《Be Mine》// t w e l v e //
:: chapter twelve ::
It was almost one when they decided to go back to their cabin. Exhausted yet very happy. After resting for a while, Dara grabbed her towel and pajamas and proceeded to the bathroom with Jiyong eyeing on her every move until she closed the bathroom door. He blinked once, he blinked twice and let an audible sigh. He then removed his pink beanie and raked his hair as he grabbed the digital camera in his pocket. He turned the thing on and started browsing the pictures. There were so many pictures, he could no longer track of the numbers but then inside him he could still feel the need for more. He was still craving for her pictures, to capture her moves, her smile and her laugh. To capture just every bit of her. He heaved another sigh as he stood up and placed the camera inside his bag and right on cue Dara came out of the bathroom.
She was drying her hair with her light pink towel as she was standing there in her pink rabbit printed pajamas. She smiled at him, he stared at her. Then there was silence, nothing more, nothing less. They just stared at each other drown in the eyes of one another. Jiyong stood up and grabbed his towel as he quickly walked his way to the bathroom and almost slammed the door behind him. Dara chuckled a bit as she sat on the edge of her bed, blankly staring at his empty and messy bed. She smiled as she stood up and grabbed the yellow stuff toy that he gave. She then sat down on the floor as she started talking to the stuff toy and playing with its arm. She frowned recalling it doesn’t even have any name. She stopped, thinking for a name.
She let out a frustrated growl upon almost wrecking her head for a name yet can’t think of any. She heaved a sigh as she let her shoulder dropped in defeat. She just then started humming a song while playing with its arm again. She was trying not to fall asleep when she knew she was seconds away from it. She wanted to stay up until he came out of the bathroom. She wanted to ask him to sleep beside her, but guess she could no longer hold on to that when she just fell asleep with her head leaning on the edge of her bed.
Jiyong came out of the bathroom drying his hair with a white towel, half naked and was only wearing his gray sweat pants. His eyes landed on the petite girl that was sleeping on the floor with her head leaning on the edge of her bed. He heaved a sigh as he threw the towel and grabbed his white t-shirt and slid it to his body. He then paced to her and gently wrapped his arm on her and lifted her carefully, avoiding stirring her from her sleep. Gently, he placed her on the top of her bed and covered her with the blanket. He then turned around and went to his bed as he sat down on its edge, arms leaning on his thighs and chin resting on his hands.
He was staring at her as she slept peacefully on her bed, then all of a sudden he felt he was too far from her, he felt like he was unreachable, like she was just too distant. He then stood up and walked to her, not breathing until he reached her bed and sat down without peeling his eyes of her. He stared at her as she slept. He was looking at her like she was some kind of impossibility, like she was an unfolding miracle, glorious than that of an angel and beautiful like no other when all she was doing was sleeping. He softly removed the strands of her hair covering her face. A small smile tugged in his lips as he stood up and grabbed his digital camera. He started taking picture of her, endlessly. He was trying to capture her every breath, every move. Satisfied with the shots he placed his camera back to his bag and sat down beside her once more.
He was just staring at her, counting her breath and wandering what she was dreaming. Asking if he was in those dreams. Dara snuggled closer to him as if she was totally aware that he was sitting next to her, that he was just millimetres away from her. ‘Jiyong,’ she whispered which widen his eyes in surprise. A wide smile stretched in his lips. He then leaned down and gave a small kiss on her lips. He started caressing her hair, wondering if he could just stay in that moment for the rest of his life. He slowly lied down beside her, wrapping his arms around her. He pulled her closer to him as he kissed her hair and without knowing it he just fell into slumber with her on his arms.
Jiyong slowly fluttered his eyes open as the leaking sunlight from the window snatched him from his sleep. His very first sleep. He felt like this was the only moment he had slept in his entire life. He felt like all his life all he was doing was just trying to sleep. His eyes landed on the girl sleeping beside him and he never felt so light, so contented. He never felt that happy that he was able to wake up to see another morning, to see her angelic face. In his eighteen years when he sleep he was asking to never wake up, but now he was just thankful that he was given another day. He pulled her closer to him and kissed her on her forehead.
