
Rishabh is very worried about his position in the team at this point of time, he is giving his best and is practicing very hard even the team truly supports him. However, there is always somewhere he lags when it comes to the matches and he is not able to show his full potential when he needs to show it.

After the concussion in the 1st ODI against Australia, Rahul took up wicket keeping and replaced Rishabh but he did so well as the wicket keeper in the next few matched that Rishabh thought that Virat thinks that Rahul is better than him and he should take over as the wicket keeper.

They were now on the New Zealand series and there is no guarantee that Rishabh is going to play a match. All this worried Rishabh a lot, he was really happy that Rahul is doing well but he was also worried about himself.

"Rishabh, come lets practice." Rahul called out for Rishabh during the practice sessions so they could do some wicket keeping practice together.

"No Rahul, you continue I will do some practice in the nets." Rishabh said.

"But Cheeku bhai, Rohit bhai and Jaddu bhai are already in the nets, so we will need to do our wicket keeping schedule come." Rahul again called Rishabh.

"Okay." Rishabh agreed and wore his gloves and left to practice.

Rishabh kept missing the simple stumping when Rahul was making him practice and he was totally distracted so Rahul said, "Rishabh, focus a little more and you will be able to do it." Rahul meant to help and motivate Rishabh by saying this bad Rishabh was so involved in his thoughts that he got annoyed by it but stayed quite.

He still kept missing the stumping and Rahul thought that he really needs to help Rishabh out so he went behind the stumps where Rishabh was and asked, "Are you fine?"

"Ya Rahul." Rishabh said but he looked very disturbed.

"Wait then you know try this way of practise, that is what I do it really helps." Rahul suggested and tried showing Rishabh what to do but this annoyed Rishabh further more.

"Rahul, you know what you only practice, because you will actually need it." Rishabh said and walked away, this completely shocked Rahul, he did not expect this to happen at all and felt that he had to do something but not now since Rishabh is in a very disturbed state right now and needs to calm down.

Rishabh walked out of the ground and was silent even after the practice session got over and in the bus while returning to the hotel. Everyone found out that something is wrong with him since he is always cheerful. Rahul made it a point to talk to Rishabh and help him out.


Rishabh silently went to the room as soon as they reached the hotel. Virat, Rohit and Jadeja had seen Rishabh walk out of the ground after Rahul tried to help him and they went to talk to Rahul.

"What happened to Rishabh?" Virat asked.

"I dont know bhai, I was just practicing with him and when he was missing the stumping I tried to help him out but he got upset and left." Rahul said.

"Did he say anything else?" Rohit asked.

"No bhai, before leaving he went like you only practice because you will need it more." Rahul said.

"I guess he thinks that you are going to kick him out of the team." Jadeja said.

"Hain? Why will I do that?" Rahul asked shocked.

"That is not the way you explain things Jaddu." Rohit said and hit his head on his hand.

"Ya I know right. Basically what Jaddu is trying to say is that Rishabh thinks that you play better and you will become the wicket keeper permanently whenever Mahi bhai is not playing." Virat explained Rahul.

"But I am not trying to do that at all, I replaced him only because he got a concussion in the Australia match and he could not play." Rahul said.

"We know that Rahul and that is totally not your fault that Rishabh is thinking such weird stuff, it is all because of Cheeku." Rohit said.

"What did I do?" Cheeku exclaimed.

"Just like always added fuel to the fire." Jadeja commented.

"I add fuel to fire, look who is talking." Virat said.

"Yes you did, and these days you do that quite a lot, I guess that is because of Jaddu's effect only." Rohit said and Jadeja gave a proud look.

"When did I add fuel to the fire?" Virat asked.

"When you logged into my insta and liked that post which was a hate post against Rahul." Rohit said.

"Bhai, you did that?" Rahul asked shocked.

"Ya, for the rift show off." Virat mumbled.

"But what did I do this time?" Virat asked.

"Who told you to tell the media that getting Rahul in as wicket keeper will enable us to get an extra batsman?" Rohit asked.

"I just said what the media wanted to hear, I did not mean that we will not consider Rishabh or kick him out." Virat defended himself.

"Another Virat Kohli press conference mess." Jadeja commented.

