Dara's POV
This kind of awkward is not something I expect in a Sunday morning. I can deal with Namee's mouth any time of day, but I'm not sure how to handle a big guy crying in the middle of the street...and he happens to be the leader of one of the gangs in our school. Should I pat his back? Ruffle his hair? Like a pet? Nah.
Left with nothing to say, I sighed. "This is awkward, right?"
"Really? I'm quite comfortable", he teased and smiled at me while wiping the tears at the corner of his eyes.
"Are you alright?"
"Yeah", he mumbled and casted his eyes downwards. "Well... See you around, I guess", he said and hastily strode past me.
Why do I get entangled in this kind of mess every now and then? Handling a crying guy is beyond my power but I can't just leave him alone after witnessing that drama, can I?
"Wait", I held his arm to stop him and he glanced back at me quizzically. Darn. What should I say? "D-Do you want ice cream?" God, I'm really useless in this kind of situation.
"Excuse me?"
"I'll treat you to ice cream", I said.
"Like a kid?"
"You're hurting my manly ego, you know", he crossed his arms over his chest and looked down at me like he's a superior human being. Men.
"So, you don't want it?"
"What flavor?"
"Your choice."
"Let's go", he said.
I never imagined guys could be so simple.
"Why aren't you asking me anything?" Bullet said with a spoon dangling in his mouth.
"I'm not in the position to ask", Dara replied.
"You are. You're my friend."
Dara eyed him and arched her eyebrow. What is up with this guy and his unending mission to make her his friend? He already has a lot of fan girls in InterSAT, not to mention gang mates.
"It must be really awkward for you to see that", Bullet added.
'This is awkward', Dara thought. Why won't he just stop with the small talk and eat the damn ice cream? She could hardly swallow whenever he opens his mouth. To be honest, she winces every time he moves because she's not used to this kind of chill scene after witnessing the earlier drama.
"Hey, I'm trying here. You can at least pretend to have a normal conversation with me."
"Fine", Dara sighed. "Who was that who slapped you?"
"My father's wife", he answered nonchalantly.
"Your father's wife? Your mom?"
"Stepmom. I'm an illegitimate child. Son of a mistress", he shrugged.
Shocker. Now she's regretting why she indulged him. She should have remained silent. How does she respond to that?
"You want to change topic now, don't you?" He smiled and scooped the ice cream on Dara's glass.
"Can we?"
Thank goodness. "So, uhm..."
"Why are you letting Takizawa have her way with Jiro?" Bullet suddenly asked, throwing her off-guard.
"Huh?" She blinked at him in bewilderment. What is he trying to say this time?
"I know you're jealous of her-..."
"Excuse me, I'm NOT jealous!"
"Defensive, aren't we?"
"I'm not."
"I heard you kissed him on the hallway."
"I have you figured out, Dara Ramirez", he pointed his spoon at her and smirked.
"What nonsense are you talking about?" She hissed and slapped his hand away.
"You're known as Jiro's girl in InterSAT."
"I'm not Jiro's girl!"
Bullet suddenly stood up and sat beside her, draping his arm on her shoulder. "Then, do you want to be my girl instead?"
"Wha-... Are you hitting on me?" She scowled and pushed him away.
Bullet shrugged and scooped the ice cream on Dara's glass again. "Just trying my luck, munchkin."
"I really can't have a normal conversation with you."
He just laughed at her annoyed face and leaned back on the seat, roaming his eyes around. Dara rested her chin on her palm and observed him. Bullet was now staring in a distance, lost in his own thoughts. Dara can only assume he is still thinking about the incident earlier.
"Does it still hurt?" She reached for his cheek and caressed it with her fingers, making him whip his head towards her. He blinked a couple of times before smiling at her. "It hurts a lot. Do you want to kiss it? This part", he said and pointed at his cheek. Dara rolled her eyes and withdrew her hand.
"Come onnn! Make the pain go away", he insisted while leaning his cheek towards her.
"What is your family like?" Dara asked, ignoring his childish behavior. Bullet was taken aback and he regarded her for a minute before answering, "A normal one."
"Do you have any siblings?"
"No. I'm the only son. My father's wife can't bear any children", he stated lazily.
"I hope you don't mind me asking this but where's your mom?" Dara noticed how Bullet tensed a bit with the question, but he was quick to hide it with his smile.
