《Children Of Gaia》Chapter 2: Gaia Station
A large crowd had formed seemingly out of nowhere, creeping and manifesting from the shadows. There were hundreds of people coming into view, they all looked ragged and half starved. Though they were the downtrodden, within their eyes burned the fierce and desperate hope for a brighter future. For they represented the vast majority of the world's remnants, the dying working classes. At their centre, a soapbox of sorts had been hastily erected. A lone speaker stood tall and proud before a makeshift microphone atop his podium.
"My brothers, my sisters. I implore you, heed my warning. Do not be taken in by their lies, do not allow yourselves to be mindlessly controlled. We are left to starve, whilst they grow fat from their vast food stores. We must rise up, stand united and fight for what is rightfully ours!"
The speaker took a single step back from the podium, and raised his hands to further incite the crowd. The hundreds gathered erupted in cheers and praise for the cause. The chorus quickly turned aggressive as riot police arrived and began to encroach on the crowd. Whilst the police line marched forward in unison, a second voice arose seizing the attention of the crowd. One of the officers was using a megaphone, directing the crowd to calm down and disperse immediately. In what seemed like a single fleeting moment, the first brick was thrown and the crowd was engulfed in tear-gas. Those who weren't persuaded well enough the first time were then hit with an acoustic barrage. Hundreds dropped to their knees with hands over their ears and tortured faces, clawing at an unseen enemy. The unlucky few foolish enough to charge the line were fired upon with 12 gauge electro-stun rounds, their convulsing bodies collapsed instantly before the polished boots of the riot police.
With the video presentation over, the screen dissipated and the room illuminated. The teacher stood back up in front of the class and he noticed instantly that some of his students were snickering at something. All their eyes were trained upon the teacher's aid off in the corner of the room.
The teacher jerked his head to see behind himself, only to find that Felix was slouched in his chair and just barely conscious. "Well, Mr Carlisle! What is your take on the subject matter then, hmm?" asked the teacher with an impatient sigh.
"Yes, of course. Sorry, Sir," replied Felix sitting up, "ah, what was the question?" he yawned in his usual coy fashion causing the entire class to erupt in laughter until the teacher raised his hand.
"Alright alright, that's enough settle down everyone." Directed the teacher whilst pinching the bridge of his nose lightly. "Gaia?" he called out.
"Yes, David?" she responded in her maternal and delightfully lilting tone. At any one time, Gaia could be taking part in a million conversations or more. She was always available to anyone who wished to speak with her, from all serious items, to even the most mundane of matters.
"How much longer does the lesson have?" David enquired apathetically as he reached out to his desk for balance.
"Just over 12 minutes. Will that be all, David?" responded Gaia.
"Yes, thank you, Gaia. Alright guys, you're free to leave early," said David, much to the elation of his modern history class. David paused briefly, looking quite serious, "except you, of course, Felix."
Felix rolled his sullen blue-grey eyes, releasing a pent up sigh.
The class collected their belongings and funnelled out the door as Felix took to his feet and stepped forward to receive his private lecture.
"Look, I understand it was short notice for you to fill in for Rebecca, but honestly, sleeping?" snapped David.
Felix wanted to sneer and immediately thought better of himself. "I know, I know. My apologies."
"Don't give me that crap!" barked David. "That was hardly sincere, I can hear it in your voice." Felix's left eyebrow shot up but he bit his tongue. "I know how boring you find my class, it wasn't that long ago you were here hiding in the back row."
"Those were the days," Felix chuckled.
David let out a huff trying to stay calm. "I shouldn't have to explain to you how important it is to learn from the past."
"David, the fact that we don't have a planet to call our own is reminder enough, quite frankly."
"It's not nearly that simple," David sighed shaking his head slowly. "We humans can be truly horrific by nature," he said narrowing his eyes.
"I think you'll find that there will always be good and bad people."
"Precisely! And that, is why we must nurture young minds with such diligence."
"Sometimes that just isn't enough. We may have eliminated all genetic disease and abnormalities in the past century, but personalities will still vary."
