《The Unknown》Chapter 1: Living a Lie
Disclaimer: I do not own anything from Harry Potter or the Avengers.
Authors note: This is set after the Avengers and is set in the marvel timeline so everything in the Harry Potter universe is moved forward in time. The time is rarely mentioned so it shouldn't be a problem. I will be including Hela into this story but she is not the Hela some of you may have seen in theatres. I thought of this idea before Thor Ragnarok came out so different Hela's. This is my first time posting anything in the Harry Potter or Avengers category. Hope you enjoy the story, please review!
This story was originally and still is posted on fanfiction.net but due to it being uploaded here three times now without my consent, it seems like I have no other choice than to post it here too. I apologise for any spelling or errors, I'm just transferring it over from my other account where I am already working on the sequel and it will take time. Enjoy.
Growing up, Dahlia thought she was a nothing, a nobody. Just the orphaned child of two drunks who died in a car accident. Left on the doorstep for her relatives to find, the only ones that would take her in because she was unwanted and was reminded of that every day as she slept under the stairs. She was a weirdo, a nerd and above all else, a freak who wasn't worth the air she breathed. Dudley, her baby whale of a cousin, her uncle Vernon took the title of whale, would always bully her for being an orphan, for having hand me down clothes, for being smarter than he was and for having the lightening scar on her forehead. The scar that she had no recollection of getting as it had been there as long as she could remember. She never remembered anything before she came to live with her relatives and all she had were her dreams that gave her hope of a red haired woman and a shoulder length black haired man, but their faces were blurred as they spoke to her. She dreamt of flying over London on a motorbike and a flash a green light that sent chills down her spine, but they were nothing but dreams. The dreams of a worthless orphan as her aunt Petunia would say.
Then came the day when the letters began to come and for the first time, she saw fear in her aunt and uncle's eyes. She had demanded her letter, it was addressed to her after all, but they had just thrown her into her room which was a small cupboard underneath the stairs. The letters came and came and never stopped, they even moved house but then the giant came...or half giant in Hagrid's case. The truth was finally revealed to her, Dahlia Lily Potter was The Girl Who Lived. A saviour to the Wizarding World, slayer of You-Know-Who or as Dahlia called him, Lord Voldemort as she wasn't afraid to say his name. She finally felt like she belonged when she entered the Hogwarts halls. Sure, she hated the publicity and the fame but she felt like she was home. She had friends who didn't care about her fame and accepted her for who she was. She could be herself, but that didn't save her when it came to the end of the year.
It didn't save her when she told Professor McGonagall that someone was after the stone, it didn't save her as she went challenge through challenge with Ron and Hermione, and it certainly didn't save her when professor Quirrell, possessed by Voldemort, had his hands wrapped around her throat. No, she saved herself. She didn't know how but she saved the stone and saved her life. She didn't know how she burned Professor Quirrell, she was just happy she did, but the possession or spirit that left him and went through her caused her such pain that she thought her head was going to explode and the force of it had knocked her back, leaving her unconscious on the floor.
She could hear people as she was being carried to the hospital wing talking in hushed tone about how she looked awful and about the stone but their voices drifted away as she felt herself drift away to some place unknown.
Confusion seeped in as soon as the bright light that had engulfed Dahlia had disappeared. She was in a bright green meadow and the grass and trees around her were practically glowing, like nothing she had ever seen before. At the bottom of the meadow was a small stream, and as the water flowed it sounded like chimes as the water danced peacefully. The large oak tree that was in the centre was crooked with age but as the sun shined through its white flowered leaves, they turned gold.
Dahlia turned and turned and couldn't help but smile at her surroundings, but then the thought hit her. She had never envisioned such beauty before, so why now? Why envision such beauty when she had just faced Quirrell along with Voldemort? It then dawned upon her that this must be the afterlife, heaven, she declared as nothing like this could exist on earth.
She felt a strong pull towards the oak tree so she walked up the small hill but as she grew closer, she saw a man dressed in weird black and green robes pacing. He seemed to be as confused as she was but he felt familiar to her so she continued to walk, but this time with caution. He only caught onto her presence, when she reached the top of the hill and he demanded, "Who are you? How did you get here?"
Dahlia would have flinched at the harshness of his tone but she knew that it was unwise. She took a deep breath and replied, "I don't know how I got here. I was at school, I was hurt, I think I was being taken to the hospital wing when a bright light came and then I came here. Am I dead? Is this heaven? What is this place?"
The man looked her up at down, examining her clothing of worn out jeans and dark red jumper and stated, "You hail from Midgard".
"Midgard?" Dahlia asked in confusion.
"Earth," the man answered rolling his eyes. "That still does not explain how you come to be here, it should be impossible for one of your kind to come here. Who are you?"
"My name is Dahlia, Dahlia Lily Potter," she said nervously and shifted but summoned some of her Gryffindor courage to not back away from the strange man.
