《The Unknown》Chapter 71
McGonagall waited at the top of the hill overlooking the camp of the dead, the meeting place for her to meet Dahlia's family to travel to the bank. She could see the final packing away was being done and smiled when she saw Dahlia approaching with her sister, father, brothers and three soldiers of Niflheim. She recognised one, Akio, and she wasn't surprised to see him but the other two were a wonder to her. Approaching, Dahlia asked loudly, "all ready, Professor?"
McGonagall nodded as they got closer and when they were all together, Hela explained, "so, Professor, we'll be taking a portal to Diagon Alley and it is extremely important that you listen. Travelling through these portals can be dangerous to your soul, even when we're not travelling across realms. It will only be for a second, but you will need to hold onto someone from Niflheim. I'll be taking my father and Dahlia, Akio will be taking my brothers and Aelua here will be taking you. This is Aelua, she's a light elf and this is Ezroth, he's a dark elf".
McGonagall looked to the young female light elf with long white hair who had a bow and arrows across her back. The light elf smiled at her and McGonagall returned the smile.
"We all ready then?" Dahlia asked. Everyone nodded and Hela waved her hand in the air to open a portal, then she took her sister and father's hands, and everyone followed them as they stepped through.
Leaving the portal, Dahlia wasn't surprised to find themselves in the middle of the bank, goblins all around them staring in shock and there were a few wizards in the bank doing business who stared with mixture of shock and fear. The portal closed when they all came through and then a group of wizards approached with wands held and Dahlia knew within seconds, they would be dead if they tried anything. Thankfully, Griphook approached quickly and waved the wizards away and said, "put those things away, do you want to die?"
At that, it had the family smirking slightly and other members of Niflheim. The wizards backed away as Griphook bowed his head and said, "it is a pleasure to see you once again. Please follow me, the others have already arrived, and everything is prepared".
They walked through the bank until they reached the back and walked down a corridor that said was restricted to all but staff but then saw the other members of the will at the end of the hallway. Alice, Frank and Neville Longbottom and Severus Snape. Dahlia wasn't surprised by the members of the will but was surprised that McGonagall looked shocked to see Snape and knew the old woman's mind would be putting the pieces together soon about who her true godfather was.
Approaching them, Dahlia smiled as Alice and Neville smiled to her and Neville jumped from his seat he was sat on and asked them, "did you really get the founders and Merlin and Morgan Le Fay to do a Q&A at Hogwarts?"
"Nice to see you again too," Dahlia said with a roll of her eyes.
"Sorry," Neville said then the two friends hugged.
As they pulled away, Dahlia answered, "it was all Hela's idea. We knew the will reading couldn't be kept a secret, even a day, so she thought having them at Hogwarts and inviting everyone, no one would turn down the chance to meet them".
Alice then said to Hela, "good plan. There're very few people out there and I only saw two photographers".
Griphook then said, "if you wait here a moment, head goblin Gnark is the only one to have access to this room and the will after the unfortunate events of this will so far".
Griphook then left and Fenrir stared at the door for a moment, seeing no handle, and hummed as he said, "when they say only one goblin can get in, they can't really mean that, can they?"
"Oh, no," Jörmungandr said as he put his head down.
"Dad," and "papa," were instantly said from the girls as they all looked to their eldest brother who looked at the door with interest.
Loki shook his head and said, "Fenrir, don't even think about it".
"But," Fenrir protested, "he's practically asking for someone to try and break in. Tell me you've never tried it".
Loki didn't answer which made everyone look to him and Alice asked, "Loki, have you broken into Gringotts before?"
Loki shrugged, "you can hardly call it breaking in if I don't take anything. Lily was basically asking me to break in when she told me no one had ever done it before. Did you know there are dragons on the lower levels?"
"The rumours are true," Frank said surprised as the girls looked at Loki with disapproval.
Loki shook his head slightly at Dahlia and said, "don't look at me like that, you look like your mother did when she found out".
"Shocker," Dahlia said, "after all you only broke into a bank".
