons. She didn’t doubt that those weapons would end her life within seconds if given the order. But, Lissa was most interested in why they glanced at her the way they did.
She could only make out their eyes effectively, but it was something else instead of casual indifference, boredom, or even apprehension in their glances. Lissa wanted to study their glances more but was interrupted as they stepped aside as all but one Legate left the tent. Lissa had to take a few steps backward unless she wanted to be run over by the Legates as they flowed out into the open.
A cold hard knot formed in her stomach as she took in their expressions. Each was haunted, and as they met, her gaze briefly changed to pity. The knot grew colder and tighter as the tent entrances remained open partially. The legionnaires standing next to it flinched before looking at the ground for a moment.
Lissa blinked and looked down. A small metal serpent slowly moved towards her. Her breath caught in her throat as it locked eyes with her. “Callista Narto, enter the tent,” A soft and sickeningly sweet voice echoed from the tiny serpent’s mouth.
Lissa expected a haze to settle into her mind as the enchanted words reached her ears. That did not happen, but she felt herself move forward and into the tent uncontrollably. The serpent turned and entered the tent before her. “Seal the tent,” The serpent commanded the two Legionnaires, who obeyed the command as Lissa passed the threshold.
Legate Miriam sat at the head of a somewhat sizable rectangular table. All seats were pushed in except one opposite Miriam and right at the tent entrance. “Sit,” the disembodied voice commanded while Miriam looked to Lissa’s left. She tried to turn to look, but a dagger was pressed to her throat before moving her head more than a few degrees.
“My suspicions were correct then. You have my thanks, Legate.” The previously sweet voice was cold and emotionless, “Leave us.” Miriam obeyed the commands while her eyes never left Lissa for a moment. Lissa heard the tent open and then close rapidly before a hand pressed down on her shoulder. “Now sit down,” Her captor forced her into the seat with both enchanted words and force.
“Good, very good, at least you listen to me this way.” Lissa felt the hand leave her shoulder while the dagger pressed harder into her neck, drawing blood. “Bind her tightly,” Lissa was confused until a metal tongue touched her cheek.
The serpent moved into view before it slithered down her chest towards her legs. Slowly she felt her legs crushed together before wrapping her waist to the chair. Then, what felt like an eternity later, Lissa felt the serpent reach her neck and press it into the back of the chair. Only after becoming immobilized did the dagger move away from her throat.
“Crush her if she resists too much,” The voice said before stepping away. The serpent squeezed tightly for just a moment before relenting. “Now, let us begin,” Lissa followed the now visible figure as they walked towards the opposite end of the table. Her eyes locked on their back as they walked, and one thing became apparently clear. They were Blooded like her. The tip of their tail was barely visible at the bottom of their cloak.
The serpent hissed and startled Lissa, who involuntarily flinched, causing the serpent to tighten its hold. The figure stopped and turned to face her, “I am glad to know I am still appealing even dressed as I am but keep your eyes up.” Lissa felt her gaze slip upwards towards the figure. They landed upon a covered face with emerald eyes filled with anger.
“Good now, eyes front,” They said while sitting in the chair. The person studied Lissa silently before slowly placing a dagger on the table. “Do you have any idea why you are here? They asked, and they held up one finger. before Lissa could respond, “Ah, before you answer, you will only tell me the truth.”
Lissa opened her mouth to speak but gasped in pain. She could hear the smile in the Blooded’s voice as they stated, “Glad to see that part of the enchantment is still functional.” Lissa’s eyes widened as the weight of the words hit her. She screamed as an intense, burning, sharp pain radiated from the base of her neck into her skull.
The pain quickly spread to her extremities, and she thrashed, trying to find some relief. The crushing pressure from the metal serpent didn’t register as the pain grew. Finally, after what felt like an eternity later, the pain slowly shrank away. Lissa felt warm red tears fall down her face. Her mouth tasted like blood, and her short sobs were punctuated with a stabbing pain in her chest.
“Still alive? That only adds to the questions we have for you,” Lissa looked up at the Blooded across the table from her. They appeared relaxed while writing down something. “Now tell me, Callista, were you the one to alter your enchantments?” Lissa expected the pain to resurface and send her back into agony, but after a few heartbeats, it didn’t return, and she sank into the chair with relief.