Dahlia could tell that the name must have meant something to the man as he instantly stiffened and she wondered if he knew what she did when she was a child. Maybe he had come from the wizarding world too. Dahlia didn't have much time to think as the man walked towards her threateningly and exclaimed angry, "You lie. Dahlia is gone, she is dead. Who are you really? Did Odin finally find out about her and send you to twist my mind? Is this another punishment for my indiscretions?"
He went to reach for her arms in anger but realised that neither one could touch the other as they simply went through. Dahlia took a step back and said, "I don't know what you're talking about".
"Or maybe my mind is imagining her," he said to himself but it was clear enough that she could hear. He looked away from Dahlia, his eyes went to the floor but they were quickly moving as if to memorise each blade of green, as if his mind was working out some complex equation. "She isn't real, the cruel trickery of my mind is driving me to imagine her now. This is all just an illusion". He slowly took a few steps away from her but did look back up, hoping the child would have disappeared if what he said was true.
Dahlia thought about keeping quiet or running but it seemed like this man wasn't mentally well. "Excuse me, sir," she said with caution but didn't like the idea of anyone denying her existence, she had to put up with that already at home, "I am real, I'm not an illusion. I am from Earth".
"Tell me how you came to be here," he demanded once more, not wanting the small glimmer of hope in his heart to be true.
"I-I-I got in trouble," she hesitantly started. "I was trying to protect an object at my school from getting into the wrong hands. I was fighting against one of my professors but he had an evil wizard on the back of his head. Maybe you've heard of him, Voldemort?"
The man said much calmer, "You're a witch? You go to Hogwarts in Scotland?"
"Yes," Dahlia said smiling. "You wouldn't happen to know how I can get back, do you?"
"It's a long story, little witch," he said almost dream like. "Continue, what did Voldemort do?"
Dahlia sighed as she answered, "My professor was trying to steal something for Voldemort and when I confronted him, I somehow got possession of the stone due to this magic mirror called the Mirror of Erised; it shows you your deepest desire. Voldemort then began to talk and I didn't know where he was till my teacher took his turban off and it revealed that he was on the back of his head. I wouldn't hand over the stone, so he ordered my professor to kill me. He tried, he tried to strangle me but when I touched him, he burned".
The man took a few steps closer and said quickly, "You said you were on the way to hospital, did he hurt you in any other way that you have not stated? Are you well?"
Dahlia, confused at the concern the man was now showing, answered, "I feel fine. After I..." She gulped as the realisation finally set in of what she had done, "After I burned him, I turned around but when I looked back, there was this being...like a soul, I don't know. But it was there and it flew through me and my head began to hurt and it knocked me down. After that, I just remember my teacher's voices getting me to the medical wing and then I appeared here".
The man took a few deep breaths as his fidgeted with his hands and said calmly once more, "I'm going to ask you a few questions, it may help figure out why you're here". She nodded accepting it. "What was your mother's name?"
"Lily Potter, maiden name Evans..." She answered as if it was normal but then noticed his wording. "Wait, you said was, how do you know my mother is dead?"
He seemed to ignore her as he said, "She had red hair and your green eyes".
He now finally took in her image and could see that she took after him. She had his black hair that flowed in waves down, almost touching her waist, she had pale white skin like him and even had his cheekbones but her eyes were all Lily. Her perfect shade of green.
Dahlia suddenly began to feel nervous as the man described her mother and he continued "You are 11 summers old, soon to be 12, your birthday is July 31st 2010 and your mother died on 31st October 2011 in a small town on Midgard called Godric's Hollow".
She took a step forward, trying to be brave and demanded "how do you know this? Who are you? Where am I? I want answers".
He gave her a small smile and she swore that she could see tears in his eyes. "Dahlia, have you ever heard of astral projection?"
She thought for a moment and answered, "an out of body experience. Where an astral body separates from the physical one and can travel". She thanked Hermione silently for all the times she rambled on about the books she had read and theories that the muggle world had.
"Yes," he replied, "there are other beings in the universe that have magic. Magic links us all but from where I'm from, it is extremely common and known and practised. I believe we have done some form of blood projection. It links family members together so that we can be in the same place, we have literally created this place around us...it is, however, stronger when it comes to the matter of parents and their children-"
"Stop," she interrupted. She ran her hands over her face then one through her hair and said, "what are you saying...who are you?"
He knelt down in front of her so he was at her height and answered, "I am Loki of Asgard, God of Mischief and Lies and...I am your father".
Dahlias first reaction was to laugh at the man but the honesty in his eyes and the way he was looking at her with such care and concern stopped her. He honestly did believe he was her father...maybe he...she shook her head to deny any thought of it and said, "that is a lie. My father was James Potter, he died the same night as my mother trying to protect us".
"He was nothing but a pawn," he answered and instantly regretted the way he worded it as it made him sound heartless. He stood and said, "please can we sit. I will explain everything to you" he gestured to the ground below the tree in the shade.
She hesitated, but she didn't know where she was so she couldn't run so she might as well. She sat down and made sure there were a few feet between them, even though they had already established that they couldn't touch when he tried to before. She just wanted to be safe.
