《Beyond the Border》46 | rule 146



The Council was prepared for war. At the sight of Theo and his pack, Councilman Henry retreated while Beatrice took a step forward to try and secure Vanessa. However, before Beatrice could open her mouth to speak, Vanessa disappeared in a puff of smoke, leaving me alone, standing between the oncoming Borderlanders and the wolves behind me.

At the sight of Vanessa's disappearance, Councilmen Beatrice and Fletcher also retreated, leaving others to fight in place for them. Taking a step back, I tried to search for Pa in the crowd of Borderlanders. While I saw many familiar faces, none of them belonged to Pa. None of them belonged to my family.

Frantically looking about, I took cover behind a tree as a shot rang out; the shot barely missed the skin of a gray wolf, but the Borderlanders had made the first move. Theo's pack did not hesitate to attack in response, full force. Hundreds of wolves lunged forwards, and I braced myself for the impending impact of each wolf hitting the Border. But no such impact came. Instead, the wolves were able to step foot over the threshold to the Borderlands.

The Border had fallen.

For the first time in eighty years, a supernatural creature was able to walk on the ground of the Borderlands. Just a couple months ago, I would have been gutted at the sight of a beast entering my hallowed homeland. But, it was not a couple months, and I had no room or want to wallow about my past life disintegrating before my very eyes.

Without thinking, I ran out from underneath the cover of the tree and sprinted towards the Borderlands. Knowing I would be a terrible fighter, I ran as far down from the action as I could, where the crowd of Borderlanders was more sparse.

As I ran, I heard someone shout, "Sage!"

My ears started to ring, the sound of my name making me halt for just a second. Adrenaline propelled me forward as I almost tripped over my feet. I didn't look back to see who was calling my name. I could not let myself be distracted.

I needed to find Pa.

Seeing people I had grown up with, people I held near and dear, fight for their lives blindly caused tears to roll down my cheeks, but I willed myself to continue forward.

I had to find Pa.

The air was knocked out of my lungs when my foot walked over the place the Border had stood strong and unwavering for eighty years. Again, my body halted as I stared at the line drawn in the dirt; a line that held no meaning anymore. It was simply a reminder of what was. A bullet whizzed past my head. I dropped to the group, looking around but could see no one with their gun aimed at me.

My mouth went dry at the thought of someone trying to kill me. It wasn't impossible to think my fellow Borderlanders would view me with disdain. The Council fooled me for two months. A couple months ago, and I would have been on their side. I couldn't blame them.


Seeing it was safe to get back up, I darted into the thick forest. While I was running, I had to think of where Pa might be. I had to think of a good place to make an example of Pa.

The town square.

Taking a deep breath in, I lunged forward, branches scraping my exposed arms as I marched to the town square. It would be just up ahead. I could tell the fighting picked up in intensity as I trudged away from said action. The sounds of wolves howling out and people screaming in terror filled the air – sounds worse than anything I conjured up in my nightmares.

My hair whipped in my face, blocking my line of sight. However, my blocked vision did not prevent me from reaching the town center; I could navigate the Borderlands blindfolded. I grew up walking through this forest, playing hide and seek beneath the shade of these trees. I knew it like the back of my hand.

However, the sight before me was not so familiar. I reached the town center to find Pa handcuffed to a wooden stall. The area was deserted, only Pa and one other person stood there.

It was Si.

"Si?" I cautiously called out.

Slowly, Si turned around, gun in his hand. I gasped when I saw the weapon shaking in his grip. I was not so strong as vomit erupted out, my body heaving. Pa's ear had been slashed, blood dripping down the side of his neck. His eyes were closed, and his body slumped into the stall he was chained to. His chest rose up and down – he was alive but for how long?

"Sage," Si smiled, his tongue running over his teeth. "Nice of you to join us."

"Si, what are you doing?" I took a step forward. "Put the gun down. Please."

"Don't," Si yelled, his face turning bright red, a vein protruding on his forehead. "Don't take another step."

"Si," I repeated his name, not knowing the right words to say. I knew if I said the wrong words, Pa could end up dead. I would have to choose my words wisely. "Please."

Si sniffled, putting the barrel of the gun to Pa's head and then mocked, "Please."

"Si, this isn't you," I spoke softly, my body shaking, afraid he would pull the trigger.

"Save the speach, Sage," Si whipped around, the gun no longer aimed at Pa's head. "You, Memphis, and Gracie abandoned me on the Outside. I had no one. No one. I tried coming back to the Borderlands, but the Council would not let me in. They said I was too tainted, too unrighteous. I had no one."