"You're really interested in me, huh?" He teased, but Dara did not buy his façade.
"If you're uncomfortable talking about it, we can change topic again", she said thoughtfully.
"I'm alright", Bullet replied hurriedly. "I don't know where my mom is, to be honest. She's probably enjoying her time somewhere far after my dad gave her a fortune in exchange of leaving me in his care", he said while playing with the spoon he was holding. "But everything worked out fine. I can put up with my stepmom as long as she doesn't meddle with my business."
"Why did she slap you earlier?"
"She wanted me to transfer school and I refused. I told her that no matter what I do, I will not be able to meet her expectations anyway since from the very start, I'm not part of the family. And then, she slapped me", he smirked. He then tilted his head to look at her while smiling, "Well, that's me. That's my life."
It's quite obvious, actually. The way he hides his pain behind his smile; the way he desperately wants everyone to believe that he's fine. She had a glimpse of how the leader of Fire 39 really is, and it squeezes her heart a bit.
Dara sighed and leaned forward, giving him a quick peck on the cheek. Bullet flinched, startled with what she did. He looked at her in astonishment, his eyebrows furrowed in confusion.
"That's for saving me in the back gate before." Dara said and smiled at him. "And I hope that will make the pain go away."
She was expecting him to say something crazy again; to tease her while smiling playfully and to claim that she has a crush on him. After all, she just kissed the biggest flirt in InterSAT. Surely, he won't let this slide. But none of those happened. Instead, Bullet extended his arm and ruffled her hair. There was no smile in his lips as he stared directly at her and said, "It worked. I feel better now."
It's been a while since she became a student of InterSAT and her view of the school did not change. It still is a madhouse. Dara sat on the ground beneath the tree and waved at the former Bridge Rose student that passed by. She placed her books beside her and roamed her eyes around. Yes, InterSAT is indeed a crazy place; but the students have their own stories to tell that many people tend to overlook. She opened her book and began reading, thankful for the silence that brings her comfort.
Of course, it takes one Namee to ruin that silence and blow away the comfort.
God, make her shut up. Please make her shut up!
"DARAAA!!" Namee slumped beside Dara and threw her arms around her. "DARAAA!!!!"
"Nothing", Namee beamed at her and leaned her back on the tree. "I just want to shout your name."
"You're crazy", Dara exclaimed in frustration.
"So..." Namee snatched the book from Dara's hand and looked at her squarely in the eyes, "I heard some things about Takizawa."
"Seriously, Namee? You're not letting this go? I think Riko is not a bad person."
"She looks like a fairy princess and everything in her possession has glitters. Therefore, she's a bad person. Now, listen..."
"You know, you have a twisted sense of logic."
"LISTEN!!" Namee whined. "Takizawa helped the Black Dragons once that's why Jiro is letting her stick with him."
"I've already heard that from Jiro", Dara mumbled.
"But I found out that it's not entirely true."
Dara frowned, "What?"
"Takizawa did help someone but he's not from the Black Dragons. But then, Ice Lord told his gang that he owes one to Takizawa since the man she helped is someone he respects so his gang mates considered it as their debt to her as well."
"That's odd. Who did she help then?"
"I don't know. He must be someone close to Ice Lord." Namee shrugged and suddenly, a smile formed on her lips. A creepy smile. "Why don't you ask him? You should go to their turf!"
"Are you kidding me?"
"Why not? Okay, you don't have to ask him anything. You can just hang out in their turf."
"Can you imagine how embarrassing that would be?"
"Why? I didn't say you should go there naked."
"Cut it out."
"Are you really contented in staring at him from a distance? It's creepy."
"I can't do it."
"Just go there."
"Why are you so bent on making me and Jiro a couple?
"Because! You like him and if I don't push you, you'll probably keep it to yourself for two decades!"
"I don't like hi-.."
"But I-.."
"Alright, I'm joking", Namee chuckled at her friend's flustered expression. "Oh, look at you blushing. Aren't you cute?" She teased and poked Dara's cheek.
"Jeez! Stop pairing me up with him."
"Dara, I don't have a frigging clue what you really want. Do you want him to court you, give you flowers and offer you his life then the two of you will roll off into the sunset? That would be really cheesy."
"I don't want anything!" Dara snarled at Namee and grabbed her book back as she stood up. "Let's stop this nonsense and just accompany me to the Techno Hub. Where is the Techno Hub anyway?"