"I can agree with you there, at least," snorted David.
Trying to overlook David's inference, Felix took a deep breath. "I may not particularly care for your field of study, but, I'm sorry I disrupted your class."
"Thank you, Felix. Enjoy the rest of your day."
"You too!" Felix shouted over his shoulder as he bolted for the door.
After bursting free of the classroom, Felix darted through the corridors, cursing David for making him late as he ran. He arrived at the junction they had set for the rendezvous and found Maddison and Chance waiting for him.
"No Yuji then?" surmised Felix after a quick look around while he slouched against the wall.
"Nope, he couldn't wait around. He went to rehearsals for the ceremony again. It's this afternoon, remember?" said Maddison with a proud smile and bright tawny eyes.
"Right, right. Sorry I'm late. David wanted to discuss philosophy and other matters of human history," Felix scoffed as cynically as he could muster.
"You know what they say," chirped Maddison, "those who don't learn from history, are doomed to repeat it." She leaned in slowly in a cynical attempt at being ominous.
"Don't you bloody start too, Maddie!" said Felix.
She smiled and giggled ever so softly, content that she had riled him up enough.
Chance, having finally lost patience waiting on Felix to give up complaining, jumped right into the conversation. "So anyway, I've got a spare half before my next PT session, what about you guys?" he asked with a goofy smile.
"Well, we have an advanced genetics lecture in an hour," replied Maddison. "So, shall we go relax in a park? The botanic gardens my Dad maintains is now in its first week of Spring, so many beautiful flowers," she boasted as her eyes widened in anticipation.
"Don't care that much for flowers, but yeah, it would be nice to relax a bit. I'm in," said Chance. "What do you reckon' Felix?"
"I don't mind either way," shrugged Felix with indifference.
Maddison casually put her arm around Felix as they walked off. "I swear, that has to be your catchphrase," she sighed playfully whilst shaking her head.
Outside the eastern entrance of the gardens, Maddison spotted her father. A large and rather robust man, Silas Tascott was the Master Gardener of the Alpha Quadrant in the northern hemisphere of Gaia Station. He hated the title and the digital trail of paperwork it involved, often stating he was just an ordinary man with an extraordinary green thumb. Without even the slightest shred of arrogance to him, Silas was one of few people Felix didn't find tedious, and actually respected.
"Daddy!" Maddison called as she charged and leapt towards her father. Silas caught her, as always, before giving a quick twirl and he placed her back down.
"Good morning Darlin'. Are you and your friends coming inside?" he asked with his usual cheerful grin.
"Mhmm," Maddison nodded, "have the Lilacs started yet?" she asked leaning in with her hands clasped tightly in anticipation.
"They sure have, spotted the first few this mornin'," he winked. Delighted by her father's answer, Maddison opened the doors and skipped inside with Felix and Chance in tow.
Atop a grassy knoll, the three lay staring upward, watching the simulated clouds as they rolled by. The botanical gardens provided places of tranquillity amongst the mechanised innards of Gaia. Not a soul alive within Gaia Station had seen or set foot on Earth, her oldest of citizens were now 2nd generation Gaia-born. The only reference her children had of Earth, were the natural wonders preserved in the botanical gardens and the vast knowledge retained within the archives.
With his time up, Chance stood, said a quick goodbye to Felix and Maddison whilst doing a few stretches, then jogged off to his training session with a wave. The pair lay there motionless, in complete silence for almost ten peaceful minutes, until Maddison rolled over to stare at Felix, as she often did. Not that he found it annoying, more so, just odd initially, over the years he had learnt not to notice. His gaze was fixed on a small cloud, finally, after finishing his thought, he rejoined the realm of the living. Felix took to his feet and offered Maddison his hand.