Si's body shook as silent tears trailed down his cheek. His face was locked in a snarl as he looked at the cobblestone street. "No one. So, I slept in the trees outside the Border, hoping someone would come for me. But, no one did. No one. I almost died out there. I got pretty sick. I had no food. I had no water. I had no one. The Council knew I was there, though. They sent that pest Gunther around to taunt me. I think they were counting down the days until I died, waiting for it, lusting for it."


Si paused, looking over the gun in his hand. "One day that changed. Councilman Henry came out to taunt me that time. Or, that was what I thought. I thought he was coming to finish the job – to kill me. But, he had a proposition instead: kill your Pa, and I'd be let back into the Borderlands."

My face fell, ears ringing. "Si, there is no Borderlands any–"

"–Shut up!"

"The Border fell," I continued, my voice trembling. "They're still manipulating you. Si, you have to believe me. Go to the Border and see for yourself."

Si's face quivered. "I can't. He'll get away."

Si pointed the gun back at Pa, and I let out a low, gasp.

"I'm sorry, Sage," Si hunched over. "But I have to do this."

I lunged for Si, but it was too late; a shot rang out, and I let out a blood-curdling scream. Pa had been shot. Blood trickled out of his chest, bright and red. I ran over to Pa, putting pressure on his wound.

"Stay with me Pa. Please, stay with me," I cried, trying to look if there was anyone around to help. But, there was no one. Si had left, and we were all alone.

Pa's eyes slowly opened up with shock; his eyes were hazy and glossed over. He tried to speak, but blood got caught in his mouth. I pushed harder into his chest wound, hoping it would help, but he started to choke on the blood in his lungs.

"Pa," I sobbed. "I saw Ma."

Pa looked at me, tears dripping down his cheeks. "Ma is alive. She's okay. She's okay, Pa. You don't have to worry anymore, okay. She's okay."

Pa tried to smile, but his lips just trembled. Shakily, Pa took his hand and cupped my own, removing it from his wound. He tried to squeeze my hands tightly, but he did not have enough strength.

"Pa, I'll be okay," I said through tear-filled eyes. "I'll be okay."

Again, Pa tried to smile, but his body went slack. His weak grip on my hands faltered, one arm falling to his side. The light in his eyes was no more. Pa was gone.

"I love you, Pa," I cried, clinging to his body. I buried my head in his chest. His body was still so warm and comforting, even without the familiar beat of his chest. Pa was gone.

Clinging on tighter, I sobbed into his lifeless body, wanting nothing more than to reverse time and save Pa. I imagined many people died today – both Borderlanders and members of Theo's pack – but what was it all for? Was the Borderlands really worth all this death and destruction?

Resentment built within me. Ma saw through the guise the Council put on for eighty long years, but she didn't try to do a thing about it. She stood idle when it came to making any change, and Pa died as a result. Or, did he die because of me?

The rational side was telling me the Council would have made an example of Pa either way – whether or not I brought them a witch. Pa was collateral damage. He died in a war he did not know he was partaking in. Pa had always been loyal to the Borderlands and look where that got him.

I never imagined a life without Pa in it in some capacity. Growing up in the Borderlands, many families lived in one house – even when children turned into adults and started families of their own. I always imagined Pa growing old, old like Gran and Pop, but he would never get that chance. He would never see me start a family on my own. He would never walk me down the aisle. He would never be there in any more of my life moments. Just his memory would have to be carried on.

I don't know how long I clung to Pa's body, but eventually, Pa's body began to grow cold. Yet, I remained unwavering, holding on to him with a clammy grip. I couldn't let him go. I still hadn't accepted that Pa was gone. If I let go, I knew it would start to feel real – I'd start to realize Pa was really never coming back, and everything I had gone through these past two months were for nothing.

"Sage," Theo's voice was light and airy. I didn't move at the sound of his voice. I, instead, clung to Pa tighter, my eyes frosting over. "The fighting is over. We have the members of the Council in custody. They will pay for this."

I remained frozen in place. Theo cautiously walked up beside me, trying to pick me up. I knew he had enough strength to pluck me off Pa's body without much effort, but he was being gentle.

"No," I whispered. "I want to stay here. I can't just leave him all alone. I can't. I can't leave him."

"I know," he tucked a piece of hair behind my ear, using his thumb to wipe a stray tear. "Flynn will take him back to the pack. He won't be left here."

"He's dead," I said, and Theo looked at me sympathetically before I broke down again. Theo lifted up my body, carrying me away from Pa.

"Shh," Theo whispered into my ear. "I've got you."

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