《stranger things smut & Imagines》fuck you


I had to walk to Mike's house as a request from Jane, a friend of mine since the boys and I found her in the woods (excluding Will). Will never liked me, I knew the boys since we were young, I was the first member of the group with Mike before the group even formed. Then we met Will in kindergarten, then we met Lukas and Dustin in primary school.

Will would always argue with me, I didn't ever ask why, just ignored it the best I could, he was a little bean, I couldn't beat his ass. Mikey said it was because he had some sexual frustrations from starting puberty, but I'd laugh taking it as a joke and say he has always been like that he's just gotten worse the older he gets. I pulled into the yard throwing my bike to the side and headung up to the door to knock.

Nancy answered the door looking at me, just behind her I could see Mike running to the door. She smiled "hey y/n" I smiled at her too, "hi Nance" I knew her because her best friend Barb was my blood/adoptive sister. After my sister went missing my parents were more worrisome, not of me though. They never really paid attention to me, and when they did it was to compare me to my older, smarter sister.

But Nancy was always the older sister I never had. I would also usually babysit the youngest wheeler, Holly. Before we could talk anymore Mike gripped my hand and pulled me past Nancy and down the stairs of the basement. When we reached the bottom of the steps I saw the group sitting in a circle, I laughed seeing Dustin and Lucas bicker over a bet they were in.

ELEVEN was laying upside on the couch, reading a teen magazine Max sat on the floor next to her head leaned up against the couch talking to El. Will looked up from the circle to lock his dark brown eyes with my e/c ones, he glared at me oddly. Raising my eyebrow at him he looked away quickly.

Mike pushed me to the rest of the group, when they noticed me "Hey y/n" Dustin smiled waving at me, Lucas punched my shoulder smirking. Hearing my name the girl's heads shot up, their eyes lit up at my presence "y/n" Max cheered excitedly. El hopped up and ran into my arms wrapping her legs around my waist, I snorted slightly swinging her around. When we found her in the forest she grew on me the most, sticking to me like glue. We got to the house and I helped her get dressed by her request.


She talked to me first when I asked her why she stuck to me so much "nice" she mumbled looking at me while I pulled the sweater over her head "nice?" I raised an eyebrow. She raised her fidgety finger up and tapped my chest lightly "not..bad" she smiled. I returned the gesture "thanks kiddo, you're not so bad your self" I nudged a closed fist into her shoulder gently as to not startle her. And she's been attached to my hip ever since.

The boys were sat in a circle that the girls and I joined in "Hey you guys wanna play a game" Dusty smiled showing his missing teeth, Will grew giddy "D&D" he bounced with excitement. I thought his excitement for the game we all used to play since I can't remember when was adorable. Mike and Lucas looked at eachother with disinterest "Will were 16 and 17, we don't play those games anymore" Lucas rolled his eyes, leaning forward into the circle looking at the brunette boy.

Will frowned "what are we gonna play then?" He asked dumbfounded and upset. Mike chirped up "let's play spin the bottle" he smirks, raising his eyebrows suggestively "what's spin...the..bottle?" El puzzled putting a finger against her cheek curiously. I snorted before explaining "we all sit in a circle with an empty glass bottle in the center, who's ever turn it is spins it.

Who ever it lands on they have to go into a closet and spent 7 minutes in there" she nodded taking in the information. When I was done she looked like she had a question "what do you do in there" Mike blushed immensely. I folded my arms looking straight at her, leaning in "whatever you want" I winked. A pink hue dusted her freckled cheeks "ok, who wants to play?" Lucas interrupted our conversation, Mike, Max, and Dustin raised their hands quickly, El slowly followed suit seeing how many people were ok with it.

They looked between Will and I "what?" I asked "aren't you going to play?" Dusty knew I was up for anything anyone threw at me, I didn't back down easily "no" I laughed like it was the stupidest question in the world "you guys know how many germs any of the nasty stuff you're about to do can pass?" I heard a chuckle beside me "you're just a sissy" Will leaned back on his flat palms looking at me, then turned to everyone "I'm in" he made my blood boil. I just wanted to punch that smirk off his face "fine" I pushed him "I'm in" everyone looked between the two teens glaring at eachother, then looked at eachother nervously this was possibly gonna end up in blood shed.