“No,” Lissa watched the Blooded write down her answer before looking back at her. “Good, now who was the one that did this?” They looked down as they spoke, clearly expecting a name. Lissa opened and closed her mouth. She wanted to say his name, but no words escaped her lips each time she tried to speak. “I can’t tell you,” She finally said after a few failed attempts.
“Squeeze her slowly,” the Blooded said while standing and slowly walking over to her. Lissa felt the serpent tighten its grip and gasped in pain as her bruised ribs suffered more abuse. “What do you mean you can’t tell me? Who did this to you!” The Blooded grabbed Lissa’s chin and forced her face to nearly touching theirs.
“I can’t tell you! I can’t even start to say their name!” Lissa wheezed out as the serpent continued constricting her. “Gods damn it!” The Blooded released her chin and turned swiftly, “That shouldn’t be possible! Did someone in the inquisition do this!?!”
“No!” Lissa wheezed again as her vision faded out. “Loosen enough to let her breath,” The Blooded finally said after a few more moments. Again, Lissa gasped for air as the pressure abated. “Alturas, she obviously can’t tell us, so almost killing her won’t get us anywhere,” A new deep and disappointed voice said behind Lissa.
Alturas turned to look behind Lissa, “You know we aren’t supposed to use our names Quarmus.” Lissa could hear the seething rage in Alturas’ words. “It doesn’t matter, clearly. This is something beyond us. So realistically, we only have two options,” Quarmus’ voice crept closer to Lissa. “I slit her throat and hope she is the only one,” Lissa felt the cold metal touch her neck gently.
“Or we induct both her and her team while inserting a handler or two,” Quarmas’ blade tightened just a fraction and began biting into Lissa’s neck. Alturas studied Lissa’s face before presumably looking at Quarmus, “Who would be her handler, one of us? Or the new blood?”
Lissa felt the blade move ever so slightly, possibly due to a shrug from Quarmus. “Not our problem or decision, this is though. Consider this my last test before deciding if you are ready to go on your own Alturas.” Alturas once again eyed Lissa and sighed, “Give me a moment.” Alturas turned, and Lissa could see their tail moving erratically. “I won’t let you die just yet, Callista,” Inalize’s voice made Lissa shiver.
She watched as Alturas’ movements slowed and then eventually stopped. Inalize slowly manifested from the shadows and stood next to Alturas. “All I need to do is nudge their curiosity a fraction, and your life will be spared. Although I could let their decision be unaltered if you wish. Though that would mean you die and your friend, Saida, was it? Will more than likely be lost to you forever.”
Inalize touched Alturas’ head, and mist formed two different scenes. One showed Lissa standing freely from the chair, while the other clearly showed her throat being slit. Inalize’s golden eyes bore into Lissa, “The choice is yours, but I don’t have long to interfere.” Lissa bit her lip. There wasn’t really any choice to be made, “Do it.” Inalize’s smile made Lissa shiver once more. “Good, I will visit you again soon. Until then, don’t get yourself killed,” Inalize said while touching Alturas’ head. The mist dissipated while Inalize dissolved into shadows once more, smiling. Alturas’ tail resumed its motion before they slowly turned, “I think it would be a mistake to kill her. We’ll have to grab her team now, and it should be easy enough. Then, while we head back to Niastal, we can grill her for everything she knows.”
Quarmus withdrew their blade, “Glad you saw reason. Release her.” Lissa groaned as the serpent unwound, taking its weight off her. “Well, Callista Narto, I would typically say congratulations,” Quarmus stated while stepping in front of her. Lissa looked up at his face. It was a tanned and slightly haggard-looking face. Thick white-silver hair was neatly kept in a ponytail while a stubbly beard graced his jawline while his lips slowly curled into a malicious smile, “But I suspect you will be wishing you were dead soon enough in your case.”
Saida groaned as she opened her eyes. The unfamiliar ceiling above her immediately set her on edge. “I am glad to see you awake, mistress,” A soft, slightly feminine voice said to her left. Turning her head, Saida was greeted by a pale, raven-haired teenage girl. “Who are you, and where am I?” Saida tentatively asked. She sat slowly, and the expected pain from her gutted abdomen never came. Instead, she let the covers fall off her to inspect the wounds. “My name is Alyna mistress, and you are currently in one of her eminence’s guest chambers,” Saida paid little attention to Alyna’s words as she touched and looked at her unscarred abdomen.
