《Unspoken Thoughts》What is Love?


If you love her because of

her lips or her great body,

It's not love, it's lust.

If you love her because of

her intelligence or insights about life,

It's not love, it's admiration.

If it's because she cries

every time you try to leave,

It's not love, it's pity.

If you love her because she

makes you forget to study and sleep,

It's not love, it's infatuation.

Love . . .

is when you don't know why

you seem to be attracted to that person.

Love has no reason at all.

Love . . .

is when you care more about someone

else's happiness than your own even

when they break your heart.

Love . . .

is when you have a million

reason to leave but you

still chose to stay.

Love . . .

is now a concept we describe and explain

with the most reasonable words available,

but which we can't live.

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