《Corruption of the Aether (PENDING EXTENSIVE REWRITE)》Chapter 3
“If it is someone we have worked with before, who could it be?” Mera wondered aloud while they made their way to the stables. They all expertly waded through the growing throngs of people going about their day. Vendors hawked goods ranging from pottery and meat to beautiful clothing and weaponry. One enterprising and keen-eyed merchant woman saw the passing group of richly armed and armored emissaries and took her chance.
“My lords and ladies, I must insist that you look ill-prepared for a journey” The woman interposed herself into the leading edge of the group, nearly colliding with Saida. The woman was not dressed as the other merchantmen and women around her. She hated the frankly garish and obnoxiously bright colors other merchants chose, favoring darker earthy tones to contrast her seafoam colored eyes. As a further deviation, she wore more practical, though still higher quality, blouse, pants, and boots.
“Gotta hand it to you, ma’am, your bravado and spirit are top-notch,” Almios stated while sidestepping the woman. “However, we must be off.” Saida took stock of the person in front of her, noting her features. Her hair was closely cropped, no visible piercings, nails were well kept, but her hands gave away her profession. Her hands were crisscrossed with calluses, minor cuts, scars, and a small amount of discoloration. “You work with leather, don’t you?” Saida inquired while inspecting the woman further, noting the side of well cared for leather on her boots, belts, and pouches.
The merchant woman was momentarily surprised but quickly recovered. “Yes, I do in fact, and in my haste, I had forgotten to introduce myself,” She dipped into a quick bow. “My name is Liane, I suggest we continue this conversation over by my stall,” Liane stated while stepping back to her stall. Saida turned to them all, “At least let's hear her out, besides her goods appear to be of high quality.” Almios rolled his eyes and followed everyone as they went to her stall, “You haven’t even seen her goods Saida, so how do you know that?” Saida sighed while pointing at Liane, “Do you see the stitching on her boots, belt, and pouches?” Almios rolled his eyes and bluntly stated, “No, I was more preoccupied, trying not to hit her while walking down the street.”
The others scrutinized Liane as she walked, focusing on the points above. Lissa noticed that the stitch working on the belt was impressive, the loops on the belt with just a glance would appear to be fused with the belt itself suggesting it was crafted in one whole piece. That was not the case, thin hair-like pieces of leather matching the grain and texture of both the belt and loops bound them together.
Lissa could not even make out any signs that adhesive had been used in the process at all. The belt was also well maintained, it looked soft and supple to the touch, no cracks or creases could be seen, at least on the rear portion of it. Her eyes trailed down to the boots Liane wore, the same care and attention were present here as well. The leather soles and sides of the boot were almost indistinguishable, while the bronze studs meant to hold the laces in place were seamlessly laid. Embroidered along the opening of the shoes, a very artful and intricate tree and roots weaved their way along the sides.
Liane did an about-face once she reached her stall, “Ladies and Gentleman, I present to you my wares.” The greatly exaggerated bow she performed while speaking made both Almios and Lissa chuckle. “I know your station must be high to have such exquisite armaments bestowed upon you all,” Liane came up from the bow, “But I can assure that all of my goods are each handcrafted, and treated with the utmost care.” As they all gathered around and perused Liane’s inventory, a small pouch caught Lissa’s eye. Gingerly she reached for and grabbed it, as she brought it closer she was unable to find any seams.
She ran one finger around what appeared to be the opening, but again was baffled, no strings were visible to keep it sealed though try as she might it would not open. “Something I have been cooking up,” a soft voice said from behind and to the left of Lissa, startling her. She turned around in a jolt and saw a pale blue blooded woman standing there, her eyes were a hazel color, and the cream-colored hair she had was braided close to her scalp. She looked mortified as Lissa turned, “I am so sorry, I didn't mean to scare you,” The woman bowed her head in apology jangling the hooped earrings she wore, “My name is Imra, and I see you have met my partner Liane.”
She gestured to her right towards Liane, who appeared to be in a very animated conversation with both Mera and Mela. Imra sighed, shaking her head, “I doubt she bothered to tell you anything about our little operation.” Lissa smiled ruefully, “Only insisted that her goods are handcrafted and treated with care.” Imra stifled a laugh and plucked the pouch from Lissa’s hands, “Figures as much, now my lady, why do you think this won’t open?”
