《Troll hunters- After》Final Chapter


[Claire's POV]

Dad was driving me to school,

"Dad you didn't have to drive me to school, I could've rode to school with Toby."

"I know. I just wanted to drive my little princess to school,"

"It's ok dad." I laughed a bit and then we arrived at the school, I got out the car and heard a familiar voice in the distance.

"Claire!" The voice shouted, I looked at the entrance of the school. It was Jim, but not Troll Jim. Human Jim! Was this a dream or an illusion? I ran to Jim and gave him a hug,

"Jim?" I smiled,

"Yeah it's me," he hugged me back. I kissed him and Toby came up to us with a shocked expression but then again it was more of a funny and shocked expression but whatevs. Jim, Toby and I went into the locker room to talk.

"How is this even possible?" Toby asked, poking him.

"Merlin gave me this mask so then I can come to school with you guys! And now I can go out int9 the sunlight again!" Jim took off the masked and revealed his Troll form. Steve and Eli walked into the locker room.

"Ah!" They both screamed,

"Guy's it's me Jim." Jim explained, they stop screaming. Eli examined Jim's Troll form.

"So. How did you get like this? Where you always like this?" Steve questioned,

"It's a long story." Jim said slightly scratching his head, then the bell went. Jim put his mask back on and went outside. Then we all went to class as if nothing had happened in the past 4 months, when we got to class everyone asked why Jim wasn't at school and he tried to make a good enough excuse. At recess we ate our food and just tried to relax. But I still felt off about Jim, I know that he's happy and all but this seems a bit too easy. Like where did he get the mask from? And is there any side effects from it? Jim saw that I looked a bit concerned,


"What's wrong?" He asked,

"I don't know." I replied unsure of what to say,

"Are you sure this is safe?"

"Why do you ask?"

"I just feel a bit off about you having to where that stupid mask all the time and not reveal who you really are. Like I know that you need it to be able to go out into the sunlight. But are you even gonna tell anyone else that you're half Troll?"

"Why would I need to tell them that I'm half Troll?"

"Well now that the enteral knight is over, a lot of people now know about trolls, so I just don't see why you have to hide."

"Well I guess that if we do come across another person that wants to destroy the world then they won't know that I'm the Trollhunter."

"True But-"

"No buts." Jim kissed me with his warm lips and gave me a hug, I returned the gesture with a hug back. Everyone in the courtyard was staring at us. When we finished kissing the bell went for 3rd period and Jim had Spanish class and I had Maths.

After school we went to Trollmarket. On the way Jim explained what happened to him to Steve and Eli. When we got to Trollmarket, Blinky saw Jim in his human form. Blinky ran up to him and hugged him,

"How? I thought that you couldn't go back to your human form." Then Jim pulled the mask off of his face, Blinky saw him and hugged tighter.

"Where did you get the mask from?"

"Merlin." Then Merlin came up to us and explained everything.

"I have tweaked a transformation mask that now allows Jim to be able to go outside in the day time and lets him live his life like it was before he chose to become Half Troll." Merlin said,


"Splendid," Blinky cheered. For a while we were at Troll market, but when it was getting late Jim, Toby and I went to Jim's house for dinner. When we walked out of the basement, Jim was still wearing the Transformation mask. His mother was setting the table, as she saw him she started to crying. In the blink of an eye she was in Jim's arms asking how he was like that, and he explained why as he took off his mask. That night was the perfect night, Jim and I watched some movies and spend genuine time together. That night was the best night I had with Jim for a long time.

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