I know it ain't easy
I must tap your evil well
Cause boy, you come roaring
Like a bat out of hell
Trigger warnings:
Y/N wasn't quite sure what had happened, but when she woke up, everything was dark. At first she thought maybe she hadn't opened her eyes properly, but then she closed and opened them a few times again and everything was pitch black. She felt the panic creep up inside her, as she was trying to move, but her arms and legs were hitting against something. Where the hell was she? She was inside some sort of box, but what was this? What had happened?
Y/N found it difficult to remember what had happened before this. She had just been lying on her bed in her room before this, hadn't she? She had been thinking about Shouta... thinking back to him right now brought tears to her eyes. Where the hell was she? What was happening?
She held her breath, trying to calm down. There was a slight breeze. So she wasn't completely locked in, but it would get difficult to breathe quickly. She figured she had to be in some sort of box. Was she... had she been buried alive? Y/N felt tears welling up in her eyes. Just the thought of getting buried alive was making her panic so much, she couldn't even comprehend it.
At the same time she knew if she wanted any chance at survival she needed to calm down. Save oxygen. Try and stay calm, listen to what was going on outside of this box. Y/N tried her best to not get overwhelmed by the situation. She tried to take deep breaths and hold them as long as she could. She tried to keep her breath steady and even, but her heart just kept beating rapidly.
It was difficult to hear anything that was going on outside, because the sound of her beating heart kept echoing in her ear. Plus, once she had calmed down a tiny bit, she started to realize how much her entire body was hurting. Her limbs felt stiff and her back was in pain. She had a pounding headache. And there was no way she could move into a more comfortable position, because there was simply no room. It was painful. If she had been buried alive, there was no way she was getting out.
She heard some rumbling sound around her, but she wasn't really sure what it was. It seemed like there were people talking and... was that music playing? Was she... in a car? The boot of a car? It was possible. Y/N sighed shallowly, trying not to waste precious air with that.
Maybe she could try to remember what had happened before... before she somehow got into this situation. Maybe that would tell her something about where she was and how likely she was to die. Her headache wasn't making it much easier to remember anything, but in her mind she went back to the last thing she could remember. Lying on her bed in the afternoon, thinking of Shouta.
What had happened after that? Someone had come into her room... Shouta? No, no... it wasn't him... who was it...? Akiko? Yes! Yes, that was it. It was Akiko who had been in her room and they had been talking. What had they been talking about, though? Was there... someone else in the room? Who else would be there? The boss? No, the boss only came up whenever there was anything important happening...
What if it was something important? What could be this important about her...? Was she... She had been bought, hadn't she? That was it! And she had been packing her things, together with Akiko. Yes, that was it! Who had bought her? It had to be Shouta, right? Who else would...?
And then she remembered. It wasn't Shouta. She thought it would be him, but it wasn't. It was someone else... Kai Chisaki. He had been her client when he had come over about whatever deal he had with the boss. Why had Shouta not bought here? What had gone wrong? Was this guy just faster? But Y/N hadn't heard anything about Chisaki even planning to buy her...
But she remembered. She remembered the shock when he was waiting for her, to pick her up. Her shaking her head and clinging onto Akiko, because she didn't think this was right and that something had to have gone wrong. How none of it made any sense. And then Akiko let go of her and two of Chisaki's bodyguards were dragging her outside of the strip club, while she was kicking and screaming... and then she had felt a tiny pin prick and everything went black in a matter of seconds. They probably had given her some sort of sedative...
Which meant she was either in a coffin, buried alive and they were getting off on that thought... or she was actually being transported somewhere in a car. But why was she in this box? Just to keep her quiet? And why go through that kind of trouble just for her? This felt more like a kidnapping than anything and Y/N didn't get it. She was just some random whore after all...
What were they planning to do with her? She doubted that Chisaki would be gentle with her. He hadn't been gentle the first time they had met... and he was the leader of an off-shoot of the Yakuza. He wasn't the type to be gentle with strippers and prostitutes. He wasn't the type to pay high prices for them, either... so what the hell was she doing here? She didn't even think he had liked her all that much when he had... his way with her... Y/N squeezed her eyes shut.
She gulped hard just thinking about it. But it was like she couldn't stop the images flooding her head. How he had beaten her into submission, how she had almost blacked out choking on his cock, the blood running down her face when he was done with her, the bruises all over her body...
