《Of Demigods and Wizards》In Which a Peacable Moment Turns into a Non-Disaster


At this point, Percy, Annabeth, Grover, and Tyson found them lying in front of a building. "Hey, what's that?" Jacquelyn said as she pointed to a sign that was in front of the building. The sign said "Welcome to the The Martin Luther King Jr. Center for Nonviolent Social Change."

Jacquelyn sat up and said, "This must be the place to find our first clue."

"What clue?" said the others.

"This piece of paper told us that we have to find three different things. Those things can be found at the grave of a king, a silver gate, and a city that goes on for a mile," said Ron. He refused to mention the other warning to them, especially Jacquelyn. She had every right to hear the warning regarding herself, but Ron wasn't about to say it. Not yet, anyway.

He then said, "OK, we need to look for something...like a huge gun."

"I don't know," Annabeth frowned as she stared at a plaque that was on the wall. "I don't think Dr. King would approve of using weapons."

"What if it's not an actual gun meant to inflict pain on anyone?" Jacquelyn said as she taped a pamphlet inside her book. She then pulled out her old worn-out copy of "The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy" and turned a few pages. "This is what we need to find," she pointed to an old drawing of a gun.

"A POV gun?" Grover said in shock.

"Just like in the movie, which I don't think any of you saw," said Jacquelyn. "In the movie, Zaphod, Ford, and Trillian go off to find the POV gun while..."

"And what does this gun do exactly," Percy asked.

"When fired at someone, the POV gun makes the person that you're shooting see things your way, which I think is just another way to manipulate people," said Jacquelyn. "But I must warn you now; it's not going to work on women."


"Why not?" said Grover.

"The women are always right," said a voice. "And it's best to listen to women."

"Why?" said Ron.

"Women were created to be loved and respected," said the voice. "If you fail to listen to them, then you will suffer the consequences. It's important that you do that."

"Are you Dr. King?" Percy cried out in shock and awe. "If you are, we have a favor to ask you. We need to borrow a gun."

At once, a disembodied hand reached out and handed Percy a huge gun. The voice said, "Here's the rules: you can't use the gun on women. And be careful of how you use it; in the wrong hands, it could spell certain disaster."

"Well isn't that nice?" Grover said as they left the place. "A gun that can't actually kill people, yet it just makes them see things your way. This could really work if you're campaigning for peace in the Middle East."

"Nah, it's not gonna happen," said Jacquelyn. "Anyone can screw up the quest for world peace if they have the gun. I'd rather not risk it at all."

"Really?" said Percy. "Why not?"

"Because the fight over the Middle East is as old as creation itself, and there's no way to adequately resolve that," said Jacquelyn. "Plus, even if it's a good idea to use the POV gun in the pursuit of world peace, we could create another Adolf Hitler if we're not careful."

"Yeah, fair enough," said Percy. "Although I fail to see why we need the gun."

"You'll never know when we're going to need the gun," said Annabeth.

Ron was about to respond when a roar was heard. "Did anyone just hear that?" he said.


Just then, the same Cyclops came roaring back towards them. "Darn," said Percy. "I thought you guys got rid of him."

"We did get rid of him," said Jacquelyn. "But he decided to come back for seconds!!"

"I'm so not ready to be anyone's meal!!" said Grover. "Can't we just kill him?"

"We could use the gun on him," said Ron. "Hey, wait a minute...we can't kill people with it! What's the point of having the POV gun if you can't..."

Annabeth cried out, "Where's the gun?"

They all gasped as they saw Tyson (who snatched the POV gun from Percy) shooting the other Cyclops with the gun. He said, "Bad Cyclops! Bad Cyclops chasing everyone around!"

"I've been a bad Cyclops!" The Cyclops wept.

"Why are you chasing us?" said Jacqueyn.

"I was hired to catch you guys," said the Cyclops.

"Indeed," said Jacquelyn. "Ron, give me your note." Ron handed her the note, which read, "Be forewarned, as there are those who will try to stop you. They seek your destruction. There will be a friend who will betray you..."

"Who hired you?" she snapped as she stared at the Cyclops.

"Someone who you trusted without a doubt," said the Cyclops.

"We'll figure it out soon," Jacquelyn snapped. "Now, on your way..."

The Cyclops walked away as the kids clapped Tyson over the shoulder. "You saved our lives!" Percy cheered. "And you didn't even have to use violence to save us either."

"Well, Dr. King DID advocate using non-violence to enact some much-needed change," said Jacquelyn. "He simply got people to see and understand that the way they were living their lives before the year 1955 was quite suckish. Many people listened to him and thus, sweeping chance came quickly."

"Nice," Percy said as they made their way to the bus station. "Where do we go next?"

"The place with a silver gate," Annabeth said as she read the letter. "But where is the silver gate?"

"Try Saint Louis," said a random citizen who leered in their direction.

"What's in Saint Louis?" Annabeth cried out.

Jacquelyn taped another brochure to her book. "This is our next stop," she said. Inside the book was a brochure for the Gateway Arch. "That's where we're heading to next."

"That's the Gateway Arch," said Percy.

"Of course it is," said Jacquelyn. "The place with the silver gate. What am I saying; the Arch IS the silver gate!! Now let's hurry up, we have a bus to catch!"

Everyone nodded and boarded the bus, and the bus took off. While Jacquelyn slept, Ron told the others about the secret warning. "You don't mean..." Percy began to ask.

"I haven't seen any Hermaphrodites in years," said Grover. "But why would one show up here now? Why is it coming after Jacquelyn?"

"Maybe she knows too much about Greek Mythology and someone sent the creature to shut her up," said Annabeth. "She needs to know about this!"

"She will, once we get to the Arch," said Ron. "Who knows if the Hermaphrodite is hiding there while we're there. She needs to be careful."

Little did they know that the creature in question was following them to Saint Louis. It smiled as it stared at Jacquelyn. You'll be mine soon, sweetheart, it thought to itself as the bus rambled on.

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