《The Cricketer's Verdict》~14~
I don't know what am I supposed to feel. Arjun would come back tomorrow and that makes my heart take a flip for seeing him again . He said he would be here before his flight to England and turns out waiting for someone you love feels different. I cannot imagine how or what I am supposed to do when I see him again . I want to hold him and confess my feelings. Tell him that I love him and never stop . On the other hand this wait makes me want to snatch my hair and shout on top of my lungs .
The last 3 days , Arjun and I have been in regular contact. I have grown this habit of smiling like some mad woman at the phone which has awarded me some weird stares. I can't even stop the curve of my lips as soon as I read his messages.
The last one made me want to barf . I can't do the to me never again .
See ! How am I supposed to keep a normal stone face when this guy here pulls the strings of my heart with just a message.
In those 3 days I have had another person who was a constant and that is Karn Sharma. He would call me up for breakfast when I was in court , lunch when my lunch time was over and for dinner when I am fast asleep. I do feel bad for not making out time for him when he is trying so hard to make some time for me . I have been creating some lobby for him for past 3 days . He has been behaving like an elder brother to me , just as he behaves with karn and him being an 3 months older is not helping my case . Karn would scrutinise my order if it was something less healthy. He asks me not to stress over, rest . I don't know how I got lucky to have these two men in my life who value me so much and I can't help but love both of them for everything they are doing for me . Arjun would ask me to meet karn whenever I have some time to spare and karn would be on the doorsteps within some time of Arjun telling me to meet him . I do not have to think how that happened.
There are moments when I want to wring his neck . He drives me to the level of insanity. He would not let go my glasses, my malnourished wrists which he grips and moves comically or the time he made me parade around with him as his sister and had to move away the girls clawing their way towards him. But there are fun times too . We would plan together to rescue him from his meetings , which happend thrice . How is he a wealthy businessman? I have no idea ! But then yesterday I saw him with a scary, stone expression on his face and trust me all blood left my face . He looked so scary , he was barking orders , throwing files and lecturing people to bring some seriousness in their lives . This guy ! He is the least serious perosn I have even seen . As soon as I entred his office he flipped and he was smiling like a Bipolar person. He hugged me and was the same Karn Sharma I have seen all the time. Karn on looking at my drained face bursted into a fit of laughter. He video called Arjun and they did have a good time laughing at me with tears and some rolling .
Karn and me did make an amazing beverage together, much to Arjun's dismay . His face left all the color when we video called him to show our new drink. Arjun messaged me right after cutting the call saying - Babe , you are on my team . No need to say what was the effect of the endearment. Karn would not stop teasing me and thinks that he has cupid powers and he can see the connections through his eyes .
I am sprawled on my bed and looking at my phone continuously . Since the morning, there is no message from Arjun and none from karn . I did leave them a few messages asking where did they disappear suddenly but to no avail . Night has fallen and there is no sign of both of them . My eyes starts to drop on its own and I succumb to sleep .
I jolt awake to the blaring of the alarm and my instinct is to check my phone and still no message. I sigh loudly and get to my business. The whole day passes in a blur at the court and before I know it , I'm dragging my feet at my front porch . I slouch onto my couch and their is a whirl of emotions consuming me . It was a busy day and the did not check my mobile for the whole team day and when I did really look into it , there were no messages or calls from Arjun. My heart said he would come and I let my pessimist mind on a trail . Time passes slowly and night begins to fall . I don't know how long I have been looking at the the dirty spot on the ceiling and the doorbell goes off . My heary swells to rush to the door only to get it break with emotions, it got so filled up .
There stood Arjun Malhotra in all his glory. Black tuxedo, diamond studs , sleek black hair gelled perfectly and , his smile . I just look at him and breathe loudly. I keep looking at him admirably.
" I said I'll come back to you , always "
He whispers and I break out of my trance. I take a step towards and lay my hand on his chest , lightly.
" You did not respond " I whisper looking at him.
" That would kill the motive of surprise" He smiles wider.
" I am not very patient when it comes to surprises " I say as I smoothen his collar.
" I would keep that in mind for sure "
He looks at me with so much sincerity and the become a puddle of clay from that look .
" You look sharp. Going somewhere? Maybe this is your airport fashion "
I ask him mischievously.
He chuckles and unbutton his tux to retrieve a velvety box . He opens it and I gasp at it in amazement. There is a bracelet at which a small heart hangs with out initials moulded together on it .
" I saw this and got this carved . Do you like it ? " He asks pointing his chin towards it .
" It is beautiful, look ethereal " I lightly roam my finger onto it .
" May I ? " Arjun holds my 4 fingers on his palm . I just nod and breathe loudly. My heart seems to be full , I am trying just not to hug him tightly ; never leave me again . He ties it on my wrist and kisses my fingers lightly.
" I was rushing everything just to be here . We have to make use of the time we have together " Arjun looks at me lovingly.
