《Corruption of the Aether (PENDING EXTENSIVE REWRITE)》Chapter 4
“Micah!” Lissa squealed in joy, running to hug her cousin. Before he could react, she had wrapped her arms around him, nearly crushing him in her embrace. “I think you are going to kill me!” Micah said breathlessly while trying to extricate himself from Lissa’s grasp. She only loosened her grip once she heard his back pop once, he fell onto the heels of his feet and bracing himself with the hitching post.
“One of these days you are gonna kill him, you know that right?” She turned to face a chuckling Mera who was walking towards Lilac, who was craning their neck to reach her. “Mera, I am well aware of my strength both with and without this armor. I would do no such thing!” Lissa harrumphed while stamping her feet, walking towards Mera. “Then I take it you didn’t notice the enhancements I made to the armor yet,” Mera muttered as she produced a long rod of steel. “Try and bend it,” Lissa took it from her and shrugged as she attempted to bend the rod.
She did not expect it to bend, however she found herself able to do so with some effort. Putting everything she had into it, she was able to turn the metal entirely in half. Gasping for breath, she looked at the rod and then over to her cousin, his snow-white skin quickly paler further. His eyes darted from rod to Lissa and back again twice more before he composed himself. Lissa slowly bent the metal back before handing it to Mera. She took it without looking while rubbing Lilac’s face and neck, “Pretty good, huh..”
“Did you do that to everyone?” Lissa asked as the implications of what of her newfound strength frightened her. “Nope, just you, figured it would be a pleasant surprise considering how often you help Mela and me.” Lissa walked over and hugged Mera much more gently than usual, “Thank you, Mera, I really appreciate it.” Mera returned the hug smiling warmly, “What are friends for, and please by the gods let me know of any drawbacks that occur.”
Lissa ended the embrace, “Of course I will.” Before they could continue any further conversation, something hit Lissa back and landed with a crunch. She turned and found a small bundle of hay before another hit her head, “Hay! I found them!” She looked up and saw Almios with a wide grin walking towards her. She saw he was carrying an armful of more bundles and tossed them both back to him. “Very funny, did you know Micah was the adjutant assigned to us?”
Almios nodded, “Yeah, we ran into him while we were heading to the stablemaster.”
“At least they had the decency to not almost kill me,” Micah said with a chuckle walking over to help Almios. “I figured all of you would be with me when I came here, and yes, I was fully prepared to eat my words if my hunch was wrong.” Almios, along with Micah, loaded the hay and some wheat into the horses' feed bags, sealing them for travel.
“So Micah, where are we going exactly?” Lissa finally asked as the last feed bag was filled. “Good question, and we are going to two places...” Micah's voice trailed off as he walked over to an empty table along with a basic map of the area.
As Saida, Garza, Darvick, and Mela came over to them, they gathered around the table as well. Micah traced a line west from Westermir towards the Silver Peaks, “We will be following the Silver road for about a week until we reach Fortwin. There we will be getting a testimony from one of the survivors from the failed Silver Shield parties.” Mera raised her hand as she huffed softly, “We all read the reports, why do we need to talk to them?” Micah smiled indulgently, “Good question Mera, I received word via courier that this is a previously comatose sole survivor that is waking up.”
Mera perked up happily, “That is fantastic news, I hope they aren’t too bad off to talk to us.” Mela looked at her and smirked, “Even if they are, who doesn’t want to talk to us!”. They both started giggling while Almios and Garza shook their heads in fond exasperation. “After we talk to them?” Lissa asked after a moment, trying to get the impromptu meeting back on track. “Afterwards, we are heading upriver for another week or so to the location of the most recent sighting of the beast,” Micah replied, his finger tracing the route.
“Sounds like a plan, though I thought it had not come that close to Fortwin according to the reports?” Almios said sceptically while studying the map. “Were the reports wrong?” Saida asked softly her eyes, moving from Fortwin upriver to what could be assumed as a small river bend. “They weren’t wrong, but word of mouth from the last party mentioned they caught a glimpse of something or someone stalking them here.” Saida raised an eyebrow, “So is this thing intelligent then?”
