《School of Madness~ One Piece x Reader (AU) [#Watty2015]》Be My Pillow!!


"Eh!?" Gin gasps as you pack. You shoot him an annoyed look. No words. You had no words for him.

"That's in the Grandline Mountains.... I've heard of it... But it's called something else..." Krieg comments, reading over the brochure. You stop and look to him in question. "It's called School of Madness," He adds. You look around for something to beat them both with, eyes falling on your bookshelf. You go toward it and they both run out of the room.

"Are you telling me I am going to a place in the mountains called School of Madness!?" You yell, throwing books at the doorway.

"Sorry! I'll go for you if you want!" Gin says, hiding on the other side of the wall.

"It's too late for that... They're waiting outside... I'll be back in a month... Hopefully..." You say, calming down and finishing your packing. Gin peers in with a pout.

"I'm sorry ___...." He says guiltily.

"Shut up and give me a hug you idiot," You sigh. He blinks and comes over, giving you a hug. You take in his cologne and relax. "Take care of my place while I'm gone..." You murmur, pulling back. He still looks a bit sad. "Stop making that face, it's only a month," You assure.

"I know... Call me if it gets bad. We'll come for you," He says, following you to the door.

"Good luck," Krieg pipes up.

"See you guys," You tell them before going out. You start for the limo that waited outside. A man in a suit opens the door for you. You get in and set across from Gold Academy's Principal, Donquixote Doflamingo. You look around at the fuzzy pink theme of the interior.

"Is that all you're bringing?" He asks, lifting a finger to the suitcase.

"It's all I need," You respond.

"If you say.... We'll be making a stop in the next town, there's another 'student' we'll be grabbing. So go ahead and get comfy, it's going to be a long ride." He rumbles. You nod, setting the suitcase in the corner. After about an hour, you lay down on your side, the fuzzy pink seat was quite comfortable and you fell asleep.


He shifts, giving looks to the officers that flanked him. Adjusting his backpack he lets out a heavy breath. Soon, the limo came into view. He watches it as it comes to a stop in front of him. The door opens and he gets in. Instantly his silver eyes spot you asleep on the seat across from Doflamingo. With a slight glare toward the tan man, he takes a seat just above your head. The blond man across from him smirks at his choice of seat, but doesn't say anything to avoid waking you. You turn over with a sigh, hand falling on the newcomer's knee.

He tenses slightly, looking down at you as your hand feels his thigh before your unconscious mind decides his lap is a pillow and you rest your head on it, getting comfortable again with a smile gracing your face briefly. He looks at your face awkwardly, not sure what to do with his arms before deciding to relax them on the back of the seat.

Doflamingo snickers across from him, earning a glare. The glare seemed feeble since he had just allowed a stranger use his leg as a pillow. He glances back at your face. Then again, you seemed like e type to repay a favor.

Your eyes drift open, unfocused. "Why is there so much damn pink?" You mutter, not registering where you were.

"I believe it's his flamboyance," A smooth, slightly amused voice responds. You blink. Sounded really close. You blink at the blue jeans your head was on. Someone's leg? You felt your face heat and you sit up, rubbing your eyes.

"Sorry, I didn't mean to use you as a pillow...." You tell them.

"It's fine, you seemed to be sleeping well," He comments. You look over and tense. Damn he was good looking. Silver eyes, black messy hair, tan skin, black goatee, golden earrings. He lifts an eyebrow at your tense state. "Something the matter?" He asks. You move away to his surprise, looking away.


"Nope.... We stop?" You reply, rubbing your neck and looking out at the gas station. He nods and gets up, opening the door.

"You coming?" He asks, stepping out. You blink, he was cute and friendly.

"Yeah," You huff, getting out and stretching a bit. You glance warily toward him, wondering what crime he had committed. He meets your careful gaze and smirks.

"You keep looking at me like I might cut you," He muses. You look down guiltily.

"Sorry, I look at everyone like that at first," You admit sheepishly.

"I see..." He comments. You glance toward him, he didn't seem bothered by it.

"My name's ___ by the way... Thanks for letting me use you as a pillow," You say awkwardly. A rumble leaves his chest, which you believe is a chuckle.

"It's fine, we still have a few hours to go so I won't mind if you do it again... Law," He tells you, holding out a tattooed hand. You take it and give it a gentle shake.

"Nice to meet you, Law," You murmur. He offers a smile.

"Nice to meet you too, ___-ya," He breathes.

"So, uh... You thirsty? I'll buy you something," You offer.

"Yes... I believe we're going to get along well," He comments.

'___, it's Gin... I was calling to check on how you're ride is going...' He says.

"What did you do now?" You sigh, rubbing your temple.

'Wha- I didn't....' He trails off guiltily

"Gin, I've only been gone a few hours, what did you do?" You ask, not paying much mind to the curious gazes you were receiving from Doflamingo and Law.

'Krieg.... Kinda broke your living room table....' He admits. You put a hand over your face, releasing an annoyed growl. 'I'm really sorry...'

"Put me on speaker," You tell him.



'..... Alright you're on speaker,' He tells you. You take a deep breath before speaking.

"Listen boys, you break it, you replace it.... If I get back and find my place trashed in anyway, I will kick the whole gang's ass, fit you all into a clown car and leave you on the train tracks.... Understood?" You growl.

'Yes ma'am, ' They say.

"If you're all stinking up my place, get the hell out," You add before hanging up. You put your phone in your pocket, looking up when you hear chuckling.

"Fufufu, you seem annoyed by your friends," Doflamingo comments.

"That's a nice way to put it," You answer, giving a tired smile.

"Not much you can do other than threaten now," Law murmurs. You pout at him since it was true. He smirks and tilts his head briefly in a motion that said, 'Relax, lay down.'

"Thanks," You mutter, laying down and hesitantly resting your head on his leg.

"No problem," He replies as you close your eyes. Within moments you're asleep again.

"Hey," Law murmurs, making your lips pucker by messing with your cheeks. You let out a tired hum, pushing his hand away. Your eyes flicker open and you meet his amused gaze.

"What's up?" You yawn, sitting up. He lifts his chin, motioning outside the window Doflamingo was looking out of. "Is that...?" You breathe.

"It is," Law breathes. You gulp, it looked like a mountain fortress.

"Welcome, to Gold Academy!" Doflamingo rumbles.

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