Lissa had been wondering that since she reached for the pouch. “I am assuming some sort of magical seal is in place, or some sort of trick to do with the strings that would go around your belt?” Lissa could see no other options on how the palm-sized pouch could be sealed so securely. Imra smiled, “Correct on both counts,” she ran her left index finger along the string while the ring she wore pulsed white for a moment. “There is only one long continuous string running through this pouch. I inscribed it to coil up inside the pouch unmoving until,” Lissa watched the string slacken slightly, and the mouth opened, revealing silver threads running along the entire circumference. “It gets some Aether fed to it, and if you take it away,” Imra’s ring pulsed once more, and the mouth closed securely as before.
“This is outstanding, do you have any more like this?” Lissa asked while staring at the pouch that was back in her hand. Imra frowned, “No, sadly, at the moment, this one is unique. I haven’t been able to replicate it.” She sounded morose, and her expression changed quickly back to cheerful humor. “This was created by a combination of frustratingly sleepless nights and many drinks,” She plucked the pouch out of Lissa’s hands. “That also means, my lady, we can not part with it. Feel free to peruse the rest of the wares we have,” She gestured to the stall once more, while her eyes went past Lissa and onto the others. “I see a few of your friends have found something that they like.”
Lissa followed her gaze and saw Mera and Mela both clutching leather bags, festooned with an almost uncountable amount of pockets, openings, and straps. Darvick was carefully inspecting a foldable leather casing while muttering, “This may have just enough room for my tools.” Lissa smiled, she knew had been looking at a larger container for his whittling, she was surprised to see Almios had found something. It seems that a simple pair of boots had caught his eye, he saw her gaze and headed off her statement, “Even I can enjoy a well made and simple pair of boots sometimes. Plus, I think my mother would kill me if she knew I only had one pair of boots.”
Saida meanwhile was chatting with Liane while she took the necessary amount of coins from Mera, Mela, Darvick, and Almios. Garza meanwhile was standing a few doors up the road, playing with children who hung on his arms, making them think it took much of his strength to lift them. After the last rise and fall, the children released themselves, subsequently running away as he mimed at grabbing them.
Garza turned, “Finally! I thought I would die of boredom.” He smiled while walking back with them. “You wouldn’t have died Garza, maybe grown old and gray, but not die,” Lissa retorted and turned back to Imra with a smile, “It was a pleasure to meet you, Imra, but we have to go.” “I understand it was nice meeting you as well, miss…?” Imra started with a slight smirk. Lissa cringed inwardly, “Callista, but please call me Lissa,” she put her hand out to shake Imra’s. Imra shook her hand, “Again it was a pleasure, you should drop by our shop when it is repaired. We are by the ‘Prim and Proper’ inn by the eastern gate.”
“Thank you, I will make sure we stop by and visit,” Lissa said while making a mental note of them both. By this time, all payments had been made, and everyone was ready to continue to the West gate. “Mera look here,” Lissa watched Mela dig into the pack while opening it to her sister, “Separated segments for reagents.” Mera gasped and inspected her own, the squeal of joy evidence that it had one as well, “This is wonderful, we can also carry the vials we may need too!” They both were shaking in joy as they started with everyone. Garza had neatly rolled and folded his purchase, putting into his pack humming happily.
Making their way west into the ever-rising sun along with the growing swell of people. “Anyone want to take bets on how long it is going to be?” Garza said with a smirk. “I bet two crowns that it is at least a week,” Mela said with absolute certainty, Mera playfully pushed her sister gently. “No fair, that was gonna be my bet,” with a frown, she continued, “I am going to say we will be back within a week.”
“I am not getting anywhere near this,” Saida shook her head, “I would rather not owe both of you money.” Darvick chuckled, “Since she isn’t gonna match you both, I will. I say it is going to take ten days.” Lissa rolled her eyes and took out her ‘special’ pouch she kept for such occasions. “Alright, throw your money in,” she said dejectedly while coins piled in, surprisingly she found Almios depositing his two crowns as well.
