《School of Madness~ One Piece x Reader (AU) [#Watty2015]》I see....


You got back to your room to find Ace gone and Law still asleep in the bed. You smile a bit and close the door, going to your dresser and getting clothes before heading to the bathroom door and opening it to be met by steam and a naked Ace stepping out of the shower. You both pause and look at eachother before your face flushes and you slam the door shut.

"IM SO SORRY!" You say loudly. Law sits up, rubbing his eye and looks over at you to see your face beat red.

"___-ya? What's wrong?" He asks sleepily. You go over and get under the covers beside him, hiding under the covers.

"Why are there no locks on the bathroom door!?" You ask, voice muffled because you covered your face as the image repeats in your head. Law blinks down at you confused until Ace comes out of the steamy bathroom wearing only shorts.

"Oh..." He mutters.

"Hey ___, are you okay? You got really red..." Ace says, crouching beside the bed. You maneuver your face into Law's abdomen. Law blinks again and smirks while Ace pouts. "Did you think I looked that bad?"

You shake your head.

"So, you thought I looked good?" He asks with a smirk. Law glowers at him. You blush more and nod slowly, making him grin. "Nice, I'll go now, but your shower works better then mine so expect me back often," He rumbles before going out. You release a sigh against Law's stomach.

"You okay?" Law asks, enjoying your embarrassed state. You shrug, burying your face into his firm stomach. You say something muffled but he somehow understands.

'They're all crazy.'

"You keep saying that," He points out with a smirk. You lift your face from his stomach to pout up at him.


"That's because they keep proving me right!" You grumble sitting up. "Anyway, I want to take a shower, could you guard the door? I don't want someone to just stroll on in..." You sigh, rubbing your temple. "I really need a lock..."

"Then we'll find one... But for the mean time, I'll make sure you can shower in peace," Law tells you. You toss him a smile.

"Thanks..." You murmur. He shrugs, smirking a bit.

"I wouldn't want anyone walking in on you either," He says with a wink. You blush and look away at that, starting to get up. He grabs your wrist and tugs you down long enough to kiss your temple. "You're so damn cute, take a shower," He chuckles, letting you go so you can grab your clothes and scurry into the bathroom.

"Oh, I met some of the teachers while you were asleep," You say loud enough so he can hear you over the water and through the door.

"You went alone?" He asks, sounding a bit worried.

"No, Sabo took me to check out the classes, did you know we dont have to go to class?" You reply as you wash your hair.

"We dont? What kind of school is this?" He huffs. You chuckle.

"Nope... Crazy right, but I think I'll go to one of the classes in Class B building tomorrow... Would you like to come?" You inquire.

"Sure, what is it?" He answers.

"Silent and sneak attacks," You chime.

"That's a class?" He huffs.

"Yep! They got hand to hand combat, intimidation, strength training, seduction, weapons building, gambling101, sword fighting, and guns101," You inform him. He thinks for a bit.

"Is it just me or are all of those criminal related?" He comments.


"Or super spy related," You joke, finishing and turning off the water. You grab a towel, dry off and get dressed. "Either way, if it helps me survive this place I'm in," You add, stepping out.

"Me too, so, we still have time before sun down, what do you want to do?" He asks. You think for a bit.

"I don't know... But I could go for some dinner." You say with a slight smile.

"Hopefully we won't have any problems this time...."

Again you sit near the exit, and you actually put on your running shoes this time. Law was smirking a bit beside you. "What?" You ask him.

"You would've been fine in slippers, just like last time." He muses, glancing at your shoes. You shift.

"I don't know, if that happens again while I'm wearing slippers they might give me a weird nickname..." You reply, glancing around as you ate.

"Like Slipper Girl?" He asks.

"Exactly," You mutter.

"What's wrong with it? It's cute, it suits you," He muses, watching your face as he spoke. You lower your head with a blush and frown at him. His smirk grows and he chuckles. "See, that only proves my point," He rumbles, poking your cheek. Before you can respond in a slightly flustered manner, a crash makes you look over as a guy with orange hair slides in on his back, he looked like he got beat up. The guy sits up, spitting blood to the side as his blue eyes lock on Kid and his gang. Killer remains next two kid as the other two start for the guy as he shakly gets to his feet, ready to defend himself. The two smirk at this.

Without thinking, you get up and start to clap your hands, making them all look over at you. Killer shifts while Kid's eyes flash with anger.

"Wow, Im impressed, this guy must be pretty damn tough for you to gang up on him.... Or maybe you can't fight without holding eachother's hand?" You ask, mentally screaming to yourself to shut up. Law snickers and stands as well.

"It sure looks that way ___," He agrees. You glance at him and start to back up as Kid and his gang turn on you.

"You sure like to talk shit," Kid growls.

"Yep! That's me! Always talking shit and not caring about the consequences!" You say with a smile as you and Law back up toward the door. Kid stops his approach, eyes narrowing at you before going to guy they had been beating up. You stop your retreat, watching him warily. Kid glances back to you and smirks.

"Oh, I see now..." He rumbles, unsheathing the dagger on his belt as he starts to the orange haired guy who tries to get away from him but is put in a head lock. Kid presses the tip of the dagger into the guy's chin, making him hiss in pain. "You don't like watching others in pain, do you?" He says. Your eye twitches as you grab a chair and start toward him. The action makes him raise his eyebrows and grin. "Oh ho, looks like I'm right! But I wonder, just who is gonna walk away from this!" He chuckles, slashing an X into the guy's chin.

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