《Children Of Gaia》Chapter 11
Maddison sat staring out the Behemoth window as rain fell and the puddles swelled. The sky had started to clear and she was growing more anxious by the minute. "It's been three and a half weeks, why aren't you sending someone out to find them?" she demanded furiously.
"Please try to relax, I told him four was the deadline and I'm sticking to it. There's no point worrying about something we can't control," reasoned Niezen. Their conversation was cut short by wailing coming from the edge of the village.
Argus had returned, alone, and missing his left arm.
"Medic!" called the first Trooper to sight the injury. Drusai blood as it turned out, was reliant on iron for haemoglobin just as most life from Earth. Those nearby, both human and Drusai descended into panic at the sight of the disfigured Drusai. There in the centre stood Maddison, her gaze fixed on Argus, her face seemingly absent. She dropped to her knees still unable to manifest sound, her hands trembling. Niezen noticed her but decided to address it later as he rushed to aid Argus. Amidst all the chaos Argus seemed to be the least disturbed. He had already bound his remaining stump back to the shoulder to contain bleeding but his body was riddled with dozens of smaller wounds.
The Medic had Argus lay down as he assessed the wounds, "Sir start to unwrap as I prepare to insert the sealant," he instructed Niezen.
"Got it!" replied Niezen as he removed the safety catch from the wound sealant applicator and handed it to the Medic, "but are we sure this won't cause more damage to them?"
"Of course we aren't, but he's going to bleed out without us doing something to stop the bleeding. We have to treat his injuries as best we can with what we've got," the Medic reasoned as he inspected the would being unveiled. "Get ready, and, now," said the Medic as Niezen carefully peeled back the layers of blood soaked bandages and Argus' wound started to pour like a slow tap. Only guessing as to the anatomy of the Drusai, the Medic wedged the nozzle into the source of the bleed and depressed the trigger. The medical sealant overflowed, spewing out from the site and within seconds the bleeding had almost completely ceased. Having gone through two additional canisters the wound was stable and the Medic wrapped it with fresh bandages. Satisfied with Argus' arm, he then turned his attention to the minor wounds that riddled Argus' body.
"These look like case-less wounds, there's so many, I can't believe he's still alive," Niezen muttered in disbelief.
The Medic pulled out his portable scanner putting it to work, "actually Sir, it appears he was caught in some sort of blast. These are all shrapnel wounds and I can only assume that's how he lost the arm. I have to remove the fragments immediately, some of the openings are already beginning to close," he stressed.
Ronai and Argai joined them to check on Argus and to see if they could help. Despite his son's condition, Argai was well composed.
"Our medic has to remove the metal inside," Niezen explained to Ronai and Argai as he pointed to the smaller wounds. Argai rubbed his son's head then sat down silently to observe.
Ronai looked at Niezen and nodded. He then placed his hand on Argus' forehead. Instantly Argus slipped out of consciousness and Ronai pointed at the Medic, "sleep, you remove now."
The Medic was completely out of his depth and looked to Niezen for confirmation that came in the form of a nod.
After almost two hours of surgery, all forty seven pieces of shrapnel were removed and the wounds sealed. Argus was bandaged and left to rest in a quiet hut as Niezen went to speak with Ronai. He found Ronai alone in his hunt, "did he tell you what happened?" Niezen asked slowly.
"Big boom!" Ronai exclaimed whilst throwing up his arms.
"Yeah, I kind of guessed that. What about the others, did he say what happened to them?" pleaded Niezen. Just as he had finished his question Maddison entered Ronai's hut, "Maddison please just wait-"
"No. I want to hear it," she replied bluntly as her face remained bleak. Niezen said nothing, instead turning his attention back for Ronai's response.
"All, dead. Argus, touch, them. Minds, gone." Ronai's words bit deeply. Niezen had grown close to Felix and fully appreciated his late Captain's respect for the man. On top of that he had lost his Sergeant, his best soldier by far and yet another Trooper, precious numbers he could not afford to lose more of. Baxter was Niezen's eyes and ears, his right-hand man, without him Niezen feared he would lose his resolve and lead his forces to defeat. Niezen turned around to look at Maddison, she had already given her back and without a word she left.
