《Beyond the Border》45 | rule 53



"Okay," Vanessa agreed, looking me over.

I stopped myself from asking: "what?"

To say I was stunned was an understatement. Vanessa did not hesitate to accept my request – to accept coming to the Borderlands, to accept without knowing what would be involved. I imagined she would take some convincing; she was not someone easily persuaded, and, in the short time I knew her, she did not like to play by the beat of anyone else's drum.

"I'll do it. I'll go to the Borderlands with you," she looked at me dubiously, a cautious gaze was sent my way. "Why are you looking at me like that?"

"I just– never mind – let's go," I shook my head, trying not to get caught up in the fact her agreement was so easily won.

"Should we tell The–"

"–no," I responded a little too quickly for my liking.

Once the shock of Vanessa agreeing to accompany me wore off, we made haste in our preparations to go to the Borderlands. To be fair, there were not a lot of preparations to be made, but I had to make sure Vanessa would not try and rope anyone else into our trip back to my homeland.

The plan was Vanessa would transport us to the Borderlands, and I would then navigate us to the side of the Border the Council would be expecting us. From there, we would be at the mercy of the Council. Throughout preparing these final details, Vanessa did not ask a single question, and I – too afraid of what would happen – did not reveal the true reason why I roped her into coming to the Border.

My heartbeat was through the roof. I was so close to being reunited with Pa. So close to having life return to the way it was before my birthday. I would re-enter the Borderlands, take up my job back with Sandy, and come home each night to my family.

Except, I knew it could never be so simple, not when Theo was involved. I would have to leave him behind – just the thought made my heart clench and my mark burn.

Why did leaving him feel so wrong?

I had no time to wallow in my despair. In the same fashion Vanessa brought us to the diner earlier, she transported us to the outside edge of the Borderlands. I still haven't gotten used to the swirling sensation of being teleported from one location to the next, but my stomach was more agreeable this time, my nerves protecting me from feeling the full force.

Once I opened my eyes – my head no longer spinning – I could tell we were at the Eastern side of the Borderlands. The tall trees were a giveaway to our current location. It was less developed, leaving room for more growth within the Borderlands, but it was not where we were meant to meet the Council. We would have to walk over to the Western edge.


Guiding Vanessa, we slowly started making our way to the drop point. Walking alongside the Border, it felt surreal to be on the Outside looking in, like I was an Outsider like I had not grown up with the constraints of the Border.

Was there some truth in my feelings? Was I an Outsider? During the two months I had been away from the Borderlands, I fought against the culture of the Outside at almost every turn. However, I could not say I upheld the unwavering beliefs I had been raised to hold near and dear during my childhood. I could not say – with total confidence – that someone like Mina was a monster when, at every turn, she helped me in my life on the Outside. Even Theo had redeeming qualities about him.

With Theo on my mind, I swore I could hear his voice shout Sage in my head.

Sage, it was Theo's velvety smooth voice. My mark burned, an ache shooting through my neck.

Theo? I wondered in my mind, but there was no response.

I was losing my mind, guilt overtaking me. Was I doing the right thing? Or, would it be better for the Border to fall and let nature take its course?

Deep down, I knew these doubts in my mind would amount to nothing. I made a promise: I agreed to help procure a witch for the Borderlands. I could not go back on that promise – on that deal – just because I was beginning to grow cold feet. I might have to live with the shame and regret of strengthening the Border, but that would be my cross to bear. I made my bed, and now, I must lay in it, especially when Pa's life rested in the balance.

A bell tolled, echoing out from within the Borderlands. Looking up, the red, brick clock tower stood strong as it came into our view. We made it to the Western side of the Border.

"We're here," I told Vanessa as we walked up to the Border, a line drawn in the dirt, waiting for the Council.

We did not have to wait long before three figures started to walk our way. At the forefront was Henry Shoemaker – the formidable head of the Council. He had not been in the underground bunker when the proposition was offered to me, but he was here now, standing taller than Councilman Fletcher and Councilwoman Beatrice.