"Oh my, such a gentleman so suddenly, not feeling well today?" she jested whilst pretending to fan herself hysterically, but Felix ignored her comment. Maddison frequently mocked Felix playfully, but he always knew there was no one she cared about more. If only he had met her bizarre criteria for a genetic donor, as she liked to put it, they could perhaps have been an item. Even after they came of age and their infertility implants were permitted to be removed, neither had given much thought to a life partner or even children. Strict genetic testing ensured that any prospective parents were far enough detached genetically to ensure a healthy population in perpetuum. Each registered couple were permitted no more than three offspring to ensure Gaia did not overpopulate in the foreseeable future. Some couples were content with a single child, others, if permitted, could have up to four. Felix and Maddison had always been close since childhood and that had always been enough for them. They took their time to stroll back through the gardens, killing the remainder of their time before having to head off to their next lecture.
Life on Gaia was peaceful, as all was provided for them and easily earned. There was almost no such crime to speak of. The only rare form of disturbances heard of were usually along the lines of a lovers quarrel. All quickly settled by a dispatched pair of troopers. Gaia's children were divided into three main factions based on career choices. Each representing roughly a third of the population, they were the Arts, Science and Military Factions.
With their genetics lecture finished, Felix and Maddison found Chance, who had saved them seats for Yuji's big day. The Military Faction was holding a ceremony for promotions, not an uncommon event, but only the commissioned officers received such lavish honours. As always, it was held within the Great Hall, the largest of all spaces within Gaia Station. Although not large enough to accommodate every citizen comfortably, events held were also broadcast to all other common areas and quarters upon request. There were five senior officers in attendance, along with a representative from the High Council. A Major Marek Sova stepped forward to introduce himself and conduct the ceremony. Of the commissioned officers, there were nine promotions that occasion. They were mostly 2nd Class Lieutenants being promoted to 1st Class. As their names were called, each officer approached Major Sova, saluted, shook his hand, then turned to the next officer holding the polished salver to receive their new insignia pins. After shaking the hand of a rather attractive blonde female officer, the Major leered as he leaned forward to utter something in her ear. She contained her reaction well as she returned to her seat with calm and graceful steps.
"Well that was just creepy," scoffed Maddison.
"Do you even know who that is?" snapped Chance, jerking his neck. Maddison shrugged as offensively as she could muster. "Major Sova is the 2nd in Command of the Hyperion!"
"And what? He can just do as he pleases? We all live by the same laws!" challenged Maddison in a huff.
"Guys that's enough, you bicker like children I swear. Look! Yuji's up next," scolded Felix with a forced whisper, annoyed at how often he had to play referee.
Felix and Maddison were immensely proud of Yuji, he was an exemplary officer with the highest of standards. Chance, however, was less than impressed. Felix watched as Chance snorted sarcastically and slumped in his chair, still bitter from again being overlooked for promotion to Sergeant by the look of it. A rather proud but humble Lieutenant 1st Class Yuji Yamada was called to centre stage. He was promoted to the rank of Captain and the military band played whilst he swapped out his pins. The audience applauded and Felix commented to Maddison that their own graduation ceremony was much less extravagant. She hushed him with a wave of her hand without even looking, as she continued to applaud proudly.
Later that month, the opportunity Felix yearned for above all else had come once again, but this time he was ready. They had studied for years, and finally, were eligible to apply for expeditions. The selection process for the next available Titan's crew was now underway. Only the two senior officers were privileged enough to remain as the permanent crew of a Titan. All others were rotated after an expedition to keep the crew from becoming complacent. Also, the entire crew must undergo strict medical and psychological testing to ensure the highest efficiency is maintained. Additionally, it is unknown if there are any possible adverse effects from extended Shroud travel.
Felix and his friends gathered eagerly before a noticeboard. With hopes high, they each opened a window and the search was on. First they all found the most recent headline; it was now over four months that the Pheobe was missing in action for. Next up was an asteroid near miss, the subsequent explosion was close enough to be seen by those on Gaia, a welcome treat to break up the mundane monotony of their utopia.
There were two Titans scheduled for departure on this rare occasion, the Tethys and the Hyperion. They had both returned without success or calamity and sat waiting for their next crews. Previously, the Tethys was sent to investigate a world that had been confirmed with both liquid water and perhaps even plant life. Strangely, the planet did have what remained of an atmosphere with low oxygen, but no life or water awaited them. The Hyperion however, returned with even less data, the world they went in search of was not to be found, perhaps engulfed by some mysterious form of spacial anomaly or the like.