"Damn it!" Niezen screamed as he slammed his fist into the ground. He jumped up with fire in his eyes as his blood boiled, he now had no choice, he would only lose more if he lost sight of their goal and faltered now. "Ronai! Now is the time! Tomorrow we march!" he roared. Niezen stood tall and Ronai followed suit. The pair raised their right arms and bellowed loudly. A cry to war.
That night Niezen and his forces donned their armour to be painted by the Drusai. It had been centuries since the Drusai had achieved peace and ceased warring among the tribes over land but their people still embraced certain rituals before a large hunt. Niezen also noted that painting their armour would prevent them being confused with any of the mutineers by the Drusai during the fog of war. Niezen celebrated the camaraderie between his forces and their impressive new allies. As the Drusai chanted long into the night Niezen's confidence grew, he now knew they would succeed. The mutiny would be quashed and those murdered would be avenged. This he was certain of.
It was time, they marched out of the valley and entered their Behemoths. They maintained a lower speed as to not pull away from the Drusai regiment. There was twenty five personnel split up among the five Behemoths, rolling out followed by fifty Drusai hunters led by Argai.
They first travelled back to Argai's tribe. He had much to tell them of their visit to the South but the underlying content remained, he was off to battle and may not return. Argai told his kin that Argus was alive and recovering in the South and that he would lead them if Argai did not return. Argus wanted desperately to join them in battle. He had already failed to protect his new friends and sought desperately to redeem himself. His father denied him, instead choosing to go in his stead. Without his left arm Argus would never again be at full strength. Although he was saddened about being left behind, something had dawned on his mind. Maddison had remained behind too, in her condition she would only be a hindrance on the battlefield. Argus then decided that no matter what happened, he would give his life to keep her safe.
Maddison had felt this way before, this time however she knew it to be permanent. This time there would be no hope, no uncertainty, no slim chance. Felix was gone and she now felt lost beyond words. Worse still she now carried another burden, she didn't want to cloud his judgement before the inevitable battle ahead so had decided to wait before confessing. She loved him. Finally she had formed a clear picture of happiness in her mind, and now it had been taken from her forever.
As the allied forces departed she did not wave them off nor offer encouraging words. She instead laid silently in a hut staring at the ceiling. A cloud caught her eye through a tiny opening near the chimney and her thoughts drifted back to the botanical gardens on Gaia. She winced from the pain deep inside her and rolled to her side pulling her knees to her chest. She could no longer hold back, and finally the tears came.
Argus healed quickly, soon he was strong enough to join others at fishing. No matter how far he went to collect food he would never go longer than two hours before checking in on Maddison again. Understandably she ate very little. Each time Argus would bring her food, he would eat what she left after picking slightly and he rubbed her back while doing so. This continued for a week until Argus was summoned by Ronai.
"Maddie!" Argus burst into her hut, "see." She rolled over wondering why Argus was so enthusiastic all of a sudden. "See. See now," he insisted, taking her hand and almost dragging her from the bed. She pulled away then sat up.
"What are you doing? Settle down," she shrieked.
"Maddie see Maddie see," he continued in a fret.
"See what? What's gotten into you?" She looked him up and down, "is this just a ploy to get me outside?" she asked glaring at him with narrow eyes.
"No! Maddie see," he answered beginning to lose patience, "see now!"
"Alright alright, what is it?" she asked under pressure. Without answering he took her by the hand and led her outside. They headed straight for Ronai's hut and went inside. They found Ronai as though he were waiting for them.
"Maddison feel better?" Ronai enquired with a blissful smile.
Her eyes narrowed as she began to see through their deception, her suspicions now confirmed in her eyes. "I guess so, but I'd rather go rest than talk anymore," she whimpered.
Ronai sat forward, "no," he croaked bluntly.
Maddison gasped, "excuse me? Am I a prisoner now?" she snapped. Ronai simply laughed.
