《stranger things smut & Imagines》Dusty buns pt. 2


(Y/n) grinned slightly and pressed a kiss to his cheek. “That’s good!”

That was when Dustin tripped on his own two feet. His face a bright red color as he stumbled over apologies. God he needed Steve’s help….

"Mom where is my shit?" I called rushing out of my room to retrieve the bag Steve asked me to get so I could impress a girl, he didn't know that girl was y/n but that was beside the point. My mom looked up from watching the television, petting mews "no honey, what is it for?" She asked sweetly.

"nothing mom, I just need to find it quick" I moved newspapers on the table and looked in the kitchen "a-ha" I cheered when I found it sitting sort of neatly wrapped on the kitchen table. grabbing it hurriedly passing my passing kissing her cheek "I'll be back late, don't wait up for me" I pointed at her to make sure she heard me, she smiled and nodded before going back to her episode of family feud.

Walking out of the house I hopped on my bike laying in the side yard, riding off to my destination paper bag in my backpack.

I raced on my bike to Steve's giving a glace to my watch and back to the road to assure that I don't crash "shit, it's 4:00" he wanted me there at 3 so he could have time to get my hair perfect and pick out an outfit as he said and I quote 'a girl may not like your style' he tried to put it nicely but it came across that I didn't have style, but I definitely did. Riding through his yard before throwing the bike onto the grass running to the door and knocking vigorously. I heard yelling from the other side "hold your horses" I chuckled at how much he sounded like a parent. The door swung open and on the other side stood 'big hair Steve' himself, hand on his and everything "hey mommy Steve sorry I'm late but I lost it" I held backpack up to show why I was late. Smiling he dragged me in the

Mansion of a house he had "It's all good but your hair might not be as good as you want it. I'll try my best" he patted my shoulder to reassure me. I nodded nervously, hoping that I don't look terrible. He brought me to his room grabbing the bag, unfolding it and reaching to take out the can of hairsray, gel, and a comb "ready?" He held the products up "yep" nodding confidently, and we started.

He was combing my hair up in a high swoosh like he did when I went to the dance. The silence hung tensly in the air, the only sound being that of the spray can being shook and sprayed. It was to much for him so he spoke up "so, who's the lucky lady" I saw his smile in the mirror in front of me, that's a question I was hoping wouldn't be asked. Trying to avoid his eyes I felt burning into me i sighed "..y/n" he almost missed the mumbled name but it was quiet enough for him to hear "y/n? You mean y/n l/n, y/n?" A querked eyebrow showed on his stunned face, stopping what he is doing. Being uncomfortable, I wiggled in my chair "uhh..yea" gripping onto my shoulders he pulled me close "why didn't you tell me? She is apart of the richest family in Hawkins. Even worth more than my family" my heart sped up, thinking her wasn't gonna help me "her whole family is snobby, we had a family dinner with them. They tried to set me up with her older cousin" he rolled his eyes. Looking around the room to avoid his gaze "I mean but.." he trailed off caressing his imaginary beard as he thought "she was there that night, she was really nice, like really nice. Not to mention funny" a laugh slipped through his lips, remembering the event "but don't you think she's a little quiet for you. I mean besides being quiet you guys are like the same person" he didn't seem like he was speaking to me now just thin air, talking to himself through a thought.


Out of nowhere he clapped "well if we are doing it for her then this is a whole different story to your outfit....speaking of" rummaging through his closet, looking for an outfit he was talking to himself about. When it was pulled out of the depths of his closet, my eyebrows furrowed "I am not wearing that" folding my arms he rolled his eyes at my attitude "you have to loser, I heard from people that this is her favorite color so it will fit perfectly" pushing it into my chest, a finger pointed to the door "the bathroom down the hall, you know what to do" with the light shove I was on my way down the hall. Locking the bathroom door I looked down at the article of clothing in my hands, it was a f/c pullover, a white t-shirt underneath, and jeans. After I was ready I walked back to his room, when I opened the door i saw Steve laying on the bed arms behind his head legs crossed. Hearing the door open his eyes traveled over to me, smirking at my outfit "looking snazzy, Henderson" glaring at him, unimpressed "don't even start" folding my arms I sat on the bed. "So when are you gonna ask her out?" The question made me think "uhh, I don't know" a disappointed look crossed over his features "are you kidding me? God you're hopeless" reaching over and grabbing the phone "what are you doing?" My scared voice traveled through the thick air "getting you a date" dialing the familiar number.

Hearing the ringing tone sent a wave of nausea through my body I knew she would pick up she always does as she's usually home alone. Her (guardian[s]) always going out to eat and her older sister goes to any party that could exist. When I didn't hear the ringing my heart sped up "oh hello little y/n" he paused, i could hear her angellic voice "its me, Steve" he sound sad that she didn't know who he was "ohh, ok sorry. So are you busy?" he laughed. I paused for a long time to hear her answer the question, nodding to himself. He smiled and gave me a thumbs up, I face palmed "well since you're not busy, Dusty buns want to put with you tonight" he kicked at me as I tried to grab the phone from my hand. A giddy smile enveloped his face "ok great he'll meet you at the diner soon?" He was making it clear raising his eyebrows "okay, oh, okay. Bye, see you soon" he hung up. Punching the air "guess who just got you a date" it was more a statement than a question. My eyes lit up "really?" I smiled hopefully "yes now get in the car, we have to go meet your lovely lady" we ran out to the car.

