《Children Of Gaia》Chapter 3: Titan Hyperion
The Titan Mandates.
A suitable planet:
Must lie within a habitable zone distance.
Must have a habitable zone composition.
Must have a habitable zone atmosphere.
Must have sufficient natural resources with which to build.
Must not have sentient life.
Impact on any preexisting ecosystem must be kept to an absolute minimum.
Above all else, the Titan Mandates must be upheld. For without the Mandates as their guide, humanity would be doomed to repeat its mistakes again and again, in an endless struggle against themselves. Having already ruined their former home, it was decided forthwith by the First High Council of Gaia, that they would endure to live harmoniously with their new home, wherever it was to be found. By the age of ten, all Gaia-born were able to recite the Mandates without fail, having been taught the grave importance of symbiosis and sustainability from an early age.
It was in 2078 CE that faster than light travel was first achieved. Professor Elsa Beringer had both damaged her laboratory and killed her research assistant during her initial large-scale testing. Beringer was elated to find her experimental field had indeed expanded and stabilised within her Lab. Until she discovered that only half her assistant's body was present within the Shroud. Beringer's work had led to a means of fully encompassing an object within a shroud of highly excited, vibrating dark matter particles. This effect, later to be known as Beringer's Shroud, allowed matter to exist at a slight variation from normal space-time, unaffected by light, matter or gravity. A moving object enveloped within Beringer's Shroud was able to accelerate far beyond the limited speed of standard ion drive thrusters at sub-light speeds. This revelation allowed humanity to send out hundreds of thousands of wayfarer reconnaissance probes, utilising compact versions of Shroud generators, to explore the galaxy in search of new prospective worlds.
There were already forty-seven recorded Titan expeditions without success. Of the hundreds of thousands of planets catalogued by probes, so few met the initial three criteria of the Mandates. The Titan Rhea had completed eighteen unsuccessful expeditions, whereas the Crius was recently dispatched on its fifth, to investigate a world 528LY away, a journey expected to take over eleven years.
With all the crew onboard, Gaia released her docking clamps and the Hyperion moved off effortlessly under manoeuvring thrusters. Once clear of the cargo bay, it pivoted slightly to align itself with their destination. The main thrusters began to pulse and the Hyperion started to lurch forward. Once the thrusters had achieved maximum output, the Shroud generator activated and the ship was completely enveloped. Within thirty seconds, those looking on from Gaia could no longer see the light from the departing Titan's wake.
The Hyperion's internal PA tone sounded, alerting the crew that an announcement was imminent. A coarse, aged male's voice filled the Titan.
"Attention crew. This is Colonel Emmanuel de Gaulle, I am the Commander of the Hyperion. We have just initiated Shroud travel. Our destination, PLW-742256R, was located by probe 8 months ago, and at that time was approximately 96LY from Gaia. We expect this voyage to take almost 2 years return. Welcome to the Hyperion's fourth expedition."
With his brief introduction over, the Colonel had his ADC address the crew. Lieutenant 1st Class Harrison Shyfer had been by the Colonel's side for the Hyperion's two previous expeditions. A stout man, Shyfer relished the opportunity to give orders to Captains of behalf of his Colonel. He advised the crew to familiarise themselves with the orders left in their quarters.
For the majority of the crew, there was little to be done during travel. Most personnel served no purpose until such time as a Titan landed at its destination and the viability process could begin. If a world was determined to be suitable, the bulk of the crew would remain to establish an initial colony outpost and a skeleton crew would return to Gaia to ferry the next wave to the new world. At such time, all other Titans would be recalled to Gaia to begin transport duties.
The Titans were equipped with advanced laboratories, just as capable as any found on Gaia. With so much to be determined about a potential new home, many different scientific fields were covered by Titan crews. For the three xenobiologists of the Hyperion, there was little to do during their journey and both Felix and Maddison were growing anxious by the day.
"Bloody prick," declared Felix as Dr Carl Solanki stormed out in a huff. "Well too bad, this is my lab and I'm in charge here. He just has to accept that he is number two," he snorted as he readjusted his lab coat before sitting back down.
"You know, we could always ask Yuji to sort him out," laughed Maddison.
Felix chuckled at the thought. "Nah, no need. I have a feeling he'll eventually pull his head in. So what did you want to tell me?" asked Felix as his mood brightened.