"No no. I must show, important, something," he explained. Maddison's temper subsided and she walked over to sit with him. She smiled at him hoping she hadn't offended him with her bluntness. Ronai twisted his body reaching behind his seat. He produced a small wooden chest of eloquent carvings.
"Oh my, it's beautiful. What is it?" she hummed, peering forward.
Ronai started to open it slowly, "help," he whispered as the lid went back and a metallic looking sphere was revealed. Roughly fourteen centimetres in diameter the sphere was so polished it appeared almost coloured from the reflections of the colours that surrounded it.
"I, um, what is it?" Maddison asked completely perplexed and mesmerised as she stared at her own warped reflection.
"Help. Maddison touch," Ronai instructed. Maddison shifted back sceptically.
"Touch it? What's it going to do to me?" she barked fearing a trap of sorts. Ronai edged the chest closer to her.
"It safe, no hurt, please touch," Ronai assured her. She squinted trying to read his face for a sign of treachery. "Please," he pleaded his request smiling.
For a moment Maddison sat staring at the orb and her distorted reflection dancing upon its surface. Considering everything until this point there was little that was going to make her life any worse so she decided to comply with his request. Her arm extended slowly and her hand fully covered the sphere. Oddly it felt warm though still slightly lower than her skin temperature. For a few seconds nothing happened. Suddenly it began to vibrate intensely, Maddison panicked trying to remove her hand but it remained attached. She could feel heat emanating from the orb and she cried out for help, trying desperately to free herself. Argus placed his hand on her shoulder and for the first time connected with her. Maddison regained her composure as she felt Argus' presence comfort and reassure her that she was safe. The orb then returned to it's prior temperature and the vibrations ceased. Yet to remove her hand Maddison looked on with a new found sense of determination. A bright light began to encompass the orb and Maddison jerked back as her hand was at last released. The light's intensity grew until Maddison could no longer keep her eyes open. In a blinding flash the light left the orb in an upward surge penetrating the ceiling going out of their view. The three stood stunned and lowered their heads to find the orb was now transparent. Maddison tapped it with her fingernails to find it sounded similar to glass. Ronai closed the chest with an accomplished though slightly unsettled look on his aged face and put it back behind him.
Maddison hugged Ronai then marched off with Argus following after her closely. Though she did not fully understand what had just happened, she convinced herself that somehow all her negative thoughts had been extracted from her and dispelled. Leaving her with a fierce determination, her sadness remained now buried deep within but she could at least put it out of her mind and focus on the bigger picture. Ronai was right, he had helped her, her doubt had been cast aside and she now felt compelled to march onto the battlefield with the others. She entered her hut and wrapped her last meal in some cloth. She picked up the armour left behind for her and began to strap in. Argus looked on smiling, then ducked back outside to wait.
With her suit up complete, rifle on her back and her helmet under her arm she stepped outside to find Argus had two other hunters waiting for her. "Ready?" she asked and the three grunted in unison.
They headed up out of the valley at a jogging pace before Argus scooped Maddison up and put her on his shoulders and charged off at full speed.
On board the Hyperion, isolated in a small room Felix regained consciousness, his vision severely blurred and his mouth dry as though he had eaten sand, his eyes stung as they adjusted to the light. His head was throbbing, he attempted to sit up but blacked out.
Hours later Felix woke again. He rubbed his eyes as they adjusted and his vision became crisp returning to normal. His head still ached but only slightly. Looking around Felix recognised he was in a cell of the brig. Felix heard the magnetic lock of his cell disengage and he dropped to the floor pretending to still be unconscious.
"We know you're awake dickhead. Why would we bring food if you were still out?" the voice boasted. Felix opened one eye ever so slightly to find a pair of Troopers standing in the doorway. One holding his meal tray, the other with a sidearm drawn. "Bon Appetit." The trooper spat on the tray and placed it on the floor. The pair cackled and left sealing the door behind them.