On the way to the diner he was giving me tips of what and what not to do. Pulling into the lot of the diner, sitting there for a couple minutes i started losing hope every minute that passed by "I think she stood me up" my voice quivered "nah, if she knew how great you are she wouldn't do that" reassuringly patting my shoulder, he's right, she's to nice of a girl to do that and an honest one, if she didn't want to go out she would've said. he turned in his seat as to see anything, anyone heading towards us. I sighed "let's just go home" he gave me a sympathetic look, my head hanging low. Deciding for the best he started the car when a knock came at the window startling both of us to death. Standing there outside of Steve's car was


y/n, my heart lept she came I smiled at her which she returned. I got out of the car racing over to stand in front of her. She was out of breath "i-i'm so sorry I wasn't here earlier, I had to get passed my family" she looked like she was about to cry "I thought you wouldn't be here. I'm so sorry" she pleaded. Taking a hold of her shoulders she stopped talking and I smiled my missing too the smile that she couldn't help smiling at "It's ok, we were here the whole time waiting for you, toots" looking to Steve he gave me a thumbs up. Y/n looked at me oddly but nodded "..ok, well are you ready?" clasping her hands together I finally could see what she was wearing. She had on a Elvis Presley t-shirt tucked into dark red jean shorts finished with white high-tops blue and red stripes decorating the sides. It was a simple outfit she usually wore but it still made my heart stop, anything she wore would make me swoon it was just her. I purred at her "yes" a laugh escaped through her grabbing my hand we walked inside. I saw Steve smile and start to pull out of the lot, leaving.

Sitting in the booth I thought about what Steve was telling me to do. The waitress came to our table to get us drinks "hey darlin' what can I get you two?" Her name tag read Rudy "I'll have a coke" reading the different drinks on the menu I nodded "and I'll have a uhhh f/d" y/n smiled. Rudy nodded and went to get them "So, what has the great Dusty buns been up to" placing her arms over eacher and leaning foward on the table "nothing" but then I thought about what Steve told me, to make her jealous "just uhh talking to girls alot, nothing much about it" her smile faltered "what?" She was completely confused "yea alot of girls have been talking to me, and I decided 'Hey why go out with one of them' and now here we are" I gestured to the table. She leaned back into the seat with a sad look "..oh" I got her, she's totally jealous, I think? Just then our drinks were brought to the table "So are you guys ready to order?" Holding up her pad to show she was prepared "oh yes I'll have the burger extra cheese, no pickles, fries and she have a salad" Steve told me that girls like when you know their orders, he said girls usually get salad. Y/n looked uncomfortable, the waitress looked awkwardly between the two of us "...ok..well I'll get on that" she hurried away "Dustin, why did you order for me?" The question came out wavered "I thought you would want it" I was dumbfounded, girls in movies always got salads and Steve told me the girls he went out with got them "no I didn't" I felt like an asshole now "well we can share my food then" her smile uptured slightly at my invitation "ok" a quiet answer came from her as she fiddled with her fingers.

After we ate she said she had to get home, she looked upset but I said I would walk her home, before we left I used the payphone outside the diner, calling Steve to tell him to pick me up at

y/n's. On the way I bragged about what awards I've gotten Steve said girls are impressed by accomplishments. The whole time she seemed to be getting sadder "ya' know I thought you were different" she announced looking at me "what?" I raised an eyebrow "I thought atleast you wouldn't be a pig, but you seem to be. I mean why did you get me a salad did you think I needed it?" My eyes widened "no, no you are perfect to me" she blushed slighty "then why have you been acting like this all night?" I knew what she was talking about and looked to the side. We made it to her house and I looked back at her "I just wanted to impress you, I asked starve about what to do and he told me to do all that" she stopped turning to me "you wanted to impress me?" She raised her eyebrow "yes" I blushed "you know that Steve goes out with ditzy girls, right" she folded her arms "I do now" scratching the back of my head, I felt stupid "do you think I'm ditzy?" "No, I think you're the smartest gorl I ever met" she smiled at me "really?" I nodded. "You know you don't have to do any of that for me right, and you certainly dont habe to look like this" she gestured up and down at my getup "I went out with you in the first place because of you, you're smart and funny. That's what I love about you" my face felt hot at her comment. Out of the corner of my eye I saw Steve pull up next to the curb "maybe we can go out again, but I promise it will be me and not Steve" she laughed "yea I'd like that" I purred at her, earning a smile. She leaned in and kissed my cheek "see you around Dusty" she called stepping inside her house and closing the door behind her. I was in dream world She really kissed me, I mean it was in the cheek but still a honk broke me from my thoughts. Running to the car and hopping in Steve looked at me "So, how'd it go. I see you got a kiss" he smirked "yea not with your help, she didn't like Steve Dustin, she likes Dusty dustin" I smiled at the thought that a girl likes me "well good for you Henderson, what the verdict" he awaited my answer driving me back to my house "I got a 2nd date" I was giddly "good" he nudged me "yea" I couldn't keep the smile off my face at all not even after he dropped me off.

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