《Children Of Gaia》Chapter 10
"Yes!" the Trooper cheered as she turned to Baxter "it's them Sir, I have confirmation now. And look, they have an escort."
"About bloody time," grumbled Baxter, "return the drones to pattern Alpha," he ordered in a huff as he got up. He did a quick stretch and went outside to greet his CO.
"Yes Sir!" replied the Trooper as she returned her focus to the station to alter the drone commands.
It had taken over a week for the diplomacy team to travel back with their new allies. The Drusai could walk for weeks on end maintaining a brisk pace but the Behemoth required a more even terrain coupled with open ground to traverse. The combination of these factors made combined travel a much slower business.
The Drusai placed their spears and cloth bags down then sat to rest their feet and drink as Niezen found his Sergeant waiting for him, "ah Sergeant, any incidents to report?"
"No Sir, all in one piece here," sulked Baxter almost disappointed.
"Very good," praised Niezen ignoring the fact Baxter was unhappy having been left to babysit. "Give the order, it's time to pack up and head out," instructed Niezen.
Baxter's face lit up, "are we off to battle Sir?" he beamed.
"No no," grinned Niezen, "we still have more troops to enlist." Niezen's answer caused Baxter to pout as he would yet again have to wait longer.
"So where are they Sir?" Baxter asked.
"We have been given Intel that there's a much larger tribe to the South. Once we gather the numbers, we will strike the Hyperion," replied Niezen.
Baxter smiled with delight and headed off to prepare the camp for departure.
Felix and Niezen pleaded with Argai to accept their offer to ride on top of the Behemoths. Based on their rough calculations the journey would already be over two weeks with the vehicles maintaining top speed. Argus, on the other hand was more than willing to accept the offer; he leapt atop the closest Behemoth with a single bound. Folding his knees, he sat and settled in with an optimistic grin. Argai looked at the faces of his remaining troop then joined his son on the Behemoth. Immediately, the remaining Drusai paired off and each took to their own perches.
Within the hour the camp was packed and on the move again. With their water and food reserves well stocked they sent drones ahead to check the terrain for possible dangers. Niezen watched carefully on the monitor as Argai would point every so often to keep them on track.
Two days in Argai tapped his spear on the hull and Niezen ordered the convoy to pull over. Niezen stepped out of the Behemoth as Argai jumped down. Argai placed his hand on Niezen's shoulder and Niezen felt a compelling sensation wash over him.
"Ah, no worries," Niezen nodded, he stepped back inside and informed the crews that it was time to share a meal with their allies. Unable to gather or hunt whilst riding atop the convoy the Drusai's food reserves were quickly depleted.
With their strength returned the Drusai continued to take turns napping whilst the other stayed vigilant for danger as the convoy pressed on. This process continued every two days until finally they reached the coast line.
They stopped and parked atop a small cliff. Down a sheer ten metre drop waves were crashing, spraying skyward. A fine refreshing mist from the sea filled the air. Looking out they could see only a vast, clandestine ocean. To their right a mountain ridge rose from the sea and continued inland for another few kilometres, acting as a natural barrier shielding the village. To their left the cliff sloped gradually to a sandy beach covered with shells, where small waves rolled over constantly producing a euphonious resonance.
The crews piled out to better appreciate their new surroundings. Many stood in silence, allowing time for the ambience to cleanse their weary minds.
"Wow, it's breathtaking. The air smells much different here," pointed out Maddison talking aloud to herself.
"It's the salt. The oceans are Saltwater, the preliminary probe readings told us as much," chimed in Carl standing just behind her.
"Oh yes, I had forgotten that," she whispered softly after recognising the voice. Without giving him the chance to continue, Maddison walked off in search of Felix or anyone else for that matter. She found him with Niezen, Argai and Argus. Niezen had a pad in his hands, showing them the live feeds from the drones.
"Did I mention that he hasn't visited them in years?" asked Felix with a humorous tone.
"It's alright, we'll find them," assured Niezen as Argai noticed something and pointed further along the mountain ridge on the pad.
"You're certain?" Niezen asked with his hand on Argai's arm. Argai nodded then proceeded to draw a line along the range from their position to a lower section back inland a little way.