"Oh right, yes, I bumped into Yuji earlier today, he told me about some new probe data they received," advised Maddison. "Apparently, they are certain that PLW-742256R has liquid water and a breathable atmosphere."
Felix's face lit up as if all of his childhood dreams had come to fruition at once. "Hey! Looks like we might actually get to study something after all, not just those damn geologists having all the fun. Although, I hardly see how rocks can be fun," he snickered childishly. Felix released a restless sigh, "I'm going mad doing these ridiculously repetitive experiments, we can map and re-sequence genomes in our bloody sleep. I'm so bored that I've already altered the DNA of the Galley's protein slabs five times! I'm pretty sure Head Chef wants to stab me after I tinkered with the beef strains without telling him." Felix smiled as he remembered fleeing from the Galley the previous day with shouting in his wake. His face then turned grim. "I didn't think it would be this hard," he whimpered. "I miss them so much."
"I know," she smiled. "I feel the same. You know, maybe that's why you keep butting heads with Carl so much. I see a lot of similarities between you two, he's probably just as homesick," explained Maddison with an astute nod.
"Perhaps, or maybe he's just an insufferable asshole," muttered Felix. Maddison scowled at his back as Felix walked to the lab entrance. He stopped and looked over his shoulder, "I'm getting food, you want anything?"
"No," she sighed rolling her eyes. Felix shrugged sarcastically and left.
Felix had always had a keen eye, he noticed the way Carl's mannerisms shifted in Maddison's presence. Only subtle things most wouldn't notice, a change in tone here or an unwarranted smile there. Carl was clearly infatuated and his focus began to slip, he was starting to make simple mistakes around the lab a first year would criticise.
Maddison had always had a clear understanding of the way Felix felt towards her. She, in fact, felt precisely the same, they loved one another dearly, but they each lacked a romantic aspect to their affections. Being neighbours, they had grown up together and were practically siblings. Their bond was perhaps the strongest of their little entourage. The pair met Chance and Yuji in their first year of primary education and the four had been inseparable ever since.
After returning to the lab with a snack, Felix decided it was time to tell Maddison about Carl's growing infatuation. They were still only roughly halfway to their destination and to leave such issues under the rug wasn't his style.
"No way, you're just stirring me," she laughed as she screwed her face up with innocent denial.
"I shit you not. It's pretty plain to see actually," responded Felix trying a more serious tone.
"Really, is it that obvious?" she asked growing less sceptical, her eyes darting as she tried to replay some recent memories under a new light.
"Yup, afraid so." Felix nodded, sounding almost disappointed.
Maddison narrowed her eyes. "Sounds like someone is a little jealous," she laughed.
Felix rolled his eyes. "Ha, ha. That'll be the day lady."
She stuck her tongue out in rebellious affection. "Maybe I should try and talk to him about it," Maddison thought aloud. "You know, try and let him down easy," she continued as she removed her lab coat for the day.
Felix scratched his chin. "That would be best I feel, better than having to watch him fumble around my lab like a lost puppy anyhow."
"You think so?"
"Of course, unless you think it would be worth asking Yuji to help?"
"No no. I don't like the idea of bothering him with trivial matters like this," she explained.
Felix nodded slowly. "Yes, I see your point. Maybe confronting him would just make it worse and awkward for the remainder of the trip too. Besides, we have been spending a lot of time together cramped up in here, maybe it will just wear off," he added.
"Wear off?" Maddison pivoted on the ball of her right foot presenting herself in a pleasing posture. "With this great ass? I don't think so!" she snapped back with a wink. They laughed as they gathered the rest of their things before leaving the lab for the day.
A few months into their voyage, Maddison lay alone in her quarters with sleep evading her. She had tried for weeks to ignore Carl's relatively innocent interest in her, but Felix had been all too successful in reminding her. She was beginning to wonder if Felix was merely teasing her out of boredom. She decided on a stroll through the depths of the Hyperion to stretch her legs and clear her mind. Maddison had already explored a great deal of the ship out of boredom, her curiosity often took her by the hand. On one occasion, she had the privilege of visiting the helm in the Bridge, an area off limits to most. Having a high ranking officer as a close friend certainly had its benefits. The ship's corridors were eerie during the night shifts, the low light made it easy to lose one's bearings.