Hela then said, "how about we all stop talking about breaking into a bank in said bank?"
"Goblins," Jörmungandr said and they looked to see Griphook coming back with Gnark.
Gnark bowed his head to Dahlia's family before he drew his claw along the door and the inner locks began to move before the door opened. The head goblin went in and the others followed, the Niflheim soldiers staying outside at Hela's command. They could all smell burning as the door opened. As they entered, everyone was surprised by the room. It wasn't the long table with chairs around it but the burning large bowl in the centre of the table and all around the room were symbols drawn onto the walls with some form of red herbal paste and when they looked up, Hela's symbol was on the ceiling.
Gnark said, "as you can see, this is what caused the delay".
Snape couldn't help but ask, "what is all this?"
It clicked instantly to the none-Midgardians what it was, and Loki answered, "protection, shielding, privacy with all these symbols and what I'm presuming is burning in that bowl, it makes this room the most private room on this realm at the moment. No spell, not even Heimdall will be able to see inside".
Hela then said, "I could open a portal from Niflheim to here and no one would know. Lily really did think of everything".
Gnark said from the head of the table, "as you can see, this is the reason why we could not read the will yesterday. There were other instructions about how to get notice of the will to Niflheim, but we felt that wasn't necessary as we could contact you. I hope we did everything correctly, some of the symbols that we were requested to draw were quite tricky. Please sit".
Everyone then sat, Gnark at the head of the table with Frank to his left, then Neville, Alice, Severus, McGonagall and Griphook at the other end. Loki sat to Gnark's right then Dahlia, Hela, Fenrir and Jörmungandr. Everyone sat and the door to the room closed and a gold cylinder appeared in front of Gnark on the table. He opened it and the will fell out. Gnark opened the will and began...
Being of sound mind and body, and under no influence by spell or potion, I, Lily Jane Evans, declare this to be my last will and testament in detriment of any, and all previous wills I have made.
To my dearest friend, Alice Longbottom, the woman who kept all my secrets when I could tell no one, I leave you chest number 18 and 10,000 Galleons. I know you have no need for the Galleons but spoil that godson of mine if I am not there. The chest contains many books and artefacts I know took your liking from my time elsewhere.
To Frank Longbottom, I leave you a spell book named Arkashara Defence. A book I am sure you are unfamiliar with, but Alice will explain, it is a powerful book of spells for defence and as I write this, I hope you shall never need to learn such powerful defensive spells, that the war is over, and your family is together and whole. I also give permission for Alice to tell you the truth, the whole truth about Dahlia.
To my godson Neville Longbottom, I leave you 10,000 Galleons and a pendant engraved with a phoenix. It will keep you safe from any and all spells, I hope you never have true need for it.
To my oldest and best friend Severus Snape, I leave you 15,000 Galleons, a letter explaining all that has happened if I have not had the chance before this reading and chest number 12. The chest contains many of our mementos from when we were children and a few books I think you might find interesting.
To Fenrir Lokison and Jörmungandr Lokison, I hope you are well and are found unharmed and are at this reading, I leave you a letter. If they are not present for the reading, the letter is to be given to their sister Hela Lokidottir.
To Hela Lokidottir, I am sorry for the pain I know I have caused with my death and I can only hope I see you again. I leave a letter in case that isn't what happens.
To Loki Odinson, I am sorry, my love, that I have left but I leave you a letter if I do not see you again. I wish to make it known to all that are hearing this will that Loki Odinson is the true father of my daughter Dahlia. She is not a Potter but a Lokidottir and I had to lie and pretend in order to keep her safe from enemies that many wouldn't believe. If her heritage is fought with caution and contested against, Alice Longbottom can confirm her true parentage.
To Dahlia Lokidottir, to my baby girl, I leave you a letter explaining everything, hoping you never have to read it.
Other than the items mentioned in this will, I leave everything in vault 510 to Loki Odinson, Hela Lokidottir and Dahlia Lokidottir.