"The Techno Hub?" Namee blinked at her in surprise. "It's in the Tech Building. Why would you want to go there? It's where The Claws turf is at."
"Oh, it is?" Dara said, recalling whether Namee ever brought her there during her first day when Namee dragged her around and showed her the InterSAT gangs' turfs. But if her memory serves her right, they never went to the Tech Building.
"Don't go there. The Claws gang is unlike the Black Dragons and Fire 39. Their leader is crazy. If not for Ice Lord guarding the Arts Building and Bullet at the back gate, they would have wrecked havoc in the entire school."
"But I need to go there. The microfilms are in Techno Hub and I need something for my research."
"I'm sorry, Dara. If you really must go there, just ask Ice Lord to accompany you."
"But Namee!"
Dara shifted her weight on her feet, her eyebrows furrowed in worry. They were near the Black Dragon's turf and it's honestly driving her nuts. She can't imagine asking Jiro to accompany her to the Tech Building. Talking to him when they are alone is different from talking to him at school. Plus, after realizing her 'tiny' crush on him, she'll probably explode in a million particles before she can ask a favor from him.
Dara can feel the butterflies in her stomach multiplying at each passing second. She clutched Namee's arm tightly and tried to drag her away. "Forget it. Let's just go", she pleaded.
"Gosh, Dara!" Namee wiggled from her grasp and stretched her neck to peek at the Black Dragon's turf. "He's there! I saw him!" She exclaimed, making Dara freeze. He's there? Oh no!
"Go! Ask him!" Namee pushed Dara but the latter hid behind her.
"I don't have anything to say."
"Just ask him to accompany you to the Tech Building! How hard can that be? You can't go there alone, Dara. The moment you step inside, they will smell your fear. And they will run towards you and eat your liver."
"Stop being ridiculous."
"You're the one who's ridiculous. You like Jiro but whenever he's with you, you talk like this – mumble mumble mumble...mumble mumble mumble."
"I do not talk like a bumble bee!" Dara screeched.
"Then, go ask him now instead of just standing there."
Dara chewed on her lips with a deep frown on her forehead as she stared at the Black Dragon's turf. "I can't do it", she whined after a while.
"I'm not asking you to lick him, you dimwit."
"Will you stop it?"
"Gosh", Namee chuckled at her friend's sour expression. "If he breathes, don't panic okay?"
Dara looked at the Black Dragon's turf once again and pondered for a moment. She really needs the microfilm in the Techno Hub but she can't bring herself to ask Jiro to accompany her. She was still contemplating when suddenly, a face materialized in front of her making her shriek.
"Hello", the guy with a mohawk smiled at her. "What are you doing here, Ice Lord's girl?"
"U-Uhm..." Dara shifted her gaze to Namee but her stupid friend is already running away. Gah! Namee! She glanced back at the short guy and took a step back. "I-I'm not Jiro's girl."
The guy jumped towards the railing and sat there. He stared at Dara with amusement while rocking back and forth. "My name is Bonsai", he grinned. "So, what's the deal between you and our leader? If you don't tell me the truth, I'll jump from here and you'll be the one responsible for my death."
Dara's eyes widened in disbelief. Is he crazy? They're at the fourth floor!
"One..two..AHHHHH!!!" Bonsai screamed as he fell backwards from where he's sitting.
"OH MY GOD!!" Dara screamed and ran towards him, only to find him chuckling while his half body is dangling upside down, his legs still hooked on the railing. He swayed and grabbed the railing with one hand and jumped back to the corridor.
"Scared you, didn't I?" Bonsai said triumphantly.
"Bonsai!" Picaro's deep voice thundered all over. With long strides, he approached his gang mate and yanked his ear.
"Ouch, ouch! I was just teasing her!"
"Inside. Now!" Picaro instructed. "Sorry, Dara. I'll call Ice Lord and tell him you're here."
"Wait! I-..." Before Dara can stop him, Picaro already went inside their turf to inform Jiro that she's there.
Dara exhaled audibly, not knowing what to do. Should she run away? That would make her look stupid! But she might do something stupider if she asks him. Ugh! ARGH! NAMEE!!
"Ramirez", Jiro's voice entered her ears, making her flinch. He was standing at the door of the Black Dragon's turf while staring at her; the rest of his gang was peeking at every available hole to look at the girl who has their leader's attention.