“What? I can’t make a bet? I think it will take us at least two weeks to get back.” Lissa raised an eyebrow for a moment holding open her pouch, which begged for more money. Garza added four crowns while pointing at Almios. “Oh, you cheeky bastard, I am going to love getting your money. Over two weeks.” Everyone but Almios groaned, “Please, boys, we don’t need yet another measuring contest, do we?” Saida said in a huff. “No, we already found that answer a long time ago,” Garza stated matter of factly while his eyes locked with Almios. Quickly and quietly, Lissa found her pouch filled with more coins as Mera, Mela, and Darvick added to the pot.
The impromptu staring contest lasted even through the three jingles to signal more bets. With the final clatter of coins, the pouch was sealed and put securely into a belt pouch. “With all that settled, I say we go get our equipment and find that adjutant,” Lissa said with finality as they reached the stables. “Now I am going to check on Meriweather,” Lissa was practically prancing with joy as she passed the farrier attending to the large chestnut horse at the northern barn door. “Hello, Thomas!” Lissa traced her hand along the horse’s flank so that she didn’t spook them when passing behind.
“Lissa,” Thomas replied curtly while nipping the nail of the horse. Lissa heard a small whinny from the horse as she passed through into the barn itself, “Hazel, I am almost done.” Lissa chuckled at Thomas’ reply. She passed eight different stalls before coming to Meriweather’s, which was empty. “Strange, I exercised her yesterday where is she?” Lissa muttered under her walking through the barn, she stopped when she heard footsteps behind her.
Pivoting quickly on her heels, she turned to face whoever was coming and found a very startled stablehand, “I am so sorry, Deidra. I did not mean to scare you.” Lissa walked over to Deidra who clutched her chest from fright after catching her breath she replied, “It is alright Lissa, I shouldn’t have snuck up on you. I take it you are looking for Meriweather?” Lissa raised an eyebrow and noticed her tail starting to twitch slightly.
“I am, do you know where she is?” Deidra looked sheepishly away from Lissa, “Outside waiting with the others.” Lissa stepped back, confused for a moment before regaining her composure, “Thank you, Deidra.” She said curtly while walking out the southern door to the hitches and counted eight waiting horses. She stopped matching each horse, Meriweather was a beautiful pinto the white contrasting against the dark crimson coat. She nuzzled Meriweather, who nipped lightly at her shoulder, “I missed you too.”
She moved down the line to Goldenrod and Lilac. They were twins like their sisters, or at least that was the story. They knickered at Lissa, “Don’t worry, I am sure they will be here soon, girls.” Goldenrod was almost as bright a yellow as her namesake, while her sister, Lilac, was a darker roan. She moved on to Almios’ and Garza’s horses, who were nipping at each other just like their owners.
The dun Gusto whined at Lissa, standing in front of them and glowered. Quickly the bay Alsra stopped mid nip eyes darting from Gusto to Lissa, “Both of you need to act your age.” She said with a chuckle while rubbing both their snouts, “Maybe if you are both good, I can sneak you apples.” She could have sworn they both nodded at her whispered words, and with a final pat, she was off to the last of the knowns.
Mahogany was lazily chewing on the hitching post wood and barely acknowledged Lissa with a flick of his eyes. “Just because you are named after wood doesn’t mean you can eat it,” She shook her head and scratched his cheek for a moment. Lira’s chestnut head-butted into Lissa impatiently, waiting for her greeting, “I didn’t forget you, Lira.” She gave a quick rub between her eyes and nose. She eyed the eighth horse in the group.
The horse was a splendid silver-gray and stood at least a hand and a half taller than the other horses. While the rest of the groups' horses riding equipment was utilitarian carrying, a bedroll, cooking utensils and equipment, a small lean-to, and non-perishable foodstuffs. This one had cases for maps or scrolls, various sealed pouches that had tangible wisps of aether wafting out. Lissa swore she could make out an easel or something of its like, brushes, inks. “You are gorgeous, I wonder what your name is and who is your owner?” She said aloud while rubbing the horse’s neck and cheeks. “Her name is Tyta,” Lissa glanced around to the flank of Tyta and found her cousin standing there with a smile.
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