Mike went to get a coke bottle from his fridge, chugging it on the way down the stairs and passing it around when the tingling coldness of the drink burned his throat. We each took a swig from the bottle til' it was empty, Mike set it in the middle of the circle "ready" he smirked at us, and earned vigorous nods from each horny teen. He spun the bottle, it spun fast, a nervous tension filled the room until it landed on El. Her face became enveloped in a cherry color, Mike and El headed to the closet for the 7 minutes, I timed 7 minutes into my watch, since I was the only one who had a watch on me.

Hearing thumbs from behind the door, giggles left the mouths of the whole group. I looked around the group of teens I've known my whole life I made contact with a certain bowl cut cunt, he seemed to have been already staring at me, his gaze one overed me then travelled back to my sight before rolling his eyes and staring at me weirdly. I raised my eyebrow before hearing a beep breaking our staring contest, I looked down at my watch to see the 7 minute mark is up "ok love birds, time is up" I opened the door to see a disheleved Mike with an even more disheveled El straddling him.

El's face had a red tint to it as she sat back in her seat, the game continued, it was pretty boring until it was Will's turn. He spun the bottle round & round til' it came to a stop, silence took over the room, a tension hung in the air. Everyone's eyes were pretty wide, looking at the person who the bottle landed on, me.

My face became hot, locking my eyes with the culprit, a scowl stretched on his face. I couldn't keep my eyes from rolling, before being bragged into the closet by a giggling El, to my complaint. Will was being dragged behind me by Mike to his yells and protests. The door was closed, Leaving both of us in the darkness.

Sitting in the pitch black darkness, the room being so small that our knees touched. A rustling travelled to my ears, our knees rubbed, his bare knees wedged between my legs. I got bored and started drumming my fingers against my knees, accidentally drumming against Will's at times "what are you doing?" His almost deep voice came out of the darkness "oh, sorry" I retracted my hands to my chest. I felt hands touch my knees grasping around, getting closer to my hands. He grasped around my chest, accidently grabbing my breast "uhh, Will?" My voice came out as a question "yea?" I put my hand over his " do you know what you're doing?" There was a minute of silence "noo?" He seemed the most confused he's ever been.

I leaned foward to be next to his ear "you're touching my chest" he jerked his hand away from me, seemed flustered "s-sorry" I smiled feeling a new way about him. I moved slowly until I was straddling him "w-what are you doing?" He asked. I grabbed his hand placing it back on my chest, leaning against his warmed body "you can do whatever you want with me" I felt him shiver under my words before he locked our lips in a heated make out session.

I pulled on his hair, pulling him flush against me, he gripped onto my hips, caressing farther down to grab my butt and slowly moving my hips in a foward motion, repeating the action earning a raspy groan from him, causing a tingling to travel through my body. Our tounges faught for dominance, he surprisingly won. We pulled away, breathing heavily, he pivoted my head to the side, showing my sensitive flesh. He kissed and sucked hungrily on my neck, a soft moan slipped through my lips. My eyes became half lidded in bliss.

We were interrupted by the door swing open, loud laughing made its way to my ear drums "I told you they had pent up sexual tension" Max whispered to the group, being the one to have opened the door. My face became hot getting out of Will's lap as fast as I could, even though we were already caught. We stepped out of the closet into the light, everyone's eyes traveled to my neck and their eyes went wide "damn" Lucas laughed "didn't know you had it in you, Will" Will smirked at me, seeing my curious eyes "hunny, you got something" he tapped the side of his neck.

I hurried to the bathroom and looked in the mirror, I saw my neck was covered in dark spots, he gave me hickies "WILLIAM" loud laughs followed as I chassed Will around, with him flirting and making kissy faces at me.

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