“Most likely, to be able to handle five groups of Silver Shields, it either is smart, tough, or both,” Micah replied. At the same time, the twins grinned at each other before embracing it. “We can test our enhancements!” They shouted in unison while Darvick attempted to pull them away from his suddenly enclosed head. “Yes, yes, we know you can test them out outside the training yards,” Lissa responded, coming to assist Darvick as Mera and Mela continued their embrace. Almios looked at Micah, “Please ignore them, they have been cooped up far too long.”
Chuckling Micah went back to the map and continued knowing they were all paying enough attention. “After we investigate this site for maybe a day, we are going to continue upriver to the village proper. It should take us roughly another five days to Silverbanks.” Both Garza and Saida raised their eyebrows at him. With a sigh, he continued, “Not the most creative name, but according to records, that particular river bank had a large deposit of silver on that side.” Garza and Saida nodded satisfied, while Almios stared at the map.
“This village is what? Two days journey from the base of the Silver Peaks? What are the odds that whatever this thing is came from the opposite side of the mountains?” Lissa looked at Almios and then at the map after having successfully pulled apart Mera and Mela, “It is a possibility, isn’t it? But wouldn’t it have encountered one of the mountain villages or mines before?” Almios’ expression turned to one of deep thought, “That is very true, so this thing is obviously intelligent or being controlled by something.”
“Either way, we need to deal with it before they send someone else,” Saida looked to Micah before continuing. “Any more information we may need to know before heading out, Micah?” Micah started to shake his head before stopping, “Actually, yes, when I came in. I overheard the guards at the gate mention that there has been a marked increase in bandit activity. Probably due to the normal patrols being kept close to home with this monster about.”
“Makes sense, are we to take them alive?” Mera asked while walking over to Lilac and Goldenrod to begin unhitching them both. Before Micah could reply, Saida interrupted him, “Does it matter? It all depends on how they treat us. I suggest we remove all of our identifiers, marking us as Emissaries once we leave the city.” Garza nodded while walking towards Alsra, swiftly unhitching and mounting her. “Are you sure that is wise, won’t that just be inviting trouble?” Micah asked while going to Tyta. “I think that is the point, Micah, they will most likely ignore us. Which is something we don’t want.” Lissa said, realizing the logic behind the plan was sound.
Lissa continued while mounting Meriweather, “With you traveling with us, they may just mark us as a good target. Not realizing who and what we are.” “Don’t worry, we will protect you,” Mela chimed in with a giggle leaping onto Goldenrod. Lissa bent and rubbed Merriweather’s neck, “I missed you, girl,” she turned to the rest who had just finished mounting up. “Everyone ready?” Lissa asked, receiving affirmations from all of them. However, she did spot Darvick handing a piece of jerky to Micah. As she let out a sigh, Saida sidled up to her, “Does Micah really know what he has gotten himself into?”
Chuckling Lissa replied, “If he hasn’t, I am sure I will get an earful from my mother and uncle.” Saida smiled and turned from the stables to the main road and headed towards the west gate. Lissa followed her without much thought and turned her attention to the people around her. She could hear Mera, Mela, Darvick, and Micah bickering behind her, no doubt about the jerky. Garza and Almios were whispering conspiratorially, or at least that is what she assumed. She could see Saida’s body moving rhythmically, no doubt humming some sort of tune.
It wasn’t long until they reached the gate, Saida let Lissa pass to talk to the guards. She received glares from merchants and travelers as she passed them all in the line to leave. She fought through the throngs and reached the guards and was happy to know the officer on duty. “Harold! Do you have a minute?” She asked a slightly older and weathered gentleman. Harold appeared to be utterly absent-minded while listening to an incoming traveler complain. Hearing his name, he snapped to attention, and relief flooded his face, “Pardon me, sir, but this must wait.”
“This is an outrage! Ten crowns to enter the city! It was only eight a month ago!” Lissa could see the man who was speaking, he was well dressed and groomed. Clearly, he of all people could afford this. Harold stared at the man, “This. Will. Wait,” Harold motioned for two guards to escort the man to the side while Lissa trotted up to him. “Rough day?” she asked with a smirk, Harold rolled his eyes. “Always rough, but since Volamire is leaving soon, the ‘wealthy’ and ‘connected’ want one more shot getting up there.” He finished with his middle finger pointing up at the city, a few nearby guards along with Lissa muffled laughter.