Felix dove toward the tray to quench his thirst with the water pouch first. As difficult as it was he did not know when he would next be given water so Felix sipped at it slowly, saving half for later. The tray had only three items, some leafy greens he recognised, that grew everywhere, some kind of nuts he did not recognise, and a small pile of mystery meat. The unknown meat was tough and gamy but at least palatable. His meal was interrupted by an intense surge of feelings, close to terror and extreme anxiety. Felix could feel his heart race as the feelings intensified. He was beginning to panic when he heard a woman scream and he jumped to the door. He forced his face against the viewport to try to see down the hall. Three Troopers entered another cell and were beating a woman into submission. The woman's screams turned to wails of agony then eventually, subdued sobbing. Felix found himself unable to finish his meal as he struggled to suppress his rage. Over the next twelve hours, Felix found himself unable to sleep, haunted by the chorus of the women now forced to service Sova's men.
Felix rolled over, someone was coming down the corridor. Two maybe three people he wasn't sure hearing footsteps alone. A moment later he heard his cell unlocking again. Standing in the doorway in a fresh pressed Sergeant's uniform was Chance. Without hesitation, Felix exploded from his bed reaching for Chance's throat. A pair of Troopers tackled him before he could get close enough. Felix was pinned down, breathing heavily as a boot forced his face to make contact with the floor.
"Now now haven't we become the little savage, try to compose yourself. My CO would like a word," informed Chance, he spoke with a level of arrogance he had never come close to in the past.
Felix was escorted at gunpoint to his old lab. Laying on a bench was the charred, flak ridden remains of the other Drusai that had accompanied him on the reconnaissance mission. The sight caused Felix to clench his jaw and tighten his fist.
"What is it, Doctor?" Felix followed the familiar voice to find the Major sitting comfortably in a chair at the corner of the lab. One leg crossed, his right ankle resting on the opposite knee. Tenting his fingers the Major stared down Felix with a sense of both superiority and inquisitiveness.
Felix tried his best to compose himself and keep his anger in check, "looks like lunch knowing you-" Felix dropped to his knees coughing from a swift jab to the ribs.
"Don't be too heavy-handed Sergeant, I have more questions," instructed Sova.
"Yes Sir," answered Chance as he stepped back in line with the other Troopers.
"Major, you look different, have you changed your hair?" Felix laughed patronising the Major whilst staring directly into his new eye, the tell-tale sign of puffiness where the scarring was yet to blend made it obvious it was only days old.
Sova's face tightened, "hit him again Sergeant." Felix dropped again, now sore on both sides. He clambered back to his feet.
Felix brushed himself off, and with a dark tone he delivered a message to the Major, "they call themselves the Drusai, they number in the millions. You may have taken this ship Major but you'll never take this planet." Felix stared straight into the Major's new eye as he delivered his warning.
Major Sova cleared his throat, "well lucky for us my dear boy, our weapons seem quite effective." The Major's face appeared unruffled but Felix could feel something. He concentrated and it became clearer, the Major was scared. "Back to the brig with him," commanded Sova with a wave of his hand.
"Yes Sir," the Troopers replied as they shoved Felix out of the lab into the corridor.
"Fitzroy!" barked the Major still facing forward.
"Yes Sir?" the Captain answered jumping up from leaning against the adjacent wall.
"An attack is imminent, launch the UAV and have additional gunners put in each of the sentries," ordered Sova calmly.
"Yes, Sir. Mind you we would be in a better position to defend if you had let me build more UAV's, grumbled Captain Fitzroy. The Major jerked his neck back fiercely to scold Fitzroy.
"Captain have you already forgotten how you became the only officer with that rank on my ship?" hissed the Major.
"No Sir I haven't," answered Fitzroy almost trembling.
"Good," Sova confirmed. His face turned sinister as a devilish grin crept onto his face, "lucky for you, I have devised the means for how you can redeem yourself," the Major confided in a cold tone.
Fitzroy's face drained of colour, "please no Sir!" Sova ignored the pleas of his last remaining Captain and then Fitzroy finally broke, "it was her idea wasn't it? That damn harpy has your ear, poisoning your mind!" accused Fitzroy raising his voice at the Major.
Ignoring his Captain's insolence, the Major called to the pair of Troopers by the door, "if he doesn't suit up and get his ass outside to lead my forces, I want you to execute him. Understood?"
"Yes Sir!" the pair barked in unison.
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