《School of Madness~ One Piece x Reader (AU) [#Watty2015]》Shirt Giveaway!!


You pale and try to step back but he hooks a finger in your shirt collar. "You sure like to run," He rumbles.

"I choose my battles... And I don't choose this one!" You say pulling out of your shirt and kicking Kid back. You didn't bother to get your shirt back, you had a bra on so that was good enough. You a take off for the stairs as you hear Kid let out a surprised huff. You leap over the railing and swing into the second floor hall, crashing into someone and making you both fall. You feel someone let out a surprised noise between your breasts, you swiftly sit up to apologize to your soft landing. "Ace?!" You gasp.

"___?" He huffs covering his mouth with a blush.

"GET HER!!" Kid's call makes you jump and look back. Ace seems to realize your situation and picks you up, jumping to his feet.

"Eh!?" You gasp, holding onto him.

"We're hiding!" He tells you, suddenly opening a door and diving into darkness. The door closes and you're set down.

"We're in a closet aren't we?" You guess.

"Yeah, don't move around too much this is the weapons closet," He comments, somewhere in front of you.

"What!? We have one of those?" You gasp in surprise, reaching out to look for him. Your hand blindly cups his cheek and he chuckles.

"Yep... So why are you running around without a shirt on?" He asks. You pause.

"Well, Kid had my shirt collar so I decided to let him have the whole shirt while I ran away... Have to say it worked really nicely... Well... Until that er... Incident..." You comment. You both blush in the darkness.

"W-well, maybe that was karma getting you back for seeing me naked," He teases.


"You didn't seem all that bothered by it," You grumble.

"How could I when the face you made was so damn great!" He laughs. You blush harder and frown toward the sound of his voice.

"You're really enjoying this aren't you?" You huff, folding your arms.

"Tons! I can't wait to see the look on Sabo's face when I tell him about this!" He chuckles.

"Wh-Why are you gonna tell him?" You ask, blushing even more if it was somehow possible.

"Because he has such a big crush on you! He'd be so jealous!" He muses.

"What a mean brother..." You comment. The closet door suddenly opens and a tan blond pauses.

"Oh, sorry yoi," He huffs, about to close the door again but Ace swiftly stops him.

"Hey Marco, is Kid still running around?" Ace asks him. He pauses and shakes his head.

"No, him and his gang took off for building C." He replies. You jump to your feet, blood running cold.

"Oh no! Drake's still in my room!" You gasp, rushing out only to crash into someone. "Ow! Sorry- Sabo!" You squeak, blushing when you find it was him. He blinks at you in surprise, blue eyes flickering downward briefly before is face flushes and he swiftly covers his eyes.

"___! Where's your shirt!?" He manages while Ace and Marco snicker at Sabo's reaction.

"I gave it to Kid," You answer.

"W-what!?" He gasps.

"No! I mean he caught me!... I-I-I don't have time to explain! Drake's in trouble!" You tell him.

"Hold on, Marco can get you over there pretty fast," Ace tells you. Sabo takes off his shirt and hands it to you.

"Here, wear mine for now," He explains when you pause. You swiftly put it on.


"Thanks Sabo!" You tell him, your eyes trail over his muscular torso.

"Hey, stop checking out my brother and get on Marco's back," Ace pipes up, making you and Sabo blush again.

"Eh?" You huff. Ace sighs and picks you up, putting you on his friend's back.

"Don't drop her Marco," He says as you hold on to your acquaintance's shoulders.

"I won't yoi, go open that window," He tells Ace.

"Um... Mr.Marco, why do you want the window open?" You ask warily.

"Because we're going out it princess," He rumbles, shifting and bursting forward as Ace opens the window, you let out a fearful cry and hide your face in his neck, holding onto him tightly as he jumps out the window. You don't feel like you're falling and hear the beat of large wings. What the hell? Were you hearing things? You hear him land and open an eye in confusion. "Alright, you're on the third floor of building C, good luck," He tells you.

"How..." You trail off totally dumbfounded. Marco sets you down and blinks at your face before smirking.

"Maybe I'll show ya sometime yoi," He chuckles with a wink before going back out the window. You blink and shake your head. Drake. You run down the hall, seeing your door open and hearing crashing within.

"Shi-" You burst forward but someone pulls you into another room, covering your mouth as the door shuts behind them. You blink as Drake offers a wave from a chair you relax considerably when movement draws your gaze to Law who sat on the dresser. He frowns at who ever held you.

"Smoker-ya, you can let go of her now," He says and you blink. Smoker releases you and you turn around an hug him.

"Good save Smokey~!" You chime.

"No problem, but why were there two guys in your room?" He asks with a frown.

"Oh! Drake was hurt so I let him sleep in my room last night, and Law's my roommate! Why? Are you jealous~?" You tease, nudging his shoulder. Pink dusts his cheeks.

"I'm not jealous! I was just ask-"

"It's okay if you are Smokey, I understand since in you're in love with me and all," You chuckle, walking over to Drake with a dismissive wave.

"I never said- grr..." He growls, putting a hand over his face to hide his blush.

"Hey ___-ya, who's shirt is that? I don't remember you having that on when we separated," Law says, looking at Sabo's shirt hard.

"Oh, this Sabo's," You answers. He frowns, eyebrow furrowed.

"Why are you wearing Sabo-ya's shirt? And what happened to yours?" He inquires.

"Oh, well you see, I showed Zoro to his class and when I turned around Kid was there and he grabbed me by the collar so I took off my shirt and ran. Sabo let me barrow his until I can get one of my shirts," You explain.

"So that's why that Kid guy went for your room..." Smoker comments. You pout.

"Something tells me I'm going to have to force him out of my room..." You sigh.

"Or out the window," Law muses.

"I don't know what you're planning, but I'm in," Smoker comments while you and Drake share a worried look.

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