Maddison eventually found herself in the lower decks, she had passed by the NCO and trooper mess halls on her way to the main reactor. Unable to gain access to the area surrounding the outer chamber, Maddison was content with the observation room, mesmerised by the whirling lights of the reactor. For almost twenty blissful minutes, she relaxed to the point of her first yawn. As she stood to leave, Maddison heard the door open behind her and two troopers stepped in. She began to feel anxious immediately but didn't want to seem rude.
"Hi guys, can't sleep either?" she asked with a nervous chuckle, desperate for a civilised response.
They both smiled, only adding to her growing fear.
"That's it, we just can't sleep," cackled the first trying to hide a sinister smile but his eyes betrayed him.
"Not much around to do, unfortunately," moaned the second.
"I wonder what a civvie is doing down here anyway. Maybe she's lonely, looking for some late night company," announced the first, finishing with a slow laugh.
Maddison noticed instantly that both of them were missing their name patches. She could feel her hands trembling and her stomach rising as she mustered up the courage to respond. "No thanks," she barked with a confident tone and fiery gaze, but the troopers didn't so much as flinch at her warning.
"Well, that's not very polite, I don't think you even thought it over. We just want to have a little fun is all," the first announced as they begin to edge closer to her.
Looking around for an escape, Maddison grabbed one of the nearby chairs and hurled it as hard as she could. The troopers jumped apart to avoid being hit, as Maddison made her break for the door.
She hit the door control panel just as movement caught the corner of her eye. She darted to her left as closed fist flew through the freshly vacated space, striking the hard wall behind.
The trooper howled and wailed pulling his arm back to his chest.
The doors flew open and Maddison bolted toward freedom. Just as she was about to clear the bulkhead, she felt firm pressure on her right arm and shoulder. She swung her arms violently behind her, hoping desperately to strike one of them. Before she could free herself, a second hand had wrapped itself in her hair, pulling her back toward the floor as she screamed from the excruciating sensation.
The three hit the floor hard, sharp pain surged up her elbows and hips.
Maddison thrashed in an attempt to free herself, only to be struck in the stomach with enough force to make breath escape her.
She closed her crying eyes mumbling in a soft voice. "No, please, no." Terrified and helpless, she felt as one set of hands released her, suddenly going limp as she heard an almighty crack and a familiar voice yelling.
"You fucking pigs!" roared Chance as he swung at the second trooper, knocking him down with the first, already unconscious. Maddison opened her eyes just as the second was falling to the floor. Chance then alternated kicking both of them in the ribs and head repeatedly in his rage.
With the pair bloodied and unconscious as if the victims of a hit and run, Chance removed his belt and bound their four feet together. He wrapped the loose end around his hand tightly and began to drag them, leaving in his wake a crimson streak the entire way toward the brig. Maddison followed next to him in silence, her elbows in tight, holding her hands close to her face while she walked.
Maddison waited outside as Chance entered the Brig, the trooper on duty rushed over to assist.
"Roughhousing was it, Sir?" he huffed, clearly unimpressed.
Chance, still fuelled by adrenaline just nodded silently, then opened a cell door to dump the first half of his cargo. The Brig trooper sent a request for a medic as Chance, having just sealed the second cell, stepped back out into the corridor, wiping the blood from his hands and threading his belt back through his pants. He looked at Maddison with tremendous fear in his eyes as all his aggression had suddenly left him.
"Are you alright?" he asked terrified of the answer. Without a word, Maddison leapt to embrace him and they held each other tightly for a moment.
With tears running, she snorted to stop her nose from dripping. "I, I was so scared," she choked.
"It's okay, you're safe now. Are you hurt anywhere?" asked Chance as he rubbed her shoulders.
"No, I don't think so," she answered looking herself up and down.
"I'm so glad I found you in time. I saw you pass by our Mess, so I came to find you. You shouldn't be wandering around at night by yourself down here, some of these troopers are animals. I can't believe how bad so many of them have gotten on this mission," admitted Chance shaking his head slowly.
"What do we do now? Should we tell someone?" she whimpered.
"Yes, of course! I'll be going to see Captain Fitzroy about this, he's in charge of personnel. For now, let's get you back to your room and I'll stay with you until morning if you'd like?" offered Chance with his goofy smile.
