《School of Madness~ One Piece x Reader (AU) [#Watty2015]》Don't Throw Chairs!


More blood feel from the guys chin and Kid tossed him to the side, grin growing as you approached. Law was steadily following, watching warily. You throw the chair at Kid with as much pent up force you could. Kid raises his hand to the chair and it stops, lightly bouncing off his fingers. You pause, what hell? Kid grins at your reaction.

"Heh, looks like you didn't come here prepared for this sort of thing," He chuckles. The chair flies back you and hits you in the stomach, sending you into a table.

"___!" Law gasps. You sit feeling a wave of anger.

"Well that's disappointing... And here I thought she'd buy you time," Kid snickers, turning back to the guy. Your eye twitches and you get up, starting for Kid again, barely hearing Law's objection. Kid blinks and looks over at you as you come at him again. "Wow, you looked really pissed! What are you gonna-"

Your fist connects with his jaw and goes flying further than you thought he would. "Get up," You tell the guy, glancing at Kid's shocked gang. The guy shakely gets to his feet. "Run. Now." You breathe, nudging him toward Law as the two other gang members come at you. Law and you exchange a look and he nods, leading the guy out. You shift, watching them for a moment before looking toward the gang members warily. 'Stay... Wait until he's safe...' You tell yourself. Laughter from Kid makes you pale, watching him get up, wiping his bloody lip.

"Fu... Looks like I can have some fun with you after all," He rumbles. You gulp, calculating how fast the other guy can get to safety. You glance at each of them, Killer seemed to be the only one not making a move.

"Y-Yeah?..... Well.... I don't wanna play so... BYE!" You exclaim, booking it into the kitchen.

"Oh no you dont!" Kid growls, giving chase with the other three. You dodge the cooks and food as you go pass, searching for an exit. You stop, looking around in a slight panic. Someone suddenly grabs you from behind and swiftly pulls you into a walk in freezer. The door shuts and there's total darkness. Who ever it was was calm, breathing steadily and holding you to them from behind.


"He won't look here, he'll go straight out the back with Heat and Wire," A familiar voice tells you. You blink in surprise.

"K-Killer!?" You gasp. He chuckles.

"You're something else ___," He murmurs. You relax a bit, no longer sensing you were in danger.

"Heh.... I did not mean to do that..." You say sheepishly.

"What is that? Like an alter ego you have?" He inquires.

"More like old habit that keeps coming out," You admit. He lets out a hum, and you suddenly feel cold as he releases you.

"I hope that old habit doesn't get you killed," He comments, opening the freezer door. He steps out and looks around. "You're in the clear, see you aro-"

"Why did you help me again?" You ask, grabbing his arm before he can walk off. He pauses, looking back at you. He reaches over with his other hand and tips your chin.

"Not sure... Maybe I like you," He muses. You blink and blush a bit and he gingerly takes his arm away. "I have to go 'look' for you now... See you around ___," He adds before walking away. You watch him go before heading out to the cafeteria and looking around.

"___!" Luffy chimes, running up with Sabo and Ace. "Law said you hit Kid and ran off! They didn't catch you?" He asks.

"No... A... A friend helped me out... What happened to the guy?" You ask.

"Law took him to your room to treat his wounds," Ace answers.

"What about the nurse?" You ask.

"You uh... Should only see her if you have severe injuries," Sabo answers. You raise your eyebrows, just how scary was the nurse?

"Then lets head there... And avoid Kid," You tell them. They nod and lead the way out. You got next to building C when something makes you stop and look over, narrowly avoiding a knife.

"Here I thought you'd be hiding," Kid calls.

"I don't hide from flat chested divas, I avoid them because they're a plague," You call back. Luffy tosses a rock up to his window, making Zoro open the window.


"Hey Zoro! I'm tossing ___ up to you!" He calls.

"Wait what!?" You gasp, hearing him. He grins and picks you up.

"We don't want Kid to get you!" He chuckles, testing or weight.

"Wait! Luffy I can- ahh!" You cry out as you're thrown up to the third window. You twist to Zoro just before he catches you and pulls you in. He stumbles back and falls with you. Your lips connect in the fall and you both tense. You swiftly sit up, covering your mouth. "Sorry! Thank you! I mean... Sorry..." You stammer with a blush. He sits up as well with a blush.

"A-Anytime... Are you okay?" He asks. You nod and you both sit there awkwardly.

"I uh... Should go... Thanks." You tell him, getting up and offering him a hand. He stands up with your help.

"R-Right," He murmurs. Your eyes meet a split second and you go past. "Call of you need anything." He tells you.

"I will... Thanks Zoro," You breathe, going out. You go to your room and walk in seeing the guy in a chair and Law finishing bandaging his chin.

"I was about to come look for you," Law murmurs, straightening up and looking over at you. His silver eyes scan over you briefly. "You got away?" He guesses. You nod and move the desk in front of the door.

"For now... You okay?" You ask the guy. His blue eyes flash and he nods, looking down.

"Thank you... ___, right?" He replies.

"Yeah, what's your name?" You inquire. He gets to his feet and holds out his hand.

"My name is Drake. It's nice to meet you, ___," He tells you. You take his hand and he gives it a firm shake. "That was selfless of you earlier... Sorry for causing you trouble," He apologizes.

"The only person causing me trouble is me... Now lay down and get some sleep, you're staying the night here," You tell him, pointing to your bed. He blinks in surprise but nods and goes to your bed and lays down.

"I'll head to my room then," Law says, rubbing his neck. You shake your head and he raises an eyebrow.

"Kid's still out there... I..." You trail off looking down. He blinks in understanding and smirks.

"Then I guess we're sleeping together." He says in a teasing manner, poking your stomach. You wince, feeling your stomach burn with pain. He blinks and lifts your shirt to look at why you winced. Your eyes widen at the sight of the large bruise over your stomach.

"Oh shit... The chair did that!?" You huff. Law's jaw clenches and he pulls you into the bathroom. He shuts the door and turns to you looking serious.

"Take off your shirt," He tells you. You pause and blush.

"E-eh!?" You huff.

"Please," He adds softly. You hesitate but do so. He steps closer and looks at the bruise with a frown. "Turn around," He breathes you turn and he pauses, touching your mid back. Again you wince.

"Ow," You grunt.

"Next time that bastard...." He trails off with such anger you wince from his tone. You turn and put on your shirt again.

"Hey hey, calm down," You tell him, touching his shoulder. He frowns at you.

"No, next time he might try to scar you like Drake-ya...." He points out, touching your cheek. "And if that happens... I may end up breaking that second rule..."

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