《Saving Wisdom and Wizards || PJO x HP Crossover》Chapter 10: The Sorting Hat


Applauds from all directions ensued as Percy grimaced about being called Perseus.

"Mr. Jackson, please come up to be sorted." Percy walked towards the front of the hall with hundreds of students following his every move.

He sat down on the stool, where a lady in a green robe came up to him with a tattered hat. The second she put the hat on Percy's head, he heard a voice.

"Ah, Perseus Jackson, descendant of Tom Riddle. An honor to meet you."

Percy shivered at the reminder. "You can talk." Percy thought.


"A talking hat is the least of the weirdness I've been through in my life."

The sorting hat chuckled. If hats could even do that. "If you don't mind, I need to look through your memories to find a proper placement for you."

Percy tensed. "No."



The hat began to protest."Perseus-"

"It's Percy."

"Percy, I need to look through your memories."


The sorting hat sighed. "It's much easier, and quicker, (might I remind you this is already taking too long) for you to give me permission."

"I won't have you go through my memories. I don't even want to do that."

"You leave me no choice. I am sorry, Percy."

"No, don't-" Percy's mind flashed through his life's events. Smelly Gabe, his claiming at camp, Annabeth, his first quest, Annabeth, loosing Bianca and Zoë, holding the sky, Annabeth, killing Kronos, loosing Luke, declining Immortality, Annabeth, his underwater kiss with Annabeth, his time at Camp Jupiter, Tartarus, Annabeth, pain, torture, Annabeth, killing Gaea, Leo dying, Jason dying, Piper dying, Hazel and Frank and his mom, dying. Annabeth going missing, Annabeth, Annabeth, Annabeth-.

Percy was crying. He wasn't sure how long it was but his cheeks were wet and warm and the hat was shocked silent.


The sorting hat didn't know what to say. This 19 year old boy has been through too much.

"I didn't want you to do that."

"I am sorry, Percy."

Percy tried to compose himself. "What house am I in?" He needed to build his walls thicker.

"You are a remarkable demigod Percy. And you are one of the few people I do not have an answer for."

"What?" Percy responded, annoyed.

"Your fatal flaw is loyalty. Which would make you an exemplary Hufflepuff. Yet, your leadership and resourcefulness would make you an outstanding Slytherin."

"I can't be in Slytherin."

The hat paused. "Because of your grandfather, Mr. Riddle?"

Percy sighed. "Yeah, I guess. I just. I'm on a quest which is the only reason I'm here. Dumbledore all but kidnapped me into coming and fighting in a third war. To be another pawn." Percy vented.

"I do take your opinion into account Percy. I can make my decision, but it is ultimately up to you on where you would like to be placed." The sorting hat said. "For what it's worth, I do believe you would prosper in any of the four houses."

"Appreciate it, but that doesn't help too much." Percy stated. His tears were dried and he just wanted to get this over with.

"Gryffindors are characterized by their chivalry, bravery, and courage; which you have unlimited supply of."


"When they find of your true heritage, your fellow housemates will be the least supportive."

"Yeah, well. I don't exactly plan on telling anyone that I'm a demigod."

"Not that, Mr. Jackson."

"Oh. Right. Well, I can handle it."

"I know. My decision has been made."

"Gryffindor!" The sorting hat yelled. Percy jumped a bit. The lady took off the hat, and Percy had to blink a few times to be adjusted to the brightness of the Great Hall.


Percy didn't know what he expected, but it wasn't dead silence throughout the hall. Percy was confused. They cheered for every other student, why not him? Not that he wanted an applause, but still. How long was he talking to the hat for?

Suddenly, Hermione and Ron stood up and started cheering. The rest of the Weasleys and Neville followed suit. Soon, everyone but Harry was cheering for Percy.

Heading over to where Hermione and Ron were seated, he sat down relieved that that was over.

"Percy are you alright? You were crying, and shaking and-"

"Mate, you were there for over five minutes-"

"Congrats on being a Gryffindor-"

Percy was overwhelmed. After the experience with the hat, he couldn't focus. "Thanks, guys." Percy cut in to all of the voices. "Hermione, I'm alright. Just relieved a few bad memories is all."

Hermione wasn't convinced, but let it slide.

"Right, well. I don't know about all of you, but I'm starving." Percy said to change the topic.

"What did the sorting hat say? Did it say why you were placed in this house?" Hermione asked.

"The hat said I would have done well in any of the houses, but said that I would do better in this one." Percy said. He knew what Hermione was trying to do, but he wasn't about to tell her everything that happened.

The rest of dinner consisted of Gryffindors asking him questions between his giant mouthfuls of food.

Percy was thankful when everyone was dismissed from dinner to go up into the dormitories. Harry refused to walk with Percy, and Ron didn't want to go without Harry, so Neville showed Percy where he was going to be sleeping.

Which just so happened to be in the same room as Harry and Ron. Neville also introduced Percy to Dean and Seamus, who Percy was pretty sure were dating.

"Thanks, Neville."

"You're welcome. Good night Percy."


Percy was exhausted and wanted nothing more than to sleep. After talking to Dean and Seamus about what was going to happen the next morning, Percy flopped back on his bed.

He was out cold before someone could say "magic."

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