And then all she could see was his smirking face in front of her. The way he had loved her panicked expression, how he seemed to get even more into it, the more scared she looked, the more she protested. And how content he looked when he saw the panicked expression on her face when it turned out he had bought her. It was making Y/N panic all over again and it made it hard to breathe.
She didn't really think about what she was doing when she started pounding on whatever was above her. She needed to get out of here, she needed more air, she needed to move, she needed to see what was going on. There was no way she could survive in this tiny box for even one more second.
"Let me out! Let me out of here, please! Please, just let me breathe, LET ME OUT!" she screamed in a panic. She felt tears flowing down her cheeks, as she kept pounding against the box, losing her strength by the second.
In her panic she didn't realize that there was some movement and that the noises changed. She only realized when there was a loud click and it seemed like there was finally some light getting into the box. Y/N felt like she was getting blinded. There were voices around as well, but she couldn't make sense of them. Was someone actually letting her out? Had they heard her?
She was holding her breath, trying to figure out what was going on, when she suddenly felt her box being moved. She felt a wave of sickness rolling over her from the sudden movement, but she had to keep it together. After all she didn't know if she'd get moved out of the box at any point or not. Whatever Chisaki had planned, it couldn't be anything good and Y/N doubted she'd be allowed to have any sort of comfort if it could be avoided, even though she had no idea what he had planned for her.
She heard footsteps and felt how she was being carried by some people. It was still bright outside (or maybe again?). Whatever it was, there was some daylight falling through the cracks of her little box. It made Y/N's headache worse, but at least she knew she wasn't buried alive. Whether that was a good thing or a bad thing - Y/N wasn't quite sure about that yet.
And it seemed like there was even a little more air coming in through the cracks. So that meant she had probably been in the boot of a car before. They must have transported her somewhere to do whatever the hell they wanted to do with her. Of course, it made sense. If they had planned anything remotely sadistic or disgusting they'd stay clear of the city by all means.
It seemed to take ages until she was put down again. It was quiet for a long while until she heard some muffled conversation. Y/N felt like she was going to pass out. She was exhausted and breathing was difficult and she felt sick to her stomach. She tried to hold onto consciousness.
"Get her out. Make sure she doesn't make a fuss or try to run away." Y/N could hear a faint voice. Run away? She didn't even know where she was. Plus, she probably couldn't even stand if she tried. How the hell would she run away? They had to know that she was in no condition to escape.
She heard something clacking, before it clicked into something. Sounded like a key being turned. Y/N wanted to cry. She needed air. She needed something to drink. She needed to move into a different position, because her entire body just felt stiff and hurt. Her head was throbbing.
"Get the injection ready, just in case." she heard someone mumble. Injection? What injection? Maybe she had been buried alive? Maybe she was in a hospital and she was getting help? Y/N just took a deep breath, before she waited for her box to be opened. It felt almost like an eternity.
The first thing she noticed was how the light was blinding her. It was like instead of all that darkness she had seen until now, she was now just completely blinded. Pain was shooting through her head and she felt even more nauseous. She couldn't move at first from all the pain in her muscles, but breathing in the fresh air felt good. She couldn't believe how good it felt to fill up her lungs again.
The good feeling didn't last very long down. She felt arms grabbing her and lifting her body out of the box, putting her down on the floor. Her legs were so stiff and in pain, she just folded, her legs collapsing underneath her. She felt incredibly sick and was dry heaving, but she hadn't eaten in a while, so all that was coming up in her throat was bile. Her head was killing her.
"You want us to give her a shot?" someone asked. Y/N was trying to adjust her eyes to the light. She was starting to see outlines of what was around her. There were a bunch of men standing around her, two of them holding her up by her arms. She was sweating and breathing heavily.
"No. She can't even stand on her own. Tie her up." she heard a slightly familiar voice. It was him. Her blood was running cold. It was Chisaki. And she could see that she was definitely not in a hospital. This looked like some sort of industrial building. Y/N felt her hands being tied behind her back.
"What... what is going on...?" she muttered, her speech sounding slurred and her throat feeling dry.
"Get her down on the chair. She's our guest for now." Chisaki said. Y/N recognized him standing in front of her, his lips curled into a mocking smile, as he looked down at her. What did he want from her?