Loki took a deep breath as he sat and said, "it is a long story but your mother and I were in love. We courted for a year before we discovered that she was pregnant with you. I wanted to be there but I couldn't. I have enemies, people that would hurt you or take you away from us if they discovered the truth of your parentage, people that may hurt your mother if they were to discover how much I loved her, so we had to protect you. I had to protect you both".
"How does da-James come into this?" She asked and corrected herself.
"When your mother and James went to Hogwarts together, he was in love with her and at first, she hated him, but as time went on, she learned to love him and they courted in their final year at Hogwarts. After leaving Hogwarts, they became soldiers in your war but James was not who Lily thought he was. He didn't care about responsibility and neglected her while he preferred the company of his friends. After two months, she had left him, and not long later I had met her. I never expected to fall in love with someone from Midgard but when I met your mother, it was inevitable. She had this light around her that just made you feel wanted".
Dahlia tried to keep her emotions in tact but she couldn't help but smile at the description of her mother.
"We courted for a year in secret because I couldn't let anyone on Asgard find out about her. I placed many ancient protection spells on her to shield her from the view of others, that would give that information to those who would take her from me. Throughout that year, James was relentless in trying to get her back. His pride was affected." He sneered the last part, knowing that the man was too blind to see what he really had. "When your mother got pregnant we were so happy, in eternal bliss, but then reality came down. Your mother's world was at war and we had to keep you hidden from the people who would harm you. The only way we could do that is by passing you off as someone else's child...your mother hated the idea but she went back to James and made him believe that she loved him before giving him a potion that made him believe they had slept together. She announced she was pregnant a few weeks later and they got married."
Dahlia narrowed her eyes in confusion and said, "wouldn't James have noticed how far along she was?"
Loki shook his head and answered, "at the time of the war, it was not safe for Muggle-borns to go to healers, and because your mother was training to be one, she knew the spells she had to do to make sure you were safe and growing. Besides, an Asgardian pregnancy," and frost giant he thought silently, "is 10 months, so when you were born, in James' eyes, you were just a few weeks early, which is normal in many pregnancies..." He smiled as he remembered the day and said "you were so small though. So small and delicate, that I thought I was going to accidentally break you by holding you."
Dahlia smiled and let off a small laugh as she asked, "you were there when I was born?"
"Of course, I would never miss your birth," he said it like it was obvious. "However, I did have to make myself invisible, while the doctors were in the room".
Lily looked around the room as she knew he was there but knew that while the doctors were in the room, he would have to remain hidden. Maybe if they went to St Mungo's, it would have been easier to explain if he just suddenly appeared, but Lily couldn't take the chance with the Death Eaters so she went to a muggle hospital, when her labour started. He may not have been the father but she tried to contact James, but he was on a mission with Sirius for the Order, so she knew that sending a Patronus may endanger them, so she just left a message with another Order member who would try to contact them.
Lily, however, didn't want to focus on James. Her eyes were focused on the nurse as she was checking on her little girl. The smile that Lily had on her face, since she had given birth, had not faltered in the slightest. Her baby was happy and healthy and weighed 5.8 pounds. The nurse handed her daughter back as she left the room, leaving the birth certificate for Lily to fill out and as soon as the door closed, Loki revealed himself.
He dressed in Midgardian clothes to try to blend in but still had his golden staff. He smiled as he saw them and Lily said, "I look awful".
"No," he replied as he sat down beside her on the bed. "You look beautiful, you've just given birth to our child". He then kissed her forehead, which was still laced with sweat, as was her hair which was messy.
"You're not disappointed, are you?" She asked hesitantly and he pulled his lips away, "that she's a girl".
"Lily," he gasped as he lifted her chin so their green eyes locked. "I know that the wizarding world favours boys but I don't care. You know how much I love Hela, I love her as much as I love my sons, I love our daughter, just as much as I love them".
Lily smiled as she leaned up and kissed him delicately before they pulled away as their daughter stirred awake. They both laughed as she rubbed her eyes and looked up at the curiously. Lily nudged her slightly to Loki and said, "hold her".
Loki looked panicked as he looked between them and said, "I-I-Lily, she's so small".
"She's your daughter, hold her," Lily pressured and soon he did.
He delicately placed her in his arms and held her like she was the finest Jewel in all of the nine realms, which she was to him as were his other children. He stared down at his daughter as Lily played with her hand and could see the green hints already forming in her eyes and black freckles of hair already on her head. He kissed her forehead and said, "she's beautiful, Lily. She's perfect".
Lily leaned into him before feeling something in his jacket and lifts out a stuffed white rabbit with ears as long as it's body. She laughed at his guilty face as she said, "aw, it's cute".
Loki rolled his eyes and replied, "it was the safest thing I could get. I was going to bring her toys from Asgard but Heimdall is on guard now more than ever".
"Well, I love it and I'm sure, she will too".
She placed the rabbit on the wheel table across from her and that's when she saw the birth certificate. She glared at it as if it somehow offended her, and Loki said, "you have to write it how we planned".
She reached out for the birth certificate and pen and began to write their daughter's name. Dahlia Lily was written then Lily stopped and said, "we shouldn't have to do this. Her full name, her real name, should be on here, not lies".
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