"Jaddu, can you stop giving uninterested one liners?" Virat asked annoyed.


"No I cannot." Jadeja said again in the same uninterested tone.

"You know what leave it, I only need to do something. You guys go and relax." Rahul said and left for his room.

"See because of you, our juniors reply to us like this." Rohit blamed Virat.

"And they think we that their seniors are use less." Jadeja commented in an uninterested manner again.

"What did I do now?" Virat whined.

"Lets go to the room and get freshened up then we will have dinner and play FIFA." Jadeja quickly said and this was the first time he replied with full interest because he did not want to handle another fight of their's again and without Mahi bhai being there not at all.

Meanwhile, before dinner, Rahul went up to Rishabh's room which happened to be open.

"Yeh Hardik ne hi ise door khula rakhe room mein sona sikhaya hoga." Rahul entering quietly talking to himself. Rishabh did not noticed this because he was on his phone and that to facing on the opposite side of the door. Rahul quietly went and stood behind Rishabh and peeped into his phone. Rishabh was on Instagram, he thought of diverting his mind through it but on all his feed the only thing he could see is "IS KL RAHUL A BETTER OPTION THAN RISHABH PANT? " or "KL RAHUL OR RISHABH PANT?" or "IS RISHABH PANT OVER RATED ?" or "IS RISHABH PANT PROVIDED WITH TOO MANY CHANCES?".

Rahul saw Rishabh scrolling trough such posts and said, "Stop believing them."

"When did you come?" Rishabh said turning behind and seeing Rahul.

"Next time lock your room and do not listen to Hardik's weird hacks or whatever he calls them, It was me right now, it could have been someone else." Rahul said .

"Why are you here?" Rishabh asked in an unruly manner.

"What happened Rishabh? Why are you so disturbed?" Rahul asked even though he knew the reason why.

"Nothing I can tell you." Rishabh said.

"Really? You sure? Because I know exactly why you are disturbed." Rahul said.

"I am not disturbed and what do you know?" Rishabh asked like a stubborn kid but Rahul kept his cool.

"Those posts clearly confirmed that what I was thinking was right." Rahul said and Rishabh looked like a kid who has just been caught eating chocolates secretly.

"Rahul woh actually, its nothing like you are thinking." fumbled Rishabh.

"Then what is it? Tell me." Rahul said.

"I just cannot understand that, I am so confused." Rishabh broke down.

"Rishabh, I can totally understand what you are feeling, even I feel the same about my position in the team sometimes, but it is natural to feel insecure." Rahul tried explaining.

"It is just not that I am feeling insecure of my position, but I feel that I haven't even made my place in the team, it is like I try to do my best but I am not able to show it in the actual match." Rishabh sighed.

"I can understand, I was going through the same phase at one point of time and things reshaped for me mainly in the 2019 world cup and now when my performance is stable my position is not, I never meant to take the position of wicket keeper from you Rishabh." Rahul said.

"No, Rahul I did not mean that at all, I am happy that you have such good performance as a wicket keeper. The only thing I am worried about is when I get the chance now, will I be able to show my talent after all this criticism." Rishabh said, he was completely broken.

"Who is criticizing you Rishabh? The people who do not even know you? Ignore it." Rahul said.

"But first I was being compared to Mahi bhai and then you, I am not able to create my own place as a cricketer no matter how hard I try and then I feel that there is no one to support me when I enter the field." Rishabh said.

" Rishabh just came down and the next time you go to play out to play, remember that if nobody then the entire team India is always there for you. I am always there for you." Rahul said.

"But even Cheeku bhai said that he will replace me with you." Rishabh said.

"Who said that I said that?" Virat said making a grand entry into Rishabh's room.

"Bhai?" Rishabh and Rahul said.

"Oh ya we came to call you guys for dinner." Rohit said coming from behind.

"I did not mean to say what you understood Rishabh, I was just trying to tell the media what they wanted to hear, but I will surely give you a chance and I am sure that you will prove your self in it." Virat said.

"Sorry Rahul." Rishabh said.

Rahul just hugged Rishabh and Rishabh hugged back with the same amount of force, only they both knew how much that hug meant to them.

"Always remember that you have your own place." Rahul said.

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