“I am sure they are, I didn’t come here for a social visit, though. Can you squeeze us through? We have to leave for an assignment,” Lissa said, frowning as she had enjoyed talking to Harold. Usually, it was the only time he caught a break during the day. “Aye, we can squeeze you through it may take us a bit to get things back up to speed,” Harold said with a wink, a few groans and curses could be heard from those wanting to enter and leave the city. The guards within earshot, though, were elated and started making room for Lissa and her group to come through.
“Paperwork now or later?” Lissa asked, watching the people part for them. “Don’t worry, I have you covered this time, just need to know who is going out with ya,” Harold asked while rummaging through his pouches and pockets for paper and his Focus. Lissa rattled off everyone quickly while Harold wrote, “If you don’t mind me asking who is, Micah? A trainee or something?” He asked after writing all the names, Lissa chuckled as the group started advancing past her. She gestured to Micah to her side, “No, he is my little cousin!” Lissa quickly put Micah in a headlock, beaming with happiness and her tail swinging side to side.
“Ah, I can see the resemblance,” Harold replied after taking a moment to compose himself. He put his Focus and paper away, “You should be all set, and be careful of reports of bandits and brigands out this way.” “We are aware, Harold, but thank you for the warning,” She gave him a wink, “You be safe in these ‘trying’ times.
“Oh, I will, don’t worry, alright you sir……” before Harold could continue, a young, exquisitely dressed gentleman walked up to him. He placed a hand on Harold’s shoulder, Lissa could have sworn she saw a spark of Aether pass between them but brushed it off. She couldn’t make out their conversation as she went through the gate, but it didn’t matter the open road beckoned. Both Lissa and Micah quickly caught up with everyone, all of whom were quickly taking off their tabards and storing them in their packs.
Lissa quickly took off hers and stored it in Meriweather’s saddlebag, “Before we go any further, how long should we ride before camping?” Garza and Almios shrugged, Mera and Mela only grinned, Saida and Darvick both sighed. “Alright, since no one wants to give me an answer, we should ride until the moon rises and camp,” Lissa stated matter of factly after careful consideration. Those exiting and entering the city passed them grumbling about the road being blocked.
Saida loudly said to those within earshot, “We are done and moving now!” She quickly turned Lira and headed west down the road at a canter. Almios and Garza promptly followed suit, parting the traffic and allowing the rest to follow with ease. They rode on for some time before the swell died down to a trickle, “I suggest we speed things along!” Saida shouted from the front before galloping down the road with Lira.
Almios and Garza laughed before racing after her turning it into a game of who was leading who. Lissa shrugged and galloped after them with Micah, “When did they make up?” he asked after coming alongside Lissa. “Who? Garza and Almios?” Micah nodded, and she thought quickly of the answer, “About a month after we last saw you, they came to blows about that poor girl. I think Garza managed to break Almios’ arm before getting his leg broken.” Micah winced as the words, “They would have kept going, but one of the instructors found them still going at it and knocked both of them out. We didn’t see them for a bit after that, probably getting chewed out and put into the prison to cool off.”
“And just like that, they got along better?” Micah asked before Lissa could continue. “No, once they came back, Darvick told us they would continuously argue over small things. It all changed though when she sent us each a letter. I think all of ours were just normal gratitude letters except for theirs’, but after they read theirs, Darvick found them sharing a drink in the sitting room later that night.” Lissa went introspective at that moment, “I think she told them it wasn’t their fault for what happened to her, and that they shouldn’t hold it against each other.”
Micah could only nod, “But that is just my guess as they have not shown anyone what she wrote to them. Whatever it was since then, they haven’t really fought in more than a joking matter.” Lissa turned to look back at Almios and Garza, who were riding swiftly down the road. They rode on for some time, passing fewer and fewer travelers. Eventually, night and the moonlight came. Their pace slowed, and they all began searching for a suitable campsite. “I think I found a spot!” Lissa heard Garza shout from a small outcropping of trees.
