《stranger things smut & Imagines》date?


You and the Party were a few days in the summer break, and you were trying to spend as much time together as you could.

It was the summer after freshman year, sure, and you still had a lot of time. But you wouldn’t miss any chance to be together right?

You were all sat by the table on Mike’s basement, trying to decide what to do. You didn’t have anything ready for another dnd campain and you had gotten tired of watching movies for the day.

You slammed your fist on the table (wow you’re not a bit dramatic are you?) as you got an idea.

Everybody looked at you with the sound, curious to hear what you had to say.

“Guys. The arcade! We still haven’t gone there!” You said, excited to do something different.

“Yeah! How didn’t we think of before?” Dustin said, high-fiving you. “It’ll be totally tubular” Lucas said, glaring at Max to see her annoyed look.

You all ran upstairs and yelled Mrs. Wheeler goodbye before running out the house to get your bikes, Will on the back of Dustin’s and El on the back of Mike’s, while Max followed you on her skateboard.

You got there and ran to the counter, mike paid for you (you hadn’t planned the arcade visit so you didn’t take any money to his house) and you all promised to pay him back.

Then each of you we’re going to play a different game, when Lucas and you chose the same one. He smirked at you and you got the look “Are you proposing what I think you are, Sinclair?” the boy smiled, sneakily “The loser pays the winner a milkshake?”

You smiled at him “ooooh bring it on bandana boy”

“I’m gonna freaking end you”

He ended up winning, which had him telling whole party about it and doing a victory dance that got everyone at the place looking at him.


You weren’t really mad though. You had lost but hey, you got to see him embarrassing himself in front of everybody, right?

“I’m waiting for my victory milkshake” Lucas acted as if he was a king “I don’t got any money on me dumbass” the girl smirked “Tomorrow then? And maybe we could, I don’t know, go to the movies too?” He said, looking at his feet.

“Are you proposing what I think you are, Sinclair?” He looked at you and grinned. “Call it a date”

“Sounds lovely” you said, and both of you stood there, just looking at each other and blushing for some moments “Y/n? Lucas? You guys there?” Mike said, and you came back to the real world, realizing they might’ve been trying to talk to you for a long time now

“Hi, uh, sorry. What’s up?”

“What’s up, lovebirds, is that we’re going to Wills to order some pizza. You coming or not?” Max said “I'd never deny some free pizza” Lucas said and you all laughed “You’re not even ashamed are you?” You asked him as you hopped on your bike to get on your way to Will’s place “It’s how I am. And you live it don’t you?” He said, and you spent all the way bickering with each other.

“Are they ever gonna stop?” Will said to Dustin “Nah I don’t think so” But it’s not like they minded it all that much. Just like you, they knew that as much as you would bicker and make jokes, you liked each other.

A lot.

And you both were really looking forward for that date.

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