《Saving Wisdom and Wizards || PJO x HP Crossover》Chapter 11: The Lake


Percy woke in a cold sweat. 3:30 am. Groaning, he ran his hands over his face and sat up. There was no way he was going to go back to sleep after that dream.

"My lord, he's at Hogwarts."



Percy squeezed his eyes shut, willing the screams to go away. Annabeth was alive. Voldemort knew where he was. None of this was good. Percy needed to clear his head.

Looking around, he saw Dean, Ron, Seamus, and Harry fast asleep. He didn't want to wake them so as quietly as he could, Percy got out of bed and headed down the stairs to the Gryffindor common room.

It was quiet. The room dark, except for the light given off by the fireplace. Percy sat down on the ledge of one of the couches. He needed to think. He needed to focus. He couldn't focus, and he couldn't think. He needed water. Percy remembered the lake that he used to get to Hogwarts with the other first years.

One of the first years he was with told him that there were dangerous mermaids and a giant squid in the lake. The little girl said that years ago, Harry Potter went in the lake for a tournament. That the lake was very scary.

Naturally, this interested Percy. On an impulse decision, Percy decided to sneak out of Hogwarts and go to the lake.

He chuckled when he appeared by the lake after vapor traveling. This ability made things way easier. Jumping in, he was immediately comforted by the cool feeling of the water.

Percy's head cleared. The water helped calm his breathing as he thought about the dream he had.

Was Annabeth alive? While in the throne room of Voldemort's palace (Mansion? Castle?) he heard screaming. Annabeth's screaming. But that didn't make sense. Voldemort didn't even know he existed until about a month ago. How would he have gotten Annabeth?


Percy pulled at his hair. The prophecy. This had to do with the prophecy. That's the only explanation. Percy cried out in frustration. Just once. Just once he wanted a good year. A good month. A good day. But no. If the big bad guy wasn't out to get him, they were out to get his girlfriend. His friends. His family.

It was just him in the lake. Sitting on the bottom of the murky, cold, lake.

Percy cried.

He yelled and screamed. Everything that's happened in the past month weighing on him. Everything from the past two years. He cried at the unfairness. At the pain. His walls broke, leading to a floodgate of pain and tears.

The only people that could be there for him were Thalia and Nico. Thalia was busy with the Hunters, and Nico was busy helping Hades in the Underworld.

Percy knew that life wasn't fair. But for him, the odds were stacked against him since the moment he was born.

Percy closed his eyes trying to compose himself. He was tired. He was too tired and fed up with everything and everyone. Percy's sleep deprivation took over and before he knew it, he fell asleep at the bottom of the lake.

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