

Alright, kiddos, I'm going to put a final warning here.

This story is marked as If you're under 18, you shouldn't even be reading this, but I know the Mature label isn't stopping anyone if they're hellbent on reading smut. If you're under 18 and are reading this, first of all, shame on you. Second of all, get out NOW. I am serious.

In case you haven't noticed yet, things are about to get BAD. Like really bad. This book is DARK and it has DARK THEMES that are discussed EXPLICITLY. So if you're not okay with violence, torture, r*pe, SA, anything in that general direction - if you haven't stopped reading yet, maybe this is the point where you should stop.

I tried warning you to the best of my abilities.

If you get triggered by anything, please stop reading and talk to someone or try whatever technique works for you to get you back into a safe headspace.

Why is everything bad? Because I don't intend on glorifying or romanticizing anything. That's why it's gory, disgusting, disturbing. Just like it would be in real life.

End of the PSA.

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