In regard to custody of my daughter, she is to be reunited with her father Loki Odinson without any intervention or prevention. If James Potter is still living, I apologise for the methods of deceit I used but I will not apologise for keeping my family safe, even if it came to pretending we had a child. If Loki Odinson is unwilling or unable to take guardianship, guardianship is to fall to Dahlia's sister Hela Lokidottir. If Hela is unable or unwilling to take custody, custody is to be given to her godmother, Alice Longbottom. If Alice is unable or unwilling to take custody, guardianship is to fall to Dahlia's godfather Severus Snape. Under no circumstance is my daughter to be put into the care of my sister Petunia Dursleys and her husband Vernon Dursley. They hate magic and would treat her like a slave.
Lily Jane Evans
Witnessed by: private signing with Goblins
Gnark put the will down and moved the cylinder and a key fell out. He held it and said, "the key to vault 510, if you will all follow me, I shall take you down to the vault".
They left the room and McGonagall was quick to stand beside Severus as they walked through the hallways and questioned him, "you're her godfather, when were you going to tell anyone?"
Severus took a moment before he said, "possibly never. I was never asked to be her godfather, Lily never told me about any of this, up until recently, I was under the impression that Black was her godfather".
"If you tell that dog you're her godfather, can we be there?" someone asked, and they looked forward to see Fenrir turned as he was walking backwards.
Dahlia slapped his arm and said, "stop eavesdropping on conversations".
"What?" Fenrir shrugged, "I'm a wolf, I can't help it, besides, you said Black had a temper and I want to see someone put the dog on his arse after he kidnapped you and you didn't let us go after him".
Dahlia forced Fenrir to turn and said a quick, "sorry," for Fenrir's eavesdropping.
McGonagall's brow lifted slightly as she looked at Severus, as if questioning the same and he just looked away, not wishing to answer.
Dahlia and her family went into one cart, Akio and the other soldiers staying up top, even after he began to shed concerns over them going down into the vaults without protection as it was clear they could sense the dragon beneath. Gnark took them while Griphook went into a separate cart and took the others. It didn't take long to get to vault 510, as it wasn't as low as the Potter vaults but low enough that it was protected well and made Dahlia question how her mother, a Muggle-born, managed to get such a well-guarded vault.
After they got to the vault and off the carts, Gnark opened the vault with the key and it surprised everyone at the size of the vault. Money piled high, artefacts scattered around the room, paintings and books too. They all entered, and Hela said, "the same symbols are in here too, more protection ones, she wanted to protect everything in here".
Just like in the meeting room, symbols were on the walls but the ones in the vault seemed to be carved into the vault and let off a small amount of light, showing their power was still active. Gnark opened up a small wooden box that was in the vault and took out a series of letters and passed them around to the people they were meant for from the will. He then said, "the other matters in the will can be moved to your individual vaults if you wish".
Alice, Frank and Severus all nodded, and it took a few moments as goblins came in and began to remove things from the vault as Dahlia looked around. She came across a glass cabinet filled with weird vials with silver wisps inside. It took her a moment to identify what they were and said loudly, "dad, come look at this." She opened the cabinet and picked up one of the vials and saw it was labelled, 'Dahlia walking for the first time'.
Loki came and saw the cabinet and froze when he saw Dahlia held one of the vials. She didn't look at him as she said, "copies of her memories, she must have been extracting memories. Why, dad?"
Loki took a moment before he stepped closer to look at the label and said, "precious memories. Your mother was at war, as much as I hate that, she was at war. After all the preparations she did regarding the will, it doesn't shock me that she stored her memories. Possibly so you would know her if the worst was to happen to her".
Dahlia gently put the vial back and closed it and placed her hand on the glass as she bit her lip to stop any tears that may come. She eventually said, "she shouldn't have been thinking about any of this, she should have been happy, not thinking about herself dying".
"Look at me," he said as he touched her arm and she turned but her hand remained on the glass case, "your mother was happy but like any parent, especially one at war, I know she thought about every possibility of how the war would end. Just because she thought of this, does not mean every minute she spent with you wasn't filled with happiness".