"Sage," Councilman Fletcher's voice greeted me. "We are happy to see you have served our homeland proud."

They were all wearing fine suits, fitted and tailored for each of them. Their suit jackets were adorned with pins and awards, distinguishing their status as part of the Council.


I bowed my head while Vanessa remained upright, shifting her stance. Looking around, I did not see Pa anywhere, but I interpreted that as a good sign: I would see him once I was safely in the confines of the Border.

"I must admit, we had our doubts. Two months went by and there were no signs of any progress. That was until you were given a wake-up call, of course," Beatrice folded her hands over her chest, eyebrow raised. Her words were not as gentle as Fletcher's had been, causing a shiver to run through my body.

Henry's smile grew with Beatrice's words. Bile started to climb up my throat; I placed a steady hand over my mouth, trying to subdue the nauseating feeling that bubbled in my stomach.

"Where's my Pa?" The words meekly came out of my mouth. My whole body wanted to hunch over and expel the food I had recently eaten, but I could not let the Council see how weak I truly was.

Choosing to ignore my question, Henry spoke, "Now, Sage, don't be rude. Please, introduce your friend to us."

"T-t-t-h-his is Vanessa," I started to stumble over my words. I forced myself to regain composure as I cleared my throat.

"Vanessa Landry?" Fletcher's eyes widened, as he took a step forward. Henry held out a hand to prevent Fletcher from passing him.

"How do–" Vanessa began to ask before she was interrupted.

"–you have quite the reputation, even here within the Borderlands," Henry said, his eyes scanning over Vanessa.

"You have done well, Sage," Fletcher reaffirmed, happy with my choice in witch.

"Where's my Pa?" I asked again, my body growing uneasy on their aversion to the question.

"What exactly do you want me to do?" Vanessa crossed her hands over her chest.

"We want you to recast the Border spell. Can you do that?" Beatrice started straight ahead at Vanessa.

"What's in it for me?"

"Your reputation," Henry responded. "The spell is no easy feat – cast it successfully and your name will carry even more weight than it does now. Long will be the days of people asking you to do menial tasks. You'll have people of influence – real influence – knocking at your door."

"I thought you hated the supernatural?" she narrowed her eyes. "Why ask one for help?"

"We do, I assure you, we do. But, this is a necessary evil. I hope you understand," Henry puckered his lips.

"Where is my Pa?" Again, I tried to ask about Pa, my mind unable to move on from him until I knew he was safe.

Beatrice busted into laughter. "Chuck? Oh, he's being handled."

"Handled?" My voice came out as a squeak.

"Taken care of," Beatrice shrugged her shoulders as I stepped forward, eyes narrowed at the Council.

"Don't take another step closer, Sage," Henry huffed, his hand held up as a signal for me to stop walking.


"You have served your homelands well, my dear, but there is no place for you here," Beatrice crossed her arms over her chest, tapping her foot impatiently. "Especially with that mark on your neck."

"I don't understand," I took a step back, my body wanting to fold into itself. "You promised."

"," Henry recited the last rule the Borderlands follows.

"You were never going to let me back in were you?" I asked, an image of Memphis floating in my mind. They had similarly cast his entire family out of the Borderlands, even though he helped the Council.

"No," Henry smiled once again. "Once the Border is replenished, the Borderlands will be stronger than ever before. You have been tainted. You have fallen off the path of the righteous. There's no place for you here, especially now. Your Pa is currently learning that lesson."

"You're monsters," I spat out, shaking. "Give Pa back to me."

"We can't do that. He must be made an example of, like what we've done with the rest of your friends – Memphis, Gracie, and Si, I believe were their names," Henry laughed as my face fell.

Turning to Vanessa, I said: "Vanessa, we have to get out of here."

"It's too late for that," Henry was the one who responded while a group of armed Borderlands started to walk slowly out of the shadows.

"I'm so sorry," I exhaled, wanting to sink to the floor. "I would have never–"

"–Sage," her head motioned to the forest. I turned to look at what she was motioning at.

Out from the trees, Theo and his pack of wolves stepped forward, and all hell broke loose.

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