《Unspoken Thoughts》Thank You


Thank you for staying with me,

Thank you for sticking with my attitude,

Thank you for making me feel better when I'm frustrated.

I don't have any other words to say than thank you.

Because believe it, I'm really thankful to you.

I'm too thankful that you came into my life.

You became my light when I'm locked in the dark,

You became my happiness when sadness was eating me,

You became my hero when a villain was trying to hurt me.

You're always there when I needed someone to hear my story,

You're always there when I needed someone to hug me after I cry,

You're always there when I needed someone to say that it's going be okay.

I'm thankful that, once in my life, there's a guy,

Who made me feel I'm special.

Thank you because for 47 months,

almost four years, you stayed beside me.

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