"Please... please, what... what are you gonna... do to me?" Y/N asked, looking at him pleadingly.
"We'll have our fun with you. Come on, calm down. I'll explain it to you. Do you need anything?" he replied. Y/N looked at him, not sure whether she could trust him or not. It wasn't like she had much choice.
"W-water... please..." she said hoarsely, coughing a little. Chisaki nodded and looked at one of his henchmen with a nod. Y/N hoped that this meant she would get some water. She felt like she'd rather be dead at this stage. Every single bone in her body hurt and she felt like throwing up again.
While one of Chisaki's gang members was presumably getting her water, she felt another one tying her to the chair tightly. Y/N groaned, as the rope was cutting into her skin. She didn't even know how long she had been out at this point. Anything from a few hours to a few days was possible.
"Shut up, bitch." the guy tying her up muttered and started tying the rope much tighter than before. Y/N wanted to protest, but she figured it was probably better for her not to say anything. Soon after the other man came back with her water, holding the bottle to her mouth. Y/N quickly opened it, gulping down the cold and fresh water quickly. She felt like she would be throwing it up again soon enough, but right now it was the best thing she could imagine.
"That's enough." Chisaki then suddenly said and the water was taken away from her. Y/N tried to get more of it, leaning forward, but any sort of movement was made near impossible by the rope tying her to the chair and the sharp pain shooting up along her spine and her neck. She groaned in pain.
"Please... please let me have some more... You can... you can keep me alive longer..." Y/N begged. She could feel tears running down her cheeks again, feeling pathetic for begging and grovelling like this. But she was just trying to survive, wasn't she? What else could she do?
"I might let you have some more later. If you're a good girl for me." Chisaki told her and pulled up a chair opposite her. Y/N was looking at him. He was wearing a face mask, so all she could really see of him were his eyes - small and with long lashes... and so, so cold. Almost alien.
"W-what do you want with me?" she wanted to know, her voice quivering with fear. Would it even be worth it to try and stay alive? What did she have to live for? There was nothing left... nothing except Shouta. Was he going to miss her? Would he be looking for her? Maybe... maybe he would come to save her. She doubted it, but the thought was giving her some hope.
"See, all this... as terrible as it may seem, it's really nothing personal. I suppose in a way you were just at the wrong place at the wrong time." Chisaki started and lit a cigarette for himself. Y/N looked around. There was someone with a phone in his hands. Was he filming all this? What was this supposed to be?
"If it's nothing to do with me, then... why don't you just let me go? Why are you doing this?" she asked. Chisaki moved down his face mask to take a drag from his cigarette, before snickering to himself.
"See, you're right when you say this is not about you, but it still has to do with you. See, there is one of your clients... fairly regular, only ever goes to you. I don't know if you know this, but he's a hitman. And even though we usually don't have much to do with him, he recently killed someone very close to me. You know, that guy he killed... he was like family to me." Chisaki told her, before taking another drag and blowing the smoke right in her face, making her eyes water with tears.
But Y/N didn't even notice that. All she could think of was how her blood was running cold when she heard that. There was only one person that would fit that description. A single one. And that was Shouta. Shouta Aizawa, who had been killing a lot of people to try and get the money together to buy her. Had he killed the wrong guy? Was it... was it her own fault that she was here now?
"Losing someone that close... it hurts. It really does. But I found out why he was so careless and messed with the wrong people. And it was because of you. And in that moment I knew exactly how I could hurt him just as bad as he hurt the entire gang. Taking you away. It's perfect. We can have our fun and we get our payback. Maybe we'll even manage to get him here, set a little trap for him... but if not, that doesn't matter either, we'll just kill you when we get bored of this. But before that, we'll have a lot of fun, don't worry..." Chisaki continued with a sickening grin.
"But... but I haven't done anything... why do I have to pay?" she wanted to know, tears in her eyes. She knew it was completely hopeless. There was no way she was getting out of this. There was no way she was going to survive. But she would be in a lot of pain before that happened.
"Because... why not? Who is going to miss you? You're just a worthless little whore. No one cares about you. No one except that idiot. I'll let you rest for a little while now, before we get started." Chisaki said and got up from his chair. Y/N gulped and looked in his cold and dead eyes. He turned away from her, before changing his mind and stepping closer, grabbing her chin and staring into her eyes.