" Kiara , would you do the Honour of going on a date with me? " He holds both my hands in his large , warm ones .
" Do you have a plan if I say no ? " I ask in a sardonic way .
" Yes , sulking right here at your threshold and wait for you to show some mercy on this poor man "
" oh poor man huh ! How much did this cost ? " With one look to it , I could make out it was some expensive, platinum, diamond thing.
" Nothing you should worry about ; no ornament can be equivalent to what you are worth " My body freeze and Arjun softly touches my cheek .
" I am waiting on that answer. I am surely not dressed to sit at the threshold and the pain which is going to come after that ,I have a few matches to play " He says with a visible mirth .
" I cannot be that callous to the cricket followers , can't have you hurt your back now can I ? " I tilt my head and look at him .
" You don't want be the corner stone of their aggression " He says with a serious expression.
" Give me 5 minutes " I walk him inside the home and rush to my room. I take a look at my wardrobe and pick out the first thing I see . I go out hopping and correcting my footwear.
" I'm readyyy " I say with short of breath . I feel something touch my foot making me yelp . I look down to find Arjun bending on a knee and buckling my footwear.
" Arjunnnn you don't have to do that " I say surprised.
" I don't mind at all " He shrugs his shoulders, stands tall to his 6 feet something height and offers me his arm .
" You look breathtaking " I slide my hand into his arm which is tight and all muscles . I just blush in response as I am overwhelmed with what just happened seconds ago . We settle into the car .
" Where are we going? " I ask with curiosity.
" Would you be able to control if I say its a surprise " He asks with his brows raised slightly and a smile playing on his lips .
" Patience is not my strong virtue " This earns a chuckle from him .
"We will have dinner and I have to say something to you that is imperative and something which has been keeping me up for quite some time now and reach at airport on time " Arjun puts on his seatbelt and burn holes into my eyes . I get so close to spilling my feelings but I know I have to wait for the right moment.
" At what time do you leave? " I whisper . Arjun holds my right hand where the barcelet sits , he kisses my wrist and intertwine our fingers and rests it on his thigh.
" At 2 in the morning which gives us 5 hours " He squeezes my hand .
" You are setting quite some bar for my future dates . I do not think many have this car " I say mischievously.
Arjun gives me a side glance and mirths . He shakes his head .
" Who said there are going to be dates with another guys? I plan to impress you to the level that I ruin other guys for you like the way you did for me , for life " This time he looks me in the eyes and smiles .
" I did not do any such thing " I say adamantly.
" You have no idea babe " Arjun smiles amd shakes his head and I am pretty sure I am as red as a riped tomato.
We drive throw the lights of the city , tall buildings . At 8 in the night the bustle on the road was high stop near a magnificent building which is a hotel. We walk out hand in hand as the manager guides us to our destination which is the suite on the top floor . The adjoining terrace lights are cut off and the source of light is the nearby buildings .
" My love for horror movies says that something might attack us " I laugh.
" As a person who despises horror movies, I don't even want to imagine "Arjun shakes his head . I get in front of him .
" Are you by any chance scared of human made ghosts ? " I scrunch my nose just thinking about it .
" I am not a big fan of woman immaculately dressed and serving looks " He widens his eyes as if imagining it .
" Men have different taste, you never know " I grab the lapels of his suit and move my fingers around the soft fabric.
" I know my taste, trust me " Arjun tilts his head slightly .
" What would that be ? " I raise my brow as I ask him .
" Rather ask , who would that be ? " He raises his hand only to touch the tips of my hair .
" ok.. who would that be ? " My heartbeat soars as I await his answer.
" I'll show you after sometime . Come our food is getting cold " We settle at the table and the talks start.
We have no idea how long it has been since we have started talking. The food was long over , I sat with my knees hugged to my chest and Arjun's legs were sprawled on the floor , his posture was completely laid back . He rejected his tux long ago , sleeves rolled up to his elbows, and top buttons of his shirt open giving a peek of his chain .
" Ahh , I have to use the washroom . Excuse me a moment " I nod my head as he leaves. His phone chimes after a few seconds and it continues.
"Umm Arjun there are a string of messages coming. I think its urgent " I shout.
" Must be karn . Its not password protected just open it " He shouts back .
I open the messenger but its not karn some other man but what catches my attention is his last message.
I open the conversation and the messages make my hands shake .
All my blood rushes to mind . I seethe from anger . All this time he was putting up an act , gimmick to lure me into his bed and I became so blind on feelings that I could not see through it .
I fought an inner battle with myself to accept that he was genuine but what a fool am I!
The bathroom door opens and that man has the audacity to throw a smile at me .
I rise on my feel as he comes closer . When he is in my hand's reach, I strike a slap on his face as hard as I can .
I took him by surprise and his face turns to the direction of force . He recovers and looks at me with shock and puzzlement.
" Wht.. " I cut him off my getting a hold of his collar.