He then pulled her close and wrapped her arms around him as he did her. "Are you okay?" they headed and looked to see her siblings and it was Jörmungandr that asked.
Dahlia pulled away from their father and said, "I'm fine". She then gestured to the cabinet, "mum's memories. She was storing them".
Jörmungandr frowned and asked, "how did she do that?"
"It's a Midgardian spell," Hela answered, "they can take memories from their mind and store them, so they can be seen by other people. People do it for many different reasons, they even use it in their court system".
"Excuse me," someone said, and they turned to see Griphook, "the items have been removed from the vault, everything in here is now yours. We will be waiting by the carts if you have any questions or instructions". Griphook then handed the key over and left.
Dahlia held the key and asked, "what should we do with everything?"
The boys shrugged, not knowing what to say as they didn't know Lily to have a say in what to do with her things, but Loki said, "we can't leave everything here. If it gets out about this vault and the amount of protection Lily has gone through to hide it, I don't doubt others will get curious and wish to look".
Hela then said, "I can have everything brought to Niflheim. All these protection spells and symbols, it will allow me to open a portal in here and no one, not even Heimdall would know. I can have it done when we get back to Niflheim".
"What about these?" Fenrir asked as he held his and Jörmungandr letter from Lily, "anyone know why Lily wrote to Jora and I?"
"Because you're family, even if she didn't know you," Dahlia said. "Take it, see what she has to say". Fenrir nodded as did everyone else with their letters and put them away in pockets and Hela and Dahlia handed theirs to their father to put in his inner jacket pocket, so they wouldn't rip.
They then left the vault and noticed that one cart with Gnark had already gone back up to the bank while Griphook was waiting by the other cart. Dahlia locked up before she took off her locket and put the key on the chain before putting it back on, keeping it safe there knowing it wouldn't come off accidently or get lost in a pocket.
Going back up to the surface, they saw the Longbottom family, McGonagall and the soldiers waiting. It seemed Gnark was quickly doing some paperwork regarding the will. Dahlia went to her professor and asked quietly, "where's Professor Snape?"
McGonagall hesitated in answering but said, "he returned to Hogwarts. I think all of this may have been a little too much for him. He may be moody and not show his emotions, but I've known that boy since he was eleven. I think he just needs time".
Dahlia nodded in understanding as he did just read his best friend's will and found out the truth from her will and who knows if he read his letter yet, but Dahlia was slightly disappointed he wasn't there. She wanted to talk to him, ask him if he did have any intention of taking part in the war or would he do as she wanted and for him to take the potions, she had given him to hide from Voldemort now her mother wasn't being used against him.
Gnark didn't take long but came out with forms that showed guardianship of Dahlia signed by Loki so that if anyone wanted proof that she was his, the guardianship forms would show it and name that the evidence given was in the will of Lily Evans. Thankfully, it also came with change of name forms for Dahlia and a new birth certificate with her true name on thanks to the help from her father.
Leaving the bank, they all walked out, not caring about the stares as Dahlia was talking to Neville. She said, "listen, Neville, you don't have to come to Niflheim during the summer, you can spend it with your parents. There will be plenty of other times you can come".
"Thanks," he said smiling, happier than she had ever seen him before, "mum and dad got me a new wand too, they weren't too happy when they found out gran gave me dad's, said it wouldn't work right for me and my new one does perfectly. They said we could go travelling in the summer, to get away from it all and spend time together. They said we can look for rare herbs and plants, I didn't think they'd like herbology, but they get it".
Dahlia let off a small laugh at his excitement and said, "of course they do, Neville. Anything you're interested in, I am sure they would take great interest in or quickly learn everything about it for you".
Neville went slightly red and Dahlia knew why, it was because he finally had his parents back, two people who love him unconditionally and only wanted what was best for him and wanted anything that made him happy. There was his grandmother on the other hand who wanted him to be a cardboard copy of his father.
- End2276 Chapters
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