Hadn’t Lissa gutted her? Was this all a dream she was having as she bled out? “What happened to my wounds?” Saida asked more for herself and didn’t expect a reply. “Her eminence healed your wounds for you while you were incapacitated, mistress,” Alyna’s response caught Saida off guard. “Her eminence? Do you mean the Empress? Or do you mean Facel….” Saida began before Alyna’s eyes shot open, revealing the glowing red irises they held. She was next to Saida in an instant, wickedly sharp nails touching her breast, ready to pierce her heart in an instant.
“Her eminence is no longer that name. She has taken the name of Jasmine now, and you will do well to remember that,” Alyna’s gaze never faltered, and her voice was laced with venom. “Do you understand my words, mistress?” Saida nodded at her words. “Good,” Alyna smiled and retreated back to her position in less than a heartbeat. “Alyna, could you fetch me some clothes?” Saida asked tentatively while appraising the room around her. “Of course, mistress, is there any particular style you prefer?”
“Something comfortable that isn’t a dress, please,” Saida replied. Pictures of vast, eerie, and unfamiliar landscapes hung on the walls. They were so richly detailed that Saida thought she was seeing them through a portal for a moment. “As you wish, I will return shortly. Also, if you want to bathe or relieve yourself, the washroom is through that door,” Alyna smiled while pointing to the door on the opposite wall from the bed Saida lay in.
“Thank you, Alyna. I believe I will use it,” Saida turned and placed her feet on the floor. She felt the soft and plush rug and stood slowly. By the time Saida turned her gaze back to where Alyna had stood, she was gone. Sighing, Saida began some easy stretches as she finally felt the need to do them after standing.
After many satisfying pops from her joints, Saida walked to the washroom to attend to her bodily functions and bathe. Saida expected the room to be small with a tub or shower, a sink, and a toilet. Instead, she paused in the doorway. The room was vast. An empty pool as large as the bedroom sat in the middle with spouts alongside the walls and ceiling. A small sink with a door next to it, presumably to the toilet, was to her right. On the opposite wall sat racks full of pure white towels, brushes, soaps, and oils.
“Do you need assistance, mistress?” Saida nearly jumped in surprise as Alyna stood by her side, fresh clothes in hand. “No, I was just not expecting the room to be this large. However, it may be a while before I am finished. Is there a way I can summon you once I am done?” Saida turned to face Alyna. Standing next to her, she could see that the girl was at eye level with her sternum. “There is,” Alyna said with a smile while reaching into her blouse with one hand. She produced a small bell and set it on top of the clothes.
“Ring the bell at any time, and I will answer,” Alyna turned and placed the clothes on an empty shelf near her. “Enjoy refreshing yourself, my lady,” Bowing, Alyna stepped outside and shut the door.
Saida stepped down and into the empty pool. She couldn’t see any knobs or control runes to start filling the pool, so she stood in the middle and tried what had worked with the sink. She thought of comfortably hot water to fill the empty pool. Moments after her thoughts finished, she heard the water move through the spouts. Saida smiled as the water began to pour over her. It was perfect, and with the water flowing, she made her way to the steps and grabbed the soap and brushes she had found.
After cleaning herself thoroughly, drying herself, emptying the pool, and fully dressing, Saida rang the bell. Alyna opened the door leading to the bedroom and stepped inside the washroom, “I am glad to see you refreshed, my lady. Is there anything else I can do for you before seeing her eminence? She is very eager to speak with you.” Saida thought for a moment, and her growling stomach answered, “I would like to eat something in that case. I don’t remember the last time I ate.” Alyna smiled and bowed, “Then let me take you to one of the dining halls, then my lady.”
Jasmine hummed to herself as she pranced down the halls of her palace. It felt good to have a body again, especially one this malleable. Why had she only gone after that particular bloodline and only the adults? Yes, they were powerful when she inhabited them but deteriorated quickly. More than likely due to their bodies only being adapted to their use.