"I'd really appreciate that, thank you," Maddison sobbed then kissed Chance's cheek and they headed back up.
As the day shift lights came on, Maddison was finally asleep and Chance left her to go see Captain Fitzroy. Chance found the Captain was already up and having breakfast in his quarters. Captain Fitzroy opened the door wiping his mouth with a napkin and Chance panicked.
"My apologies Sir, I'll come back later," stammered Chance.
"No, that won't be necessary, you may enter. Name?" said Fitzroy.
"Bailey Sir, Corporal Chance Bailey Sir," he replied.
"Now, what are you here for so early in the morning Corporal?" enquired Fitzroy as he sat back down at his table.
"There's been an incident, Sir," informed Chance.
"More roughhousing troopers is it?" presumed Fitzroy as he continued to eat his breakfast.
"No Sir, it's much more serious," said Chance. The Captain's brow lifted, he locked eyes with Chance, now taking him more seriously. "Last night, a pair of troopers assaulted and attempted to rape a female member of the crew Sir," he explained.
The Captain took notice of Chance's damaged hands, he stopped eating and leaned forward. "And you stopped them?"
"Yes Sir!" Chance affirmed proudly with his head held high, though his voice was shaky.
Captain Fitzroy wiped his mouth, put down his napkin and mulled things over in his mind for a few seconds before responding. "Well done Corporal and the girl is she alright?"
"Yes Sir, more or less, she's shaken up but uninjured," Chance answered with regained confidence, the quiver now absent from his voice.
"Good, good, and where are the troopers now?" asked Fitzroy.
"In the Brig, Sir. I dragged them there myself," Chance spoke with a cold demeanour, his malice building as his mind replayed the event once more.
"Who else knows about this?" enquired Fitzroy.
"No one Sir, I told the trooper on duty at the Brig that they had been fighting," explained Chance.
"Good. Tell no one of this, it shouldn't be long before we arrive and we don't need the ship erupting into chaos. Make sure the girl knows too, and please, assure her not to worry, I'll be dealing with this matter personally," advised Captain Fitzroy looking down his nose toward Chance.
"Understood Sir."
The Captain then surprised Chance. Fitzroy smiled. "You handled this situation well Corporal, I'm glad I have men I can rely on in my ranks. I'll be speaking to the Major about a fine young man deserving of a promotion."
As if he were a young boy again, Chance's face lit up and his anger subsided completely. "Thank you Sir!" he snapped politely.
"You are dismissed," ordered Fitzroy who picked his cutlery back up without a moment's hesitation. The first morsel being chewed before Chance had even left the quarters.
As Chance stepped out into the corridor, his head was held high and an impressive grin had found its way onto his face. Chance was prideful, he had managed to save his friend and was absolutely giddy at the thought of being promoted.
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Schedule: I am officially going on an indefinite hiatus. Sorry to all readers but I just don't have any more ideas. Hai Yun is the youngest Divine Rank Alchemist on the Scarlet Flame continent. He was an orphan picked up by a wandering Alchemist Grand master and raised in the Crystal Ocean Alchemy Sect. As he soon got bored of refining other people’s recipes, he started creating his own. One such recipe was of an elixir that can allow one to retain their memories through reincarnation. He thought this heaven defying elixir could bring about a new golden age for alchemists, to let them keep all of their experience after death. However it only brings about a calamity as the other powers of the martial world immediately begin lusting after this divine object. They attack the Crystal Ocean Alchemy Sect en masse, razing it to the ground. To keep them from getting it, Hai Yun devours the Elixir and obliterates his body so they can never even find another trace of it in this world. However, in his reincarnation a series of very interesting things happen… Glossary: Wuxia Fantasies ***DISCLAIMER*** I do not own any of the artwork which was used in the book cover. It was found through google images. The person in the background of the cover: https://writer.dek-d.com/Viieeww10/story/view.php?id=1414895 The dragon: https://rocketdock.com/addon/walls/36597 The palace: no real link to the artist, but there is this - https://ae01.alicdn.com/kf/HTB1ZBJ1LpXXXXcKXpXXq6xXFXXXL/24X36-INCH-font-b-ART-b-font-SILK-POSTER-castle-font-b-Magic-b-font-font.jpg
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