Dara's breathing was caught in her throat when Jiro began striding towards her. "What are you doing here?"
She swallowed hard and averted her gaze. Why is it so difficult to ask him to accompany her? Riko Takizawa did a good job asking him to give her a tour of the school so why can't she do it?
"Did something happen?" Jiro's eyes narrowed in suspicion.
"N-No!" God, she should stop stuttering.
"Then, what brings you here?"
"I-I want me to accompany you to go to microfilm to get the Techno Hu-..uh..." GAAHH!! What is she saying?! "No, I mean...I want you-..." I want you? What?! NOOO!!! Dara Ramirez!!
"SHE WANTS HIM! Atta boy, Ice Lord!" The Black Dragons cheered and whistled, making Dara blush. She hugged her books tightly and took a step back, ready to run because of embarrassment. But Jiro reached for her and held her upper arm, preventing her to move away.
"You're asking me to accompany you to Techno Hub?" He asked in his usual noncommittal tone. Dara nodded meekly.
"Okay. Let's go."
She knew it. She should have NEVER trusted Namee. That girl is the daughter of darkness!
The Tech Building is nowhere near what Namee made her believe. It is actually more peaceful compared to the Arts Building. Her reason for asking Jiro to accompany her crumbled. Wah! She's getting embarrassed as they walk towards the Techno Hub while the students kept staring at them. Of course 'Ice Lord' is famous all over InterSAT, and that includes the Tech Building.
"Is the turf of The Claws located here?" Dara asked.
Jiro eyed him questioningly before responding, "No. Why?"
"Oh. Nothing."
That Namee! She intentionally frightened her to make her ask Jiro! Dara sighed and continued walking, her eyes focused on the floor. Occasionally, she would glance at Jiro who was walking at her right side and she would immediately avert her gaze while smiling inwardly. She felt like she's walking with her boyfriend. Boyfriend?! What boyfriend? What was she thinking? They are not even walking close to each other! Jiro is in a distance away from her; she can even fit an elephant between them!
"That's the Techno Hub." Jiro pointed at the room and looked at her, pulling her out of her trance. "Get what you need. I'll wait for you here."
"No, it's okay. I can manage from here."
"I'll wait for you", Jiro said with finality. Before Dara can respond, another voice joined their conversation.
"Jiro! Dara! What are you two doing here?" Riko exclaimed as she approached them. Great. It's that girl AGAIN.
"I just need something from the Techno Hub." Dara answered.
"Then, I'll help you. It's my vacant hour anyway."
Oh, she'll help her. Isn't she the kindest girl in the world? Gosh, why is she getting irritated?
"Okay", Dara said in agreement and the two girls gathered the materials that Dara needs for her research. After a while, they stepped out of Techno Hub and started going back to the Arts Building...with Riko accompanying them.
Why is she tagging along? WHY?! Dara stole a glance at Riko and Jiro and much to her dismay, the two are in a deep conversation as if she doesn't exist. She has no clue what the two are talking about. Riko and Jiro. Why must their names rhyme like URGH!
She sighed and mentally kicked herself. She has no right to shun Riko when the girl is not doing anything wrong. Besides, there's nothing between her and Jiro. Nothing between her and Jiro.
"Are you going to the InterSAT bonfire, Dara?" Riko suddenly asked.
"What bonfire?" Dara asked in bewilderment.
"Jiro didn't tell you?"
"No, he...didn't." Dara said while looking at Jiro whose eyes are darted forward.
"Oh, I see", Riko said. She glanced momentarily at Jiro before she continued. "The InterSAT bonfire is held at the back of the school grounds, near the Fire 39 turf. It's an event held by the InterSAT gangs."
Dara nodded dispiritedly. Jiro didn't tell her about it.
"You only have one class left just like me, right?" Riko asked. "Let's walk home together after school", she smiled and looked at Jiro. Wow. By together, she meant Jiro.
- In Serial187 Chapters
Classroom of Doom
Welcome to the F class, also known as Failure class. In this class, every student that is in it has at least committed one crime at least. Normally, a class like this wouldn't be formed in the first place. However, the government suggested a certain school to take care of this class for a certain reason. They wish to morally reform the members of this class before they hit the legal age of going to jail. The protagonist, Daniel Lead, after committing a certain crime for a certain reason, will be part of this classroom starting now. Being 15 years old, can he change his situation before he is 18 years old and goes to jail for what he did?