Whatever the reason, she wouldn’t do that again unless absolutely necessary. She giggled. It had been easy to convince Saida to let her in. Having her as a spare vessel was only a bonus. Jasmine stopped and smiled. She was awake. Jasmine thought for a moment while playing with a lock of her hair. “What was it that she wanted besides HIS vessel?” Jasmine twirled while vocalizing her thoughts, “A family member? Ah no, her entire family!”
She giggled while skipping down the hall once more. Suitable bodies were needed for this and what remained of the souls she held. Jasmine eyed a few of her new servants as they went about their new duties. One of the men was approximately the build of Saida’s father. “You follow me,” Jasmine said while glancing at the others. None of them would work. She sighed and spread her awareness throughout her domain. Jasmine found suitable candidates soon enough.
Stopping in the middle of the hall, she concentrated and took a deep breath. Jasmine’s hands danced in the air drawing vivid and bright runes from coalesced Aether. Moments later, the necessary work was done, and Jasmine pushed her will into the spellwork.
With a thunderclap, her candidates appeared in the hallway. Jasmine smiled as the Aether in the runes exploded outwards. The shockwave was enough to allow her servants chained souls a moment of wakefulness. The terror, confusion, and horror that cascaded from their souls were almost overwhelmingly intoxicating. A few stronger souls had enough rudimentary control of their bodies to flinch away. “Ah ah ah, you are mine now, mortals,” Jasmine smiled, looking at one brave and foolish soul who fought against her.
She felt the void stir within her, calling out to be fed. So she summoned the mask and forced that soul to walk over to her. The woman knelt in front of her, and Jasmine stroked her face, “You should be honored by this. It is a rarity to stir my hunger after being sated by a recent meal.” Then, she loosened the grip on this woman’s soul and let her have some control of her body. The once content expression on the woman’s face slowly turned to terror. Unable to move, she watched Jasmine put on the mask and saw as it cracked and fell into the void. “I don’t think anyone would begrudge a little snack,” Jasmine said while clutching the woman’s face and pulling her close.
Jasmine sat on her throne, fidgeting. What was taking that girl so long? She looked over to her modified servants. Each looked precisely as Saida remembered her family down to the last blemish. Jasmine understood why Saida would have their appearances etched into her memory. After all, Jasmine did the exact same thing for her Mother and Father.
The thought dredged up painful and enraging memories. Jasmine’s hands clenched on the arm of the throne and tightened her grip as the rage built. If only HE hadn’t interfered. If only HE hadn’t balked at the potential cost. If only HE hadn’t ruined her plans. If only HE had only trusted her.
Jasmine’s thoughts were silenced as the knocker on the throne room door clanged. She sat up, taking one deep calming breath before looking at the modified servants. Were they perfect recreations? They were not, but they were good enough that only a tiny bit of extra effort was necessary. “Your eminence, I have brought your guest as you requested,” Alyna’s soft and soothing voice rang through the throne room.
Jasmine smiled. Alyna was one of her crowning achievements and had been instrumental in the multiple millennia since her creation. “You may enter,” Jasmine responded finally after her nostalgia waned. The massive double doors opened with little effort from Alyna as she led Saida into the room.
Jasmine observed her. She saw her eyes flicker to the left towards the servants as she walked in. Jasmine could feel Saida’s heartbeat quicken as it finally registered who she saw standing before her. An ear-to-ear grin grew on Jasmine’s face as Saida stopped only a few short steps inside the room. “You may go to them,” She said dismissively while Alyna continued to the throne.
Jasmine watched through her peripherals as Saida bounded towards her ‘family.’ “My lady, was it necessary to do this so soon after your return? “Alyna asked after giving a slight bow in front of Jasmine. “Yes, it was,” Jasmine responded while allowing the facsimile family to have a reunion. She held up a finger as Alyna opened her mouth. She knew the question: “The more I give her, the more I can take.”
Jasmine watched Saida collapse into her ‘father’s’ arms. She looked at the faces of her family as they held her and sank to the floor. Tears ran down her cheeks, and the faint red in her eyes deepened and expanded tenfold. Jasmine turned back to Alyna, who looked confused, “What else does she have to give you, my lady?” Jasmine felt the bonds that held Saida in her sway deepen and coil around her soul tightly, “If need be, everything.”
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