"Looks like that's our entry point," pointed out Felix as he circled the opening on the map, "let's send over a drone to confirm."
"Already on it," confirmed Niezen as he continued to make adjustments to the drone commands. "There we go!" he cheered, "I have dozens of structures in the valley and several heat signatures, looks like we found them," he added with elation.
The day had come to an end, their light was rapidly fading. Deciding not to alert their new hosts they saw fit to wait for first light before approaching the settlement. The winding trail through the ridge was too narrow for their vehicles. This was fine with Niezen as it had crossed his mind that they may appear hostile driving in making such a commotion. So they settled in for the night and eagerly awaited the new day to arrive.
As the sun rose, so did Felix and the Drusai. Despite much protest on behalf of Maddison, Felix had chosen to sleep under the stars with his new friends. The Drusai rose almost in unison and without a sound they proceeded to stretch like cats preparing themselves for a new day.
Felix placed his hand on Argus' arm and they both smiled, "I'm excited too," he bubbled hoping Argus would comprehend solely on context. They moved off with the other Drusai to spend the morning foraging.
Niezen was first to emerge from the Behemoths followed closely by his Sergeant. The pair then got on with waking the rest of their rag-tag group of survivors.
Maddison stepped outside finishing a yawn and rubbing her right eye. She scanned the area for Felix but couldn't find him. She noticed Baxter had finished doing his morning exercise regiment and hurried over to him, "Baxter have you seen him?" she asked with the slightest hint of desperation.
"He was out here stretching with the Skinnies when I got up. Haven't seen him since," Baxter grunted to which Maddison scowled.
"I thought Niezen told you not to call them that," she snorted.
Baxter smirked. He opened his mouth ready to make a snide comment only to notice Niezen had stepped out from around the Behemoth holding a pad. "Sir!" he blurted out causing Niezen to raise an eyebrow, "have you seen Felix? Maddison is quite worried Sir."
"They went down to the beach to forage," Niezen informed them calmly, not taking his eyes from the pad, helping Maddison's distress to dissipate. "Oh and Sergeant," he continued causing Baxter to cringe, "if I hear that word again, I'll shoot you myself."
"Yes Sir," Baxter answered in a low voice staring at his boots, "it won't happen again Sir," he grumbled.
Niezen walked off still engrossed in his work. Maddison stuck her tongue out at Baxter followed by a childish sneer then she skipped off toward the beach.
Maddison found Felix and the Drusai were just returning from their outing, carrying a few fish with spear wounds and a basket of small invertebrates. "I've never had real fish before," she admitted casually as she inspected the catch whilst Argus walked past. Felix stopped to show her his woven basket full of sand-covered critters wriggling away.
"Should be a breakfast to remember," Felix boasted excitedly. "Look how many we found," he chirped holding up the basket proudly.
"I think I'll stick with the fish," grimaced Maddison, turning her nose up at the crab like creatures still fidgeting in futility. "And where did this come from?" she asked running her hand across the lip of the woven basket.
"Oh, this? Argus made it! When we arrived he collected some grasses and started to weave, only took him about an hour," explained Felix.
"It's beautiful," she smiled as her fingertips traced the cross hatching pattern. She paused for a moment to appreciate the level of craftsmanship achieved by what must have been years of practice. "Well, let's go eat," she decided, gesturing back to their camp.
After eating a rather memorable meal in which only Felix and Baxter were brave enough to fully embrace, they were all set to head out. The group followed the ridge line with their Behemoths to the opening of the trail. They disembarked preparing to travel the rest of the way on foot.
Niezen noticed Baxter had his face to the ground like a hound hot on a scent. "What is it Sergeant?" questioned Niezen.
"Tracks Sir, lots of them. This looks to be a high traffic area," replied Baxter poking at the loose ground.
"Just Drusai?" Niezen enquired nervously.
"I think so Sir. They're all the same tracks just ranging in size," answered Baxter.
"Not surprising really," added Felix, "this would be their only access point to this side of the ridge. I imagine they come foraging and fishing here often."
"My thoughts exactly," stated Niezen as he continued looking around.