"It's almost a shame, you're a pretty little thing. You'd make a nice ashtray." he replied and pressed the burning cigarette against her neck, holding it there, as Y/N whimpered and writhed in pain. If that was just the start, she didn't know how long she'd last.
- In Serial12 Chapters
Chasing Circe
Aiden was living the dream with his childhood crush turned girlfriend, Cassandra. The two had become smitten with one another and their parents teased them about eventually getting engaged. With high school coming to an end and Cassandra heading off to college, this might have become their reality. This dream shatters when the two argued and Cassandra runs off into the night, going missing. The town turns on him with everyone suspecting he may have harmed the town's darling. Distraught, the teenager seeks the help of his sisters and mother in finding out what happened to Cassandra. But time's running out, with his mother hitting the three with a bombshell: their time in the human world was running thin and they had a choice to make. Stay human for the rest of their lives or keep their tie to the fairy realm and kiss their normal life goodbye. Chasing Circe is a fantasy novel geared towards an audience in the age range of 13 to 18. Being a modern YA novel with inspiration from the 2000s to 2010s fairy novels in the same range, dive headfirst into a world of wonder and betrayal. [participant in the Royal Road Writathon challenge]
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To Build an Empire (Old, new one is out)
https://www.royalroad.com/fiction/20500/to-build-an-empire-revised For the revised version.An architecture major, dies and is reincarnated in the lowest bums of society as a slave. He is born on a mysterious planet underground, working in the mines as he tries to work his way up the social ladder. Vying to become a power in the world, will Tylor Justifix rise from lowly slave to emperor of the world? With his knowledge, he plans to carve out his own path and fix the problems presented to him in this world. In a world full of magical creatures, wizards, evil armies, and corrupt kings, Tylor stands up to them all with the hilt of his noble sword from another world.
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Qi research logs. Volume 1
These are my original research notes from when I first fell to this forsaken place.I apologize for the earlier notes, all I had was the clothes on my back, my notebooks, and a box of pencils.I hope one day this book will make it home.I hope it is I who deliver them.I miss you all so dearly.
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The Awakener: War of the Three Kingdoms
He will be born again in the ire of chaos on the throes of a foreign land. He will be the one called upon to awaken the Renaissance. The Awakener follows the journey of Vasilios Bouras, a young adult in his early twenties, as he finds his way through life trying to "find his own name." After running away from home seven years prior and then graduating from an Elite Mercenary academy, he finds himself thrust into a conflict between the Three-Sisters Nations in Ellisandere's southernmost continent. Forced into a path and conflict he wanted no part in, he puts a plan in motion to escape only to be pushed deeper into the ancient history of the world and a conflict The Empiric Age knows nothing about. Joined by a Lower Syl Ranger as she searches for her husband from a past life, a guide who has lived more lives than he cares to recount, and the fellow Blades from his squad, Vas is about to learn that not everything can be run from and that eventually, destiny will catch up to you. Either alive or dead, it's his choice to make.
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Wake Up Dead
"Close your eyes, so that the next time you see the sun, you WAKE UP DEAD." 'The Suiciders' is a group of murderers specialized to murder various famous figures and set the crime scene in the form of suicide. It closes all the windows for the police to point it out as a murder. As a result, most of the such cases remain unresolved. But, their existence is not a mere folklore anymore. Kartik Khandelwal, a twenty-five year old promising detective at Delhi Police HQ, finds out about the group and starts leading 'The Suiciders Defence Squad' to put an end to the murders and save the day. But, the organization is now on a rogue to complete their sinister decade-long plan. Entangled by fate, read how a group of former college-men have to twist their ways of lives and ideologies upside-down just for the sake of their friends, families, and the country. ********** Web-novel series written by Zei Zackary, All Rights Reserved. Cover photo taken from Unsplash. >Follow me on Instagram and join my Discord server too by this link.
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ヤマウズラ ─── 𝒒𝒖𝒊𝒙𝒐𝒕𝒊𝒄i'm not entirely an idiot, you know. ⤿ louis partridge imagines ⤿ various characters x fem!reader ⤿ completed ✓ ⤿ written by raven ⤿ cover by malewifemurdock
8 121