She quickly dismounted Merriweather and lead her over, Saida heard him as well and followed her to the tree line. “Would you like to spar after we eat?” Lissa asked as they both came closer together. “Of course, it's the best way to stretch after spending so long in the saddle,” Saida replied while Lira headbutted her. “Oh, don’t get me wrong I like being in the saddle with you. I just am not made for being in it all-day,”
Lissa couldn’t help but chuckle as they bickered, “I am glad we have a much more amicable relationship, Merriweather.” Merriweather simply chortled as they got into the copse of trees. Garza was sitting in the middle of a clearing he had clearly made. Broken saplings, cut tall grass, and a clearly broken tree lay scattered in a rough circle, “Hey! You finally showed up!” Saida quickly kicked up a stick and threw it forcefully at Garza, “You didn’t need to knock down that tree!”
Garza barely was able to duck the throw, “I gave it a little shove! Some lumberjack didn’t finish the job!” He went to the base of the tree and stump, pointing to clear chop marks in both. “Gods forbid, I didn’t want this thing to fall on any of us.” While this was happening, Lissa tied Merriweather off to one of the outer trees while Saida did the same to Lira.
“Now, if you don’t mind,” He stated while moving back to the center, “I have a firepit to dig.” Garza took out his Focus, Lissa noticed it was smaller than before but still massive compared to hers. He held it in front of him, his palms facing upwards, it took only a brief moment for the gems to glow with Aether. After his attunement, a phantom shovel blade appeared, and he knelt to the ground to dig. Seeing Garza be productive kicked Lissa into action, she set about clearing out the brush and saplings with Saida.
Soon everyone made their way to the growing campsite clearing as necessary, pitching tents, and collecting firewood. Lissa noticed Mera and Mela disappear as everything was close to completion. Lissa and Saida were fetching water from the concealed spring a little farther into the corpse of trees when she spoke. “Are you too tired to spar, my dear?” She winked as she looked at Lissa. “Never too tired to knock you down a size, dear,” Lissa retorted, filling the bucket and turning to make her way back.
Saida sidled beside her just close enough for her tail to reach. Lissa suppressed a smile and lightly slapped Saida’s lower back. “Looks like the first hit is mine,” She said confidently while Saida only laughed. “It’s the only one you are getting in tonight,” Saida responded after composing herself as they reached the clearing. When they arrived, they found the twins had returned with food. A rucksack was full of wild greens, edible mushrooms, and three rabbits. All of which was being prepared as their dinner.
“I had wondered where you went, glad it was productive,” Lissa set her bucket and started stretching while moving towards her tent to retrieve her equipment. Out of the corner of her eye, she could see Said do the same. “The easiest part was the rabbits honestly, the greens and mushrooms were pretty hard to find here,” Mera chirped in reply. “This area seems really popular and nearly picked clean,” Mela replied as well while unloading her pack.
Lissa made her way to the only open side of the clearing, finding a roughly four-meter by four-meter area for them to spar. “Oh, ho! Dinner and a show!” Almios shouted while taking a seat next to Darvick, who was happily whittling away at a new branch. “Can we bet?” Micah inquired while placing himself next to the fire. “No bets, this is just a friendly warm-up exercise,” Lissa responded while waiting for Saida to make her way over. “Friendly warm-up, my ass! When you two go at each other, you take it seriously each time. What’s the count, anyway?” Garza asked while waiting for them to start. The rabbits had been put on spits at this point and were roasting.
“She is up by two,” Lissa replied without a thought while readying her sword and shield. Saida nodded in acknowledgment. They both started tuning the others out focussing solely on themselves. Simultaneously they both took out their Foci, attuning quickly they ran them along the edges of their blades. Making a barrier to dull and cushion them but not change the weight. “Three falls?” Saida asked after a moment, she wasn’t using her shield today, but fought with just her sword.
“Why change it up?” Lissa replied, doing one final stretch before walking up to Saida. They met in the middle, customarily touching their blades to their opponent's shoulders. “Fight well, Lissa, and maybe I will let you win.” Lissa bristled at the comment but smiled, “Just you watch.” They both went back to their respective sides and took their respective stances. Lissa couldn’t contain her excitement, she could test out the improvements put on her armor. Saida would understand it wasn’t cheating. After all, there was no such thing as a fair fight. Someone made a loud clang, which signaled the battle to start.
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