After twenty minutes of hiking they reached the peak of the ridge and could see into the valley on the other side. There were over a hundred small dwellings scattered around a larger central hut like structure. There were dozens of small fishing vessels and racks strung up drying fish everywhere. Large piles of firewood littered the out skirts. The group pressed on with their astonishment and collective curiosity still growing. Argai and Argus took point entering the edge of the village with their arms wide open. They were quickly spotted and some of the Southerners rushed over to greet them, stopping abruptly when they realised there were strangers in their midst.
Their reaction was not one of caution, hostility or indifference, more so pure surprise. Felix stepped forward with his arms open. He approached the closest of the Southerners and offered his greeting. "Gorra," Felix spoke loudly and clearly, to which he was met with smiling faces.
"Den gorra." Came the reply and Felix reached out to make a physical connection. The Southern Drusai took Felix's hand into his own without hesitation. Perhaps he was becoming more proficient at communicating through the telepathic connection with the Drusai but Felix had a feeling those from the South were somehow different.
The Southerner nodded at Felix then Argai stepped closer. Felix called out to Niezen to join them and Niezen gave the order for the group to look around but stay close to their Northern escort until they could establish a dialogue with the chain of command. Argus took Maddison to explore the village. Maddison was fascinated by the younger Drusai running around playing, many of them even shorter than her.
One of the Southern Drusai guided Argai to the centre of the village with Felix and Niezen in tow. The huts of the Southern Village were a patchwork of tree fronds and animal hides stretched over wooden frames, many with smoke spewing from openings at the tops. The Southern dwellings gave obvious evidence that the village itself was a permanent fixture, and more advanced than the construction of their Northern counterparts. Following Argai, Felix and Niezen found themselves at the entrance to the largest of the huts, easily three times the size of the others. They entered and found waiting for them an older Drusai, presumably older again than Argai.
"Den gorra," he greeted them as he waved them over to sit with him around his fire.
Argai turned to Felix and Niezen. "Ronai." He said as he pointed to their host. Argai then pointed to the seats around Ronai. Felix and Niezen each sat by Ronai's side with their hands upon their legs and Ronai placed his hands on theirs as they all closed their eyes.
At first there was nothing, no feelings nor imagery to be felt or seen, just nothingness. Niezen opened his eyes to find Argai had stood in front of them, his hands extended to embrace Felix and Niezen's crowns. In a sudden surge of power the four were connected and began to peer into each others minds. Argai's presence took centre stage as he attempted to enlighten Ronai. Argai called on the memories of the Hyperion and its technology, the means with which it could easily wipe out the Drusai. The mutiny appeared and how Felix and the others had only narrowly escaped. Through all the flashing visions Argai built upon the core conviction that the humans of the ship must be stopped at all costs.
Argai's visions began to blur as he lost control of the connection, suddenly Felix's stolid face manifested at the epicentre of their collective consciousness.
"Please, help us," echoed Felix's voice.
The four separated and Argai sat back down, Felix looked over to find Niezen had blacked out and was bleeding from his nose and ears. Felix leapt to his aid in a flash, checking Niezen's vitals. Ronai handed Felix a large cloth and Felix folded it to place under Niezen's head. Felix held his hands up requesting they wait for him and he bolted off in search of a Medic. Argai remained with Ronai while Niezen was carted off to be treated.
Niezen awoke four hours later and sat up, his vision slightly blurred and his head pounding. He found himself alone in a smaller Drusai dwelling. "Hello, is there anyone there?" he called out. A Trooper popped his head in from under the hanging fur door.
"Welcome back Sir, I'll just sing out for the Medic. Won't be a sec," said the Trooper before his head disappeared again.
Niezen struggled to remain conscious, his vision was beginning to regain focus but his palms remained cold and sweaty. The Medic arrived followed closely by Felix and Maddison, they appeared concerned.
The Medic scanned Niezen from head to toe but his brain was the only significant item. "Just lay still for me Sir I'm almost done," instructed the Medic. Still holding his med-scanner he walked over to Felix and Maddison but Niezen could still hear them clearly. "He's stable, but he needs to rest. Whatever you were doing or trying to do, he's done. No more, the next time might just kill him," he snapped harshly.