After skimming through the registry for a few tense moments nothing was found for the Tethys. Finally, Felix spotted a familiar name within the Hyperion's registry.
"I found Yuji! 3rd Captain, Captain Yuji Yamada," Felix cheered with glee.
Yuji pumped his fist in triumph, then composed himself to a modest nod of satisfaction. The group continued to skim through the manifest frantically.
"Yes! Here we are," announced Maddison, "1st Xenobiologist, Dr Felix Carlisle and 3rd Xenobiologist, Dr Maddison Tascott."
"First? That would make you lead scientist within your field, well done Dr Carlisle," noted Yuji. Not often one for public displays of affection, Yuji offered his hand to Felix to commend him.
"Why thank you, Captain Yamada, indeed it does," said Felix proudly with a slight nod as they shook hands. "Maddie, do you recognise the Second?"
"Nope, must be from a southern quadrant I guess, I'm sure we will get on just fine," she chirped with her usual genial grin. Maddison's enthusiasm subsided once she noticed Felix and Yuji. The three watched on in silence as Chance continued to search the registry in an agitated state.
"Fuck!" he snarled, slamming his fist on the wall. Maddison lent in putting her arm around him.
"Come on, it was a long shot anyway," she lamented.
"Yeah man, chin up," added Felix, "do you even know the odds?"
"I, I just can't believe it," Chance started in a low voice, drawing the others closer to him. "All four of us are on the same expedition!" he screamed with pure excitement.
"What?!" Felix boomed, first to react.
"You shithead, you actually made me feel sorry for you," scolded Maddison after she punched Chance in the arm. But Chance was now impervious, his toothy grin would not be removed so easily.
"It says here, the Hyperion's departure is scheduled in just ten days," pointed out Yuji still at the noticeboard.
"So soon? Wow, we better go pack then," giggled Maddison unable to contain her elation.
High from their titillating success, the four friends rushed back to their habitation sector to inform their families and begin packing.
To be part of a Titan expedition was both exhilarating and a great honour. The chance to explore the galaxy, travel to another world, perhaps to even land on it, was seen as the pinnacle of success for Gaia's children. Once selection results were posted, prior to departure the new crew may freely explore the docked Titan to familiarise themselves with its systems and layout. Once access to the Titan was granted, Felix wasted no time dragging Maddison along to explore.
Prestigious ceremonies proceeded Titan expeditions, more so on this occasion, as two Titans were scheduled for departure simultaneously. Like always, a representative from the High Council was in attendance to give the usual speech. Councillor Valentina Bligh was the youngest of the High Council, at the spry age of 162, she still floated around Gaia visiting families and uplifting the masses with her radiant smile. Bligh's peers, however, were much less likely to be found moving around the station. Those days, most of the High Council spent the better part of their days suspended in rejuvenation tanks to stem off the ever-gnawing call of the reaper. Bligh shakily stepped up to the podium and opened her arms wide to symbolically welcome all to the beginning of the ceremony.
She cleared her throat three times before finally speaking. "You are the hope of humanity, your efforts in this endeavour bring us ever closer to a new home. We admire your courage and bid you safe travels on your journey, good luck, children of Gaia."
The Hyperion's new crew and their loved ones all gathered in the allocated docking terminal. Chance wasted no time, he hugged his mother and father then ran off to meet up with the other NCO's. Felix and Maddison mingled with the other scientists and engineers, whilst Yuji was called to a meeting with the Expedition Commander. Yuji had already said a brief farewell to his mother. His father and sister were absent, now five months into their own expedition.
Each Titan was under the command of a Colonel, with a Major and three Captains as the remainder of the senior staff. The Captains were assigned their quarters, Lieutenants, NCO's and subsequent troopers. A wide array of scientists and engineers made up part of a Titan crew. A new prospective world would have to be scrutinised heavily in regards to biological factors for survival and geochemical compositions required for resources.
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