《The Journey To New Jersey (Discontinued)》A Cry For Help


It was three hours past dark. And Jim knew he needed to head back with Blinkey. And that's what they did. Once they arrived at their camp Jim went to find Claire.

Finding where there spot was where they had there tent up wasn't hard. But when he got there he saw no tent. But Claire. Then he noticed her shoving something into a bag.

"Did you take it all down by yourself?" Jim asked. Claire zipped up the tent bag and stood up to face Jim.

"What? You don't think I could?"

"That's not what I'm saying." Jim said as he held up his hands in defense.

"I know. I'm joking. No I actually didn't. NotEnrique helped... sorta helped."

Claire gave Jim a hug.

"Did you have fun with Blinkey?"

"I did." He replied.

"Great! I'm glad to hear that. Are you ready to go?" Claire asked.

"I am. Are you?"

Claire nodded, and gestures to her bag pack.

"I have everything I need."

"Great. Now all I need to do is make sure everyone is with us. Then we will leave."

"I think Merlin is getting some water down at a stream." Claire said.

"Then we better gather. everyone up fast." Jim replied.

"Haha. You can't leave Merlin here Jim."

Jim snickered as he gave Claire one last peck on the cheek and took off to count off the trolls.


It has been a few weeks since they left Yellowstone. A few very long weeks especially for Claire. She was exhausted, though she refused to make herself look weak. Jim couldn't help but to constantly worry about her health and how much further she could continue on.

It was midnight when the group reached the dessert. Hot and horribly humid. They had to find some shelter before the day. The group had about an eight mile walk ahead of them. But the sun was the least of Jim's worries. Claire was slowing down. She wasn't looking too good. She was so pail. And she seemed like she would vomit any second.


"Claire do you want me to call me mom?" Jim offered for what seemed the one hundredth time in a row.

"No Jim. I told you I'm fine." She would reply weakly.

That's when Jim lost it. He couldn't afford to see her like this.

"God, Claire! Look at you!" Jim stopped in the middle of his tracks and turned to her. "Claire, you can't even walk strait! Your sick. And I can't let you continue on like this. I have to call my mom."

Giving up Claire weakly nodded.

"I'll be back. I need to get good reception. In the mean time, Claire, just lay down. Okay? Take it easy." She nodded again.

Every instinct was going against leaving her. But he had to. It was the only way to call for help. After minutes of searching, Jim came across a tall enough mountain to try and get a signal. Digging his claws into the warm rocks, Jim scailed the mountain in less than a minute. When Jim finally got signal, he dialed his moms number. But his heart dropped when she didn't answer. Instead another voice did.

"Hello, young Atlas." Strickler said on the other end.

"Strickler! No time to explaine! Is mom around?!"

"She is at the hospital. You will have to call there."

Jim growled. He didn't have time for this.

"Okay thanks." And he hung up. Jim scrolled through his contacts to try and find the hospital number. What seemed like and eternity of searching, he finally found it.

The phone rang.

And rang.

And rang.

"Hi, thank you for calling Acadia Oaks Hospital how-"

"Um hi. Is Dr. Lake near by?"

"She is. Who is this?"

"It's her son. James Lake."

"Right. Just give me a second."


And there was a pause. Jim felt his heart skip six beats. He didn't know how much longer Claire can hold off until she got medical treatment.

"Hello? Dr. lake speaking."

"Oh mom! You got to come quick! Claire is sick. Like really sick mom. And I don't know what to do. She can't even walk strait. She is as pale as snow. Mom please you gotta help!"

"Woah! Honey slow down! What's going on?"

"Claire is sick mom. She is really sick."

"Claire? Jim I can't get ever there. I don't have a way of getting to you."


Jim didn't think of that.


What is he going to do?

Merlin. He thought. Merlin!

"I will ask Merlin if he can make a portal. Just give me a second. I'll call you back. Get everything you need ready to take with you."

"Okay bye."

And he hung up.

Leaping down from the mountain he went to find the old wizard.

Surly enough he was by Claire and Blinkey. Claire was fighting to keep her eyes open.

"Claire it's okay. Everything is going to be okay." He promised her. "Merlin can you portal my mom here?"

"I can." He said. Jim felt a flood of relief.

"You can make portals?! Your saying you could have teleported us to NEW JERSY THIS WHOLE TIME?" Blinkey yelled clearly angry with the old man.

"No you idiot! I can only make portals of here I have been. Not where I want to go!" Then Merlin turned to Jim. "James, tell your mom to go to her house. There will be a portal there in that room with the taking crystal. I can hold it for twenty minutes max. Tell her to hurry!"

Jim nodded and was off without a thought.

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