"I understand, so will he be okay?" asked Felix.
"I can't really say, I honestly have no idea what long term side effects may occur," admitted the Medic. "Our technology can't actually pinpoint what's occurring when you link as you put it. Physically he seems to be recovering but at the same time he came this close to his brain exploding!" cried the Medic waving his hand in the air making the gesture of a minuscule measurement.
Felix sneered. "You didn't have to add that. I get it, I won't let him link minds with them any more, I swear!" exclaimed Felix. He then looked Maddison right in the eye, "don't even say it," he barked as a preemptive response.
"It's okay," she smiled putting her arm around him, "I'm worried too."
"I just don't get it," growled Felix, "I'm fine and I've done it way more than he has."
"Who knows?" answered the Medic. "It could be based on your blood type or individual brain chemistry or pretty much anything for that matter. Then again it could be completely at random, this is alien after all, I'm really out of my depth here guys," the Medic ranted hysterically.
"Yes, true. And you're sure Felix is fine?" asked Maddison desperate for reassurance.
"Yes, I'm certain, he hasn't displayed any of the hormonal fluctuations or blood pressure spikes that the Lieutenant has," answered the Medic confidently.
"He passed out five minutes ago, let's leave him to rest and continue this outside," Felix pointed out.
Another day passed before Niezen was fit to move around. His symptoms gradually alleviated and the Medic's concerns waned. Felix, in seeing Niezen's growing impatience, escorted him to see Ronai. As Niezen had kept mumbling in his sleep, it was no time to be lying around. They had a mission to complete, and without additional forces they would surely fail.
Felix and Niezen entered Ronai's home finding he and Argai sitting by the fire. They were cheerful to see Niezen back on his feet again.
"Sit," Ronai spoke softly as he waved them over. Niezen squinted trying to comprehend what he had just heard but he at least managed to sit down. "I happy, see you," chirped Ronai. Niezen found himself feeling his own forehead wondering if his fever had returned suddenly.
"But how?" he asked Felix in bewilderment.
"Well from us I would guess. It seems the Drusai of the South have slightly more advanced abilities. His vocabulary may be limited but he gained it all in that instant from us," explained Felix grinning at his own assessment.
"Remarkable," Niezen exulted while rubbing his head.
"Isn't it?" chorused Felix still smiling, "they truly are incredible."
"Did he give you an answer while I was out?" asked Niezen having returned to his senses and the task at hand.
"No, not yet, you're still our leader," Felix reminded him.
"Of course," Niezen replied smugly. He stood and looked to Ronai, "will you help us?"
Ronai stood as well, Felix and Argai followed suit too. Ronai smiled, taking a deep breath, "Drusai, will, fight."
"Thank you," cheered Niezen, "my only hope is that together, our peoples can win this battle and save your world."
"Let me hash out the details with Baxter's help while you finish recovering," chimed in Felix.
"Sure, I'll send Fletcher to sit in too, he does have officers training after all," added Niezen.
"Righto, you go rest then," ordered Felix and Niezen rolled his eyes on the way out.
After Niezen hobbled back off to bed, Ronai spent the next hour selecting forty of his Drusai hunters to join the ranks whilst Felix passed the time discussing tactics with Baxter and Fletcher.
Before a battle plan could be properly devised, they would need to assess their enemy's situation and resources. If Yuji's intelligence was still accurate then the Hyperion should be grounded without main power, with all weapons and sensors still disabled. Each Titan carried a large cache of prefabricated fencing ready to erect for the initial colony as well as preliminary mining equipment. It would be safe to assume the mutineers would have erected a compound to encompass the Titan and fortified their position already. To be certain, a team would have to do reconnaissance, to at least get close enough with a Behemoth, within range to survey with drones.
Felix volunteered along with Baxter and Argus. A Trooper stepped forward to accompany them, providing the necessary third to rotate enough between driving and sleeping. While a second Drusai would join Argus on the Behemoth roof to merely keep him company on the drive.
The reconnaissance team packed their Behemoth, loading a month's worth of rations then said their goodbyes as they prepared to set off.
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