《Your Problem》Chapter 2


Dictatious sat with Blinky on his knee, looking extremely irritated. The baby troll hummed quietly and gnawed on a cassette tape, oblivious to his brother's bad mood. "That idiotic excuse for a wizard! If I wasn't blind I would find him and watch him suffocate in my hands! Blinkous may be irritating, but he's still necessary." Dic stroked Blinky's hair absently, enjoying the baby fluff softness.

Blinky dropped the cassette and Toby shrugged as he handed it back to the baby troll- who immediately dropped it again, giggling. "At least it's only for a few days. And honestly? It's not like we can do anything about Merlin right now while he's healing the heartstone. Besides, how bad can babies really be?" Toby soon knew the meaning of irony when Blinky quickly became fussy and threw the cassette directly into his face.

When Dic's attempts to calm the infant troll failed, Claire came to the rescue and scooped him up. The tears stopped and Blinky began to yawn, rubbing his tiny fists against his eyes. "You're very skilled with young Claire. Where did you acquire such knowledge? Mine comes from helping raise Blinkous, but as you can see I am still not good at it."

Claire shrugged and smiled as she lowered the sleepy little troll into a pile of blankets, where he yawned and closed his eyes. "I babysit my younger brother a lot- you know, the one who Jim went into the darklands to rescue." Dictatious nodded. "Ah, now I recall. Speaking of, where is the trollhunter?"

Grabbing their things, Toby and Claire started for the door. "He's out on patrol, so Toby and I need to join him soon. Barbara's going to be home soon, Jim told her what happened and she's really excited to see a baby troll. Toby will come back sometime tonight to take you back to Nana's but it'll be awhile."


The humans left and Dic was left alone with his sleeping infant brother. As he waited for Barbara's return Dic couldn't help wondering- maybe it would be nice to have this tiny innocent around for a little while, a brother who still loved and trusted him.

*How's it looking? Sorry for the delay but I should be updating more regularly now that I'm home with pc access. Thanks for reading!!*

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