" You are pathetic . I wish to kill you by my own hands " I speak through my gritted teeth .
" Kiara , what happened? " His face still holds the shock .
" Let me tell you what happened. Your plan to lure me to your bed has failed "
" Waa... what are you saying. What bed ? What plan ?" He scrunches his forehead making an innocent look .
" You sure you are not a part time actor. Let me tell you , you did got me wired up there but thank God I came to my senses soon "
" Kiara .. " He holds my hands from his collar and tries to get lose of my grip on it .
" Don't touch me . Don't you dare touch me Arjun Malhotra and stop playing with me . You feigning innocence won't work on me " I shout as I take a step back .
" Would you please explain me from where all this is coming from , what innocence , which plan and what god damn bed to lure you in " His voice raises slightly at the last sentence.
" Oh ! Where you ask ? " I turn to walk To the table to get his phone.
" Your friend's eagerness made your plan plummet " I give him a fake smile .
Arjun grabs the phone from my hand and goes through those messages. His eyes wide as he looks up to me .
" Kiara , this is not.. " I cut him off .
" Don't even bother . What else to expect from a popular cricketer like you. You must have had a good laugh about it I mean I uhh fell so easily in your planning " I laugh which lacks any humor.
" Kiara , listen to me now " Arjun holds my shoulders in a firm grip but strong enough to not let me free .
" Juss.... " I push him by his chest but to no avail .
" Listen to me . I don't know why he is sending me those messages but there is no truth to it . I would never do that to any woman and good god its you Kiara " With that said he shakes me a bit .
" What is that supposed to mean ?" I glare at him .
" It means I would never ever try to hurt you in anyway possible. Kiaraa , do you not get it " He sounds defeated as he runs his hand through his hair .
" You asked who is my taste, my woman " He asks loudly and pokes his finger on his chest .
" Come with me " Arjun holds my wrist and takes me to the terrace.
" This is mishandling and what makes you think I will listen to you patheticcc... " with that the light turn on . I freeze mid way with my hand up in the air as I look around. I take a 360° turn only to find hundreds of small mirrors reflecting my face .
" Whatt is this ? " I point to my surroundings.
" I told you I'll show you my what my ideal woman is " He whispers.
" Noo.. that can't be .. no not possible. I just read .. " I say to myself.
" Read what ? Those messages which hold no truth to it . I know they do not look good but let me explain that I would never lure you in some sick stunt ever . That is not me and Kiara I would never do this to you " He says with a hurt painted all over his face .
" Why do I believe you ? I am no onee .. " I ask him .
"No one .. seriously " He chuckles.
" I don't have any reason to believe you " I say a little bit louder this time .
Arjun shouts and my eyes pop out .
" Look around you kiara , its you . You are my woman, the perfect one . Do you need anymore reason. I love you .. so much .. I would never ever play some sickening game with you "
A gasp comes out of my mouth and tears wield up in my eyes . I keep a shaking hand on my mouth to stop any obnoxious voice to come out . I slowly turn around , my vision blurred , chest rising rapidly. I see Arjun standing but my vision is all blur and that's when the tears start flowing down . I bend down a bit and keep both my palms on my mouth to control my
" Hey hey.. shhh .. Kiara please don't cry " Arjun holds my shoulder from one hand and the other one soothing my hair . I shake my head to tell him that he has done nothing wrong .
Arjun bends down so he is eye level to me and cups my cheeks .
" Babe don't cry please, you are breaking my heart " I let go of my mouth and wipe my tears hastily.
" Kiara , you knocked me over from the first glare you gave me . I tried .. I so damn tried to dislike you , I mean you " He chuckles and then continues , " a judge to my case but I couldn't make myself to do it and trying to suppress my growing feelings towards took a huge toll on me . It started with looking at you without even getting tired of you to imagining you in my head and with me , beside me always. You fit me , my life so perfectly anddd and the week after coming from Mumbai was living in a vision of you . You were everywhere, consuming every bane of my existence without even trying. A night before my judgement I accepted what my heart was trying to say to me , I liked you Kiara, so damn much that I thought of coming to you at that very moment and next thing I see is your message . You became so cold and distant that it hurt so damn bad but at the same moment I realized that getting you might be the bigget conquest but I was ready to do whatever it takes. I was going to England and that made my heart shake ,there was still something I was missing on and it was you . I needed your companionship, your friendship and most importantly your love in my life. I swear on my existence kiara , I fell ... so hard .. so damn hard for you .
My eyes widen and my heart and taken a pace of thousand heartbeats per minute.
" I am not playing at anything here . I love you kiara Singh "
My lips quiver and the tears again start coming.
" I.. I don't believe you . No one ever loved me and you are saying this just to makeup for all the shit that's blown up . You don't love me , do you hear me . You don't love me " I shout the last line .
" I have it on my heart and virtue that my feelings for you are genuine " Arjun says with frim voice .
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