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Self, Published
Dean Winchester's latest book was going to cement him as the next big name in wilderness survivalist fiction, but editor Castiel Novak sees something else beneath the surface-the story Dean didn't realize he was telling. Completion status: Completed, 17 chapters - being uploaded weekly Non-explicit, slowburn alternate universe (AU) slash fic between bisexual Dean Winchester and gay asexual Castiel. Features a lot of country scenery and a lot of queer, light on the romance and sex.Teen and up rating.Disclaimer: This work is a fan fiction; I own nothing and no one from the Supernatural series, and you all know it. Content warnings for the following: character being queer and closeted to avoid discrimination, coming out discussions, coming out, reference to people being harassed or attacked for being gay, mention of homophobic microaggressions, mention of past emotional abuse, descriptions of emotionally abusive behavior, mention of suicide, mention of people injured by tornadoes, use of intelligence-based pejoratives, negative self-talk, mention of sex, mention of someone feeling pressured in the context of sex, hiking accident, hospitalization / illness recovery, mention of minor character deaths (heart attack, car crash) Being crossposted from AO3 (indyana) and WattPad (indyana207).
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The Healer's Alpha
Hope spent her life trapped under the guise of protection, when all she wanted to do was live.Connor had lost something precious, and was a shell of who he had once been.Can they come together to fulfill each other's dreams?Or will dangerous forces try to keep them apart?___________________________________________"Come here, sweetheart." I took his hand and gasped at the delicious shockwaves traveling up my arm. He pulled me closer to him, so I was standing in between his legs. I wasn't sure what to say, so I ran my fingers through his hair, noticing for the first time the bits of red streaked through the dark brown, and smiled when he growled in delight. He leaned his forehead down, so it was resting on my belly and wrapped his arms around my back. "We should talk about this." He whispered with his head still on my stomach. I nearly didn't hear him. I was too focused on the sparks tingling through my arms as I caressed his back and continued my gentle assault through his hair."Ok. What should we talk about?" He took a deep breath and I watched as his shoulders slumped."I'll understand if you reject me. No one wants a defective mate."Cover made by @ViaAlyssaNicole
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Sunlight Through The Curtains
Sam and Bucky are paired to go on missions together with a new team of agents. They quickly unlearn their hatred toward each other and find something else behind that rivalry. This story is a *little* spicy (and I mean little) so this is your heads upBEFORE YOU READ: This is the FIRST DRAFT of this story. The final, better story is already complete on Ao3! Story title is Sunlight Through The Curtains and my username is korg_made_of_rocks!! If you don't know what ao3 is or how to use it, check out the last two chapters in this book. I made a video explaining it all! Thank you!I do NOT own any of the Marvel characters in this story. I DO own my oc's. ---------------¡Gracias al maravilloso HairaitoFujoshi20, esta historia se está traduciendo al español! Tengo la historia traducida en una lista de lectura en mi perfil, ¡o puedes ir al perfil de Hairaito y encontrarla allí! (Usé el traductor de Google para esto porque no confío en mis 3 años de clase de español jaja)
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The Truth about Heather (gxg)
In her final year of high school, Zoe Pine can't help but wish that she had more time to spend with her best friend, since childhood, Drew. However, when Drew becomes close friends with the popular girl, Heather Violets, Zoe can't help but feel as though she and Drew are drifting apart. However, Zoe isn't yet aware that she and Heather may have more in common than they initially thought.
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Natalia Zamora is a driven young adult trying to work her way up the corporate latter. The only problem is that she is working in a man's world. With the determination and dedication for her love for Computer Engineering, she refuses to give up her dream of creating her own app design. Grayson Parker is the head of GRIP, a startup company in California. Grayson is quiet and one of the smartest men in LA. His social anxiety and inability to read social cues keeps him stuck in his office most days. As he tries to cope with his Asperger's Syndrome in the work place, he finds comfort in Natalia quickly.As feelings grow for one another, Natalia soon realizes the struggles she faces in their blossoming relationship. Being complete opposites, she finds herself having both nothing in common with Grayson, but having everything in common at the same time. She must now face the difficulties that she will face in the workplace as well as in her own home when being involved with Grayson. For Natalia, the question remains: Does love truly conquer all?
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