《Unspoken Thoughts》Happy Crush


I'm happy because you're my crush,

Even if you don't notice all my efforts,

It's okay as long as you're happy,

Even if I'm not the reason behind it.

I made this poem for you to know

How I felt every time you're around with me.

I didn't write it to complain and to beg for your attention,

I just want to simply express my feelings towards you.

Crush, Im happy if you crush me back,

But I'm not sad if you don't.

Maybe I'll be a little hurt,

But I can move forward.

Admiring you is my choice,

And believe it or not, that's the reason

Why my every single day in school was special,

Because I'm able to see my inspiration.

It's you why I forced myself to wake up

Early in the morning, at exactly 4 a.m.

It's you why I started to like to go

In the library and study every five in the afternoon.

You're the reason why I always wear

The beautiful smile you once mentioned.

You're the reason of my happiness, crush.

And you're always be the reason why I want to be happy.

Until you're not married, I still have a chance, right?

Just kidding, I just want to make you smile when

You have a chance to read this poem I made for you.

Anyway, this is the last line. Again, thank you for

Letting me have a crush on you.

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