Dara fluttered her eyes open. A smile tugged in her lips as she saw him lying next to her, holding her. ‘Good morning, handsome,’ she said in a hoarse voice as she let out a small chuckle. ‘Good morning,’ he answered as he leaned his forehead with hers. Jiyong slowly pulled her and captured her lips, barely caring if they just woke up. He kissed her. She kissed him and that was the moment they knew that no matter what happened a kiss never changed taste, it was still sweet as ever. They pulled away from his other panting, with her chuckling while he was just leaning his forehead on hers as his eyes were closed.
Dara sat down and stretched her arms upward, Jiyong then sat down but it was as if he could not get enough of her that his arms were locked on her waist as he leaned his chin on her shoulder. Dara laughed as she placed her arms on the top of his arms. Then they both heard a knock from the door. ‘Time to get up love birds! We still need to jog 1km before breakfast!’ Chaerin said laughing. Jiyong groaned in frustration while Dara chuckled. ‘We’re coming!’ she answered snickering. ‘You only got 5 minutes,’ Chaerin answered before leaving. Dara quickly got off the bed as she pulled Jiyong with her. Dara went to the bathroom to change her clothes while Jiyong just sat down and waited since he was not planning to change his. He just grabbed his black jacket, his pink beanie and put it on and he was good to go.
When they reached the field everyone was staring at them since Jiyong was still fixing her jacket on her. Both Dara and Jiyong’s eyes landed on them, questioning. ‘What?’ Jiyong hissed after getting tired of the guessing game between them. All of them flinched and drifted their gaze away from them. Mr. Yang faked a cough as he started with the instruction and in his signal the students ran, racing for the finish line as if it was a marathon while it was nothing but a jog. Dara just laughed as both her and Jiyong started walking trailing behind the running and laughing students. While the other students were busy outrunning each other, they were just walking as if they were site seeing.
After almost an hour they finally reached back the camp in which fishing equipments and buckets and sorts were waiting for them. ‘Oh we’re going to fish for breakfast!’ Dara exclaimed as she clasped her hand together in excitement. After listening to the instruction Mr. Yang gave, they all proceeded to the small lake on the camp bringing their needed materials. Dara was up in the cloud nine as she saw the lake she quickly pulled Jiyong with her as she pointed out the lake, telling stories on how she has always dreamed seeing a lake and how she was just happy right now.
They then started fishing with Jiyong teaching Dara almost everything. Chaerin was looking at the two with a smile on her lips. ‘Jealous?’ Seung Ri said as Chaerin snapped her head on him while he was sitting there, waiting for a fish to take on his bait. Chaerin squinted her eyes on him while he was not even staring at her. ‘Yes, got problem with that?’ Chaerin said huffing as she crossed her arms on her chest. No, she was not really jealous. In fact she was happy for both, it was just it was too early to argue with him and she felt like she doesn’t have enough energy to do so. Seung Ri turned his head facing her, surprised that he was almost gasping. Chaerin was almost taken aback with his reaction that she pressed her lips together and started fiddling with her fingers as her hands were behind her.
Seung Ri frowned as he the lifted his arm, signalling her to come closer to him. Chaerin glared at him, trying to figure him out on what the hell was he doing. She bit her lips as she slowly walked to him. Seung Ri grabbed her arm the moment she was within his reach. Chaerin was baffled at first that she was now closed to him that they could practically exchange soul. Without peeling his eyes of her he handed her the fishing rod. ‘Listen to me carefully okay? Not one word,’ he said in an authoritative tone. Then he started teaching her about everything he knew with fishing and Chaerin was just staring at him the whole time he was explaining. She was confused of him, that not a single word he was saying was sinking in her mind.
