《Love by Chance Smuts (One shots)》Kengkla x Techno (Smut...Again)


(Sorry for not posting again but here is another smut where Kengkla is the top since ya'll wanted it.✌✔)

DISCLAIMER: All the things in this fanfic are made up (past events, dates, etc.) and Kengkla and Techno are not dating yet.

Techno's POV

"No, I'm hosting a party tomorrow for mine and Tharn's anniversary," P'Type said, "you have to come." "And why do I have to come?!" "Because you're my best friend and if you don't come you'll have to pay for my food when we go out to eat." I finally got rid off N'Can thanks to Tin and I don't wanna have to pay for someone else's meal again," Ok, ok, I'll come." Type smirked and looked at me,"You can even bring that boyfriend of yours if you want." "P'Type he's not my boyfriend." "But he likes you." "No he doesn't." "But you like him." "That doesn't matter." "But if you like him he likes you." "P'Type it doesn't work like that." "Then why do you think he agrees to EVERYTHING relating to you." "Probably because he's Nic's friend and he also considers me a friend, so he just wants to be nice." "Then why did he agree to kiss your cheek that time?"

1 week ago

Narrator's POV

"P'No here's your lunch, Nic told me to bring it." "Oh, thank you Kla, sorry you had to come and give it to me." "It's fine, P'No."

"Hey Kla, before you go could you give Techno a goodbye kiss on the cheek? I'm sure he would be happy." Champ teased.

"Yeah, he's been looking really depressed lately. I'm sure a kiss from you would immediately cure his depression." Type added.

"Oh, ok." Kla leaned in and pressed his lips against Techno's cheek lightly. As he pulled away a 'chu' sound could be heard and Kengkla quickly reached into his pocked to get his phone and use the time as an excuse to leave since he couldn't look at Techno without getting excited, after what happened. "Sorry P'No I have to go now, bye!" He quickly walked away leaving Techno wide-eyed and as red as a tomato.


Back to present time

Techno's POV

"I don't know P', but it doesn't mean that he likes me!" "Yeah, sure." Type heard a buzzing sound coming from his phone and pulled it out. "Sorry No, but I have to go pick up Tharn. Anyway come tomorrow and bring Kengkla. Also I think your only option now is to call your boyfriend to pick you up and bring you home." Type said as he ran backwards and disappeared into the distance.

Sigh. I sighed, as I pulled my phone out and dialled Kla's number.

Time Skip

"P'No, Kengkla is here. Are you coming?" Nic shouted from downstairs. "Yes I'm coming!" I responded.

Kla was here to pick me up for the party that Type hosted. I wasn't thinking of inviting him at first but he insisted to come after hearing me and Nic talk about it..

I ran down the stairs and abruptly stopped at the front door. It was open and Nic was standing there, but Kla was in his car waiting for me. Nic shoved me towards Kengkla's car making me nearly trip over and said, "Hope you guys have a fun ride," and winked at me and the driver of the car waiting for me. I walked over to the car and got in pretending that I didn't hear what he said but I knew it wasn't working since I could feel my cheeks burning hot now.

I tried to start a conversation since we hadn't said a word since we left for the party, "So umm, it's Type and Tharn's anniversary. I think it's been two years since they started dating." I continued, "You know, me and Type have known each other for a while now. We met in high school and he used to be the biggest asshole. He would bully me and shout at me, but I still stuck with him because I had no friends. One day, he asked me why I always followed him and I told him it's because I want to be his friend. Then he told me that was the first time someone had wanted to be friends with him."


As I finished talking I looked at Kengkla and realised that he had stopped at some empty road with no cars anywhere around. "Kla, where are-" I was stopped by a sudden ring coming from my pocket. "Ah, wait. Hello P'Type." I answered the phone. "When are we arriving? I'll ask Keng-" Kengkla cut me off by getting on top of me, pushing the seat down and making me drop my phone. "P'No, please don't talk with or about other guys infront of me. In fact please don't talk about anyone else but me." he said. "But Kla, Type is-" he cut me off again by kissing me and putting his tongue in my mouth.

Kengkla's POV

I caressed every part of his mouth with my tongue tasting the sweetness. I didn't want to pull away and I kept on kissing him each kiss getting more and more passionate. He kissed me back and our tongues licked each other until we were both out of breath. I moved down to his neck and sucked on it leaving hickeys and trails of saliva as he moaned. He moaned louder every time I breathed into his neck and snuck my hands up his shirt, "Ahhhh, Klaaa!" My fingers twisted his nipples and pinched them as he bit his lip trying not to scream from the pleasure. I officially removed his shirt and said, "You can moan all you want baby," before going down and leaving kisses all over P'No's body. When I got to his lower body I removed his pants without hesitation and was exposed to see P'No's dick. I looked at him in the eyes as I took it in one go and began moving my mouth up and down. He bit his hand to try and stop himself for moaning but red heat soon spread all over his face and down to his chest. I stopped what I was doing and moved my mouth up to Techno's burning ear. I whispered, "You look so hot right now, I can't hold back anymore." "T-then don't."

I removed all of my clothing and whispered in P'No's ear once again,"Sorry if I hurt you." I thrusted into him raw and his screaming turned into moaning within seconds.

Time flew by, as the car rocked back and forth and I have to admit it was truly the best first time.

Time Skip

Techno's POV

We were an hour late to the party because of... that, but we finally made it.

As we walked in, it smelled of alcohol everywhere and the place was a mess. People lay asleep on the ground and it look like the party was already over. Type was sitting on the couch with Tharn sleeping on his lap.

"P'Type what happened here?!" "Oh, sadly you missed the party, but I'll forgive you this time since I'm glad you finally popped your cherry." Type said and smirked. "You forgot to end the call."

No, don't tell me he knows we...


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