She started laughing out of the blue as she pinched his cheek. ‘Yah! That hurts!’ he said as he rubbed his red cheek. Chaerin smiled at him which made Seung Ri almost fell on the wooden plank where they were standing. ‘You’re cute,’ she said as he stared at her blankly. Then awkwardness started crawling its way between them. They both faked a cough as their cheeks both painted with red. Then their attention was snatched when their fishing rod starting moving both of them held it tightly as they started pulling it with their hands over each other. Upon noticing it, they both smiled. ‘I think we should pull it together,’ Chaerin said blowing the awkwardness away. ‘I think too, it looks like a big fish to me,’ Seung Ri said chuckling.
After fishing the students were on their chosen place as the lit up fire and started grilling the fish that they caught. Dara was happily watching the fish as it cooks off with Jiyong beside her. She was asking tons of questions but it was as if Jiyong never get tired answering it thought it was just going to circle. Dara then stood up. ‘I will just get something,’ she said as she jogged her way to their cabin with Jiyong staring at her. But on her halfway she suddenly lost her balance and fell clutching her chest as she started breathing heavily. She finally remembered she forgot to take her medicine yesterday and that was not good. Jiyong run to her as all their classmates panicked and went to her. ‘Give her open space!’ Mr. Yang almost yelled making everyone stepped backward.
‘Dara, what’s happening?’ Jiyong asked shaking, almost on the verge of panicking. ‘My medicine, and the device,’ she said weakly as she struggled with her heavy breathing. ‘It’s in my bag,’ she said. Jiyong quickly run to their cabin shoving everyone out of his way as Minzy and Chaerin rushed to Dara crying out of nervousness.
Jiyong was practically raking everything as he searched for the device and her medicine. He just poured everything out of her bag as he was searching using her trembling hands. He can hear his heart loudly thumping in chest as he can hear his brain shout that if he doesn’t hurry he could lose her. After grabbing the things he needed he ran to her, he was running fast that he reached her within seconds. He sat down and opened the medicine bottle and made her drink the tablet as Chaerin handed him the water which he made Dara drink. Dara was still clutching her chest as she was locked in Jiyong’s arms. He was trembling, he was afraid that he was about to lose his sanity. Dara felt guilty worrying not only him but almost everyone, just because she forgot her medicine.
She was gripping Jiyong’s shirt tightly as her breathing slowly went even. When they were sure that she was fine Jiyong lifted her and made her sat on the chair outside their cabin. Jiyong was holding Dara’s hand tightly not peeling his gaze away from her. Even afraid of blinking. Dara tightly shut her eyes and heaved a sigh. She opened her palm to her asking for her device, her compact ECG device. Jiyong handed it to her as she turned the device on and placed her finger on the censor on the edge of the device. After initialising the device started reading her ECG, with Jiyong carefully staring at the lines reading it. He can read it, he studied about it before with no particular reason, but he was glad he did.
Jiyong stared at Dara. ‘You need rest,’ he said as Dara stared at him, eyes widened. ‘How did you know?’ she asked. ‘I can read ECG,’ he said in honesty. Dara bit her lips as he turned off the device. ‘I’m sorry for worrying you and everyone,’ she said caressing his face. Jiyong nodded. ‘Just tell me first what happened,’ he said in a low voice. ‘I forgot to drink my medicine,’ she answered honestly as she sighed, Jiyong nodded. He was trying to calm his self as Dara snuggled closer to him. He let out a sigh. ‘Will this happen again?’ he asked. ‘Maybe, maybe not... I, no, we don’t really know,’ she answered as her breath was brushing on his neck. Jiyong tightened her hold of her, he closed his eyes tightly. ‘What do we need to do to prevent it?’ he asked still not looking at her. ‘I just always need to drink my meds and I will be fine. Unless the meds will have side effects or...’ she trailed off as she heaved another sigh. ‘Or what?’ Jiyong asked as his patience ran out.
‘My body will reject my new heart,’ she said in a low voice. Jiyong bit his lips, he seemed to be lost just thinking of the possibility that she could be taken from him was enough to leave him weak, to leave him in the verge of breaking down. His jaw clenched and his fist tightened. Dara soon felt how his body stiffened. ‘Ji,’ she called out to him. Jiyong tightly closed his eyes and opened it again.
‘That’s impossible, you own that heart for almost a year right, two years in fact,’ he said firmly with emotions mixing in his voice. Anger, pain, love, everything was just blending in his voice and not just his voice but in his chest. ‘It’s always possi---,’ Dara was not able to finish what she was saying when Jiyong suddenly interrupted her.
‘No, don’t say that,’ he hissed as he pulled her closer to him. Dara smiled as she closed her eyes. ‘I will not die Ji, I will never leave you... not now... not ever...’ she whispered softly to him as he just felt his tears crawled his cheeks. H e was alone all his life. He was always in pain. He was miserable. He was tragedy itself. But in those days where he felt so helpless that dying was a better option he never cried, he never did. But now, just knowing she could leave him anytime. Knowing he was just borrowing her, made his heart constrict from so much fear, so much pain. He couldn't bear it, just the thought of it he couldn't bear it. He wiped his tears roughly as he cuddled her more.
‘Who said you’re allowed to leave me. You’re not going to leave me, you’ll stay with me forever,’ he said firmly as he felt Dara nodded. ‘Forever,’ he repeated as Dara nodded again. Then he said the same thing again and Dara nodded to him again, then they did the same thing again and again as he tried convincing himself that forever do exists. With her that word do exists.
------ :]]
//author's blabbering//
warning long author's blabbering ahead.
First before plotting how to kill, unfriend and unsubscribed me. DARA is not going to die HERE! or maybe i could change my mind. LOL just kidding. I can't promise you that there'll be no death here, the minor characters can die and they can shift the story at some point. Beside there was death in this story the first place, the death of Dara's heart donor will turn everything around but that will still be chapters away. I guess. LOL. anyways. this is not also edited too lazy to do such thing. I'll edit it tonight or later maybe. So I'm sorry for the errors.
thank you for everyone who supported this fic, for comments, for subscribing and for love. Thank you so much.
so what do you think about this chappie. Share your thoughts please hehe :)
mbie 07
p e a c e
chapter 13 preview to be posted next sunday [ because i'm a troll ]
Jiyong stared at his blooded hands, it was covered with his schoolmate's blood. He did this before, he almost killed someone using his bare fists. He did it before and he felt nothing. He got suspensio, he earned cruel reputation but he doesn't give a fuck. His hands were never the cleanest. But now standing in front of her with his blood soaked hand as she was holding him and staring at her. He felt like he was so small, that he was not worthy to stand before her, to look in her eyes or for her to hold.
'I'm like this Dara! I can kill without hesitation. I almost killed that bastard over there!! I'm.... I'm... this is me!' he said as he roughly pulled his hands from her, droplets of blood stained both their uniform, the floor and the white wall behind him. Dara never took her gaze away from him. She was looking at him, like he did nothing it was the same stare he landed on him before, full of understanding, full of love. He fell on his knees as he started punching the floor until his blood started to mix with the blood in his hand. Dara quickly bent down and stopped him. She hugged him tightly.
'Don't leave me please. I know my hands are not the cleanest. I know I don't deserve you but please don't leave me,' he whispered shaking as he wrapped his arms around her, as blood stained her clothes. 'Don't leave me,' he begged once more as he burried his head on her shoulder as tears flowed down his cheeks.
Dara smiled as she pulled herself away from him. She then held his hands tightly and smiled. Their eyes met. Dara's lips curved into a smile as she caressed his face.
'Please, be mine,' she said, pleading. He stared at her, surprised, almost numb and barely breathing. Then his lips formed a smile. Dara's tears crawled down her cheeks it was her first time seeing him smile and she can feel her heart just constricted from so much emotion that she doesn't know how to handle, it was taking over her, eating her alive.
'I have always been yours, from the very beginning I have always been yours,'
omo I'm spoiling too much this is the longest teaser ever. I think I just posted the chapter LOL. so bye bye now!
Annyeong! :*
[try to find the next button :P see you next sunday fellas! :* ]
I'm starting to doubt though... Is this story worth reading? is it good? I don't know. I just feel down lately
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